本期要闻 Highlights of the Month
State Council: Work Plan to Accelerate the Establishment of a Dual-Control System for Carbon Emissions
The Third Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee proposed to establish a new mechanism to transform from dual control of energy consumption to dual control of carbon emissions. On August 2, the General Office of the State Council issued the “Work Plan to Accelerate the Establishment of a Dual-Control System for Carbon Emissions”. The plan outlines tasks for three phases: from now on to 2025, during the “15th Five-Year Plan” period (from 2026 to 2030), and after reaching the carbon peaking in 2030. The tasks for three phases are: lay the foundation of dual control system for carbon emission by 2025; implement an intensity control system for carbon emission, supplemented by total mass quota control, during the “15th Five-Year Plan”; and transit to a control system primarily on total mass quota, and supplemented by intensity control after 2030 carbon peaking.
The plan explicitly proposes incorporating carbon emission targets into national economic and social development plan, and calling for policies and governance to facilitate establishment of local carbon control appraisal system, industrial carbon control, enterprise carbon management, project carbon assessment, product carbon footprint, etc..
最新国家标准 Latest National Standards
GB/T 24067-2024 温室气体 产品碳足迹 量化要求和指南
GB/T 24067-2024 Greenhouse Gases—Carbon Footprint of Products—Requirements and Guidelines for Quantification
GB/T 31274-2024电子电气产品限用物质管理体系要求
GB/T 31274-2024 Restricted Substances Management Systems of Electrical and Electronic Products-Requirements
GB/T 44325-2024 Technical Specification for Zero Discharge of Industrial Circulating Cooling Water
GB/T 44394-2024 化学品粉尘爆炸危害识别和防护指南
GB/T 44394-2024 Guidance on Dust Explosion Hazard Identification and Protection of Chemicals
立法草案 Policy Initiatives & Developments
生态环境部:《排污许可证申请与核发技术规范 造纸和纸制品业(征求意见稿)》和《排污许可证申请与核发技术规范 石化工业(修订征求意见稿)》
Ministry of Ecology and Environment: “Technical Specification for Application and Issuance of Pollutant Permit — Paper and Paper Products Industry (Consultation Paper)” and “Technical Specification for Application and Issuance of Pollutant Permit — Petrochemical Industry (Revised Consultation Paper)”
为衔接《中华人民共和国固体废物污染环境防治法》、《中华人民共和国噪声污染防治法》等新的环境管理要求,对2016版《造纸行业排污许可证申请与核发技术规范》和2017版《排污许可证申请与核发技术规范 石化工业》进行修订。两份征求意见稿优化均调整了许可排放量核定方法:一是区分现有排污单位和新改扩建排污单位。二是将许可排放量与环境质量改善挂钩。同时,为落实土壤污染防治法的要求,补充了土壤重点排污单位的运行管控要求。The consultation papers revised the “Technical Specifications for the Application and Issuance of Pollution Discharge Permits for the Paper Industry(2016)” and the “Technical Specification for Application and Issuance of Pollutant Discharge Permit-Petrochemical Industry (2017)” to align with new requirements in revised laws :“Solid Waste Pollution Prevention and Control Law” and the “Noise Pollution Prevention and Control Law.”
The consultation papers optimized and adjusted the calculation methods for permitted emissions: 1) differentiate existing operations from new/expanded enterprises, and 2) linking permitted emissions with environmental quality improvement. Additionally, to implement the requirements of the “Soil Pollution Prevention and Control Law”, the consultation papers supplement the operational control requirements for the key units subject to soil contamination supervision.
Ministry of Ecology and Environment: National Technical Guidance Catalogue for Pollution Control (2024, Restricted and Eliminated Categories) (Consultation Paper)
为推动生态环境领域设备更新和技术进步,生态环境部按年度、分领域发布鼓励类、限制类和淘汰类污染防治技术。本目录(征求意见稿)共有20项技术,其中限制类7项,淘汰类13项,涉及除尘、脱硫脱硝、VOCs治理等大气污染防治细分领域。一些低效的VOC治理技术,如VOCs光催化及其组合净化技术、低温等离子体及其组合废气净化技术、光解(光氧化)及其组合废气净化技术、无原位再生系统的VOCs 蜂窝状活性炭吸附净化技术均被列入淘汰类技术。To promote equipment upgrade and technological evolvement in the field of environmental protection, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment annually publishes a catalog for the encouraged, restricted, and eliminated pollution control technologies. This Catalog (Consultation Paper) includes 20 technologies, with 7 in the restricted category and 13 in the eliminated category, covering sub-fields such as dust removal, desulfurization, denitrification, and VOCs treatment. Some low efficient VOC treatment technologies, such as VOCs photocatalytic and combined purification technology, low-temperature plasma and combined purification technology, photolysis (photooxidation) and combined purification technology, and VOCs honeycomb activated carbon adsorption purification technology without an in-situ regeneration system, are listed in the elimination category.
National Emergency Rescue Center for Work Safety: Guidelines for Enterprises to Develop Emergency Handling Card for Workplace Accidents (Consultation Paper)
征求意见稿规定了生产经营单位生产安全事故应急处置卡的编制程序和主要内容。适用于生产经营单位生产安全事故应急处置卡编制工作,核电厂、其他社会组织和单位的应急处置卡编制可参照本标准执行。The consultation paper specifies the compiling procedures and main contents for the preparation of emergency handling cards for work safety accidents in production and operation units.It applies to general production and operation units. Nuclear power plants and other social organizations and units can refer to these standards for the preparation of their emergency handling cards.
Ministry of Emergency Management: General Norms for Work Safety Standardization of Hazardous Chemical Enterprises (Consultation Paper)
本文件规定了危险化学品企业开展安全生产标准化工作的一般要求和管理要素,适用于危险化学品生产企业、使用危险化学品从事生产的化工企业,以及储存危险化学品经营的企业。本文件整合了《危险化学品从业单位安全标准化通用规范》(AQ 3013-2008)、《硫酸生产企业安全生产标准化实施指南》(AQ 3037-2010)等7个行业标准。This document specifies the general requirements and management elements for work safety standardization in hazardous chemical enterprises, applicable to hazardous chemical production enterprises, chemical enterprises using hazardous chemicals in the production, and enterprises storing hazardous chemicals.It integrates 7 industry standards, including the “General Norms for Safety Standardization of Hazardous Chemical Enterprises”(AQ 3013-2008) and the “Guidelines for Work Safety Standardization of Sulfuric Acid Producer”(AQ 3037-2010), etc.
National Development and Reform Commission: Measures for the Energy Saving Review of Fixed-Asset Investment Projects (Consultation Paper)
为落实《2024—2025年节能降碳行动方案》中的相关要求,国家发改委起草了固定资产投资项目节能审查办法(征求意见稿)。主要修订了以下几个方面:1、建立节能审查权限动态调整机制。国家发展改革委建立固定资产投资项目节能审查权限动态调整机制,对节能审查能力不适应地区的重点行业特大型高耗能项目实施节能审查。节能审查应由地市级及以上节能审查机关负责。2、加强了项目能源消费和碳排放评价管理。将项目碳排放情况评价有关要求纳入节能审查范畴。进一步完善项目节能报告编制要求,将项目碳排放总量、单位增加值(产值)碳排放、碳排放结构等情况纳入节能报告。3、强化对项目投入生产、使用前的节能审查验收管理。按照“谁审批、谁验收”的原则,节能审查验收工作由节能审查机关负责。To implement the relevant requirements in the “Action Plan on Energy Conservation and Carbon Reduction (2024-2025),” the National Development and Reform Commission has drafted the “Measures for the Energy Saving Review of Fixed-Asset Investment Projects (Consultation Paper).” The main revisions include:1. Establish a dynamic adjustment mechanism for energy saving review authority. The National Development and Reform Commission establishes a dynamic adjustment mechanism for energy saving review authority. If the large-scale high-energy consumption projects in key industry are implemented in the regions with insufficient energy saving review capabilities, those projects shall be reviewed by National Development and Reform Commission. Other energy conservation reviews should be conducted by energy conservation review authorities at the city-level and above.2. Strengthen the management of project energy consumption and carbon emission evaluation. Carbon emissions evaluation of the project shall be included in the energy saving review. The Measures supplement the requirements for the preparation of energy saving report. The total carbon emissions, carbon emissions per unit of added value (output value), and carbon emission structure of the project shall be incorporated into the energy saving report.3. Strengthen the management of energy saving completion acceptance inspection before project is put into production or use. According to the principle of “who approves shall inspect,” the energy saving review authority shall conduct energy saving completion acceptance inspection.
最新地方性法规 Regional Updates
Shandong Province: Carbon Emission Reduction Substitution Measures for“High Energy Consumption and High Pollution”Projects in Shandong Province
本办法是对2022年《山东省高耗能高排放建设项目碳排放减量替代办法(试行)》的修订。办法适用于山东省行政区域内新建(含改扩建和技术改造,不包括不增加产能的环保节能改造、安全设施改造、产品质量提升等技术改造)“两高”项目。办法明确需要替代的温室气体种类为二氧化碳,替代比例为1:1.1,将节能技改、清洁能源替代化石能源、温室气体减排项目等纳入替代源范围。新建“两高”项目建设单位以法人为边界核算项目实施前后碳排放增量,编制碳排放减量替代方案。The Measures are a revision of the “Carbon Emission Reduction Substitution Measures for High Energy Consumption and High Pollution Projects in Shandong Province (Trial)” issued in 2022.The Measures apply to new (including expansion and technical renovation) projects classified as high energy consumption and high pollutant in Shandong Province, but excluding the projects that aims at environmental protection, energy saving, as well as improvement of safety facilities and product quality without increasing production capacity.The Measures specify that the greenhouse gas to be substituted is carbon dioxide, with a substitution ratio of 1:1.1. Energy-saving technical renovation, clean energy replacing fossil energy, and greenhouse gas emission reduction projects are within the scope of substitution sources. The construction unit of the new project shall calculate the increment of carbon emission before and after the new project is implemented within the boundary of the legal entity, then develop a carbon emission reduction substitution plan.
Shanghai Municipality: Notice on Revising and Implementing the “Standard for Identifying High Fire-Risk Units in Shanghai Municipality”(2016 Edition)
本标准界定了高层公共建筑、地下公共建筑、人员密集场所和易燃易爆单位中的火灾高危单位。修订后,火灾高危单位仍保持为六大类,其中针对易燃易爆单位的界定标准未发生变化。The Standard defines high fire-risk units by six categories, i.e., high-rise public buildings, underground public buildings, densely populated places, as well as flammable and explosive enterprises. After the revision, six categories remain no changes, while the criteria for defining high fire-risk units in flammable and explosive enterprises was unchanged.
本法规月刊是由伊尔姆环境资源管理咨询(上海)有限公司(ERM)、Nimonik 安纬同(上海)管理咨询有限公司(Nimonik)与大成律师事务所上海分所(Dentons Shanghai)联合制作。我们在确保其内容准确无误的同时,不对其任何可能的错误或疏忽承担责任。本刊中的内容不可作为法律依据,亦不可视为对个案的释义。因参考本刊物内容导致的任何损失,ERM, Nimonik 与大成律师事务所将不承担任何责任。如需寻求专业意见,请咨询有关专业顾问。
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