NIMONIK-ERM EHSS 法规月刊 2024年7月

本期要闻 Highlights of the Month


15 Departments including the Ministry of Ecology and Environment: Implementation Plan for Establishing a Carbon Footprint Management System




15 departments including the Ministry of Ecology and Environment jointly issued the “Implementation Plan for Establishing a Carbon Footprint Management System”, which specifies the overall requirements, main objectives, major tasks and guarantee measures for establishing China’s carbon footprint management system. The aim of the Plan is to accelerate the establishment of China’s carbon footprint management system, promote the green and low-carbon transformation of production and lifestyle, respond to the development trend of international carbon pricing, enhance international exchanges and mutual trust in carbon footprint, and assist in achieving the “dual carbon” target.

Based on the “Opinions on Accelerating the Establishment of a Product Carbon Footprint Management System” issued by five ministries and commissions including the National Development and Reform Commission in November 2023 (Fa Gai Huan Zi [2023] No. 1529), the Plan sets the target nodes at 2027 and 2030 respectively, and especially proposes to formulate and issue the general rules on product carbon footprint accounting at national level to unify the compilation requirements, complete the national product carbon footprint factor database, so as to gradually align with the international standards, and substantively participate in the formulation of international product carbon footprint rules.

The Plan puts forward four main tasks, including establishing comprehensive carbon footprint management system, building a multi-party engagement work pattern on carbon footprint, promoting international mutual trust in product carbon footprint rules, and continuously strengthening product carbon footprint capacity building. The four main tasks are broken down into 22 specific tasks. The main tasks of the Plan cover nearly 20 key products in industries, specify the prioritized key industrial products with urgent needs, and refine the implementation measures for international mutual recognition, to achieve full coverage of the main body and chain of product carbon footprint work.

立法草案 Policy Initiatives & Developments


Ministry of Emergency Management: Technical Specifications for Safety Monitoring of Major Hazardous Sources of Hazardous Chemicals (Consultation Paper)




This standard specifies the basic provisions and technical requirements on safety monitoring system for major hazardous sources of hazardous chemicals, including design requirements, construction and installation, quality and acceptance and evaluation, operation and inspection, and maintenance management.

This standard applies to the design, construction and installation, quality and acceptance evaluation, operation and maintenance, and other aspects of the entire lifecycle of management of safety monitoring system for major hazardous sources for new construction, renovation and expansion in the chemical industry.

This standard does not apply to underground water-sealed caverns and underground gas storage.


Ministry of Emergency Management: Gas monitors and alarms for workplace -General Technical Requirement (Consultation Paper)



This document specifies the terms and definitions, technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules, labeling and packaging, transportation and storage, instruction manuals, and detector requirements for gas detection alarms in workplaces. This document applies to the production and use of flammable gas, toxic gas, and oxygen detection alarms in workplaces. Gas detection alarms used in other places shall refer to this document if there are no relevant standards.

The official release of the document will replace GB 12358-2006 “Gas monitors and alarms for workplace General technical requirements”.


Ministry of Emergency Management: Catalogue of Outdated Safety Production Techniques and Equipment to Be Phased Out in Trade Industry Enterprises (First Batch) (Consultation Paper)



The Catalog contains 13 items, including 11 prohibited items and 2 restricted items, which clearly define the scope of the restriction, modification time limit, and replacement suggestions.

Among them, 3 items are prohibited in the field of dust explosion: wet de-dusting system and collector for combustible dust collection with no liquid level and flow rate monitoring and alarming devices; dust removal system using positive pressure for removing aluminum and magnesium and other metal dust;; dust removal system using gravity settling chamber for removing combustible dust.


Ministry of Ecology and Environment: Notice on Strengthening Environmental Impact Assessment and Pollutant Discharge Permit Management of New Pollutant Construction Projects in Key Industries (Draft for Consultation)



To implement the relevant requirements of the “Action Plan for New Pollutant Control”, the draft for consultation version proposes to strengthen the environmental impact assessment of construction projects involving new pollutants, prohibit the approval of environmental impact assessments for construction projects in some industries involving new pollutants, and incorporate the control and self-monitoring requirements of new pollutants into the management of pollutant discharge permits following the law. It is required that construction projects with raw materials that contain new pollutants prohibited from production, processing, and use shall not be approved according to the legal requirements. The industrial construction projects involving new pollutants that will not be approved is listed in the attached table.

The Notice implements classified control measures of new pollutants from the aspects of clean production, engineering analysis, pollution control measures, environmental status evaluation, and impact prediction, and clarifies the evaluation requirements for new pollutants based on whether the new pollutants have environmental quality standards, pollutant emission standards and monitoring methods. For new pollutants with emission standards (such as dichloromethane and trichloromethane in the petrochemical industry, formaldehyde in the pesticide and pharmaceutical industry, etc.), the requirements for compliance judgment are put forward, and their compliance with emission standards should be evaluated in the environmental impact assessment,; for those without emission standards but with pollution control technology, pollution control technology is required to be adopted; for those with neither emission standards nor pollution control technology, daily monitoring should be strengthened.


Ministry of Ecology and Environment: Management Measures for the Import and Export of Ozone-Depleting Substances” (Revised Draft for Consultation)



To implement the “Decision of the State Council on Amending the Administrative Regulation on Ozone-Depleting Substances” (State Council Order No. 770) and strengthen the import and export management of ozone-depleting substances and hydrofluorocarbons, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment organized the revision of the 2014 “Management Measures for the Import and Export of Ozone-Depleting Substances” (MEP/MOFCOM/GAC Order No. 26).

The revised draft for consultation clarifies the situations where import and export quotas do not need to be applied for. and clarifies the scope of import and export enterprises that need to apply for quotas. It stipulates those enterprises are not required to return unutilized quotas. The annual quotas will no longer be adjusted and allocated, and the corresponding clauses have been deleted. It is clarified that there is no need to apply for import and export approval in some situations such as export-to-domestic sales during the processing trade process.


Ministry of Ecology and Environment: Action Plan for Source Prevention and Control of Soil Pollution (Public Consultation Paper)



The Action Plan is divided into six parts and 20 articles. Specific targets for 2027 and planning targets for 2030 have been put forward in the light of the goal of building a beautiful China and ecological environmental protection.

The main task is to improve the policy system for soil source pollution prevention and control, implement ecological zoning control, accelerate industrial greening transformation, promote mandatory clean production audits in key industries, and strengthen the protection of uncontaminated soil; the second is to strictly implement pollution prevention and control measures, strengthen the implementation of the responsibilities of key units, and promote the seepage prevention of wastewater and waste liquids, supervision of emissions of waste gases involving heavy metals, and the synergistic reduction and comprehensive utilization of solid wastes; thirdly, to carry out the traceability and remediation of contaminated arable lands; the third is to carry out remediation of contaminated arable land traceability, promote key areas, key industries, high-risk land treatment and remediation, and solve the long-term accumulation of serious pollution problems; the fourth is to improve the institutional mechanism, highlighting the construction of laws and regulations, sectoral linkage, and typical leadership.

最新地方性法规 Regional Updates


Anhui: Regulations on Work Safety of Anhui Province




Anhui Province has revised the 2017 version of the “Regulations on Work Safety of Anhui Province”. This is the second revision of the Regulations. This revision aims to further consolidate the work safety responsibilities of all parties, strengthen work safety supervision and management, and improve work safety guarantee measures.

The new version is connected with the superior law and, on the basis of the previous law, it requires enterprises to organize at least one comprehensive work safety inspection every quarter, establish a supervision and reward and punishment mechanism, and inspect the work safety qualifications and conditions of contracting and leasing units in the region; at the same time, it further emphasizes the full process management of personal protection equipment, and refines the requirements for the deployment of work safety management agencies and management personnel.

A safety director is required for mines, metal smelting, construction, transportation entities and entities with activities of production, operation, storage, loading and unloading of dangerous substance with more than 300 employees. Other production and operation entities with more than 1,000 employees should also set up safety directors


Beijing: Implementation Plan for Promoting High-Quality Development of Beijing’s Environmental and Social Governance (ESG) System



The Implementation Plan puts forward two-stage goals. By 2027, the policy system for high-quality development of ESG in Beijing will be gradually improved, the ecological system will be formed rapidly, and the ESG information disclosure rate of listed companies in Beijing will strive to reach about 70%; by 2035, the high-quality development of Beijing’s ESG system will be on the track of legalization, and the construction of the ESG system will be more complete so that Beijing will become a national highland and an international representative city for ESG development.

The Implementation Plan specifies 20 specific measures in seven aspects, including strengthening ESG information disclosure, enhancing the establishment of ESG ecological system in the city, supporting the development of the ESG rating system at a high level with special features, enriching and deepening ESG practice, and promoting ESG pilot projects.


Fujian: Regulations on Work Safety of Fujian Province



The Regulations have been revised from the original 2016 version, and this revision is along with the lines of the “Safety Production Law”, which further implements the requirement to establish a comprehensive work safety responsibility system. It expands the main subjects of production safety responsibilities to all employees, links the results of production safety assessment with rewards and punishments, and requires annual notification of the enterprise’s production safety work and individual performance to employees.

The Regulations further refine the safety control methods and measures for hazardous operations and the record-keeping requirements, and at the same time refine the requirement for the deployment of production safety management organizations and managers based on the industry category and number of employees of the enterprise.


Jiangsu: Jiangsu Province Regulations on Safety Risk Management for Production and Business Units




The Regulations provide comprehensive provisions on the identification, assessment, control, and reporting of safety risks of production and business units, and are the first provincial legislation in Jiangsu Province to be carried out in the field of safety risk management nationwide, implementing the cataloging of higher-level safety risk, and formulating a catalog of higher-level safety risk by industry and field.

The Regulations specify that the production and business units should organize their own production safety management, engineering, job operation, and other relevant personnel to carry out a comprehensive and systematic safety risk identification, assessment, determination, or adjustment of safety risk level, with a frequency of no less than once a year. Entities shall report higher-level risks to relevant department through information platform at the first quarter of each year; the newly established production and business units shall complete the reporting of higher-level risks prior to formal operation.

It is stipulated that production and business units shall disclose information on higher-level safety risks to employees, and set up safety warning signs in the area with higher-level safety risks. Four colors, i.e. red, orange, yellow, and blue, could be used to mark the four levels of major safety risks, higher-level safety risks, general safety risks and low safety risks respectively.


Shanghai: Implementation Guide of Safety Risk Classification Control of Enterprises in Shanghai




This Implementation Guide is applicable to the identification, assessment, classification and control of risks of chemical, pharmaceutical and hazardous chemical enterprises, industrial and trade enterprises of metallurgy, nonferrous metals, building materials, machinery, light industry, textile, tobacco, commerce within the scope of the city. Risk identification, assessment, classification and control of enterprises in other industries shall comply with the corresponding requirements of the competent authorities of the industry. If there is no specific requirement, reference can be made to this Implementation Guide. The Implementation Guide provides instruction to enterprises to scientifically and systematically carry out risk classification and control management in six aspects, including identification of hazardous and harmful factors, safety risk assessment, confirmation of safety risk level, safety risk classification and control, dynamic management of safety risk, and general management requirements.

The Implementation Guide requires that enterprises should combine the self-assessment of work safety standardization and carry out safety risk identification, assessment, classification, and control work at least once a year.


Zhejiang: Zhejiang Province Work Safety Comprehensive Inspection Standard System (2024 Edition)



The Work Safety Comprehensive Inspection Standard System (2024 Edition) updates 1,203 hazard determination criteria based on the 2023 version, the determination criteria of significant incident and key inspection catalog of 51 industries (issued by and the Ministry of Emergency Management in April 2024), and the regulations and standards at both national and provincial levels published and revised since August 2023. 836 typical hazard descriptions have been comprehensively updated to facilitate users to query and trace the source, in accordance with the newly revised laws, regulations, departmental regulations, and national or industry standards.

The document is divided into three parts: general, key areas, and key industries. The general part is the standardized process of production safety inspection; the key area part is composed of 8 chapters including transportation, fisheries industry, fire safety protection, hazardous chemicals, construction, trade industry, tourism and urban operation, with a total of 63 inspection checklists; the key industry part is composed of 6 special chapters including civil explosives, oil and gas pipelines, electricity, civil aviation, railways, waterborne passenger transportation, and other 6 special chapters, with a total of 13 inspection checklists.


Zhejiang: Guidelines on Work Safety Compliance Management of Hazardous Chemical Enterprises in Zhejiang Province (2024 Edition)







These Guidelines are applicable to hazardous chemical enterprises in the administrative region of this province and its related practitioners. Hazardous chemical enterprises to which these Guidelines apply include:

(1) Hazardous chemical production enterprises;

(2) Hazardous chemical operating enterprises;

(3) Chemical and pharmaceutical enterprises subject to the safe use permitting of hazardous chemicals;

(4) Chemical and pharmaceutical enterprises that use hazardous chemicals in their production or with generation of hazardous chemicals.

These Guidelines provide guidance and reference for the full lifecycle compliance management of enterprises and the construction of compliance management system.

本法规月刊是由伊尔姆环境资源管理咨询(上海)有限公司(ERM)、Nimonik 安纬同(上海)管理咨询有限公司(Nimonik)与大成律师事务所上海分所(Dentons Shanghai)联合制作。我们在确保其内容准确无误的同时,不对其任何可能的错误或疏忽承担责任。本刊中的内容不可作为法律依据,亦不可视为对个案的释义。因参考本刊物内容导致的任何损失,ERM, Nimonik 与大成律师事务所将不承担任何责任。如需寻求专业意见,请咨询有关专业顾问。

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