2017年下半年起草的《危险化学品安全法》的征求意见稿,由于各种原因最终未能得到推进,但是最近两年化学品燃爆事 … 阅读更多
2017年下半年起草的《危险化学品安全法》的征求意见稿,由于各种原因最终未能得到推进,但是最近两年化学品燃爆事 … 阅读更多
图片来源:网络 12月24日,全国人大常委会会议表决通过了噪声污染防治法。法律将于2022年6月 … 阅读更多
2018年8月31日,十三届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第五次会议全票通过了《中华人民共和国土壤污染防治法》(以 … 阅读更多
最近观看了由黄晓明、杜江主演的《烈火英雄》,毋论剧中演员演技、拍摄的特技如何,还是被消防队员的牺牲精神、英雄气 … 阅读更多
昨天,Nimonik为大家推送了HJ 944-2018 《排污单位环境管理台帐及排污许可证执行报告技 … 阅读更多
第三期视频干货上线了~ 快速了解视频内容: 标准:HJ944-2018 《排污单位环境管理台帐及排污许可证执行 … 阅读更多
第二波视频已经上线,请查收! 本期视频是由生态环境部专家王家强先生通过本视频,以案例的方式,结合HJ 942- … 阅读更多
Nimonik 最近为大家整理了不少视频培训资料,满满干货,赶紧先收藏起来。 本次,我们先从HJ 942-20 … 阅读更多
2018上半年 1-6月,全国环境行政处罚案件共下达处罚决定书72192份,罚没款金额为585030.78万元 … 阅读更多
我们于2018年03月09日又一次在上海成功举办了尼莫尼克第二届EHS线下学术交流会,本届会议我们再次携手合作 … 阅读更多
【数字快报】 2018年全国环境行政处罚罚款152.8亿元,同比增长32%,是新环境保护法实施前2014年的4 … 阅读更多
2018年12月19日下午,尼莫尼克第四期网络研讨会如期举行。本次研讨会非常荣幸邀请到傅其昌律师,阐述EHS负 … 阅读更多
注:以下所引用的法律法规在本信息发布的时候是有效的,请留意其时效性。 问题1 Q:职业卫生应急预 … 阅读更多
注:以下所引用的法律法规在本信息发布的时候是有效的,请留意其时效性。 问题1 Q:职业卫生应急预案是否需要每三 … 阅读更多
注:以下所引用的法律法规在本信息发布的时候是有效的,请留意其时效性。 问题1 Q:我司污水处理时要用到三氯化铁 … 阅读更多
注:以下所引用的法律法规在本信息发布的时候是有效的,请留意其时效性。 问题1 Q:关于化学品包装 … 阅读更多
注:以下所引用的法律法规在本信息发布的时候是有效的,请留意其时效性。 问题1 Q:关于工贸企业有限空间需要制作 … 阅读更多
注:以下所引用的法律法规在本信息发布的时候是有效的,请留意其时效性。 问题1 Q:危险化学品购买、储存、使用等 … 阅读更多
注:以下所引用的法律法规在本信息发布的时候是有效的,请留意其时效性。 01 Q:请问国家消防,安 … 阅读更多
注:以下所引用的法律法规在本信息发布的时候是有效的,请留意其时效性。 01 Q: 国家现行对电工 … 阅读更多
注:以下所引用的法律法规在本信息发布的时候是有效的,请留意其时效性。 01 Q: 请问焊接屋(专门用于电气焊的 … 阅读更多
注:以下所引用的法律法规在本信息发布的时候是有效的,请留意其时效性。 01 Q:“密闭舱室涂装及 … 阅读更多
注:以下所引用的法律法规在本信息发布的时候是有效的,请留意其时效性。 01 Q: 咨询有关于消防变更的法律法规 … 阅读更多
注:以下所引用的法律法规在本信息发布的时候是有效的,请留意其时效性。 01 Q: 请问关于室内和 … 阅读更多
注:以下所引用的法律法规在本信息发布的时候是有效的,请留意其时效性。 01 Q:请 … 阅读更多
注:以下所引用的法律法规在本信息发布的时候是有效的,请留意其时效性。 01 Q: 我公司使用化学 … 阅读更多
注:以下所引用的法律法规在本信息发布的时候是有效的,请留意其时效性。 1 Q:消防控制室操作员是每个班次需要两 … 阅读更多
注:以下所引用的法律法规在本信息发布的时候是有效的,请留意其时效性。 1 Q:如果焊接机使用的铜 … 阅读更多
注:以下所引用的法律法规在本信息发布的时候是有效的,请留意其时效性。 1 Q:起重作业吊装多少吨 … 阅读更多
注:以下所引用的法律法规在本信息发布的时候是有效的,请留意其时效性。 1 Q:关于相关法规要求的各种检测,都会 … 阅读更多
注:以下所引用的法律法规在本信息发布的时候是有效的,请留意其时效性。 1 Q:请问针对工厂内部污水处理站的污水 … 阅读更多
注:以下所引用的法律法规在本信息发布的时候是有效的,请留意其时效性。 01 Q:电器老化的日常维护保养,这方面 … 阅读更多
注:以下所引用的法律法规在本信息发布的时候是有效的,请留意其时效性。 1 Q:切削油、防锈油、液压油、润滑油放 … 阅读更多
注:以下所引用的法律法规在本信息发布的时候是有效的,请留意其时效性。 1 Q:是否有关于医药原料药园区的标准或 … 阅读更多
注:以下所引用的法律法规在本信息发布的时候是有效的,请留意其时效性。 01 Q:关于剧毒化学品的 … 阅读更多
注:以下所引用的法律法规在本信息发布的时候是有效的,请留意其时效性。 01 Q:新安装一个钎焊炉有相关要求吗? … 阅读更多
关于两控区的规定现在是否还有效的回复 Q: 2000年修订的大气污染防治法中第十八条有关于两控区的规定,而20 … 阅读更多
关于急需答复的规模以下的养殖户执行标准问题的回复 Q: 随着农业农村社会经济发展,地方大力发展畜牧产业,为了增 … 阅读更多
关于水性漆生产过程废水是否为危废请教的回复 Q: 我是一家生产水性漆(水性丙烯酸及水性环氧漆)的企业,生产过程 … 阅读更多
人体过量或大量接触化学毒物,引发组织结构和功能损害、代谢障碍而发生疾病或死亡者,称为中毒。因外界氧气不足或其他 … 阅读更多
2019年已经过去一个季度了,还在为法规更新烦恼,来Nimonik听听法规更新研讨会吧。 一堂课帮助您梳理过去 … 阅读更多
EHS相关问题解答集锦 -2019年4月 (注:以下所引用的法律法规在本信息发布的时候是有效的,请留意其时效性 … 阅读更多
有了合规管理合作伙伴,公司就能领先一步,了解企业需要满足的所有法规和合规要求。ENHESA 的竞争对手也提供 … 阅读更多
IATF 16949: 2016 常见问题解答 & 免费的检查表 汽车行业推动着国际质量合规标准的新变 … 阅读更多
ISO(国际标准化组织)作为全球最大的自愿性国际标准制定者,旨在促进全球物资交流和互助,扩大知识、科学、技术和 … 阅读更多
相对于OHSAS18001,ISO45001新增了社会因素危害识别要求,其相关的标准原文摘录如下: 条款6.1 … 阅读更多
面对全球环境的极端变化,世界各国陆续宣示2050年前达到碳中和目标。ESG越来越成为社会各界广泛热议的话题。 … 阅读更多
魁北克省蒙特利尔 – 2024 年 1 月 10 日 – 为了加强对美国及国际制造业和工业产业的支持,Nimo … 阅读更多
本期要闻 应急管理部:中华人民共和国危险化学品安全法(征求意见稿) 应急管理部办公厅在2020年1月5日首次公 … 阅读更多
本期要闻 全国人大常委会:中华人民共和国固体废物污染环境防治法 《固体废物污染环境防治法》自2018年7月发布 … 阅读更多
• 压力管道监督检验规则(TSG D7006-2020)
三订草案根据《基加利修正案》履约要求,将 HFCs 纳入管控范围;建立更加精准的定义和用途分类,明确联产和副产均属于生产行为, “使用”不包括使用含消耗臭氧层物质和氢氟碳化物的产品的活动,将混合物纳入监管范围。
河南省发布实施《钢铁工业大气污染物排放标准》(DB41 1954-2020)等七项污染物排放标准
河南省发布了《钢铁工业大气污染物排放标准》(DB41 1954-2020)《水泥工业大气污染物排放标准》(DB41 1953-2020)《铝工业污染物排放标准》(DB41 1952-2020)《炼焦化学工业大气污染物排放标准》(DB41 1955-2020)《工业涂装工序挥发性有机物排放标准》(DB41 1951-2020)《印刷工业挥发性有机物排放标准》(DB41 1956-2020)《工业炉窑大气污染物排放标准》(DB41 1066-2020)等7个标准。
本通知公布了江苏省范围内的13类限制类化工项目,18类淘汰类化工项目,5类禁止类化工项目。限制类仅限于技术改造,不得新增产能, 淘汰类须立即淘汰或限期淘汰(2020年12月31日前或证照到期),禁止类指在重点地区、特定类别不得建设。
本期要闻 生态环境部:2020年挥发性有机物治理攻坚方案 2020年是“十三五”的最后一年,为确保完成“十三五 … 阅读更多
本期要闻 生态环境部办公厅关于印发《重污染天气重点行业应急减排措施制定技术指南(2020年修订版)》的函 为做 … 阅读更多
本期要闻 国务院:关于加快建立健全绿色低碳循环发展经济体系的指导意见 中国在提前完成了哥本哈根协议中2020年 … 阅读更多
本期要闻 生态环境部:碳排放权交易管理暂行条例(草案修改稿) 3月30日,生态环境部就《碳排放权交易管理暂行条 … 阅读更多
本期要闻Highlights of the Month 近日,国家发展改革委、工业和信息化部、市场监管总局、住 … 阅读更多
应急管理部发布《工贸企业有限空间作业安全规定》与《工贸企业有限空间重点监管目录》 Ministry of Em … 阅读更多
本期要闻 Highlights of the Month 国务院:关于修改《消耗臭氧层物质管理条例》的决定Th … 阅读更多
本期要闻 Highlights of the Month
The State Council: Interim Regulations on the Administration of Carbon Emissions Trading
In recent years, the construction of China’s carbon emissions trading market has been steadily advancing. By the end of 2023, the national carbon emissions trading market had included a total of 2,257 power generation enterprises, with a cumulative turnover of about 440 million tons and a turnover of about 24.9 billion RMB. While the advantage of carbon emissions trading has initially appeared, the shortcomings in the institutional basis of the national carbon emissions trading market system become foregrounded.
Before this Regulation, there were no laws and administrative regulations in place as basis for national carbon emissions trading in China, its operation and management were based on the ministerial regulation of the Ministry of Ecological & environmental, which is of a relatively low legislative level with less authority, and it is difficult to meet the practical needs in regulating trading activities, assuring data quality, and punishment, etc. The promulgation and trial implementation of the “Interim Regulations on the Administration of Carbon Emission Trading” will provide a clear legal basis for the operation and management of the national carbon emission trading market.
The “Regulations” construct the basic institutional framework for carbon emissions trading management in six aspects:
• Defines the legal status and responsibilities of registration and trading organizations.
• Defines the coverage of carbon emission quota trading, as well as trading products, subjects and trading methods.
• Determination of key emission units.
• Allocation of carbon emission allowances.
• Emission report preparation and verification.
• Carbon emission quota clearance and market trading.
For the existing local carbon emissions trading markets, they shall refer to the p “Regulations” to improve the management system, strengthen supervision and management. After the implementation of the “Regulations”, no new local carbon emissions trading markets will be established, and key emission units will no longer participate in local carbon emissions trading markets of the same greenhouse gas type in the same industries.
最新国家法律法规Policy Initiatives & Developments
The State Council: Opinions of the General Office of the State Council on Accelerating the Construction of a Waste-Recycling System
The “Opinions” provide a top-level design and overall deployment for accelerating the construction of a waste recycling system. Following the principle of combining quantitative and qualitative measures, it proposes working objectives in two stages. By 2025, a waste recycling system covering all fields and segments will be initially built, with obvious progress in major waste recycling. By 2030, a comprehensive, efficient, standardized and orderly waste recycling system will be established.The “Opinions” set five key tasks and policy initiatives.
• promote the fine waste management and effective recycling.
• improve the level of waste resource utilization and reuse.
• strengthen the recycling of key wastes.
• cultivate and grow the resource recycling industry.
• improve the policy mechanism.
Ministry of Ecology and Environment: Catalog for the Classification and Code of Solid Wastes
In order to fulfill needs for solid waste transfer management, information disclosure and industrial solid waste management ledgers, pollution discharge permits, and environmental statistics, and improve the standardization, refinement and digitalization level of solid waste management, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment has issued the “Catalog for the Classification and Code of Solid Wastes”.The “Catalog” is applicable to the development of industrial solid waste management accounts, management of industrial solid waste discharge permits, inter-provincial transfer of solid waste, and disclosure of solid waste information. The “Catalog” does not serve as a basis for identification of solid waste properties.
The “Catalog” adopts a three-tier classification system, in which the first-tier classification is based on the “Law on the Prevention and Control of Environmental Pollution by Solid Waste”, including industrial solid waste, domestic garbage, construction waste, agricultural solid waste and other solid waste. The secondary classification is based on the source of generation and material properties.
National Development and Reform Commission: Notice on Strengthening the Integration of Green Power Certificates and Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Policies to Promote Non-Fossil Energy Consumption
在2023年发布的《关于推动能耗双控逐步转向碳排放双控的意见》基础上,《通知》再次强调非化石能源不纳入能源消耗总量和强度调控,将可再生能源、核电等非化石能源消费量从各地区能源消费总量中扣除。《通知》明确将绿证作为可再生能源电力消费的基础凭证,绿证对应电量纳入“十四五”省级人民政府节能目标责任评价考核指标核算。《通知》要求扩大绿证交易范围,建立基于绿证的绿色电力消费认证机制。同时将绿证纳入固定资产投资项目节能审查、碳排放评价管理机制以及统一规范的碳排放核算体系;实行新上项目可再生能源消费承诺制,加快建立高耗能企业可再生能源强制消费机制;各地区要将可再生能源消纳责任分解到重点用能单位,探索实施重点用能单位化石能源消费预算管理,超出预算部分通过购买绿证绿电进行抵消等措施。On the basis of the “Opinions on Promoting Dual Control of Energy Consumption and Gradually Shifting to Dual Control of Carbon Emissions.” issued in 2023, the “Notice” emphasizes once again that non-fossil energy sources will not be included in supervision of the total amount and intensity of energy consumption, and that the consumption of renewable energy, nuclear power and other non-fossil energy sources will be deducted from the total amount of energy consumption of each provinces or cities. The “Notice” explicitly takes the green electricity certificate (GEC) as the basic voucher for renewable energy power consumption, and the corresponding power of GEC is included in the “14th Five-Year Plan” provincial people’s governments’ energy conservation target evaluation and assessment index. “
The “Notice” requires for expanding the scope of GEC trading and establishing a green power consumption certification mechanism based on GEC. At the same time, the GEC will be incorporated into the energy-saving review of the fixed asset investment project, carbon emission assessment, as well as a unified standardized carbon emissions accounting system. Renewable energy consumption commitment will be made and applied for new projects to accelerate renewable energy mandatory consumption mechanism by high energy-consuming enterprises. Local governments shall break down consumption of renewable energy into key energy-using units, and explore the approach to enforce fossil energy consumption budget control by the key energy-using units, the exceedance will be offset through purchasing of GEC and green power etc.
National Development and Reform Commission and Other Departments: Advanced Energy Efficiency Levels, Energy Saving Levels, and Access Levels for Key Energy-Using Products and Equipment (2024 Edition)
《2024年版》修订了《2022年版》,扩大了重点用能产品设备覆盖范围,在《2022年版》已明确能效水平的20种产品设备基础上,增加工业锅炉、数据中心、服务器、充电桩、通信基站、光伏组件等23种产品设备。《2024年版》对提升节能标准、统筹更新改造和回收利用、倡导绿色低碳消费、加强应用实施和监督检查、强化综合性政策支持等方面重点任务同时进行了部署。The “2024 Edition” revised the “2022 Edition” by expanding the coverage of key energy-using products and equipment, adding 23 products and equipment such as industrial boilers, data centers, servers, charging piles, communication base stations and photovoltaic modules, on the top of existing 20 products and equipment specified in the “2022 Edition”.The “2024 Edition” also deploys key tasks such as upgrading energy-saving standards, coordinating upgrading and recycling, advocating green and low-carbon consumption etc.
最新国家标准Latest National Standards
WST 10005-2023 公共场所集中空调通风系统清洗消毒规范
WST 10005-2023 Standard for Cleaning and Disinfection of Centralized Air Conditioning and Ventilation Systems in Public Places
WS 10013-2023 公共场所集中空调通风系统卫生规范
WS 10013-2023 Hygienic Specification of Central Air Conditioning Ventilation System in Public Places
最新地方性法规 Regional Updates
Beijing: Measures on the Prohibition, Restriction, and Control of Hazardous Chemicals (2024 Edition)
列入《禁止目录》的62种危险化学品,在北京市行政区域内禁止生产、储存、使用、经营和运输。首都功能核心区和北京城市副中心区域内仅有15种危化品可以大量使用,其余的2751种只允许以化学试剂形式,即小包装运输和使用。在限定区域内,各使用单位应将本年度已使用和下年度计划使用的危险化学品品种和数量等信息,每年底向区级行业主管部门报告。62 hazardous chemicals listed in the “Prohibited Catalog” are prohibited from production, storage, use, trading and transportation within the jurisdiction areas of Beijing. Only 15 types of hazardous chemicals can be used in large quantities in the Capital Functional Core Area and the Beijing Urban Subcenter area, and the remaining 2,751 types are allowed to be transported and used only in the form of chemical reagents, i.e., in small packages.
Within the restricted area, chemical use unit shall report information on the types and quantities of hazardous chemicals that have been used in the current year and plan for the next year to the district-level industry authorities at the end of each year.
Shandong: Identification and Administrative Measures of Shandong Province on Key Industry Water Efficiency “Leaders” (Trial)
The key industry water efficiency “leaders” referred to in the “Measures” refers to enterprises engaged in production and business activities in Shandong Province, whose main processes and equipment water use efficiency reaches the national water-saving standards of the corresponding industry, and water use efficiency is continuously improved. The Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, together with the Provincial Water Resources Department, the Provincial Development and Reform Commission, and the Provincial Administration for Market Regulation are responsible for appraising water efficiency “leaders” in key industries, on yearly basis.
The targe enterprise is on 15 key industries with annual water consumption of more than 100,000 cubic meters, e.g. iron and steel, coking, petroleum refining, ethylene, chlor-alkali etc. The “Measures” clarify the conditions, procedures and supervisory and management measures for the identification of water-efficiency “leaders” in key industries.
Shanghai: Notice on Issuing the “List of Units Included in Shanghai’s Carbon Emission Quota Management for the Year 2023” and the “Shanghai Carbon Emission Quota Allocation Plan for the Year 2023
The “Notice” issued the “List of Units Included in Shanghai’s Carbon Emission Quota Management for the Year 2023” and the “Shanghai Carbon Emission Quota Allocation Plan for the Year 2023”. Shanghai puts different thresholds for enterprises to be included in the management of carbon emission quotas and classified them into enterprises subject to carbon quota management and enterprises that only need to report, in total 378 units.
The enterprises subject to carbon quota management are required to carry out carbon emission monitoring, reporting and the “Plan” specifies the total amount of allowances, the allocation methodology, the issuance of allowances, and the mechanism for the settlement and offsetting of allowances.
Tianjin: Notice on Issuing “Implementation Guidelines for the Construction of a Dual Prevention Mechanism in Chemical and Hazardous Chemical Enterprises in Tianjin (Trial)” and Other Three Guidelines
The “Notice” issued three guidelines, namely, “Guidelines for Safety Production Inspection of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Enterprises in Tianjin (Trial)”, “Implementation Guidelines for the Construction of a Dual Prevention Mechanism in Chemical and Hazardous Chemical Enterprises in Tianjin (Trial)”, and “Guidelines for Acceptance of Pilot Construction of ‘Industrial Internet + Hazardous Chemical Safety Production’ in Tianjin (Trial)”. The three guides strengthen the safety supervision of chemical, pharmaceutical and hazardous chemical enterprises in Tianjin, guide enterprises to strengthen safety risk prevention and control, promote enterprises to carry out the Dual Prevention Mechanism of safety risk classification and control and hidden trouble management, and use information technology to continuously improve the level of intrinsic safety of enterprises.
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本期要闻 Highlights of the Month 国务院:2024—2025年节能降碳行动方案 Sta … 阅读更多
15 Departments including the Ministry of Ecology and Environment: Implementation Plan for Establishing a Carbon Footprint Management System
15 departments including the Ministry of Ecology and Environment jointly issued the “Implementation Plan for Establishing a Carbon Footprint Management System”, which specifies the overall requirements, main objectives, major tasks and guarantee measures for establishing China’s carbon footprint management system. The aim of the Plan is to accelerate the establishment of China’s carbon footprint management system, promote the green and low-carbon transformation of production and lifestyle, respond to the development trend of international carbon pricing, enhance international exchanges and mutual trust in carbon footprint, and assist in achieving the “dual carbon” target.
Based on the “Opinions on Accelerating the Establishment of a Product Carbon Footprint Management System” issued by five ministries and commissions including the National Development and Reform Commission in November 2023 (Fa Gai Huan Zi [2023] No. 1529), the Plan sets the target nodes at 2027 and 2030 respectively, and especially proposes to formulate and issue the general rules on product carbon footprint accounting at national level to unify the compilation requirements, complete the national product carbon footprint factor database, so as to gradually align with the international standards, and substantively participate in the formulation of international product carbon footprint rules.
The Plan puts forward four main tasks, including establishing comprehensive carbon footprint management system, building a multi-party engagement work pattern on carbon footprint, promoting international mutual trust in product carbon footprint rules, and continuously strengthening product carbon footprint capacity building. The four main tasks are broken down into 22 specific tasks. The main tasks of the Plan cover nearly 20 key products in industries, specify the prioritized key industrial products with urgent needs, and refine the implementation measures for international mutual recognition, to achieve full coverage of the main body and chain of product carbon footprint work.
Ministry of Emergency Management: Technical Specifications for Safety Monitoring of Major Hazardous Sources of Hazardous Chemicals (Consultation Paper)
This standard specifies the basic provisions and technical requirements on safety monitoring system for major hazardous sources of hazardous chemicals, including design requirements, construction and installation, quality and acceptance and evaluation, operation and inspection, and maintenance management.
This standard applies to the design, construction and installation, quality and acceptance evaluation, operation and maintenance, and other aspects of the entire lifecycle of management of safety monitoring system for major hazardous sources for new construction, renovation and expansion in the chemical industry.
This standard does not apply to underground water-sealed caverns and underground gas storage.
Ministry of Emergency Management: Gas monitors and alarms for workplace -General Technical Requirement (Consultation Paper)
This document specifies the terms and definitions, technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules, labeling and packaging, transportation and storage, instruction manuals, and detector requirements for gas detection alarms in workplaces. This document applies to the production and use of flammable gas, toxic gas, and oxygen detection alarms in workplaces. Gas detection alarms used in other places shall refer to this document if there are no relevant standards.
The official release of the document will replace GB 12358-2006 “Gas monitors and alarms for workplace General technical requirements”.
Ministry of Emergency Management: Catalogue of Outdated Safety Production Techniques and Equipment to Be Phased Out in Trade Industry Enterprises (First Batch) (Consultation Paper)
The Catalog contains 13 items, including 11 prohibited items and 2 restricted items, which clearly define the scope of the restriction, modification time limit, and replacement suggestions.
Among them, 3 items are prohibited in the field of dust explosion: wet de-dusting system and collector for combustible dust collection with no liquid level and flow rate monitoring and alarming devices; dust removal system using positive pressure for removing aluminum and magnesium and other metal dust;; dust removal system using gravity settling chamber for removing combustible dust.
Ministry of Ecology and Environment: Notice on Strengthening Environmental Impact Assessment and Pollutant Discharge Permit Management of New Pollutant Construction Projects in Key Industries (Draft for Consultation)
To implement the relevant requirements of the “Action Plan for New Pollutant Control”, the draft for consultation version proposes to strengthen the environmental impact assessment of construction projects involving new pollutants, prohibit the approval of environmental impact assessments for construction projects in some industries involving new pollutants, and incorporate the control and self-monitoring requirements of new pollutants into the management of pollutant discharge permits following the law. It is required that construction projects with raw materials that contain new pollutants prohibited from production, processing, and use shall not be approved according to the legal requirements. The industrial construction projects involving new pollutants that will not be approved is listed in the attached table.
The Notice implements classified control measures of new pollutants from the aspects of clean production, engineering analysis, pollution control measures, environmental status evaluation, and impact prediction, and clarifies the evaluation requirements for new pollutants based on whether the new pollutants have environmental quality standards, pollutant emission standards and monitoring methods. For new pollutants with emission standards (such as dichloromethane and trichloromethane in the petrochemical industry, formaldehyde in the pesticide and pharmaceutical industry, etc.), the requirements for compliance judgment are put forward, and their compliance with emission standards should be evaluated in the environmental impact assessment,; for those without emission standards but with pollution control technology, pollution control technology is required to be adopted; for those with neither emission standards nor pollution control technology, daily monitoring should be strengthened.
Ministry of Ecology and Environment: Management Measures for the Import and Export of Ozone-Depleting Substances” (Revised Draft for Consultation)
To implement the “Decision of the State Council on Amending the Administrative Regulation on Ozone-Depleting Substances” (State Council Order No. 770) and strengthen the import and export management of ozone-depleting substances and hydrofluorocarbons, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment organized the revision of the 2014 “Management Measures for the Import and Export of Ozone-Depleting Substances” (MEP/MOFCOM/GAC Order No. 26).
The revised draft for consultation clarifies the situations where import and export quotas do not need to be applied for. and clarifies the scope of import and export enterprises that need to apply for quotas. It stipulates those enterprises are not required to return unutilized quotas. The annual quotas will no longer be adjusted and allocated, and the corresponding clauses have been deleted. It is clarified that there is no need to apply for import and export approval in some situations such as export-to-domestic sales during the processing trade process.
Ministry of Ecology and Environment: Action Plan for Source Prevention and Control of Soil Pollution (Public Consultation Paper)
The Action Plan is divided into six parts and 20 articles. Specific targets for 2027 and planning targets for 2030 have been put forward in the light of the goal of building a beautiful China and ecological environmental protection.
The main task is to improve the policy system for soil source pollution prevention and control, implement ecological zoning control, accelerate industrial greening transformation, promote mandatory clean production audits in key industries, and strengthen the protection of uncontaminated soil; the second is to strictly implement pollution prevention and control measures, strengthen the implementation of the responsibilities of key units, and promote the seepage prevention of wastewater and waste liquids, supervision of emissions of waste gases involving heavy metals, and the synergistic reduction and comprehensive utilization of solid wastes; thirdly, to carry out the traceability and remediation of contaminated arable lands; the third is to carry out remediation of contaminated arable land traceability, promote key areas, key industries, high-risk land treatment and remediation, and solve the long-term accumulation of serious pollution problems; the fourth is to improve the institutional mechanism, highlighting the construction of laws and regulations, sectoral linkage, and typical leadership.
Anhui: Regulations on Work Safety of Anhui Province
Anhui Province has revised the 2017 version of the “Regulations on Work Safety of Anhui Province”. This is the second revision of the Regulations. This revision aims to further consolidate the work safety responsibilities of all parties, strengthen work safety supervision and management, and improve work safety guarantee measures.
The new version is connected with the superior law and, on the basis of the previous law, it requires enterprises to organize at least one comprehensive work safety inspection every quarter, establish a supervision and reward and punishment mechanism, and inspect the work safety qualifications and conditions of contracting and leasing units in the region; at the same time, it further emphasizes the full process management of personal protection equipment, and refines the requirements for the deployment of work safety management agencies and management personnel.
A safety director is required for mines, metal smelting, construction, transportation entities and entities with activities of production, operation, storage, loading and unloading of dangerous substance with more than 300 employees. Other production and operation entities with more than 1,000 employees should also set up safety directors
Beijing: Implementation Plan for Promoting High-Quality Development of Beijing’s Environmental and Social Governance (ESG) System
The Implementation Plan puts forward two-stage goals. By 2027, the policy system for high-quality development of ESG in Beijing will be gradually improved, the ecological system will be formed rapidly, and the ESG information disclosure rate of listed companies in Beijing will strive to reach about 70%; by 2035, the high-quality development of Beijing’s ESG system will be on the track of legalization, and the construction of the ESG system will be more complete so that Beijing will become a national highland and an international representative city for ESG development.
The Implementation Plan specifies 20 specific measures in seven aspects, including strengthening ESG information disclosure, enhancing the establishment of ESG ecological system in the city, supporting the development of the ESG rating system at a high level with special features, enriching and deepening ESG practice, and promoting ESG pilot projects.
Fujian: Regulations on Work Safety of Fujian Province
The Regulations have been revised from the original 2016 version, and this revision is along with the lines of the “Safety Production Law”, which further implements the requirement to establish a comprehensive work safety responsibility system. It expands the main subjects of production safety responsibilities to all employees, links the results of production safety assessment with rewards and punishments, and requires annual notification of the enterprise’s production safety work and individual performance to employees.
The Regulations further refine the safety control methods and measures for hazardous operations and the record-keeping requirements, and at the same time refine the requirement for the deployment of production safety management organizations and managers based on the industry category and number of employees of the enterprise.
Jiangsu: Jiangsu Province Regulations on Safety Risk Management for Production and Business Units
The Regulations provide comprehensive provisions on the identification, assessment, control, and reporting of safety risks of production and business units, and are the first provincial legislation in Jiangsu Province to be carried out in the field of safety risk management nationwide, implementing the cataloging of higher-level safety risk, and formulating a catalog of higher-level safety risk by industry and field.
The Regulations specify that the production and business units should organize their own production safety management, engineering, job operation, and other relevant personnel to carry out a comprehensive and systematic safety risk identification, assessment, determination, or adjustment of safety risk level, with a frequency of no less than once a year. Entities shall report higher-level risks to relevant department through information platform at the first quarter of each year; the newly established production and business units shall complete the reporting of higher-level risks prior to formal operation.
It is stipulated that production and business units shall disclose information on higher-level safety risks to employees, and set up safety warning signs in the area with higher-level safety risks. Four colors, i.e. red, orange, yellow, and blue, could be used to mark the four levels of major safety risks, higher-level safety risks, general safety risks and low safety risks respectively.
Shanghai: Implementation Guide of Safety Risk Classification Control of Enterprises in Shanghai
This Implementation Guide is applicable to the identification, assessment, classification and control of risks of chemical, pharmaceutical and hazardous chemical enterprises, industrial and trade enterprises of metallurgy, nonferrous metals, building materials, machinery, light industry, textile, tobacco, commerce within the scope of the city. Risk identification, assessment, classification and control of enterprises in other industries shall comply with the corresponding requirements of the competent authorities of the industry. If there is no specific requirement, reference can be made to this Implementation Guide. The Implementation Guide provides instruction to enterprises to scientifically and systematically carry out risk classification and control management in six aspects, including identification of hazardous and harmful factors, safety risk assessment, confirmation of safety risk level, safety risk classification and control, dynamic management of safety risk, and general management requirements.
The Implementation Guide requires that enterprises should combine the self-assessment of work safety standardization and carry out safety risk identification, assessment, classification, and control work at least once a year.
Zhejiang: Zhejiang Province Work Safety Comprehensive Inspection Standard System (2024 Edition)
The Work Safety Comprehensive Inspection Standard System (2024 Edition) updates 1,203 hazard determination criteria based on the 2023 version, the determination criteria of significant incident and key inspection catalog of 51 industries (issued by and the Ministry of Emergency Management in April 2024), and the regulations and standards at both national and provincial levels published and revised since August 2023. 836 typical hazard descriptions have been comprehensively updated to facilitate users to query and trace the source, in accordance with the newly revised laws, regulations, departmental regulations, and national or industry standards.
The document is divided into three parts: general, key areas, and key industries. The general part is the standardized process of production safety inspection; the key area part is composed of 8 chapters including transportation, fisheries industry, fire safety protection, hazardous chemicals, construction, trade industry, tourism and urban operation, with a total of 63 inspection checklists; the key industry part is composed of 6 special chapters including civil explosives, oil and gas pipelines, electricity, civil aviation, railways, waterborne passenger transportation, and other 6 special chapters, with a total of 13 inspection checklists.
Zhejiang: Guidelines on Work Safety Compliance Management of Hazardous Chemical Enterprises in Zhejiang Province (2024 Edition)
These Guidelines are applicable to hazardous chemical enterprises in the administrative region of this province and its related practitioners. Hazardous chemical enterprises to which these Guidelines apply include:
(1) Hazardous chemical production enterprises;
(2) Hazardous chemical operating enterprises;
(3) Chemical and pharmaceutical enterprises subject to the safe use permitting of hazardous chemicals;
(4) Chemical and pharmaceutical enterprises that use hazardous chemicals in their production or with generation of hazardous chemicals.
These Guidelines provide guidance and reference for the full lifecycle compliance management of enterprises and the construction of compliance management system.
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• 加油站大气污染物排放标准(GB 20952-2020)
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• 油品运输大气污染物排放标准(GB 20951-2020)
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