尼莫尼克-伊尔姆 EHSS法规月讯 2021年9月

Ministry of Ecology and Environment:Notice on Accelerating the Resolution of Current Prominent Problems in the Treatment of Volatile Organic Compounds


通知要求各地以石化行业,化工行业,涉及工业涂装的汽车、家具、零部件、钢结构、彩涂板等行业,包装印刷行业以及油品储运销为重点,针对挥发性有机液体储罐、装卸、敞开液面、泄漏检测与修复(LDAR)、废气收集、废气旁路、治理设施、加油站、非正常工况、产品VOCs含量10个关键环节中挥发性有机物(VOCs)治理存在的突出问题开展排查整治,并提出了具体治理要求。在源头替代方面,通知要求工业涂装、包装印刷、电子等重点行业要加大低(无)VOCs 含量原辅材料的源头替代力度,加强成熟技术替代品的应用。


The Ministry of ecology and environment has not issued a new VOCs combating action plan in 2021. Instead, it requested a review of the implementation and progress of VOCs combating action plans deployed in 2019 and 2020, and “Look Back” the completion of key tasks and the rectification plans. For the unfinished key tasks and the rectifications, it is necessary to establish a ledger and accelerate the rectification work.

The notice requires that local governments emphasis on petrochemical industries, chemical industries, industries involving industrial coating including automobile, furniture, parts, steel structure and color coated board, as well as packaging and printing industry and oil storage, transportation and trading industry. The investigation and rectification are carried out focusing on the 10 outstanding obstacles on VOCs control, i.e. (Volatile Organic Liquid Storage Tanks, Loading and Unloading, Open Liquid surface, Leak Detection and Repair (LDAR), Exhaust Gas Collection, Exhaust Gas Bypass, Treatment Facilities, Gas Stations, Abnormal Working Conditions, Products’ VOCs Content, and stipulates the specific rectification requirements. Specially for source substitution, the notice requires strengthening the source substitution with low (no) VOCs content raw materials in key industries such as industrial coating, packaging and printing and electronics and facilitate the application of mature substitution technology.

Similar to the implementation methods of the previous years’ VOCs combating action plans, the local governments are responsible for the implementation of the plan, and develop specific action plans to “look back” and investigate, focusing on the enterprises that were included in the local key industries and key rectification programs in 2019-2020. Local governments of key areas for air pollution control shall organize facilities to complete the self- investigation by the end of October 2021, and complete the rectification by June 2022; other facilities located in non-key areas are also required to complete the investigation by the end of December, and the rectification work shall be completed by the end of 2022. Facilities shall make rectification plans and define specific measures, timeline and responsible persons. The local facility rectification list and plan shall be formulated.

立法草案 Policy Initiatives & Developments


Ministry of Ecology and Environment:List of Controlled Ozone-Depleting Substances in China (Revised Draft for Consultation)


清单(修订征求意见稿)增收第九类氢氟碳化物共18 种HFCs,要求2024年生产和使用应冻结在基线水平,到2045年削减 80%。

According to the performance requirements of “Kigali Amendment”, in order to effectively conducting domestic performance work and carrying out HFCs reduction and control according to the law, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment organized the drafting of “List of Controlled Ozone-Depleting Substances in China(Revision of the Consultation Paper)”.

18 HFCs belonging to the 9th category of hydrofluorocarbons were added to the List, and it is required that the production and use should be kept at the baseline level in 2024 and reduced by 80% by 2045.



Ministry of Ecology and Environment:Law on Prevention and Control of Pollution from Environmental Noise (Draft)  



The draft made extensive amendments to the “Law on Prevention and Control of Pollution from Environmental Noise (2018 Amendment)”. The original law emphasized noise management of fixed sources while the new draft extended the objects of pollution prevention and control, and expanded the scope of application of the law on the mobile sources.

The draft emphasizes that the focus of management is to transform post-emission punishment into the source prevention and control. The draft incorporates noise emissions into the management of pollution permits, and requires pollutant discharge entities to conduct self-monitoring of industrial noise and disclose the monitoring results to the public; Key noise discharge entities shall install, use and maintain automatic noise monitoring equipment in accordance with relevant national regulations, and connect with the monitoring equipment of the competent department of the ecology and environment.



Ministry of Ecology and Environment: Letter on Soliciting Opinions on the “Guidance on the Implementation of the ‘Three Lines and One List’ Ecological Environment Zoning Management and Control (Draft for Consultation)”  


In order to accelerate the implementation and application of “three lines and one list”(ecological protection red line, environmental quality bottom line, ceiling on resource utilization, and ecological and environmental access list) ecological environment zoning control, strengthening its basic position and role in the ecological environment source prevention system, and coordinate to promote high-quality development and high-level protection, the Consultation Paper proposed 17 specific measures and requirements from five aspects including overall requirements, division of responsibilities, implementation and application, update and adjustment and supervision and assurance.



Ministry of Emergency Management: Guidelines for Chemical Process Safety Management (Draft for Consultation)  



The consultation paper revised the “Guidelines for Process Safety Management of Petrochemical Corporations”(AQ/T3034-2010).

This revision increases the chemical process safety management elements from 12 elements in the original standard to 20 elements, adds new elements such as work safety responsibility system, work safety compliance management, and safety management of major sources of hazards, and revises the relevant expressions in the original standard. The revised scope of application is adjusted from petrochemical enterprises to chemical production and hazardous chemical storage enterprises, signifying a further expansion of the scope of application.


住房和城乡建设部:城市污水再生利用 工业用水水质(征求意见稿)

Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development: The Reuse of Urban Cycling Water——Water Quality Standard for Industrial Uses (Draft for Consultation) 

本标准适用于作为工业生产过程中冷却用水、洗涤、除尘、冲渣(灰)、锅炉补给、工艺和产品用水水源的再生水。正式发布后将代替GB/T 19923-2005《城市污水再生利用 工业用水水质》,与GB/T 19923-2005相比,主要技术变化如下:





This standard is applicable to recycled water used in cooling, washing, dust removal, slag (ash) washing, boiler replenishment, process and product water in the industrial production process. After its official issuance, it will replace GB/T 19923-2005 “The Reuse of Urban Cycling Water——Water Quality Standard for Industrial Uses”. Compared with GB/T 19923-2005, the main technical changes are as follows:

The standard refines the scope of application of the standard, and emphasizes the basic attribute of the recycled water as industrial water;

It adjusted the water quality index into basic control items and selective control items, thus simplifying the water quality classification; It modified some index values and adds the index limits of odor, total nitrogen, fluoride and sulfide;

It increases the inspection frequency of the supervision department and modifies the inspection frequency of the operation entity;

It specifies “Safe Use” as an independent chapter, supplements the principle of the usage of recycled water and improves the requirements for labeling.


最新地方性法规 Regional Updates


Shanghai Municipality: Shanghai Releases a Series of Policy on the Reform of its Environmental Impact Assessment System (2021 version)





To keep on the reform of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) system, Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Ecology and Environment updated and improved the existing EIA System reform documents according to the practical implementation result of the Shanghai EIA System reform policy documents (2019 Edition for trial) during the past two years. A series of documents were issued including the “Implementation Opinions on Strengthening the Linkage Between Planning EIA and EIA of Construction Projects”, the “Directory of Key Industries for EIA of Construction Projects in Shanghai (2021 Edition)” and the “Shanghai Municipal Implementation of Detailed Regulations of ‘Classified Management Directory of EIA of Construction Projects’(2021 Edition)”. These documents will take effect from September 1, 2021 to August 31, 2026.

The “Directory of Key Industries for EIA of Construction Projects in Shanghai (2021 Edition)” was supplemented and  updated in accordance with the “National Management Directory”, with 22 industrial categories revised and 6 newly added. The “Shanghai Municipal Implementation of Detailed Regulations of ‘Classified Management Directory of EIA of Construction Projects'(2021 Edition)” was adjusted in accordance with the Shanghai local conditions on the basis of the “National Management Directory”. For construction projects involving two or more project categories, the EIA category shall be determined according to the highest level.

The “Implementation Opinions on Strengthening the Linkage between Planning EIA and EIA of Construction Projects” expands the range of industrial parks/areas from 20 to 40, in which either EIA downgrading, simplification or change to notification commitment will apply to the projects. It adds and specifies the application and identification process of linkage regions, as well as the division of responsibilities and other safeguard measures of the ecological and environmental bureaus at municipal and district levels.

The “Measures on EIA Administrative Review Notification Commitment of Construction Project” was amended on its scope of use with emphasized post-EIA supervision and environmental protection accountability.



Jilin Province:Regulations of Jilin Province on the Prevention and Treatment of Environmental Pollution Caused by Hazardous Waste



According to the “Law on the Prevention and Control of Environment Pollution Caused by Solid Wastes (2020 Revision)”, a comprehensive revision to the 2005 edition of the Regulation has been conducted in accordance with the actual implementation condition of Jilin Province and will take effect from July 30, 2021.

Compares to the “Law on the Prevention and Control of Environment Pollution Caused by Solid Wastes (2020 Revision)”, The new Regulations of Jilin Province requires entities that produce hazardous waste to file the annual hazardous waste management plan through the hazardous waste information management system each year by January 31 Types, production volume, flow direction, storage, disposal and other relevant information of hazardous wastes in the previous year shall be declared. The hazardous waste management ledger is required to be kept for more than ten years.



Zhejiang Province: Notice on Issuing the Comprehensive Treatment Plan of Volatile Organic Compounds in the 14th Five-Year Plan of Zhejiang Province




In order to further promote the comprehensive management of VOCs during the “14th Five-Year Plan”, according to “The 14th Five-Year Plan for Air Quality Improvement in Zhejiang Province”, Zhejiang Province has formulated a comprehensive treatment plan of Volatile Organic Compounds in the “14th Five-Year Plan”. The plan focuses on industries of petrochemical, chemical, industrial coating, packaging and printing, synthetic leather, chemical fiber, textile printing and dyeing, and proposed 21 specific implementation measures from 8 aspects including strict production link control, process leakage reduction, and non-point source control.

According to the plan, industrial coating and other enterprises are required to use raw and auxiliary materials with low VOCs content that meet the relevant technical requirements, as well as establish accounts and formulate source substitution implementation plans; The plan also incorporates the environmental management measures prohibiting or limiting VOCs emission into the pollutant discharge permit during the period with high incidence of ozone pollution in summer and autumn.

Guiding directory for the source substitution of raw and auxiliary materials with low VOCs content, LDAR digital management plan and the Renovation and upgrade plan for low-efficiency VOCs treatment facilities are released together with the plan It can be foreseen that Zhejiang Province will have more targeted policies and standards released in the future.



Shandong Province: Notice of Shandong Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development on Issuing the Implementation Rules for the Examination and Acceptance of Fire Protection Design of Construction Projects in Shandong Province (Provisional)


The Rules comes into force from September 13, 2021 to September 12, 2023. It is applicable to the examination of fire protection design, acceptance of special construction projects and the filing and random inspection of fire protection acceptance of other construction projects within the administrative region of the province. The Rules stipulates that the construction unit shall bear the primary responsibility for the fire protection design and construction quality of the construction project.

本法规月刊是由伊尔姆环境资源管理咨询(上海)有限公司(ERM)、Nimonik 安纬同(上海)管理咨询有限公司(Nimonik)与大成律师事务所上海分所(Dentons Shanghai)联合制作。我们在确保其内容准确无误的同时,不对其任何可能的错误或疏忽承担责任。本刊中的内容不可作为法律依据,亦不可视为对个案的释义。因参考本刊物内容导致的任何损失,ERM, Nimonik 与大成律师事务所将不承担任何责任。如需寻求专业意见,请咨询有关专业顾问。

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