本期要闻 Highlights of the Month
To align with international conventions, the State Council has amended the “Management Regulations on Ozone-Depleting Substances (2018 Revision)”, coming into force on March 1, 2024, to improve the management measures for ozone-depleting substances (ODSs) and strengthen the legal liability.
To align with international conventions, this amendment revised the definition of ODSs in the Regulations, i.e. “chemicals included in the List of Controlled Ozone-Depleting Substances in China”, no longer limiting its impact of “chemicals having a destructive effect on the ozone layer”, which means that China’s compliance with the Montreal Protocol has entered a new stage of synergizing the ozone layer protection with climate change combating program.
To gradually reduce hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs), the Ministry of Ecology and Environment and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology have updated and issued the “List of Recommended Alternatives for ODSs in China.” The List recommends 23 alternatives to HCFCs, considering the impact on climate change and other environmental issues without compromising ozone layer protection. The List indicates the main application areas of the alternatives, providing guidance for relevant industries and enterprises to develop and use alternatives.
In terms of ODSs management measures, the amendment further standardizes the registration requirements for ODSs-related enterprises. ODSs-using enterprises that are not required to apply for a use quota license are required to register with the local environmental authorities for the first time (the other three types of enterprises that are required to make registration include ODSs-trading enterprises, enterprises engaging in repairing and scrapping ODSs-containing equipment/systems, as well as enterprises engaging in the recycling or destruction of ODSs). In addition, for enterprises that produce or use large quantities of ODSs and those that generate large quantities of ODSs as by-product, it is required that online monitoring devices be installed and connected with the monitoring network of the local environmental authorities.
To strengthen legal liability, illegal acts are supplemented, with fines for illegal acts are increased, also the illegal acts are incorporated into environmental credit and accountability system.
最新国家法律法规Policy Initiatives & Developments
为与《中华人民共和国行政处罚法》、《中华人民共和国安全生产法》等上位法衔接,本规定修订了原国家安全生产监督管理总局2007年公布的《生产安全事故罚款处罚规定(试行)》。修改内容主要是对齐《安全生产法》的内容:1.提高了各事故等级的罚款金额,同时提高相关主要负责人未依法履行安全生产管理职责导致发生生产安全事故等违法行为的罚款金额比例。2. 对齐《安全生产法》第九十六条的规定,增加了对事故发生单位其他负责人和安全生产管理人员未依法履行安全生产管理职责导致发生生产安全事故予以罚款的规定。3. 本次修改针对事故等级和后果等情形予以进一步细化量化,增加罚款金额区间和档次。
To update along with the “Law of the People’s Republic of China on Administrative Penalties” and the “Law of the People’s Republic of China on Work Safety,” this provision amends the “Provisions on Fines and Penalties for Production Safety Accidents (Trial)” issued by the former State Administration of Work Safety in 2007. The amendments are mainly to align with the updates of “Work Safety Law”:1. The Provisions increase the amount of fines for each level of accidents. At the same time, the proportion of the fines for the principal person in charge are increased if the accidents are due to their failing to fulfill work safety management duties in accordance with the law .2. To align with Article 96 of the “Work Safety Law”, a provision is added to impose fines on other persons in charge , who fail to fulfill work safety management duties in accordance with the law that lead to accidents.3. The amendment further details the amount of fine based on the level and consequence of the accidents and increases the fine intervals.
• 因细颗粒物(PM2.5)污染造成的重污染天气,应严格按照大气法第九十六条有关规定积极应对,应急减排措施应依法按照国家有关技术指南制定。• 因臭氧(O3)污染造成的重污染天气,应及时向社会发布健康提示信息,同时加强对挥发性有机物(VOCs)和氮氧化物(NOx)排放源的日常监管。
• 因沙尘、山火、局地扬沙、国境外传输等不可控因素造成的重污染天气,应及时向社会发布健康提示信息,引导公众采取健康防护措施,可视情采取加强扬尘源管控等措施。最后意见要求各地应对照本指导意见有关要求及时进行更新重污染天气应急预案,尚未完成应急预案制修订的地方,应于2024年3月底前完成。
The Opinions are the follow up of the “The Action Plan for Continuous Improvement of Air Quality” to respond more effectively to heavily polluted weather.Opinions clarify that air quality index (AQI) is the only indicator that used for early warning and specify that differentiated responses shall be taken for different pollutants causing heavily polluted weather:
• For heavily polluted weather caused by fine particulate matter (PM2.5), active response should be made in strict accordance with Article 96 of “Air Pollution Prevention and Control Law ”, and emergency emission reduction measures should be formulated in accordance with the national technical guidelines.
• For heavily polluted weather caused by ozone (O3), health alert shall be issued to the public timely, and the routine supervision of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) emission sources should be strengthened.
• For heavily polluted weather caused by sandstorms, wildfires, local sand blowing, transmission outside the country or other uncontrollable factors, health alert should be released to the public timely in order to guide the public to take health protection measures, and measures such as strengthening the control of dust sources can be taken as appropriate.
Finally, the Opinions requires that local governments to update the local emergency response plans for heavily polluted weather accordingly in a timely manner. For those local governments that have not yet revised their emergency response plans, the plan update should be completed before March 2024.
最新国家标准Latest National Standards
GB 5083-2023 General rules for designing the production facilities in accordance with safety and health requirements
GB 6514-2023涂装作业安全规程 涂漆工艺安全及其通风
GB 6514-2023 Safety code of practice for coating—Safety and ventilation for coating process
GB 15607-2023涂装作业安全规程 粉末静电喷涂工艺安全
GB 15607-2023 Safety code of practice for coating—Safety for electrostatic powder coating process
GB 28881-2023 Hand protection—Protective gloves against chemicals and micro-organisms
GB 30077-2023危险化学品单位应急救援物资配备要求
GB 30077-2023 Requirements on emergency rescue materials equipment for hazardous chemical enterprises
GB 39800.6-2023个体防护装备配备规范 第6部分:电力
GB 39800.6-2023 Specifications for the provision of personal protective equipment—Part 6: Electric power industry
GB 39800.7-2023个体防护装备配备规范 第7部分:电子
GB 39800.7-2023 Specifications for the provision of personal protective equipment—Part 7: Electronic industry
GB/T 20776-2023 Classification for lifting appliances
GB/T 21431-2023建筑物雷电防护装置检测技术规范
GB/T 21431-2023 Technical specification for inspection of lightning protection systems of buildings
AQ 3058-2024 Safety specification for maintenance of internal floating roof tank
AQ 3059-2023 Specification for safety management of liquefied hydrocarbon storage tank farm of chemical industrial enterprises
AQ 6111-2023 Specification for safety management of personal protective equipment
立法草案 Policy Initiatives & Developments
近年来固体废物非法转移和倾倒事件频发,其中不乏因对固体废物属性认定不清,导致以原材料或产品名义转移固体废物事件不断发生。由于固体废物同样具有一定的用途和价值,副产物和固体废物加工产物的认定是固体废物鉴别的难点,也是固体废物鉴别规则的重点。为避免因固体废物属性认定不清导致固体废物游离于管理之外,对《固体废物鉴别标准 通则》(2017版)开展修订工作。本征求意见稿修改了标准适用范围,根据各章节内容逻辑关系调整了标准结构框架,对鉴别标准进行了大量修订并新增三个资料性附录:“固体废物判断流程”、“丧失原有使用价值但可以通过修复恢复或提升其原有使用用途的物质”、“生产过程中常见的副产物”。
In recent years, incidents of illegal transfer and dumping of solid wastes have been frequently occurred, many of which are due to unclear characterization of solid wastes, leading to the illegal transfer of solid wastes in the name of raw materials or products. As wastes also have certain uses and values, there is difficulty to identify the waste from by-products or processing products , which is also the pain point in waste identification.To avoid wastes wandering out of regulations due to unclear identification of solid waste attributes, the “Identification standards for solid wastes General rules” (2017 edition) has been revised.
This consultation draft modifies the application scope of the standards, adjusts the structural framework of the standards according to the logical relationship of the content of each chapter, makes extensive revisions to the identification standards and adds three new informative appendices: “Judgment process of solid waste”, “Substances that have lost their original use value but can be restored or upgraded to their original use through repair” and “Common by-products in the production process”.
最新地方性法规 Regional Updates
The “Regulations of Jiangsu Province on the Prevention and Control of Occupational Diseases” (2002 Amendment) has been revised to update along with the “Law of the People’s Republic of China on Prevention and Control of Occupational Diseases” and the “Provisions on the Administration of Occupational Health at Workplaces” and other superior laws.The new Regulations clarify that if the enterprises that has toxic and hazardous workplaces where acute occupational injuries may occur, the enterprises should develop an emergency response plan, conduct training and drills at least once a year, and keep records.
The Regulations provide a solution to the common problem that the employees do not cooperate to take medical surveillance, i.e. the employer shall file the documents proving that the worker’s non-cooperation to his or her medical surveillance archives; for workers who are out of contact, the employer may notify him or her to take medical surveillance by public announcement, and retain the relevant documents in the worker’s medical surveillance archives.
上海市:上海市消防安全重点单位界定标准Shanghai: Criteria to define Fire Safety Key Units in Shanghai
The 2023 Version of the Criteria has revised based on the 2015 version. The revised Criteria is valid for 5 years.
Enterprise should self-check against the Criteria to determine if it meets the Criteria and take the initiative to register with the local fire department annually. Key units have a greater likelihood of fire that may cause significant injury, death, or property damage; therefore, key units are subject to more stringent fire safety management requirements, strengthen fire safety self-management, and strictly fulfill fire safety responsibilities.
In response to the “Measures for the Administration of Lists of Seriously Dishonest Parties in Production Safety” issued by the Ministry of Emergency Management, Tianjin has formulated local regulations that are basically in line with the above measures.
The Measures further clarify the procedures for the inclusion, removal, revocation and correction, and credit repair of the list of subjects with serious dishonesty in production safety in Tianjin.
本法规月刊是由伊尔姆环境资源管理咨询(上海)有限公司(ERM)、Nimonik 安纬同(上海)管理咨询有限公司(Nimonik)与大成律师事务所上海分所(Dentons Shanghai)联合制作。我们在确保其内容准确无误的同时,不对其任何可能的错误或疏忽承担责任。本刊中的内容不可作为法律依据,亦不可视为对个案的释义。因参考本刊物内容导致的任何损失,ERM, Nimonik 与大成律师事务所将不承担任何责任。如需寻求专业意见,请咨询有关专业顾问。
This newsletter is prepared for clients and professional associates by ERM, Nimonik and Dentons Shanghai. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, no responsibility can be accepted for errors and omissions, however caused. The information contained in this newsletter should not be relied on as legal advice and should not be regarded as a substitute for detailed advice in individual cases. No responsibility for any loss occasioned to any person acting or refraining from action as a result of material in this newsletter is accepted by ERM, Nimonik or Dentons Shanghai. If advice concerning individual problems or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional adviser should be sought.