尼莫尼克-伊尔姆 EHSS法规月讯 2022年10月

本期要闻 Highlights of the Month


Key New Pollutant Control Lists” (2022 Edition) (Consultation Paper)





Following the ” Action Plan for the Control of New Pollutants” issued by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment (MEE) in May 2022, which aimed to carry out targeted investigation and monitoring to assess the environmental risk of new pollutants, MEE has compiled the first batch of “Key New Pollutant Control Lists” (2022 Edition) (Consultation Paper)” and issued for public consultation.

The 2022 draft edition defines 14 new pollutants in four categories: persistent organic pollutants, toxic and harmful pollutants (dichloromethane and chloroform), environmental endocrine disruptors (nonylphenol), and antibiotics.

Draft edition formulates different environmental risk control measures following “one product, one policy” principle, such as the prohibition of production, processing, and use, import and export, implementation of mandatory cleaner production audits, and product content restrictions.

The Plan also focuses on the construction of the legislation system to improve the supporting systems related to carbon peaking in the industrial sectors. At the same time, it leverages economic policies and market-oriented means and utilize tax policy to promote the construction of carbon emission rights, energy use rights, and electricity trading markets. The market-based incentive mechanism will be gradually improved, to motivate enterprises to participate in energy conservation and carbon reduction.

Tianjin, Sichuan, Hainan, Yunnan, and Zhejiang have successively issued a draft local action plans to implement the national control work plans. According to these local plans, all localities will develop their local supplementary lists of key new pollutants based on the national control list.

最新国家法律法规 New Regulations


State Administration for Market Regulation: Opinions on matters related to the implementation of the “Technical Regulations for the Safety of Special Motor Vehicles in the Field (Factory)”
为保证TSG 81-2022场(厂)内专用机动车辆安全技术规程顺利实施,意见就监管范围、场车生产、使用登记和定期检验、以及型式试验提出了进一步的实施意见和过渡措施。意见要求2023年12月1日起,新生产出厂的叉车必须安装安全监控装置。2022年12月1日后出具的场车型式试验报告和证书,应当符合新版规程要求,旧版型式证书可使用至2023年12月1日。In order to ensure the smooth implementation of TSG 81-2022 safety technical regulations for special motor vehicles in the field (factory), the Opinions put forward further implementation opinions and transitional measures on the scope of supervision, field vehicle production, use registration, periodic inspection, and type testing.

The Opinions require that from December 1, 2023, newly produced forklifts must be equipped with safety monitoring devices. The field vehicle type test report and certificate issued after December 1, 2022 shall meet the requirements of the new regulations, and the old version of the type certificate can be used till December 1, 2023.

最新国家标准New National Standards

GB/T 50779-2022石油化工建筑物抗爆设计标准

GB/T 50779-2022 Anti-explosion Design Standard for Petrochemical Buildings

立法草案 Policy Initiatives & Developments


Ministry of Industry and Information Technology: Publicly solicit opinions on 7 mandatory national standard formulation and revision plans including the Regulations on the Preparation of Chemical Safety Labels

意见对2022年第二批强制性国家标准制修订计划征集意见,包括修订化学品安全标签编写规定 – GB 15258-2009。

《化学品安全标签编写规定》(GB 15258-2009)是落实《危险化学品安全管理条例》(591号令)中关于危险化学品安全标签的强制性使用的重要标准。该标准实施已超过10年,在实际应用中也发现了问题和不足之处,为此工信部原材料工业司组织应急管理部化学品登记中心等单位开展修订。据了解,此次将重点放在标签防范说明等修订,而在内容、格式和粘贴要求方面改动不大。标准项目周期预计为16个月,或将于2024年公布实施。

Notice Solicit opinions on the second batch of mandatory national standard formulation and revision plans in 2022, including revision of Chemical Safety Label Preparation Rules – GB 15258-2009.

The “Chemical Safety Label Preparation Rules” (GB 15258-2009) is an important standard for the mandatory use of hazardous chemical safety labels in the “Regulations on the Safety Management of Hazardous Chemicals” (Order No. 591). The standard has been implemented for more than 10 years, and problems and deficiencies have also been found in practical application. For this reason, the Raw Materials Industry Department of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology organized the revision together with Chemical Registration Center of the Ministry of Emergency Management. It is understood that the revision focus will be on the label precautionary instructions, while not many changes on content, format, and affix requirements. The standard revision is expected to be 16 months and hopefully will be issued in 2024.

最新地方性法规 Regional Updates


Guangdong Province: Guangdong Province “Two High” project management catalog (2022 edition)



A total of 6 categories and 35 subcategories in 8 industries are included in the two high-level project management catalogs, such as the coal power and chemical industry, and some categories have specific products and processes.

Compared with the “two high” industries and project scopes in the “Guangdong Province’s Implementation Plan for Resolutely Curbing the Blind Development of “Two High” Projects issued in 2021, the new catalog removes coal-based syngas, titanium dioxide, and other products, and exempts photovoltaic calendaring, glass, substrate glass.


Jiangsu Province: Classification and Determination of Hidden Hazards of Environmental Emergencies in Industrial Enterprises and Parks (Trial)



The method is applicable to the rating of the hidden dangers of environmental emergencies in industrial enterprises (including warehouses, ports, terminals, etc.) with a relatively large environmental risk, as well as industrial parks involving dangerous chemicals and heavy metal industries.

The method can be used to investigate hidden dangers by enterprises and parks, and also can be used by the ecological environment departments at all levels.


Shandong Province: Regulations of Shandong Province on the Prevention and Control of Environmental Pollution by Solid Waste



The regulations amend the “Measures of Shandong Province for Implementing the Law of the Prevention and Control of Environmental Pollution by Solid Waste”.

On the basis of the requirements of the higher-level law, the regulations have more detailed requirements on the management of changes in the type and quantity of hazardous wastes. If waste categories or quantity change more than 20% but less than 50%, the hazardous waste generators shall update the hazardous waste management plan and file a new record with the local environmental authority within ten working days from the date of the change.


Shanghai: Technical Requirements for Compilation of Carbon Emission Assessment for Environmental Assessment of Construction Projects and Industrial Park Planning in Shanghai (Trial)




Shanghai requires that construction projects that are subject to environmental impact report or form and the industrial park that are subject to planning environmental impact report are included in the pilot program to incorporate carbon emission assessment in the EIA process. From October 1, 2022, the environmental impact assessment documents of construction projects should include relevant content of carbon emission assessment. From December 1, 2022, the carbon emission assessment chapter should be compiled in the industrial park planning EIA document.

The seven greenhouse gases in the Kyoto Protocol are covered in the carbon emission assessment. Annex 1 presents the Emission Accounting Methods.

In the process of achieving “Carbon Peak And Caron Neutrality” goals, the pilot program will not have a significant impact on the administrative approval process of construction projects in the short term, but it is clear trending that carbon reduction will become an important constraint on the sustainable development of enterprises in the future. For the specific implication, please refer to the detailed interpretation by ERM