尼莫尼克-伊尔姆 EHSS法规月讯 2022年4月

本期要闻 Highlights of the Month


Emergency Management Department: “14th Five-Year Plan” for the Work Safety of Hazardous Chemicals



Regarding the main problems in safe production of hazardous chemicals, the Ministry of Emergency Management has issued this planto guide the safe production of hazardous chemicals, oil and gas, and fireworks during the “14th Five-Year Plan” period, and to further implement and deploy the “Opinions on Comprehensively Strengthening the Safe Production of Hazardous Chemicals.” The specific work objectives for 2025 are  “decrease in 1 indicator and significant improvement in 3 indicators,” namely, decreasing the number of accidents in chemical, oil and gas,  fireworks and firecracker industries, and keeping the number of death toll declining; significantly accelerating the construction of the safety governance system; significantly improving the level of intrinsic safety, and significantly strengthening the management of safe production in key industries. The plan sets the mortality rate of 100,000 employees at or close to the level of developed countries, and launches the long-term goals of 2035 to basically realize the modernization of the work safety governance system and governance capacity.

The plan consists of 6 parts, of which the third, fourth and fifth parts focus on the systemic safety risk prevention of hazardous chemicals. Institutional and engineering measures are implemented simultaneously according to the orientation of the problems, the goals and the effects. The plan sets goals at implementing a number of institutional measures and construction projects in the construction of a safety management system and in the improvement of the intrinsic safety level. The sixth part of the plan puts forward requirements on the implementation mechanism, the implementation of key measures, the multiple input mechanism, the pilot demonstration and the planning evaluation.

最新国家法律法规 New Regulations


Ministry of Ecology and Environment: Notice on Effectively Conducting the Management of Corporate Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reporting in 2022


1.     发电行业重点排放单位的重点任务

要求2020和2021年任一年温室气体排放量达2.6万吨二氧化碳当量(综合能源消费量约1万吨标准煤)及以上的发电行业企业或其他经济组织(火力发电、热电联产、生物质能发电),按照旧版《企业温室气体排放报告核查指南(试行)》(环办气候〔2021〕9号)要求开展温室气体排放核算、编制排放报告。自2022年4月起,发电行业重点排放单位按新版《企业温室气体排放核算方法与报告指南 发电设施

2.     其它七个重点行业的重点任务



The notice specifies reporting requirements for GHG emissions in 2022 for the power generation industry and seven other key industries:

1. Key tasks for key emission units in the power generation industry

It is required that enterprises in the power generation industry or other economic organizations (thermal power generation, cogeneration, biomass power generation, etc.) which emit greenhouse gas equivalent to 26,000 tons of carbon dioxide (comprehensive energy consumption of about 10,000 tons of standard coal) or more in 2020 or 2021 shall conduct greenhouse gas emission accounting and compile emission reports in accordance with the requirements of the old version of “Guidelines for Verification of Corporate Enterprise Greenhouse Gas Emission Reports (Trial)” (Huan Ban Qi Hou [2021]9). Since April 2022, key emission units in the power generation industry shall ,update the data quality control plan and organize the implementation via the environmental information reporting platform (http://permit.mee.gov.cn) in accordance with the requirements of the new version of the “Guidelines for Corporate Greenhouse Gas Emission Accounting Methods and Reporting for Power Generation Facilities (2022 Revision)”

2. Key tasks of other seven key industries.

It is required that enterprises or other economic organizations in construction materials, steel, nonferrous metals, petrochemical, chemical, papermaking, civil aviation and other industries with greenhouse gas emissions of 26,000 tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (comprehensive energy consumption of about 10000 tons of standard coal) or above in 2020 of 2021 (See Annex 1 of the Notice for Industry subcategories) shall complete the accounting of greenhouse gas emissions and prepare emission report for the year of 2021 before September 30 2022. The above-mentioned enterprises and organizations shall also report the condition of greenhouse gas emission, relevant production condition, relevant supporting materials and the information on technical service organizations that prepare GHG emissions reports via the environment information reporting platform. Compared with the previous year, the industry subcategories that fall into the above-mentioned enterprises / organizations exclude those that are engaged in difluoromethane production, air transport services for passengers and cargos

Note: In this Notice, the national power grid emission factor has been changed from 0.6101tco2/MWh to 0.5810tco2/MWh for calculating carbon emissions in 2021 and 2022.


Ministry of Ecology and Environment: Opinions on Further Strengthening the Prevention and Control of Heavy Metal Pollution




According to the “Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Deepening the Battle of Pollution Prevention and Control”, in order to strengthen the control of heavy metal pollutant discharge and effectively prevent and control environmental risks related to heavy metals, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment formulated these opinions.

The Opinions are based on the principles of highlighting key points and classifying policies. The Opinions specifies that the key heavy metal pollutants include lead, mercury, cadmium, chromium, arsenic, thallium and antimony, and implements the total quantity control of the emission of five key heavy metal pollutants including lead, mercury, cadmium, chromium and arsenic. The key industries include heavy non-ferrous metal mining and dressing industry, heavy non-ferrous metal smelting industry, lead-acid battery manufacturing industry, electroplating industry, chemical raw material and chemical product manufacturing industry, and leather tanning processing industry. The Opinions does not specify the key areas, but only generally states that the key areas are mainly those areas with large discharge volumes of heavy metal pollutants and prominent environmental quality and environmental risk problems. Local governments are encouraged to identify key heavy metal pollutants, key industries and key areas other than the above requirements based on local actual conditions.

The Opinions puts forward 20 key tasks in five areas, including classification management, strict industry entry, etc.,  and strives to reduce the discharge of key heavy metal pollutants in key industries across the country by 5% compared with 2020 by 2025.

国家标准New National Standards

GB 30871-2022危险化学品企业特殊作业安全规范

GB 30871-2022 Safety specifications of special work in hazardous chemicals enterprises

GB 5749-2022生活饮用水卫生标准

GB 5749-2022 Standards for drinking water quality

立法草案 Policy Initiatives & Developments


Notice on Publicly Soliciting Opinions on the National Ecological and Environmental Standard “Guideline on Available Techniques of Water Pollution Prevention and Control for Electronic Industry”

2020 年 12 月 18 日,《电子工业水污染物排放标准》(GB 39731-2020)发布,2021 年 7月 1 日正式实施。该标准针对电子工业 6 个子行业产生的水污染物提出了排放管控要求。因电子工业子行业众多,产品众多,工艺复杂,产生的重金属等有害物质多,因此治理难度较大,且存在技术分散,企业难以选择的情况。废水中的污染物要满足排放标准的要求, 必须采取可行的污染治理技术。因此,为更好地实施该排放标准,编制《电子工业水污染防治可行技术指南(征求意见稿)》,系统梳理分析电子工业采用的污染防治可行技术,为电子工业企业选择达标技术提供支持。

On December 18, 2020, the “Discharge Standard of Water Pollutants for Electronic Industry”(GB 39731-2020) was released and officially effective from July 1, 2021. This standard proposes emission control requirements for water pollutants generated by 6 sub-sectors of the electronics industry. Due to the big quantity of sub-sectors, the big quantity of products, the complex processes, and the big quantity of harmful substances such as heavy metals in the electronics industry, it is difficult to treat the industry, and the problem of scattered technologies makes it difficult for enterprises to select technologies. To meet the requirements of discharge standards, feasible pollution control technology must be adopted. Therefore, in order to better implement the discharge standard, the “Guideline on Available Techniques of Water Pollution Prevention and Control for Electronic Industry (Consultation Paper)” was compiled to systematically analyze the feasible technologies for pollution prevention and control in electronics industry, so as to provide support for electronics industry enterprises to select appropriate and suitable technologies to ensure compliance status.

最新地方性法规 Regional Updates


Guangdong Province: Announcement on the draft of 3 local standards including the “Integrated Emission Standard of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) for Stationary Pollution Sources

广东省发布《固定污染源挥发性有机物综合排放标准》,适用于无行业性大气污染物排放标准或者挥发性有机物排放标准的企业。标准规定了固定污染源挥发性有机物有组织排放、无组织排放、企业厂区内及边界污染的控制要求、监测和实施与监督要求。标准明确了广东省重点地区包括广州、深圳、珠海、佛山、江门、肇庆、惠州、东莞和中山市行政区域。重点区域的企业应执行《挥发性有机物无组织排放控制标准(GB37822-2019)》中关于重点地区VOCs收集和处理效率的要求(收集的废气中NMHC初始排放速率≥2 kg/h时,应当配置VOCs处理设施,处理效率不应当低于80%)。



Guangdong Province issued the “Integrated Emission Standard of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) for Stationary Pollution Sources”, which is applicable to the enterprises without any applicable industry-specific air pollutant emission standards or VOCs emission standards. The standard specifies the control requirements, monitoring and implementation and supervision requirements for organized and fugitive emission of VOCs from stationary pollution sources, as well as pollution in the factory area and boundary of enterprises.. The standard clarifies that the key areas of Guangdong Province include Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Foshan, Jiangmen, Zhaoqing, Huizhou, Dongguan and Zhongshan. The enterprises in key areas should implement the requirements on the VOCs collection and treatment efficiency in key areas that are stipulated in the “Standard for Fugitive Emission of Volatile Organic Compounds (GB37822-2019)” (when the initial emission rate of non-methane hydrocarbon (NMHC) in the collected exhaust gas is ≥ 2 kg/h, VOCs treatment facilities should be installed and the treatment efficiency should not be less than 80%).

Compared with the current comprehensive emission standards for air pollutants in Guangdong Province, the limits of organized and unorganized emissions are much more stringent, and the requirement that the emission rate of organized emissions should be determined according to the height of the chimney has been canceled.

Compared with the national standard “Standard for Fugitive Emission of VOCs (GB37822-2019)”, the local standard clearly specifies that the monitoring requirement for VOCs fugitive emissions in the factory area in Guangdong Province. In addition, the standard supplements the specific requirements of LDAR in Guangdong Province.


Jiangsu Province: 2022 Work Plan of Jiangsu Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment on Promoting Carbon Peaking and Carbon Neutrality


In order to focus on the general requirement of “reducing pollution and decreasing carbon emission” and promoting carbon neutralization and emission peak in Jiangsu Province, the Work Plan proposes 29 specific work plans including formulating a synergistic implementation plan for pollution reduction and carbon reduction, and carrying out carbon verification of key emission units, from 5 aspects including promoting coordinated control of pollution reduction and carbon reduction, promoting carbon emission trading, building a carbon inclusive system, improving the carbon emission statistical monitoring system, and strengthening the technical research on the carbon peaking and carbon neutralization policies and technologies.


Shanghai Municipality: Notice on Effectively Conducting Disclosure on Environmental Information According to Law


The notice requires ecology and environment departments at all levels to summarize the work experience of environmental information disclosure of key pollutant discharge units and to spend efforts on the aspects of clarifying the subject of disclosure, guiding the content of corporate disclosure, strictly managing information disclosure, standardizing the disclosure system, and establishing a sharing mechanism in accordance with the “Administrative Measures for Legal Disclosure of Environmental Information” and “Guidelines for the Legal Disclosure of Environmental Information by Enterprises” and other related regulations.


Shanghai Municipality: Notice on Effectively Conducting Standardizing Production Safety in Hazardous Chemical Industry and Trade Enterprises in 2022




In order to further standardize construction of production safety system of enterprises, to drive enterprises to strengthen and implement the main responsibility of production safety, and to strengthen production safety management, Shanghai issued a notice on matters related to the standardization of production safety of hazardous chemicals, and industrial and trade enterprises in 2022.

The notice plans to complete the re-evaluation of 70 second-level hazardous chemical enterprises, 342 second-level industrial and trade enterprises, and the preliminary evaluation of new applicants this year. At the same time, the notice instructs the evaluation organization units to carry out “looking back” spot checks.

The notice stipulates key working contents from five aspects: strict determination on whether the business of the enterprise falls in the scope of the applicable industry, strict self-assessment requirements, strict application material review, and strict assessment requirements.


Shandong Province: Measures for the Investigation and Management of Hidden Dangers of Work Safety Accidents in Shandong Province



“Measures for the Investigation and Management of Hidden Dangers of Work Safety Accidents in Shandong Province”repealed the“Measures for the Inspection and Management of Hidden Hazards of work safety accidents in Shandong Province (2016).” The new Measures combine the series implementation guide standards of the investigation and treatment system of industrial work safety accidents in Shandong Province and the “Detailed Rules for the System of Screening for and Elimination of Industry Commerce and Trade Hidden Risks of Work Safety Accidents” (DB37/T3011-2017). The Measures consists of 5 chapters and 40 articles. Including general rules, responsibilities, supervision and management, legal responsibilities, supplementary provisions, etc.

The Measures incorporates the investigation and management of hidden dangers into the responsibility system for all employees of production and operation units, stipulates the working system for the investigation of hidden dangers, and clarifies the subject and content of the investigation, as well as three forms of investigation including daily investigation, regular investigation and special investigation. For major hidden dangers that cannot be eliminated in a timely manner, the production and operation unit shall take necessary safety precautions, and immediately report to the office of the safety committee at or above the county level, and may directly report to the office of the provincial people’s government work safety committee in accordance with regulations.


Tianjin Municipality: Implementation Plan for the Special Rectification Work for the Safety of Limited Space Operations in Industrial and Trade Industry in Tianjin Municipality



In order to further strengthen the safety of limited space operations in metallurgical and other industrial and trade industries in Tianjin municipality, the Municipal Emergency Management Bureau has formulated the “Implementation Plan for the Special Rectification Work for the Safety of Limited Space Operations in Industrial and Trade Industry in Tianjin Municipality”. The plan requires focusing on four tasks: comprehensively improving the enterprise ledger involving limited space operations; effectively inspecting and rectifying potential safety hazards involved in limited space operations; strictly managing contracting of limited space operations; carrying out expert guidance services to promote the standardization of limited space operations management.

The plan also puts forward the timeline, work arrangement and work requirements. According to the plan, the relevant enterprises in each district shall complete the self-inspection according to the “Form of Safety Self-inspection and Self-correction of limited space operation in industrial and trade industry (Annex 4)” before the end of April and report it to the District Emergency Bureau. The District Emergency Bureau will incorporate the enterprises involved in limited space operation in the annual law enforcement inspection plan.

本法规月刊是由伊尔姆环境资源管理咨询(上海)有限公司(ERM)、Nimonik 安纬同(上海)管理咨询有限公司(Nimonik)与大成律师事务所上海分所(Dentons Shanghai)联合制作。我们在确保其内容准确无误的同时,不对其任何可能的错误或疏忽承担责任。本刊中的内容不可作为法律依据,亦不可视为对个案的释义。因参考本刊物内容导致的任何损失,ERM, Nimonik 与大成律师事务所将不承担任何责任。如需寻求专业意见,请咨询有关专业顾问。

This newsletter is prepared for clients and professional associates by ERM, Nimonik and Dentons Shanghai. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, no responsibility can be accepted for errors and omissions, however caused. The information contained in this newsletter should not be relied on as legal advice and should not be regarded as a substitute for detailed advice in individual cases. No responsibility for any loss occasioned to any person acting or refraining from action as a result of material in this newsletter is accepted by ERM, Nimonik or Dentons Shanghai. If advice concerning individual problems or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional adviser should be sought.