NIMONIK-ERM EHSS 法规月刊 2023年12月

本期要闻Highlights of the Month








Recently, the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT), the General Administration of Market Supervision (GAMS), the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development (MOHURD), and the Ministry of Transport (MOT) have jointly issued the Opinions on Accelerating the Establishment of a Product Carbon Footprint Management System (Fa Gai Huan Zi [2023] No. 1529). The Opinions deploy the key tasks of the management of the product carbon footprints and define the responsibilities and safeguard measures, etc.:

The Opinions propose the following five key areas of work and clarify the roadmap for the establishment of product carbon footprint management system:

First, to formulate rules and standards for product carbon footprint accounting. The Opinions target to introduce about 50 key product carbon footprint accounting rules and standards at the national level by 2025 and about 200 rules and standards by 2030.

Second, to construct a carbon footprint background database. Industry authorities can establish industrial carbon footprint background databases according to the needs to provide public services for enterprises to carry out product carbon footprint accounting. Relevant industry associations, enterprises and scientific research institutes are encouraged to publish background databases for specific fields and support international carbon footprint databases to update the background data accordingly.

Thirdly, to establish a product carbon labelling certification system. A unified and standardized product carbon labelling certification system should be set up at the national level. Research on formulating administrative measures for product carbon labelling certification will be conducted. Enterprises are encouraged to voluntarily carry out product carbon labelling certification in accordance with the principle of marketisation.

Fourth, to enrich the application scenarios of product carbon foot printing. Focusing on large consumer products such as electronic products, household appliances and automobiles, carbon labelling in consumer products will be applied and promoted by steps.

Fifth, to promote the international recognition of carbon footprints. Mainly promote the mutual recognition of carbon footprint accounting rules and certification results with major trading partners.

最新国家法律法规Policy Initiatives & Developments

生态环境部等十一部门关于印发《甲烷排放控制行动方案》的通知 – 环气候[2023]67号Notice of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment and Eleven Other Departments on the Issuance of the Action Plan for Methane Emission Control – Huan Qi Hou [2023] No. 67


《甲烷方案》是我国第一份全面、专门的甲烷排放控制政策性文件,是对未来一段时期我国甲烷排放控制工作的顶层设计和系统部署,对进一步控制甲烷排放具有重要指导意义。Curbing methane emissions is the key to tackling climate change because methane has a much greater warming potential than carbon dioxide. However, methane also has a much shorter atmospheric lifetime of about 10 years. This means that solving the methane problem will have a more direct impact on mitigating global warming. China’s Action Plan for Methane Emission Control was released by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment and other eleven departments, right before the COP28 conference. The Action Plan for the first time clarifies the methane emission control targets in key areas of China by 2030, comprehensively proposes eight key tasks such as strengthening the construction of the accounting report and verification system of methane monitoring and accelerating emission control in the fields of energy, agriculture and waste, so as to make significant achievement in methane emission control.As the first comprehensive and dedicated policy document on methane emission control in China, the Methane Plan will become the basis of the top-level design and systematic deployment of methane emission control in the coming period, indicating important guidance for the further control of the methane emissions.

最新国家标准Latest National Standards

GB/T 30000.31-2023化学品分类和标签规范 第31部分:化学品作业场所警示性标志

Specification for Classification and Labelling of Chemicals—Part 31:Precautionary Label for Workplace of Chemicals

GB/T 43500-2023安全管理体系 要求

Safety Management Systems—Requirements

立法草案 Policy Initiatives & Developments

生态环境部:重污染天气重点行业绩效分级及减排措施技术指南 石油炼制与石油化学工业(征求意见稿)Ministry of Ecology and Environment: Technical Guidelines on Performance Grading and Emission Reduction Measures for Key Industries in Heavily Polluted Weather -Oil Refinery and Petrochemical Industries (Consultation Paper)

该征求意见稿基于《重污染天气 重点行业应急减排措施制定技术指南(2020年修订版)》(环办大气函〔2020〕340号)中的“重污染天气重点行业绩效分级及减排措施炼油与石油化工”进行编制,根据行业特征调整了部分绩效指标,优化了减排措施要求,增加了企业自行巡检的要求。适用于重污染天气石油炼制与石油化学工业企业绩效分级管理,也可作为石油炼制与石油化学工业企业提升全过程污染防治技术水平的参考。

The Consultation Paper was compiled based on the “Performance Grading and Emission Reduction Measures for Key Industries in Heavily Polluted Weather – Oil Refinery and Petrochemical Industries -within Technical Guidelines for the Formulation of Emergency Emission Reduction Measures for Key Industries in Heavily Polluted Weather (2020 Revision) (Huan Ban Da Qi Han [2020] No. 340). The Paper adjusted some performance indicators, optimized the requirements for emission reduction measures and added the requirements on self-inspections per the nature of the industries. The Paper is applicable for the differentiated performance management in oil refinery and petrochemical industry during heavily polluted weather. It can also be a reference for the enterprises to improve the whole process of pollution prevention and control technology.

应急管理部:危险化学品重大危险源安全监督管理规定(修订草案征求意见稿)Ministry of Emergency Management: Regulations on the Safety Supervision and Management of Major Installations of Hazardous Chemicals (Revised Consultation Paper)

意见稿在2011年《危险化学品重大危险源监督管理暂行规定》(国家安全生产监督管理总局令第40号)基础上修订。鉴于《暂行规定》已实施十余年,部分内容不能适应当前危险化学品安全管理的需要。同时上位法《安全生产法》已修订实施,此次修订将暂行规定上升为规章规定。本次主要修订内容有:一、 修改了适用范围:将民用爆炸物品、烟花爆竹重大危险源的安全监督管理移出了适用范围,明确规章适用范围是从事危险化学品生产、储存、使用和经营的企业二、 优化了重大危险源辨识、分级及安全评估要素。有关辨识分级和评估要求与现行国家标准进行衔接,不再保留《暂行规定》的附件1、附件2三、 突出强化了利用信息化手段实施重大危险源安全监管和监测预警四、 进一步完善了重大危险源监管工作机制

五、 提高了重大危险源企业及有关责任人员安全生产违法行为的处罚The Consultation Paper was revised based on the 2011 Interim Provisions on the Supervision and Management of Major Installations of Hazardous Chemicals (State Administration of Work Safety Order No.40). Since the “Interim Provisions” has been implemented for more than ten years, some of its contents cannot meet the current needs of hazardous chemicals safety management, while the higher-level law, the Work Safety Law, has been amended and implemented. This revised consultation paper elevates the force of the document from interim provisions to regulations.The main contents of this revision include:First, it revised the scope of application: the safety supervision and management of major installations of civil explosives and fireworks have been removed out of the application, and confirm this regulation applies to enterprises engaged in the production, storage, use and operation of dangerous chemicals.Second, it optimized the identification, classification and safety assessment of major installations. The identification, classification and assessment requirements are aligned with current national standards. Annex 1 and Annex 2 of the Interim Provisions are no longer valid.Third, it highlighted the use of information technology to implement safety supervision, as well as monitoring and early warning of major installations.Fourth, it further improved the working mechanism for the supervision of major installations.Fifth, it increased penalties for work safety violations committed by enterprises and persons responsible for major installations.

住房城乡建设部:《建设工程消防设计审查验收工作细则》(修订草案征求意见稿)和《建设工程消防设计审查、消防验收、备案和抽查文书式样》(修订草案征求意见稿)Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development: “Detailed Rules for the Review and Acceptance of Fire Protection Designs for Construction Projects (Revised Consultation Paper)” and “Document Format for the Review, Acceptance, Recording and Random Inspection of Fire Protection Designs for Construction Projects (Revised Consultation Paper)”


The Detailed Rules are specific provisions supporting the implementation of the Interim Provisions on the Administration of Review and Acceptance of Fire Protection Designs for Construction Projects (Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development Order No. 51). The Rules are applicable to the review and acceptance of fire protection designs for special construction projects by the Departments of Housing and Urban-rural Construction at or above the county level, as well as the filing and random inspections of fire protection acceptance of other construction projects. The Consultation Paper is a revision of the 2020 version of the Detailed Rules and the Document Format.

最新地方性法规 Regional Updates

重庆市:重庆市污染源自动监控管理办法Chongqing Municipality: Measures for the Administration of Automatic Monitoring of Pollution Sources in Chongqing Municipality

办法适用于重庆市行政区域内污染源自动监控的系统建设、运行维护、数据管理、数据应用以及相关监督管理等活动。办法要求排污单位审核确认自动监测数据的有效性。自行开展质量控制与保证工作,确保设备正常运行,监测数据真实、准确、完整、有效,并达到数据有效传输率的规定要求。保存自动监测数据以及相关的设备运行参数、运行维护记录和台账、手工监测数据等信息的时间不得少于5年。The Measures apply to the installation, operation and maintenance, data management, data application and related supervision and management activities of automatic monitoring of pollution sources in Chongqing Municipality.

The Measures require polluters to audit and confirm the validity of automatic monitored data. The polluters are also required to conduct their own quality control and assurance work, to ensure the stable operation of equipment and assure the authenticity, accuracy, completeness, and validity of the monitoring data, which shall meet the requirements of the effective data transmission rate. Furthermore, it requires polluters to preserve information, such as automatic monitored data and related equipment operating parameters, maintenance records and accounts, manual monitoring data, etc. for no less than five years.

江苏省:江苏省突发环境事件应急预案管理办法Jiangsu Province: Management Measures for Emergency Response Plans for Environmental Incidents in Jiangsu Province

办法是对于2014年《江苏省突发环境事件应急预案管理办法》的修订,适用于江苏省生态环境部门、企业事业单位、工业园区环境应急预案的编制、评审、发布、备案、实施及监督管理等工作。化工、炼焦、金属冶炼、电镀、皮革鞣制、铅蓄电池、危废处置(综合利用)、危化品仓储等涉危涉重行业的企业事业单位环境应急预案应突出行业特点,明确特征环境风险物质和工艺及相应处置措施。办法要求单位环境应急预案附件应包括“一图两单两卡”,即预案管理“一张图”,环境风险辨识、环境风险防范措施“两个清单”,环境安全职责承诺、应急处置措施“两张卡”。As a revision of the 2014 version of the Management Measures for Emergency Response Plans for Environmental Incidents in Jiangsu Province, the Measures is applicable to the preparation, evaluation, release, filing, implementation, supervision, and management of environmental emergency plans (ERP) prepared by ecological and environmental departments, enterprises and institutions and industrial parks in Jiangsu Province.For chemical industry, coking, metal smelting, electroplating, leather tanning, lead storage batteries, hazardous waste disposal (comprehensive utilization), hazardous chemical warehousing and other hazardous industries, the ERP should highlight the characteristics of the industry, specify the characteristics of the environmental risks of substances, processes, and the corresponding disposal measures.

The Measures require units to include “one map, two lists and two cards” in the annex of the ERP, namely, “one map” of the ERP management, “two lists” of environmental risk identification and environmental risk prevention measures, and “two cards” of the environmental safety responsibilities commitment and emergency response measures.

浙江省:浙江省土壤污染防治条例Zhejiang Province: Regulations on Prevention and Control of Soil Pollution in Zhejiang Province

条例要求土壤污染重点监管单位拆除设施、设备或者建筑物、构筑物的,应当制定包括应急措施在内的土壤污染防治工作方案,报生态环境、经济和信息化主管部门备案并实施,保存拆除活动相关记录。条例明确土壤污染风险管控、修复实施单位应当建立安全管理体系、落实安全责任制,采取措施保障施工安全。土壤污染风险管控、修复活动需要开挖的土方深度达到五米以上或者存在其他较大危险情形的,实施单位应当编制安全专项施工方案,报送生态环境主管部门。The Regulations require key soil polluters subject to supervision who dismantle facilities, equipment or buildings and structures to formulate a soil pollution prevention and control work plan including emergency measures. Those key soil polluters shall report the work plan to the competent departments of ecology, environment, economy and information technology for record and implementation, and keep records related to the dismantling activities.The Regulations specify that units that are obliged to do soil pollution risk control and remediation should establish a safety management system, implement safety responsibility system and take measures to ensure construction safety. For soil pollution risk control and remediation activities that require more than five -meter- deep excavation or with other major hazards, the units shall compile a special construction safety plan and report it to the competent ecological and environmental department.

本法规月刊是由伊尔姆环境资源管理咨询(上海)有限公司(ERM)、Nimonik 安纬同(上海)管理咨询有限公司(Nimonik)与大成律师事务所上海分所(Dentons Shanghai)联合制作。我们在确保其内容准确无误的同时,不对其任何可能的错误或疏忽承担责任。本刊中的内容不可作为法律依据,亦不可视为对个案的释义。因参考本刊物内容导致的任何损失,ERM, Nimonik 与大成律师事务所将不承担任何责任。如需寻求专业意见,请咨询有关专业顾问。

This newsletter is prepared for clients and professional associates by ERM, Nimonik and Dentons Shanghai. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, no responsibility can be accepted for errors and omissions, however caused. The information contained in this newsletter should not be relied on as legal advice and should not be regarded as a substitute for detailed advice in individual cases. No responsibility for any loss occasioned to any person acting or refraining from action as a result of material in this newsletter is accepted by ERM, Nimonik or Dentons Shanghai. If advice concerning individual problems or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional adviser should be sought.
