尼莫尼克-伊尔姆 EHSS法规月讯 2022年9月

本期要闻 Highlights of the Month

工业和信息化部国家发展改革委 生态环境部:工业领域碳达峰实施方案Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, National Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Ecology and Environment: Implementation Plan for Peaking Carbon Dioxide Emission in the Industrial Sector





The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the National Development and Reform Commission, and the Ministry of Ecology and Environment recently jointly issued the “Implementation Plan for Peaking Carbon Dioxide Emissions in the Industrial Sector”. The Plan sets the overall roadmap for peaking carbon dioxide emissions in industrial sector before 2030, and clarifies the direction and the major works on green and low-carbon transformation of the industry.

The plan requires that by 2025, the energy consumption per unit of added value of industrial enterprises above designated size will be reduced by 13.5% compared with 2020. The Plan proposes six key tasks, including adjustment of industrial structure, further promotion of energy conservation and carbon reduction, active promotion of green manufacturing, vigorous development of circular economy, acceleration of industrial green and low-carbon technological transformation, and promotion of digital transformation in the industrial field, aiming at establishing a modern industrial system featuring high efficiency, greenness, recycling, and low carbon.

The Plan also proposes two major actions: peaking action for key industries and improving the supply of green and low-carbon products. The key industries will focus on the seven major industries of iron and steel, building materials, petrochemicals, non-ferrous metals, consumer goods, equipment manufacturing and electronics, to formulate the specific carbon peaking plans by industrial sectors and implement accordingly. The Green and Low-Carbon Product Action will explore the development of carbon footprint accounting for industrial products, and encourage companies to use self-declaration or voluntary certification to publish green and low-carbon product lists.

The Plan also focuses on the construction of the legislation system to improve the supporting systems related to carbon peaking in the industrial sectors. At the same time, it leverages economic policies and market-oriented means and utilize tax policy to promote the construction of carbon emission rights, energy use rights, and electricity trading markets. The market-based incentive mechanism will be gradually improved, to motivate enterprises to participate in energy conservation and carbon reduction.

最新国家法律法规 New Regulations


Ministry of Ecology and Environment: Rules for Marking Automatic Pollutant Emission Monitoring Equipment



The Rules are applicable to pollutant discharge units that are obliged to install, use and maintain automatic pollutant discharge monitoring equipment in accordance with the law, and linked to the monitoring system of the environment authorities. The Rules are set to instruct the pollutant discharge unit to mark invalid data generated by automatic monitoring equipment in the event of failure, maintenance, debugging, etc., to determine whether the data is valid.

According to the Rules, data marking can replace stamped paper reports, providing a channel for polluters to plead in a timely manner, greatly improving the efficiency of remote analysis and judgment of the environment authorities, and thus reducing unnecessary disturbance to pollution discharge units.

最新国家标准New National Standards

GB/T 24789-2022 用水单位水计量器具配备和管理通则

GB/T 24789-2022 General Rules for Equipping and Managing of the Water Measuring Instrument in Water-Use Organization

GB 55036-2022 消防设施通用规范

GB 55036-2022 General specification for fire protection installations  

立法草案 Policy Initiatives & Developments

生态环境部:关于公开征求《制药工业污染防治可行技术指南(征求意见稿)》等六项国家生态环境标准意见的通知Ministry of Ecology and Environment: Notice on Publicly Soliciting Opinions on Six National Ecological & Environment Standards, Including the “Guideline on Available Techniques of Pollution Prevention and Control for Pharmaceutical Industry (Consultation Paper)”通知发布了《制药工业污染防治可行技术指南 原料药(发酵类化学合成类提取类)和制剂类》《氮肥工业污染防治可行技术指南》《农药制造工业污染防治可行技术指南》《制革工业污染防治可行技术指南》《调味品、发酵制品制造工业污染防治可行技术指南》《电镀污染防治可行技术指南》等6项国家技术指南征求意见稿,为排污许可制提供为配套技术支撑体系框架。6项标准提出了废水、废气、固体废物和噪声污染防治可行技术,可作为相关工业企业或生产设施建设项目的环境影响评价、国家污染物排放标准制修订、排污许可管理和污染防治技术选择的参考。The notice issued the consultation paper for six national technical guidelines, including• Guideline on Available Techniques of Pollution Prevention and Control for Pharmaceutical Industry – Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient(Fermentation, Chemical Synthesis, Extraction)and Formulation• Guideline on Available Techniques of Pollution Prevention and Control for Nitrogenous Fertilizer Industry• Guideline on Available Techniques of Pollution Prevention and Control for Pesticide Industry• Guideline on Available Techniques of Pollution Prevention and Control for Leather Making Industry• Guideline on Available Techniques of Pollution Prevention and Control for Condiment and Fermented Product Manufacturing Industry• Guideline on Available Techniques of Pollution Prevention and Control for ElectroplatingThe 6 standards put forward feasible technologies for the prevention and control for wastewater, air emission, solid waste and noise pollution, which can be used as the reference to the environmental impact assessment, development and revision of national pollutant discharge standards, pollution discharge permit management and selection of pollution prevention and control technologies for relevant industrial or construction projects.

最新地方性法规 Regional Updates


Anhui Province: Fire Protection Regulations of Anhui Province (2022 Revision)


The original Fire Protection Regulations were released in 2010. The revised Regulations add a chapter on “Fire Safety Responsibilities” to refine the fire safety responsibilities of people’s governments at all levels, industry departments, units, and individuals, making the responsibility system clearer and more complete; it highlights the special responsibilities of key fire safety units and property service enterprises. Key fire safety units need to carry out fire safety assessments on a regular basis by themselves or by entrusting a fire technical service institution that meets the conditions stipulated by the state, and submit the assessment report to the local fire rescue institution for filing within five working days from the date of completion of the assessment.


Henan Province: Notice of the Office of Henan Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment on Effectively Conducting Greenhouse Gases Reporting of Key Carbon Emitters in 2022


The Notice makes arrangements for the greenhouse gas (GHG) reporting of key carbon emission entities in Henan Province during 2022. It requires that environmental authorities activity level and Jiyuan demonstration zone to submit the list of key carbon emitters in the power generation industry and non-power industry in 2022, and verify the GHG emission reports in 2021 in accordance with the “Notice of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment on Effectively Conducting the Key Work Related to the GHG Emission Reports in 2022”. Key carbon emitters in the non-power industry shall complete the 2021 quality control plan and greenhouse gas emission report by September 30, 2022, and report relevant information through the environmental information platform.


Jiangsu Province: Notice on the Revision of the Jiangsu Provincial Standard for the Assessment of Work Safety Standardization of Hazardous Chemical Enterprises



The 2022 edition of the assessment standard is amended on the “Jiangsu Provincial Standard for the Review of Work Safety Standardization of Hazardous Chemical Enterprises (Trial)” [Su An Jian [2011] No. 202] issued in 2011 and the 2018 revision of the “Veto Item Added for the Review Standard of the Second Level Work Safety Standardization of Hazardous Chemical Enterprises.”

The revision does not adjust the level A and level B elements, but revises and integrates the items such as standardization requirements, enterprise compliance standards, and veto items.


Liaoning Province: Fire Protection Regulations of Liaoning Province


The 2012 version of the “Fire Protection Regulations of Liaoning Province” was revised in 2020. The revision this year has refined many contents, such as clarifying the fire safety responsibilities of the managers and users of high-risk units, and individual industrial and commercial households with a certain scale. For the renovation and decoration of building exterior walls, the use of building roofs, and the setting of external equipment such as billboards, electronic display screens, and external air conditioners shall not affect fire prevention, evacuation, firefighting and rescue.


Shanghai: Implementation Measures on the Determination of Responsible Persons for Soil Pollution of Construction Land (Trial)



The Measures is applicable to determine the responsible person for soil pollution of construction land when the responsible person for soil pollution is not clear or there is a dispute in the supervision and management responsibilities exercised by the Shanghai ecology and environment department and the planning and natural resources department according to law. The Measures is not applicable to the activities of determining the person responsible for soil pollution caused by civil disputes over soil pollution of construction land between units and individuals.

Units and individuals involved in soil pollution responsibilities mentioned in the land use right holders of construction land, soil pollution investigation reports or soil pollution risk assessment reports can apply for the determination of the responsible person through the municipal government’s Integrated Online Government Service (Yi Wang Tong Ban) System. The Municipal and District Ecology and Environment Bureau, together with the Planning and Resources Bureau at the same level, shall inform the applicant, the land use right holder of the construction land and the person responsible for soil pollution of the decision together with the examination opinions of the confirmation Committee.

本法规月刊是由伊尔姆环境资源管理咨询(上海)有限公司(ERM)、Nimonik 安纬同(上海)管理咨询有限公司(Nimonik)与大成律师事务所上海分所(Dentons Shanghai)联合制作。我们在确保其内容准确无误的同时,不对其任何可能的错误或疏忽承担责任。本刊中的内容不可作为法律依据,亦不可视为对个案的释义。因参考本刊物内容导致的任何损失,ERM, Nimonik 与大成律师事务所将不承担任何责任。如需寻求专业意见,请咨询有关专业顾问。

This newsletter is prepared for clients and professional associates by ERM, Nimonik and Dentons Shanghai. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, no responsibility can be accepted for errors and omissions, however caused. The information contained in this newsletter should not be relied on as legal advice and should not be regarded as a substitute for detailed advice in individual cases. No responsibility for any loss occasioned to any person acting or refraining from action as a result of material in this newsletter is accepted by ERM, Nimonik or Dentons Shanghai. If advice concerning individual problems or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional adviser should be sought.