Nimonik月讯|亚洲地区 -2022年Q4

Japanese EHS Legislation

LegislationDocument SignatureFirst Effective Date
   Cabinet Order Specifying the Effective Date of the Act Partially Amending  the Electricity Business Act for Establishing a Robust and Sustainable  Electricity Supply System (Cabinet Order No. 326 of 2022)
   Ministerial Order Partially Amending the Device Model Specification  Rules(Order of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare No. 73 of 2022)
   Ministerial Order on the partial amendment of the Ordinance on Industrial  Safety and Health and the Regulation on Occupational Safety Consultant and  Occupational Health Consultant (Order of the Ministry of Health, Labour and  Welfare No. 148 of 2022)
   Ministerial Order Partially Amending the Enforcement Regulation of the Act  on Protection of the Environment in Antarctica (Order of the Ministry of the  Environment No.25 of 2022)
   Ministerial Order Partially Amending the Ordinance for Enforcement of the  Food Sanitation Act (Order of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare No.  151 of 2022)
   Cabinet Order Specifying the Effective Date of the Partial Revision of the  Act on Special Measures concerning Facilitating Use of Land with Unknown  Owners (Cabinet Order No. 334 of 2022)
   Cabinet Order on Arrangement of Relevant Cabinet Orders Incidental to  Enforcement of the Partial Revision of the Act on Special Measures concerning  Facilitating Use of Land with Unknown Owners (Cabinet Order No. 335 of 2022)
   Ministerial Order Partially Amending the Enforcement Ordinance of the  Electricity Business Act (Order of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and  Industry No.82 of 2022)
   Ministerial Order Partially Amending the Enforcement Regulation of the Act  on Special Measures concerning Facilitating Use of Land with Unknown Owners  (Order of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism No. 75  of 2022)
   Cabinet Order Specifying the Effective Date of the Partial Amendment of the  Telecommunications Business Act (Cabinet Order No.342 of 2022)
   Cabinet Order Partially Amending the Enforcement Order of the  Telecommunications Business Act (Cabinet Order No.343 of 2022)
   Ministerial Order Partially Amending the Ministerial Order Specifying  Building Energy-Consumption Performance Standards (Order of the Ministry of  Economy, Trade and Industry and the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure,  Transport and Tourism No.2 of 2022)
   Ministerial Order Partially Amending the Act on the Improvement of Energy  Consumption Performance of Buildings (Order of the Ministry of Land,  Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism No. 78 of 2022)
   Ministerial Order Partially Amending the Enforcement Regulation of the Act  on Promotion of Low Carbon in Cities (Order of the Ministry of Land,  Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism No. 79 of 2022)
   Cabinet Order Specifying the Effective Date of the Partial Revision of the  Act on the Rational Use of Energy for Promotion of Establishing Stable Energy  Supply-Demand Structure (Cabinet Order No.347 of 2022)
   Ministerial Order Partially Amending the Enforcement Ordinance of the  Electricity Business Act (Order of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and  Industry No.86 of 2022)
   Ministerial Order on Arrangement of Relevant Ministry of Land,  Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Orders Incidental to the “Partial  Revision of the Act on the Rational Use of Energy for Promotion of  Establishing Stable Energy Supply-Demand Structure” (Order of the  Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism No. 80 of 2022)
   Cabinet Order Specifying the Effective Date of the Partial Amendment of the  Laws Concerning the Improvement of Energy Consumption Performance of  Buildings to Contribute to the Realization of a Decarbonized Society (Cabinet  Order No.350 of 2022)


Malay EHS Legislation

LegislationDocument SignatureFirst Effective Date
Perintah  Industri Biobahan Api Malaysia (Pindaan Jadual Pertama) 2022
   Malaysian Biofuel Industry (Amendment of First Schedule) Order 2022
Peraturan-Peraturan  Industri Biobahan Api Malaysia (Sumber Pengeluaran, Adunan dan Aktiviti yang  Dibenarkan) 2022
   Malaysian Biofuel Industry (Source of Production, Blend and Permitted  Activities) Regulations 2022
Perintah Gaji Minimum (Pindaan) (No. 2)  2022
   Minimum Wages (Amendment) (No. 2) Order 2022
Peraturan-Peraturan Racun (Pindaan)  2022
   Poisons (Amendment) Regulations 2022
Perintah Pencegahan dan Pengawalan  Penyakit Berjangkit (Pengisytiharan Kawasan Tempatan Jangkitan) (Pelanjutan  Kuat Kuasa) (No. 2) 2022
   Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases (Declaration of Infected  Local Areas) (Extension of Operation) (No. 2) Order 2022


Indonesian EHS Legislation

LegislationDocument SignatureFirst Effective Date
Kemenhub  No. PM 32 Tahun 2022 tentang Peraturan Keselamatan Penerbangan Sipil Bagian  92 tentang Keselamatan Pengangkutan Barang Berbahaya Dengan Pesawat  Udara
   Kemenhub No. PM 32 of 2022 concerning the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations  Section 92 concerning the Safety of Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Airplane
KEMENKP  No. 22 of 2022 tentang Penerapan Kerangka Kualifikasi Nasional Indonesia  Bidang Pengendalian Hama dan Penyakit Ikan
   KEMENKP No. 22 of 2022 concerning the Implementation of the Indonesian  National Qualifications Framework for the Control of Fish Pests and Diseases
KEMENHUB  No. PM 24 Tahun 2022 tentang Perubahan atas Peraturan Menteri Perhubungan  Nomor PM 29 Tahun 2014 tentang Pencegahan Pencemaran Lingkungan Maritim
   KEMENHUB No. PM 24 of 2022 concerning the Amendment to the Regulation of  the Minister of Transportation No. PM 29 of 2014 concerning the Prevention of  Pollution of the Maritime Environment
KEMENKP No. 25 Tahun 2022 tentang Tata  Cara Rehabilitasi Lingkungan Budidaya
   KEMENKP No. 25 of 2022 concerning Procedures for Rehabilitation of the  Cultivation Environment
KEMENPAREKRAF No. 12 Tahun 2022 tentang  Fasilitasi Pembiayaan Terhadap Sertifikasi Standar Nasional Indonesia  Kebersihan, Kesehatan, Keselamatan dan Kelestarian Lingkungan
   KEMENPAREKRAF No. 12 of 2022 concerning the Facilitation of Funding for Certification  of the Indonesian National Standards for Cleanliness, Health, Safety and  Environmental Preservation
KEMENATR/BPN No. 14 Tahun 2022 tentang  Penyediaan dan Pemanfaatan Ruang Terbuka Hijau
   KEMENATR/BPN No. 14 of 2022 concerning Provision and Utilization of Green  Open Space
KEMENHUB No. PM 12 Tahun 2022 tentang  Kelaiklautan Kapal Kecepatan Tinggi Berbendera Indonesia
   KEMENHUB No. PM 12 of 2022 concerning the Seaworthiness of  Indonesian-flagged High Speed Vessels
KEMENHUB No. PM 27 Tahun 2022 tentang  Perubahan Ketiga atas Peraturan Menteri Perhubungan Nomor PM 71 Tahun 2013  tentang Salvage dan/atau Pekerjaan Bawah Air
   KEMENHUB No. PM 27 of 2022 concerning the Third Amendment to the Minister  of Transportation Regulation No. PM 71 of 2013 concerning Salvage and/or  Underwater Work
KEMENHUB No. PM 30 Tahun 2022 tentang  Perubahan atas Peraturan Menteri Perhubungan Nomor PM 6 Tahun 2020 tentang  Tata Cara Pemeriksaan Kecelakaan Kapal
   KEMENHUB No. PM 30 of 2022 concerning Amendments to the Minister of  Transportation Regulation No. PM 6 of 2020 concerning Procedures for  Examination of Ship Accidents
KEMENAKER No. 13 Tahun 2022 tentang  Penanggulangan Tuberkulosis di Tempat Kerja
   KEMENAKER No. 13 of 2022 concerning Tuberculosis Control in the Workplace
KEMENHUB No. PM 33 Tahun 2022 tentang  Peraturan Keselamatan Penerbangan Sipil Bagian 119 tentang Sertifikasi  Pengoperasian Pesawat Udara untuk Kegiatan Angkutan Udara
   KEMENHUB No. PM 33 of 2022 concerning Civil Aviation Safety Regulations  Part 119 concerning Aircraft Operation Certification for Air Transportation  Activities
KEMENPUPERA No. 10 Tahun 2022 tentang  Penyelenggaraan Keamanan Jembatan dan Terowongan Jalan
   KEMENPUPERA No. 10 of 2022 concerning Implementation of Road Bridge and  Tunnel Security
KEMENHUB No. PM 26 Tahun 2022 tentang  Pengawakan Kapal Niaga
   KEMENHUB No. PM 26 of 2022 concerning Manning Commercial Ships
BPOM No. 18 Tahun 2022 tentang Pedoman  Cara Pembuatan Obat yang Baik di Sarana Pengolahan Produk Berbasis Sel dan  Jaringan Manusia
   BPOM No. 18 of 2022 concerning Guidelines for Good Manufacturing Practices  at Human Cell and Tissue-Based Products Processing Facilities
BAPETEN No. 5 Tahun 2022 tentang  Manajemen Penuaan Reaktor Nuklir
   BAPETEN No. 5 of 2022 concerning Management of Nuclear Reactor Aging
KEMENPERIN No. 45 Tahun 2022 tentang  Standardisasi Industri
   KEMENPERIN No. 45 of 2022 concerning Industrial Standardization
BPOM No. 31 Tahun 2022 tentang Petunjuk  Teknis Pelaksanaan Penerapan Aspek Cara Pembuatan Obat Tradisional yang Baik  Secara Bertahap
   BPOM No. 31 of 2022 concerning Technical Guidelines for Implementation of  Aspects of Good Traditional Medicine Manufacturing Methods in Stages


Vietnam EHS Legislation

LegislationDocument SignatureFirst Effective Date
Quyết  định 27/2022/QĐ-UBND Quy định tiêu chuẩn, định mức sử dụng vật tư, phương  tiện, trang thiết bị chuyên dùng phòng, chống thiên tai của các cơ quan, tổ  chức trên địa bàn tỉnh Cà Ma
   Decision 27/2022/QD-UBND stipulating standards and norms for using  specialized materials, means and equipment for natural disaster prevention  and control by agencies and organizations in Ca Ma province
Quyết định 38/2022/QĐ-UBND Ban hành Quy  định thu gom, vận chuyển và xử lý chất thải rắn y tế trên địa bàn tỉnh Lai  Châu
   Decision 38/2022/QD-UBND promulgating regulations on collection,  transportation and treatment of medical solid waste in Lai Chau province
Quyết định 39/2022/QĐ-UBND Ban hành Quy  định nội dung bảo đảm yêu cầu phòng, chống thiên tai trong quản lý, vận hành,  sử dụng công trình trên địa bàn tỉnh Tiền Giang
   Decision 39/2022/QD-UBND promulgating regulations on ensuring the  requirements for natural disaster prevention and control in the management,  operation and use of works in Tien Giang province
Quyết định 38/2022/QĐ-UBND Ban hành Quy  định việc thu gom, vận chuyển, xử lý chất thải rắn xây dựng trên địa bàn tỉnh  Quảng Ngãi
   Decision 38/2022/QD-UBND promulgating regulations on collection,  transportation and treatment of construction solid waste in Quang Ngai  province
Quyết định 35/2022/QĐ-UBND Ban hành Quy  định bảo đảm yêu cầu phòng, chống thiên tai trong quản lý, vận hành, sử dụng  các khu khai thác khoáng sản, khai thác tài nguyên thiên nhiên khác, đô thị,  du lịch, công nghiệp, di tích lịch sử, điểm du lịch, điểm dân cư nông thôn,  công trình phòng, chống thiên tai, giao thông, điện lực, viễn thông và hạ  tầng kỹ thuật khác trên địa bàn tỉnh Phú Thọ
   Decision 35/2022/QD-UBND promulgating regulations on ensuring requirements  for natural disaster prevention and control in the management, operation and  use of mineral and other natural resource exploitation zones, urban areas and  tourism historical, industrial, historical sites, tourist destination, rural  residential areas, natural disaster prevention and control works, traffic,  electricity, telecommunications and other technical infrastructure in Phu Tho  province
Thông tư 29/2022/TT-BCT Quy chuẩn về an  toàn đối với rơle bảo vệ rò điện điện áp đến 1140V phòng nổ sử dụng trong mỏ  hầm lò
   Circular 29/2022/TT-BCT National technical regulation on safety for leakage  electric current protective relays voltage up to 1140V explosion-proof used  in underground mines
Thông tư 25/2022/TT-BCT Quy chuẩn về an  toàn sản phẩm vật liệu nổ công nghiệp – thuốc nổ Trinitrotoluen (TNT)
   Circular 25/2022/TT-BCT National technical regulation on safety of  industrial explosive materials – Trinitrotoluen (TNT) explosives
Thông tư Thông tư 21/2022/TT-BCT ban hành  Quy chuẩn kỹ thuật quốc gia về kíp khởi nổ phi điện (cuộn dây LIL)
   Circular 21/2022/TT-BCT promulgating National Technical Regulation on  non-electrical detonators (LIL coils)
Thông tư 26/2022/TT-BCT Quy chuẩn về an  toàn sản phẩm vật liệu nổ công nghiệp – thuốc nổ Hexogen
   Circular 26/2022/TT-BCT promulgating National Technical Regulations on  Product Safety of Industrial Explosives – Hexogen
Thông tư 24/2022/TT-BCT quy định Quy  chuẩn kỹ thuật về an toàn sản phẩm vật liệu nổ công nghiệp – mồi nổ tăng  cường
   Circular 24/2022/TT-BCT promulgating National technical regulations on  product safety of industrial explosives – booster detonators
Thông tư số 18/2022/TT-BCT Ban hành Quy  chuẩn kỹ thuật quốc gia về an toàn sản phẩm vật liệu nổ công nghiệp – kíp vi  sai phi điện MS
   Circular No.18/2022/TT-BCT promulgating National technical regulation on  safety of industrial explosive materials – Non-electric milisecond delay  Detonator MS
Thông tư 20/2022/TT-BCT ban hành Quy  chuẩn an toàn sản phẩm vật liệu nổ công nghiệp – dây nổ thường
   Circular 20/2022/TT-BCT promulgating product safety standards for  industrial explosives – conventional explosive wires
Thông tư 22/2022/TT-BCT ban hành Quy  chuẩn kỹ thuật quốc gia về thuốc nổ ANFO chịu nước
   Circular 22/2022/TT-BCT promulgating national technical regulations on  water-resistant ANFO explosives
Thông tư 23/2022/TT-BCT ban hành Quy  chuẩn về an toàn sản phẩm vật liệu nổ công nghiệp – thuốc nổ nhũ tương  rời
   Circular 23/2022/TT-BCT promulgating national technical regulations on  product safety of industrial explosives – bulk emulsion explosives
Thông tư số 28/2022/TT-BCT ngày  31/10/2022 ban hành Quy chuẩn kỹ thuật quốc gia số QCVN 17:2022/BCT về về an  toàn đối với tủ phân phối điện áp 6 kV phòng nổ sử dụng trong mỏ hầm lò
   Circular No. 28/2022/TT-BCT dated October 31, 2022 promulgating National  Technical Regulation No. QCVN 17:2022/BCT on safety for power distribution  cabinets 6 kV explosion-proof voltage used in underground mines
Thông tư 19/2022/TT-BCT ban hành Quy  chuẩn kỹ thuật quốc gia về kíp vi sai phi điện nổ chậm LP
   Circular 19/2022/TT-BCT promulgating the National Technical Regulation on  LP slow-explosion non-electrical differentials
Thông tư 27/2022/TT-BCT Quy chuẩn về an  toàn chai LPG composite
   Circular 27/2022/TT-BCT Regulations on safety of LPG composite bottles
Thông tư 19/2022/TT-BNNPTNT Ban hành  Danh mục thuốc bảo vệ thực vật được phép sử dụng tại Việt Nam và Danh mục  thuốc bảo vệ thực vật cấm sử dụng tại Việt Nam
   Circular 19/2022/TT-BNNPTNT promulgating the list of pesticides permitted  to be used in Vietnam and the list of pesticides banned from use in Vietnam
Thông tư 24/2022/TT-BTTTT Ban hành”  quy chuẩn kỹ thuật quốc gia về an toàn điện đối với thiết bị đầu cuối viễn  thông và công nghệ thông tin”
   Circular 24/2022/TT-BTTTT promulgating “national technical regulations  on electrical safety for telecommunications and information technology  terminal equipment”
Thông tư  22/2022/TT-BTTTT Ban hành “Quy chuẩn kỹ thuật quốc gia về tương thích điện từ  đối với thiết bị thông tin vô tuyến điện”
   Circular 22/2022/TT-BTTTT promulgating “National technical regulation on  electromagnetic compatibility for radio communication equipment”


Singapore EHS Legislation

LegislationDocument SignatureFirst Effective Date
Carbon  Pricing Act 2018 (Amendment of Fourth Schedule) Order 2022SG-SL-Supp/S846-20222022/10/31
Prevention of Pollution of the Sea (Air)  Regulations 2022SG-SL-Supp/S837-20222022/10/27
Endangered Species (Import and Export)  (Prescribed Documents for Section 2A) Rules 2022SG-SL-Supp/S855-20222022/10/31
Endangered Species (Import and Export)  (Prescribed Information for Section 5(1)) Rules 2022SG-SL-Supp/S856-20222022/10/31
Statutes (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act  2022SG-Acts-Supp/31-20222022/10/28
Statutes (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act  2022 (Commencement) Notification 2022SG-SL-Supp/S850-20222022/10/31
Building Control (Amendment) Regulations  2022SG-SL-Supp/S905-20222022/11/25
Workplace Safety and Health (General  Provisions) (Amendment) Regulations 2022SG-SL-Supp/S989-20222022/12/20
Environmental Public Health (Public  Cleansing) (Amendment) Regulations 2022SG-SL-Supp/S991-20222022/12/21
Building Control (Buildability and  Productivity) (Amendment No. 4) Regulations 2022SG-SL-Supp/S990-20222022/12/21
Air Navigation (Carbon Emissions and  Reporting) Regulations 2022SG-SL-Supp/S997-20222022/12/23
State Lands Protection Act 2022SG-Acts-SLPA20222022/12/30


Thai EHS Legislation

LegislationDocument SignatureFirst Effective Date
ประกาศกรมเจ้าท่า ที่ ๑๘๐/๒๕๖๕ เรื่อง กำหนดหลักเกณฑ์ วิธีการ  และเงื่อนไขสำหรับการฝึกอบรมหลักสูตรผู้ควบคุมเรือลำเลียงและหลักสูตรทบทวนผู้ควบคุมเรือลำเลียง  ตามข้อบังคับกรมเจ้าท่าเกี่ยวกับการสอบความรู้ของผู้ทำการในเรือลำเลียง พ.ศ.  ๒๕๖๓ (เพิ่มเติม ครั้งที่ ๑)
   Notification Of The Marine Department No. 180/2565 Re: Prescribing  Criteria, Methods, And Conditions For The Training Of The Transport Vessel  Instructor Training Course And The Transport Vessel Operator Review Course  According to the regulations of the Marine Department regarding the knowledge  examination of the ship operators, B.E. 2563 (Additional No. 1)
ประกาศกระทรวงทรัพยากรธรรมชาติและสิ่งแวดล้อม  เรื่อง กำหนดให้สัตว์ป่าบางชนิดเป็นสัตว์ป่าควบคุม พ.ศ. ๒๕๖๕
   Notification Of The Ministry Of Natural Resources And Environment Re:  Designating Certain Wild Animals As Controlled Wildlife B.E.
ประกาศกระทรวงพลังงาน เรื่อง  การซ่อมบำรุงระบบท่อน้ำมันและอุปกรณ์ โดยวิธีการทดสอบและตรวจสอบอื่น พ.ศ.  ๒๕๖๕
   Notification of the Ministry of Energy Re: Maintenance of Oil Pipelines and  Equipment by other testing and inspection methods, B.E.
ประกาศกรมชลประทาน เรื่อง  กำหนดแบบคำขอยกเว้นค่าชลประทาน และแบบคำขอผ่อนชำระค่าชลประทาน
   Announcement of the Royal Irrigation Department Re: Determination of  Irrigation Exemption Request Form and application form for irrigation payment  installments
ระเบียบกรมชลประทาน  ว่าด้วยการขออนุญาตใช้น้ำจากทางน้ำชลประทาน พ.ศ. ๒๕๖๕
   Regulations of the Royal Irrigation Department On Application for  Permission to Use Water from Irrigation waterways, B.E.
ประกาศกรมควบคุมมลพิษ เรื่อง  หลักเกณฑ์การตรวจสอบระดับเสียงอากาศยานในบริเวณพื้นที่รอบสนามบิน พ.ศ.  ๒๕๖๕
   Notification Of The Pollution Control Department: Criteria To Check  Aircraft Noise Level In The Area Around Airport B.E.
ประกาศกระทรวงทรัพยากรธรรมชาติและสิ่งแวดล้อม  เรื่อง กำหนดมาตรฐานควบคุมการระบายน้ำทิ้งจากโรงงานผลิตพลังงานไฟฟ้า พ.ศ.  ๒๕๖๕
   Notification Of The Ministry Of Natural Resources And Environment Re:  Determination Of Standards To Control Wastewater Discharge From Electric  Power Plants, B.E.
ประกาศกระทรวงเกษตรและสหกรณ์  เรื่อง กำหนดทางน้ำชลประทานตามพระราชบัญญัติการชลประทานหลวง พุทธศักราช ๒๔๘๕  (ฉบับที่ ๙๒/๒๕๖๕)
   Notification of the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives Re:  Determination of Irrigation Waterways under the Royal Irrigation Act, B.E.  2485 (No. 92/2522)
ประกาศกระทรวงเกษตรและสหกรณ์  เรื่อง กำหนดทางน้ำชลประทานตามพระราชบัญญัติการชลประทานหลวง พุทธศักราช ๒๔๘๕  (ฉบับที่ ๙๓/๒๕๖๕)
   Notification of the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives Re:  Determination of Irrigation Waterways under the Royal Irrigation Act, B.E.  2485 (No. 93/2522)
ประกาศกรมเจ้าท่า ที่ ๑๘๔/๒๕๖๕  เรื่อง มาตรการความปลอดภัยและป้องกันการเกิดอุบัติเหตุสำหรับเรือ  กลุ่มบรรทุกสินค้าเหลวในระวาง (Tankers) ยกเว้น เรือที่มีประเภทการใช้  บรรทุกน้ำจืด (Fresh water tanker) บรรทุกก๊าซเหลว (Gas carrier)  และบรรทุกยางมะตอย (Asphalt tanker)
   Announcement of the Marine Department No. 184/2565 Re: Measures for Safety  and Preventing Accidents for Ships Tankers, except vessels used to carry  fresh water tankers, gas carriers and asphalt tankers
ประกาศกระทรวงเกษตรและสหกรณ์  เรื่อง กำหนดเขตพื้นที่ตำบลเตาปูน ตำบลบ้านกลาง ตำบลบ้านหนุน ตำบลทุ่งน้าว  ตำบลแดนชุมพล ตำบลหัวเมือง อำเภอสอง และตำบลแม่ยางร้อง อำเภอร้องกวาง  จังหวัดแพร่ เป็นแนวเขตสำรวจการจัดระบบน้ำเพื่อเกษตรกรรม พ.ศ. ๒๕๖๕
   Announcement of the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives Subject:  Determining the area of Tao Poon Subdistrict, Ban Klang Subdistrict, Ban  Nun Subdistrict, Thung Nao Subdistrict, Dan Chumphon Subdistrict, Hua Mueang  Subdistrict, Song District and Mae Yang Rong Subdistrict Rong Kwang District,  Phrae Province, as the boundary line to survey the water system management  for agriculture, B.E.
ประกาศกระทรวงเกษตรและสหกรณ์  เรื่อง กำหนดเขตพื้นที่ตำบลหัวเมือง ตำบลพระเสาร์ ตำบลคูเมือง ตำบลฟ้าหยาด  ตำบลสงยางและตำบลผือฮี อำเภอมหาชนะชัย จังหวัดยโสธร  เป็นแนวเขตสำรวจการจัดระบบน้ำเพื่อเกษตรกรรม พ.ศ. ๒๕๖๕
   Announcement of the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives Subject:  Determining the area of Hua Mueang Subdistrict, Phra Sao Subdistrict, Khu  Mueang Subdistrict, Fa Yat Subdistrict, Song Yang Subdistrict and Phu He  Subdistrict Chanachai District, Yasothon Province, is the boundary line to  survey the water system management for agriculture, B.E.
ประกาศกระทรวงเกษตรและสหกรณ์  เรื่อง กำหนดเขตพื้นที่ตำบลบ้านไทย ตำบลยางขี้นก ตำบลค้อทอง ตำบลสร้างถ่อ  และตำบลสหธาตุ อำเภอเขื่องใน  จังหวัดอุบลราชธานีเป็นแนวเขตสำรวจการจัดระบบน้ำเพื่อเกษตรกรรม พ.ศ. ๒๕๖๕
   Announcement of the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives Subject:  Determining the boundaries of Ban Thai Subdistrict, Yang Khe Nok Subdistrict,  Kho Thong Subdistrict, Sang Tho Subdistrict and Saha That Subdistrict Khueang  Nai District Ubon Ratchathani Province is the boundary line to survey the organization  of water systems for agriculture, B.E.
ประกาศกรมธุรกิจพลังงาน เรื่อง  กำหนดลักษณะและคุณภาพของน้ำมันหล่อลื่น พ.ศ. ๒๕๖๕
   Notification Of The Department Of Energy Business Re: Determination Of  Characteristics And Quality Of Lubricants B.E.


Korean EHS Legislation

LegislationDocument SignatureFirst Effective Date
대기환경보전법 시행규칙 일부개정령 (2022-11-14)
   Amendment to Enforcement Regulations of Clean Air Conservation Act  (2022-11-14)
화학물질관리법 시행령 일부개정령  (2022-11-15)
   Amendment to Enforcement Decree of the Chemicals Control Act (2022-11-15)
소방장비관리법 일부개정법률  (2022-11-15)
   Amendment to Fire Equipment Management Act (2022-11-15)
소방기본법 일부개정법률  (2022-10-27)
   Amendment to Basic Fire Fighting Act (2022-10-27)
소방기본법 시행령 일부개정령  (2022-10-27)
   Amendment to Enforcement Decree of the Basic Fire Fighting Act (2022-10-27)
야생동물 보호 및 관리에 관한 법률 시행령 개정  (2022-03-08)
   Amendment to enforcement Decree of the Wildlife Protection and Management  Act (2022-03-08)
폐기물관리법 시행령 일부개정령  (2022-11-29)
   Amendment to Enforcement Decree of Wastes Control Act (2022-11-29)
폐기물관리법 시행규칙 일부개정령  (2022-11-29)
   Amendment to Enforcement Regulations of the Wastes Control Act (2022-11-29)
석면안전관리법 시행령 일부개정령  (2022-12-11)
   Amendment to Enforcement Decree of the Asbestos Safety Management Act  (2022-12-11)
환경보건법 시행령 일부개정령  (2022-11-22)
   Amendment to Enforcement Decree of the Environmental Health Law  (2022-11-22)
에너지법 시행규칙 개정  (2022-11-21)
   Amendment to Enforcement Regulations of the Energy Law (2022-11-21)
고압가스 안전관리법 시행령 일부개정령  (2022-12-01)
   Amendment to Enforcement Decree of the High Pressure Gas Safety Management  Act (2022-12-01)
고압가스 안전관리법 시행규칙 일부개정령  (2022-12-03)
   Amendment to Enforcement Regulations of the High Pressure Gas Safety  Management Act (2022-12-03)
공공기관의 소방안전관리에 관한 규정 일부개정법률  (2022-12-01)
   Amendment to Regulations on Fire Safety Management of Public Institutions  (2022-12-01)
공공기관의 소방안전관리에 관한 규정 일부개정법률  (2022-12-01)
   Amendment to Regulations on Fire Safety Management of Public Institutions  (2022-12-01)
소방기본법 시행령 일부개정령  (2022-12-01)
   Amendment to Enforcement Decree of the Basic Fire Fighting Act (2022-12-01)
소방기본법 시행령 일부개정령  (2022-12-01)
   Amendment to Enforcement Decree of the Basic Fire Fighting Act (2022-12-01)
소방기본법 시행규칙 일부개정령  (2022-12-01)
   Amendment to Enforcement Regulations of the Basic Fire Fighting Act  (2022-12-01)
소방기본법 시행규칙 일부개정령  (2022-12-01)
   Amendment to Enforcement Regulations of the Basic Fire Fighting Act  (2022-12-01)
위험물안전관리법 시행령 일부개정령  (2022-12-01)
   Amendment to Enforcement Decree of the Dangerous Goods Safety Control Act  (2022-12-01)
위험물안전관리법 시행령 일부개정령 (2022-12-01)
   Amendment to Enforcement Decree of the Dangerous Goods Safety Control Act  (2022-12-01)
위험물안전관리법 시행규칙 일부개정령 (2022-12-01)
   Amendment to Enforcement Regulations of the Dangerous Goods Safety Control  Act (2022-12-01)
환경오염피해 배상책임 및 구제에 관한 법률 시행령 일부개정령 (2022-12-01)
   Amendment to Enforcement Decree of the Law on Liability and Remedies for  Damage from Environmental Pollution (2022-12-01)
소방시설 설치 및 관리에 관한 법률 시행령
   Enforcement Decree Of The Act On The Installation And Management Of  Firefighting Facilities
소방시설 설치 및 관리에 관한 법률 시행규칙
   Enforcement Regulations of the Act on the Installation and Management of  Firefighting Facilities
폐기물관리법 일부개정법률 (2022-12-27)
   Amendment to Wastes Control Act (2022-12-27)
대기환경보전법 일부개정법률 (2022-12-27)
   Amendment to Clean Air Conservation Act (2022-12-27)


Hong Kong Special Administrative Region EHS Legislation

LegislationDocument SignatureFirst Effective Date
2022年產品環保責任 (塑膠購物袋) (修訂) 規例 – 2022年第206號法律公告
   Product Eco-responsibility (Plastic Shopping Bags) (Amendment) Regulation  2022 – L.N. 206 of 2022
   L.N. 206 of 2022
2022年產品環保責任條例 (修訂附表2) 令 –  2022年第204號法律公告
   Product Eco-responsibility Ordinance (Amendment of Schedule 2) Order 2022 –  L.N. 204 of 2022
   L.N. 204 of 2022
2022年吸煙 (公眾衞生) (指定禁止吸煙區) (修訂)  公告 – 2022年第202號法律公告
   Smoking (Public Health) (Designation of No Smoking Areas) (Amendment)  Notice 2022 – L.N. 202 of 2022
   L.N. 202 of 2022
2022年公眾衞生及市政條例 (公眾泳池) (修訂附表14)  令 – 2022年第201號法律公告
   Public Health and Municipal Services Ordinance (Public Swimming Pools)  (Amendment of Fourteenth Schedule) Order 2022 – L.N. 201 of 2022
   L.N. 201 of 2022
2022年公眾衞生及市政條例  (公眾遊樂場地) (修訂附表4) (第2號) 令 – 2022年第200號法律公告
   Public Health and Municipal Services Ordinance (Public Pleasure Grounds)  (Amendment of Fourth Schedule) (No. 2) Order 2022 – L.N. 200 of 2022
   L.N. 200 of 2022
2022年危險藥物條例 (修訂附表1) 令 –  2022年第199號法律公告
   Dangerous Drugs Ordinance (Amendment of First Schedule) Order 2022 – L.N.  199 of 2022
   L.N. 199 of 2022
2022年化學品管制條例 (修訂附表2) 令 –  2022年第198號法律公告
   Control of Chemicals Ordinance (Amendment of Schedule 2) Order 2022 – L.N.  198 of 2022
   L.N. 198 of 2022
2022年道路交通 (車輛登記及領牌) (修訂) (第2號)  規例 – 2022年第197號法律公告
   Road Traffic (Registration and Licensing of Vehicles) (Amendment) (No. 2)  Regulation 2022 – L.N. 197 of 2022
   L.N. 197 of 2022
2022年道路交通 (公共服務車輛) (修訂) (第2號)  規例 – 2022年第196號法律公告
   Road Traffic (Public Service Vehicles) (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulation 2022  – L.N. 196 of 2022
   L.N. 196 of 2022
2022年道路交通 (泊車) (修訂) 規例 –  2022年第195號法律公告
   Road Traffic (Parking) (Amendment) Regulation 2022 – L.N. 195 of 2022
   L.N. 195 of 2022
2022年藥劑業及毒藥 (修訂) (第5號) 規例 – 2022年第194號法律公告
   Pharmacy and Poisons (Amendment) (No. 5) Regulation 2022 – L.N. 194 of 2022
   L.N. 194 of 2022
2022年預防及控制疾病 (疫苗通行證) (修訂) 規例 – 2022年第207號法律公告
   Prevention and Control of Disease (Vaccine Pass) (Amendment) Regulation  2022 – L.N. 207 of 2022
   L.N. 207 of 2022
2022年預防及控制疾病 (禁止聚集) (修訂) (第4號) 規例 – 2022年第193號法律公告
   Prevention and Control of Disease (Prohibition on Gathering) (Amendment)  (No. 4) Regulation 2022 – L.N. 193 of 2022
   L.N. 193 of 2022
《2020年行車隧道 (政府) (修訂)規例》(生效日期) 公告 – 2022年第226號法律公告
   Road Tunnels (Government) (Amendment) Regulation 2020 (Commencement) Notice  – L.N. 226 of 2022
   L.N. 226 of 2022
《2020年行車隧道 (政府) 條例 (修訂附表1)  公告》(生效日期) 公告 – 2022年第225號法律公告
   Road Tunnels (Government) Ordinance (Amendment of Schedule 1) Notice 2020  (Commencement) Notice – L.N. 225 of 2022
   L.N. 225 of 2022
2022年《2020年道路交通 (公共服務車輛) (修訂)  規例》(生效日期) 公告 – 2022年第227號法律公告
   Road Traffic (Public Service Vehicles) (Amendment) Regulation 2020  (Commencement) Notice 2022 – L.N. 227 of 2022
   L.N. 227 of 2022


Taiwan EHS Legislation

LegislationDocument SignatureFirst Effective Date
經濟部標準檢驗局修正「衡器檢定檢查技術規範」,自即日生效 – 經標四字第11140008250號
   BUREAU OF STANDARDS, METROLOGY AND INSPECTION, MOEA Notice is hereby given,  for the amendment of “Technical Specification for the Verification and  Inspection of Weighing Instruments” (amendment becomes effective from  7th, November 2022) – Jing Biao Si Zi No.11140008250
   Jing Biao Si Zi No.11140008250
內政部修正「內政部所主管災害緊急應變警報訊號之種類、內容、樣式、方法及其發布時機公告」,自即日生效  – 台內消字第1110826383號
   MINISTRY OF THE INTERIOR Notice is hereby given, for the amendment of  “Proclamation of the Classification, Content, Method and Announcement  Timing of Alarm Signals for Disaster Emergency Response Governed by Ministry  of the Interior” (amendment becomes effective from 4th, November 2022) –  Tai Nei Xiao Zi No.1110826383
   Tai Nei Xiao Zi No.1110826383
行政院環境保護署修正「毒性及關注化學物質標示與安全資料表管理辦法」部分條文  – 環署化字第1118120866號
   ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ADMINISTRATION, EXECUTIVE YUAN Order is hereby  given, for the amendment on partial articles of “Regulations for the  Labeling and Materials Safety Data Sheets for Toxic and Concerned Chemical  Substances” (amended regulations take into force from 4th, November 2022  except Article 3 and 4, which shall become effective from 31st, October 2023)  – Huan Shu Hua Zi No.1118120866
   Huan Shu Hua Zi No.1118120866
行政院環境保護署修正「行政院環境保護署審查開發行為空氣污染物排放量增量抵換處理原則」,自即日生效  – 環署空字第1111101949號
   ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ADMINISTRATION, EXECUTIVE YUAN Order is hereby  given, for the revision of “EPA Disposal Directions for Reviewing the  Offset Proposal of Incremental Air Pollutant Emission from a Development  Activity” (revised directions take into force from 2nd, November 2022)  (former name: EPA Disposal Directions for Reviewing the Offset Proposal of  Incremental Air Pollutants Emission from a Development Activity) – Huan Shu  Kong Zi No.1111101949
   Huan Shu Kong Zi No.1111101949
經濟部修正「河川管理辦法」部分條文 –  經水字第11104604560號
   MINISTRY OF ECONOMIC AFFAIRS Order is hereby given, for the amendment on  partial articles of “Regulations on River Management” – Jing Shui  Zi No.11104604560
   Jing Shui Zi No.11104604560
衛生福利部修正「農藥殘留容許量標準」第3條附表1、「動物產品中農藥殘留容許量標準」第3條條文 –  衛授食字第1111302595號
   MINISTRY OF HEALTH AND WELFARE Order is hereby given, for the amendment on  Appendix 1 of Article 3 of “Standards for Pesticide Residue Limits in  Foods” and Article 3 of “Standards for Pesticide Residue Limits in  Animal Products” – Wei Shou Shi Zi No.1111302595
   Wei Shou Shi Zi No.1111302595
勞動部核釋「勞動基準法」第30條、第30條之1、第32條、第34條及第36條,有關雇主經工會同意,如事業單位無工會者,經勞資會議同意之規定,於雇主僱用勞工人數在三人以下,並經徵得個別勞工同意者,視為經勞資會議同意,自即日生效  – 勞動條3字第1110140959號
   MINISTRY OF LABOR Order is hereby given, for the interpretive rule pursuant  to Article 30, 30-1, 32, 34 and 36 of “Labor Standards Act”  regarding an employer with the consent of a labor union, or if there is no  labor union exists in a business entity, with the approval of a  labor-management conference, which stipulates that an employer who has less  than 3 employees and has obtained the consent of each employee may be deemed  to have the approval of a labor-management conference (interpretive rule  becomes effective from 28th, October 2022) – Lao Dong Tiao 3Zi No.1110140959
   Lao Dong Tiao 3Zi No.1110140959
行政院環境保護署訂定「排放管道中氯丙烯等氣態有機化合物檢測方法-採樣袋採樣/氣相層析儀電子捕捉偵測器法(NIEA  A761.71B)」,自112年2月15日生效 – 環署授檢字第1117107440號
   ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ADMINISTRATION, EXECUTIVE YUAN Notice is hereby  given, for the promulgation of “Method for Determination of 3-Chloroprop-1-ene  and Other Gaseous Organic Compounds Emissions from Stationary Sources by Gas  Chromatography with Electron Capture Detector (NIEA A761.71B)” (method  shall become effective from 15th, February 2023) – Huan Shu Shou Jian Zi  No.1117107440
   Huan Shu Shou Jian Zi No.1117107440
行政院環境保護署廢止「排放管道中氯丙烯等氣態有機化合物檢測方法-採樣袋採樣/氣相層析儀電子捕捉偵測器法(NIEA  A761.70B)」,自112年2月15日生效 – 環署授檢字第1117107442號
   ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ADMINISTRATION, EXECUTIVE YUAN Notice is hereby  given, for the abolition of “Method for Determination of 3-Chloroprop-1-ene  and Other Gaseous Organic Compounds Emissions from Stationary Sources by Gas  Chromatography with Electron Capture Detector (NIEA A761.70B)”  (abolition shall become effective from 15th, February 2023) – Huan Shu Shou  Jian Zi No.1117107442
   Huan Shu Shou Jian Zi No.1117107442


Macao EHS Legislation

LegislationDocument SignatureFirst Effective Date
第18/2022號法律, 都市更新法律制度。
   Law No. 18/2022, Legal Regime of Urban Renewal
第224/2022號行政長官批示,  核准《海嘯警告信號系統》。
   Chief Executive Order No. 224/2022, Approves the Tsunami Alarm System.




