尼莫尼克-伊尔姆 EHSS法规月讯 2023年2月

本期要闻 Highlights of the Month

建筑防火通用规范(GB 55037-2022)

General Code for Building Fire Protection (GB 55037-2022)

住建部批准发布强制性工程建设规范GB 55037-2022建筑防火通用规范,自2023年6月1日起实施,全文严格执行。


GB 55037-2022废止了GB 50016-2014建筑设计防火规范、GB 51283-2020精细化工企业工程设计防火标准等32部标准中的强制性条文。新标准除修改、细化原条文要求之外,亦增加了不少新的要求。以GB 50016为例,新标准新增疏散通道、疏散走道、疏散出口的净高度均不应小于2.1米的要求(7.1.4);新增室外消防栓、消防水泵接合器两侧沿道路方向各5米范围内禁止停放机动车的要求(12.0.1),等等。


The Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development approved the issuance of the mandatory engineering construction code GB 55037-2022 General Code for Building Fire Protection, which will be implemented from June 1, 2023. Full content shall be strictly implemented.

Since 2016, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development has tried to deepen the standardization reform of engineering construction with aim to gradually replace the scattered mandatory clauses in current standards with full-text mandatory engineering construction specifications, establish a “technical regulations” system composed of technical provisions in laws administrative regulations, departmental rules and full-text mandatory engineering construction specifications.

GB 55037-2022 repeals the mandatory provisions in 32 current standards, such as GB 50016-2014 Code for Fire Protection Design of Buildings and GB 51283-2020 Fire Protection Standard for Engineering Design of Fine Chemical Enterprise. In addition to revising and refining the original requirements, the new standard also adds several new requirements. Taking GB 50016 as an example, the new standard adds the requirement that net height of evacuation passages, evacuation walkways and evacuation exits should be no less than 2.1 meters (7.1.4); and also adds the requirement that motor vehicles are prohibited from parking within 5 meters along the road on both sides of the outdoor fire hydrants and fire pump adapters (12.0.1), etc.

This standard is the fundamental standard for fire safety management, which will trigger the corresponding revision of series of current standards in the near future.

最新国家法律法规 New Regulations

Ministry of Ecology and Environment and other departments: “14th Five-Year Plan” Noise Pollution Prevention and Control Action Plan

The action plan was jointly issued by 16 departments and organizations including the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, which proposed the main goal, i.e. achieving 85% compliance rate of the national acoustic environment functional areas during nighttime.
The action plan is an important supporting document to promote the implementation of the Noise Pollution Prevention and Control Law. It establishes an “1+5+4” framework system: i.e. “1” goal to continuously improve the quality of the national acoustic environment; deepen control in “5” categories, strictly enforcing source management of noise, deepening the prevention and control of noise pollution for industrial enterprises and construction activities, taking multiple measures to control noise source pollution, so as to promote the steady improvement of noise pollution prevention and control; strengthen “4” aspects, including building solid foundation for acoustic environment management, improving legal systems and strengthening law enforcement and supervision, so as to establish a sound noise pollution prevention and control management system.

Ministry of Ecology and Environment and other departments: Notice on Announcing the List of Pilot Cities for Regional Renewable Water Recycling in 2022

Regional renewable water recycling refers to the construction of water quality purification and other engineering facilities at key nodes such as the downstream of key sewage outlets, the river inlet to the lake (sea), and the tributary inlet to the main stream, to reuse the treated and purified wastewater in production, ecology and living in a certain area.
According to the “Notice on Issuing the ‘Pilot Implementation Plan for Regional Renewable Water Recycling Utilization’” (Huan Ban Shui Ti [2021] No. 28), the list of pilot cities in this batch is as follows: Tianjin Binhai New Area, Jincheng and Yuncheng Municipality in Shanxi Province, Baotou Municipality in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, Ordos, Taizhou Municipality in Zhejiang Province, Suzhou Municipality in Anhui Province, Putian Municipality in Fujian Province, Yantai and Linyi Municipality in Shandong Province, Zhengzhou and Kaifeng Municipality in Henan Province, Zhuzhou Municpality in Hunan Province, Neijiang Municipality in Sichuan Province, Yan’an and Yulin Municipality in Shaanxi Province, Zhangye and Baiyin Municipality in Gansu Province, and Yinchuan Municipality in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region.

Emergency Management Department: Notice on Effectively Conducting Work Related to Diesel Safety Permits

通知将柴油定义为符合国家标准《车用柴油》(GB 19147)、《B5柴油》(GB 25199)的产品,不包括BD100生物柴油(由动植物油脂或废弃油脂与醇反应制得的脂肪酸单烷基酯)。
Recently, 10 departments including the Ministry of Emergency Management issued an announcement on adjusting “1674 diesel [closed cup flash point ≤ 60°C]” to “1674 diesel” in “Catalogue of Hazardous Chemicals (2015 Edition)”. In response to the announcement, this notice requires enterprises that produce and operate diesel oil to be managed as hazardous chemical enterprises, and puts forward requirements for the work related to diesel safety permits.
The notice defines diesel as a product that meets the national standards “Automobile Diesel Fuels” (GB 19147) and “B5 Diesel Fuels” (GB 25199), excluding BD100 biodiesel (Fatty acid monoalkyl ester prepared by the reaction of animal and vegetable oil or waste oil with alcohol).
For diesel production and operation entities that currently manage diesel oil as hazardous chemicals, update of hazardous chemicals operation license shall be carried out by March 31, 2023 to update the “diesel oil [closed cup flash point ≤ 60 ℃]” in the license scope to “diesel oil”; For diesel production and operation entities that are not managing diesel oil according to hazardous chemicals management requirement at present, they should carry out safety design diagnosis and safety status evaluation as required, and apply for corresponding licenses before June 30, 2023.
The notice stipulates that the enterprise’s self-use diesel refueling device (not for external operation) does not need a safety production license.

最新国家标准New National Standards

GB/T 41962-2022实验室废弃物存储装置技术规范
GB/T 41962-2022 Technical Specification of Storage Devices for Laboratory Waste

GB/T 20936.1-2022爆炸性环境用气体探测器 第1部分:可燃气体探测器性能要求
GB/T 20936.1-2022 Gas Detectors for Explosive Atmospheres—Part 1: Performance Requirements of Detectors for Flammable Gase

GB 55037-2022建筑防火通用规范
GB 55037-2022 General Code for Building Fire Protection

最新地方性法规 Regional Updates

Guangdong Province: Announcement on the Implementation of Special Discharge Limits of Pollutants in Key Areas

In September 2021, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment and other national ministries and commissions jointly issued the “Notice on Issuing the ‘Implementation Plan for Prevention and Control of Sources of Heavy Metal Pollution in Agricultural Land Soil Cadmium and Others’” (Huan Ban Tu Rang [2021] No. 21), clearly stated that from 2023, Inner Mongolia, Jiangxi, Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Guangdong, Guangxi, Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan, Shaanxi, Gansu, Xinjiang and other regions shall implement the special discharge limits for key heavy metal pollutants such as particulate matter and cadmium stipulated in the “Emission Standard of Pollutants for Lead and Zinc Industry”, “Emission Standard of Pollutants for Copper,Nickel,Cobalt Industry” and “Emission Standards of Pollutants for Inorganic Chemical Industry” in areas where mineral resource development activities are concentrated, as well as in areas with the heavy tasks of safe use and strict control on cultivated land.
In order to implement the requirements of the “Notice” and further strengthen the prevention and control of the source of soil pollution in cultivated land, the announcement proposes to implement special emission limits for particulate matter and key heavy metal pollutants in areas where mineral resources development activities are concentrated in Guangdong Province (Renhua County, Qujiang District and Wengyuan County Tielong Town in Shaoguan Municipality, Zhaigang Town, Liannan Yao Autonomous County in Qingyuan Municipality, Mashui Town, Yangchun Municipality in Yangjiang Municipality), and areas with heavy tasks of safe use and strict control on cultivated land (Lechang Municipality in Shaoguan Municipality, Qingcheng District, Yingde Municipality, Lianzhou Municipality and Yangshan County in Qingyuan Municipality).
Newly established enterprises shall immediately implement the special discharge limits of water pollutants and air pollutants from the date of implementation of this announcement (January 10, 2023); the discharge outlets of existing enterprises located in the above-mentioned areas shall implement the special discharge limits of water pollutants in this announcement from August 1, 2023; the existing lead-zinc ore mining, copper ore mining and nickel-cobalt mining and dressing enterprises in the above-mentioned areas shall implement the special emission limits of air pollutants in this announcement from August 1, 2023.

Jiangsu Province: Regulations of Jiangsu Province on Firefighting and Prevention

The 2023 version of the Regulations revises the 2010 version of the Regulations, adding a fire safety responsibility chapter, requiring the establishment and improvement of fire safety responsibility system for all, and implementing standardized management of fire safety.
The revised Regulations details the fire safety responsibilities of enterprises and institutions, emphasizes the requirements on fire safety funding and fire safety publicity and education, further strengthens the qualification inspection requirements for fire protection products and equipment, and clearly requires network monitoring of fire protection facilities and real-time transmission of operating status.


Shanghai Municipality: Implementation Rules of Shanghai Municipality on the Imposition of Sewage Treatment Fee for Excess Discharge
According to the monitoring of the Shanghai Municipal Water Administration and Law Enforcement Agency, the drainage users that discharge sewage to the urban drainage and sewage treatment facilities in the Municipality that do not meet the relevant national and municipal standards for sewage discharge (i.e., the key polluters in the “Notice on Issuing the Implementation Measures for the Administration of the Collection and Use of Sewage Treatment Fees in Shanghai Municipality”) shall pay the extra sewage treatment fees for excessive discharge. The extra charging standard of sewage treatment fee for excessive discharge within the service scope of municipal sewage treatment facilities is 0.8 yuan per cubic meter on the basis of the original charging standard.