尼莫尼克-伊尔姆 EHSS法规月讯 2023年1月

本期要闻 Highlights of the Month

财政部:企业安全生产费用提取和使用管理办法Ministry of Finance:Administrative Measures on the Deposit and Use of the Budget for Safety Production of Enterprises




The Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Emergency Management jointly issued the “Administrative Measures on the Deposit and Use of the Budget for Work Safety of Enterprises”, which revised the 2012 version of the “Administrative Measures”. The new “Measures” expands the scope of applicable industries, adding civilian explosives production and power generation industries, adjusting the scope of transportation, metallurgy, and machinery manufacturing industries. The new version also raises the deposit standard of work safety budget in six industries, i.e. coal, non-coal mining, construction, hazardous chemicals, fireworks and firecrackers, and machinery manufacturing, enormously expands the budget usage scope.

The “Measures” stipulates that if the actual work safety budget spent in one year are less than 60% of the accrued amount for the whole year, the enterprise shall submit a written statement reviewed and approved by the board and shareholders’ meeting to the local safety supervision department before the end of April of the next year, also disclose the relevant information.

最新国家法律法规 New Regulations

生态环境部:重点管控新污染物清单Ministry of Ecology and Environment: List of New Pollutants Subject to Key Control
清单发布是为了支持新污染物治理行动方案的实施。清单包括四大类14种类重点管控新污染物,包括持久性有机污染物(POPs)、有毒有害污染物,环境内分泌干扰物壬基酚,以及抗生素。清单还列明了重点管控化学品对应的禁止、限制、限排等环境风险管控措施。The List is to support the implementation of the Action Plan for New Pollutant Control. The List divides 14 key new pollutants into four categories, including persistent organic pollutants (POPs), toxic and harmful pollutants, environmental endocrine disruptor (nonylphenol), and antibiotics

The “Measures” clearly clarifies that the salaries and welfare of the employees shall not be from the work safety budget.

The List also stipulates corresponding environmental risk management and control measures such as use prohibition, restriction on use and discharge.

Supreme People’s Court: Judicial Interpretation on Several Issues concerning the Application of Law in the Handling of Criminal Cases involving Endangering Work Safety (II)
《解释》明确规定了强令、组织他人违章冒险作业罪的行为方式,以及危险作业罪的犯罪主体范围、客观方面构成要件的具体认定等内容。《解释》明确了安全评价中介组织或其人员犯提供虚假证明文件罪和出具证明文件重大失实罪的定罪量刑标准,同时对如何正确认定刑法规定的故意提供虚假证明文件行为作了列举性和提示性规定。The Interpretation clearly stipulates the way of acts forcing and organizing others to conduct dangerous operations against the rules, defines the scope of criminal subjects of the crime of dangerous operations and the specific identification constituting the elements of objective aspects.

The Interpretation clarifies the conviction and sentencing standards for the crime of providing false certification documents and issuing certification documents with major inaccuracies committed by safety assessment agencies or their personnel. Moreover, the Interpretation clarifies the enumerating and prompting provisions on how to correctly identify the act of intentionally providing false certification documents stipulated in the criminal law.

生态环境部:《企业温室气体排放核算与报告指南 发电设施》和《企业温室气体排放核查技术指南 发电设施》Ministry of Ecology and Environment: “Guidelines for Accounting and Reporting of Greenhouse Gas Emissions for Enterprises—Power Generation Facilities” and “Technical Guidelines for Verification of Greenhouse Gas Emissions for Enterprises—Power Generation Facilities”

《企业温室气体排放核算与报告指南 发电设施》是在2021版基础上修订的,同步发布了核查技术指南。本次修订的主要内容可以概括为“两简化、两完善、三增加”。“两简化”:一是将计算方法复杂的供电量替换为直接读表的发电量;二是压缩核算技术参数链条,将供热比等5个参数改为报告项。“两完善”:一是进一步完善数据质量控制计划内容;二是进一步完善信息化存证的管理要求。“三增加”:分别是增加上网电量作为报告项;新增生物质掺烧热量占比计算方法;新增非常规燃煤机组单位热值含碳量缺省值。《企业温室气体排放核查技术指南 发电设施》是首次发布的行业专门的核查指南,适用于省级生态环境主管部门组织的对全国碳排放权交易市场2023年度及其之后的发电行业重点排放单位温室气体排放报告的核查。The “Guidelines for Accounting and Reporting of Greenhouse Gas Emissions for Enterprises – Power Generation Facilities” was revised on the basis of the 2021 version, and the corresponding “Technical Guidelines for Verification” was released simultaneously. The main content of the revision can be summarized as “two simplifications, two improvements, and three additions.”“Two simplifications”: replace the power supply amount calculated by complicated methods with the direct reading power meter; compress the accounting technical parameter chain, and change five parameters including the heat supply ratio into report items.“Two improvements”: improve the data quality control plan; and improve the management requirements for information certification.“Three additions”: add on-grid electricity as a report item; add the calculation method for the proportion of heat mixed with biomass; and add the default calorific value of carbon content per unit of unconventional coal-fired units.

“Technical Guidelines for Verification of Greenhouse Gas Emissions for Enterprises—Power Generation Facilities” is the first industrial specific verification guidelines, which can be used by the provincial ecology and environment authorities to verify the GHG accounting and reporting by the key power generation facilities included in the national carbon emission trading market during and after the year of 2023.

住房和城乡建设部:关于修改《城镇污水排入排水管网许可管理办法》的决定Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development: Decision on Amending the “Administrative Measures for the Permitting of Discharge of Urban Sewage into the Drainage Network”

决定明确了排水户分级分类管理制度,监管机构将依据分级分类采取不同的核查和检查方式。重点排水户建立档案管理制度,对污水预处理设施、内部排水管网、与市政管网的连接管、专用检测井运行维护情况、发生异常的原因和采取的措施等进行记录,记录保存期限不少于5年。The decision proposes a classified management system for wastewater discharge entities. The supervision authority will adopt different supervision and inspection as per the classification.

Key wastewater discharge entities shall establish an archive management system to record the operation and maintenance of wastewater pretreatment facilities, internal drainage pipelines, connection pipelines with the municipal drainage network, and special inspection wells, as well as abnormal conditions and causes and corrections. The records should be retained no less than 5 years.

应急管理部:关于修改《危险化学品目录(2015版)实施指南(试行)》涉及柴油部分内容的通知Ministry of Emergency Management: Notice on Amending the Contents involving Diesel Oil in the “Implementation Guidelines for the Catalogue of Hazardous Chemicals (2015 Edition) (Trial)

通知将《实施指南》中的“四、对生产、经营柴油的企业(每批次柴油的闭杯闪点均大于60℃的除外)按危险化学品企业进行管理”修改为“四、对生产、经营柴油的企业按危险化学品企业进行管理”。同时修改了《实施指南》附件《危险化学品分类信息表》第1674项:“柴油[闭杯闪点≤60℃]”调整为“柴油”。The notice amends the provision of “IV. Enterprises producing and trading diesel oil (except for those whose closed cup flash point of each batch of diesel oil is higher than 60 ℃) shall be managed as hazardous chemical enterprises” in the Implementation Guidelines into “IV. Enterprises producing and trading diesel oil shall be managed as hazardous chemical enterprises”.

At the same time, the notice amends Item 1674 of the Classification Information Table of Hazardous Chemicals in the Annex to the Implementation Guidelines: “Diesel [Closed cup flash point ≤ 60 ℃]” has been adjusted to “Diesel”.

国家卫生健康委:关于进一步加强用人单位职业健康培训工作的通知National Health Commission: Notice on Further Strengthening Occupational Health Training of Employers

通知要求用人单位建立健全职业病防治宣传教育培训制度,明确职业健康培训工作的管理部门和管理人员,制定职业健康培训年度计划,做好职业健康培训保障,规范职业健康培训档案资料管理。通知明确了各类人员的的职业健康培训要求,例如主要负责人和职业健康管理人员在任职后3个月内接受职业健康培训,初次培训不得少于16学时,之后每年接受一次继续教育,继续教育不得少于8学时。针对劳动者,上岗前应接受职业健康培训,不得少于8学时,之后每年接受一次在岗培训,在岗培训不得少于4学时。通知以附件形式明确了用人单位职业健康培训大纲。The Notice requires that employers establish and improve the education and training system for occupational disease prevention, define the responsible department and personnel for occupational health training, develop annual training plans and ensure implementation, and standardize the management of occupational health training archives.The Notice defines the occupational health training requirements for different personnel, e.g.it requires the main person in charge and occupational health management personnel shall receive occupational health training within 3 months of onboard, the initial training should not be less than 16 hours, and receive the refresher training once a year for no less than 8 hours. Workers should receive occupational health training for no less than 8 hours before taking jobs, and receive refresher training once a year for no less than 4 hours.

The Notice specifies the occupational health training contents in the Annex.

最新国家标准New National Standards

GB 15603-2022 危险化学品仓库储存通则

GB 15603-2022 General rules for the hazardous chemicals warehouse storage

GB 42297-2022 坠落防护装备通用技术规范

GB 42297-2022 General requirements for fall protection equipment

GB 42298-2022 手部防护 通用技术规范

GB 42298-2022 Hand protection—General requirement

立法草案 Policy Initiatives & Developments

生态环境部:排污许可证申请与核发技术规范 工业噪声(征求意见稿)Ministry of Ecology and Environment: Technical Specification for Application and Issuance of Pollutant Discharge Permit—Industrial Noise (Consultation Paper)

本标准规定了排放工业噪声的排污单位排污许可证申请与核发工业噪声相关基本情况填报要求、工业噪声许可排放限值确定和合规判定方法,以及自行监测、环境管理台账与排污许可证执行报告等环境管理要求,提出了污染防治技术要求。本标准可用于指导排放工业噪声的排污单位填报排污许可证工业噪声相关申请信息,适用于《国民经济行业分类》的 B、C、D 类行业中按照《固定污染源排污许可分类管理名录》规定应申领排污许可证且排放工业噪声的排污单位。The standard specifies the requirements for filling in the basic information related to the industrial noise in the process of the application and issuance of the pollution discharge permit (PDP) of the polluters that emit industrial noise. It also specifies the methods of determination on permitted emission limits and compliance of industrial noise, as well as the environmental management requirements including the requirement for monitoring, environmental management records, and the compliance reports, putting forward the technical requirements for pollution prevention and control.The standard can be used to guide polluters that emit industrial noise to fill in and submit information related to industrial noise in the application of PDP.

The standard is applicable to the polluters categorized as B, C, and D industries in the “Industrial Classification for National Economic Activities” that should apply for a PDP and emitting industrial noise in accordance to the “Catalogue of Classified Management of Discharge Permits of Fixed Pollution Sources”.

最新地方性法规 Regional Updates

广东省:关于修改《广东省机动车排气污染防治条例》等六项地方性法规的决定Guangdong Province: Decision on Amending Six Local Regulations Including the “Regulations of Guangdong Province on Prevention and Control of Motor Vehicle Exhaust Pollution”

决定修改了几个地方环境法规,包括《广东省固体废物污染环境防治条例》、《广东省环境保护条例》。修正基本是为了和国家上位法的规定保持一致。The decision amends several local environmental regulations, including the “Regulations on Prevention and Control of Solid Waste Pollution in Guangdong Province” and the “Regulation of Guangdong Province on Environmental Protection”. The amendment aims to be consistent with the provisions of the national law.

甘肃省:甘肃省安全生产条例Gansu Province: Regulation on Safety Production in Gansu Province

2022版是对2016版的《甘肃省安全生产条例》的修订,本次改动在篇章架构方面作了较大幅度的调整,以与上位法协调一致。新版条例要求从业人员在三百人以上的高危行业领域生产经营单位、从业人员在一千人以上的一般生产经营单位设置安全总监。明确生产经营单位应当建立安全风险分级管控制度,并按照重大、较大、一般和低安全风险分级采取相应的管控措施。The 2022 version is a revision of the 2016 version of the “Regulation on Safety Production in Gansu Province”. This revision has made a relatively large adjustment in structure to be consistent with the national law.The new version of the regulation requires that production and operation enterprises in high-risk industries with more than 300 employees and general production and operation enterprises with more than 1,000 employees shall assign a safety director.It clarifies that the production and operation enterprises shall establish a hierarchical safety risk control management system and take corresponding control measures according to the classification of major, large, general and low safety risks.

本法规月刊是由伊尔姆环境资源管理咨询(上海)有限公司(ERM)、Nimonik 安纬同(上海)管理咨询有限公司(Nimonik)与大成律师事务所上海分所(Dentons Shanghai)联合制作。我们在确保其内容准确无误的同时,不对其任何可能的错误或疏忽承担责任。本刊中的内容不可作为法律依据,亦不可视为对个案的释义。因参考本刊物内容导致的任何损失,ERM, Nimonik 与大成律师事务所将不承担任何责任。如需寻求专业意见,请咨询有关专业顾问。
This newsletter is prepared for clients and professional associates by ERM, Nimonik and Dentons Shanghai. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, no responsibility can be accepted for errors and omissions, however caused. The information contained in this newsletter should not be relied on as legal advice and should not be regarded as a substitute for detailed advice in individual cases. No responsibility for any loss occasioned to any person acting or refraining from action as a result of material in this newsletter is accepted by ERM, Nimonik or Dentons Shanghai. If advice concerning individual problems or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional adviser should be sought.