Nimonik月讯|亚洲地区 -2021年Q2

Japanese EHS Legislation

LegislationDocument SignatureFirst Effective Date
食品廃棄物等多量発生事業者の定期の報告に関する省令の一部を改正する省令(令和三年財務省・厚生労働省・農林水産省・経済産業省・国土交通省・環境省令第二号)Ministerial  Ordinance on Regular Reporting of Businesses That Generate Large Amounts of  Food Waste (Order of the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Health, Labour  and Welfare, the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, the  Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, the Ministry of Land,  Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, and the Ministry of the Environment  No. 2 of 2021)JP-令和三年財務省・厚生労働省・農林水産省・経済産業省・国土交通省・環境省令第二号2021-04-30
中小事業主が行う事業に従事する者等の労働災害等に係る共済事業に関する法律(令和三年法律第八十号)Act  on Mutual Aid Activities of Industrial Accidents of Persons Engaged in  Business carried out by Small and Medium-Sized Employers (Act No. 80 of 2021)JP-令和三年法律第八十号2021-06-18
自然公園法の一部を改正する法律(令和三年法律第二十九号)Partial  Amendment of the Natural Parks Act (Act No. 29 of 2021)JP-令和三年法律第二十九号2021-05-06
全世代対応型の社会保障制度を構築するための健康保険法等の一部を改正する法律(令和三年法律第六十六号)Partial  Amendment of the Health Insurance Act to Establish a Social Security System  That Accommodates the Needs of All Generations (Act No. 66 of 2021)JP-令和三年法律第六十六号2021-06-11
公共建築物等における木材の利用の促進に関する法律の一部を改正する法律(令和三年法律第七十七号)Partial  Amendment of the Act on Promotion of the Use of Woods in Public Building (Act  No. 77 of 2021)JP-令和三年法律第七十七号2021-06-18
水循環基本法の一部を改正する法律(令和三年法律第七十三号)Partial  Amendment of the Basic Act on Water Cycle (Act No. 73 of 2021)JP-令和三年法律第七十三号2021-06-16
強制労働の廃止に関する条約(第百五号)の締結のための関係法律の整備に関する法律(令和三年法律第七十五号)Act  on Arrangement of the Relevant Acts Incidental to Enforcement of the  Conclusion of the Abolition of Forced Labour Convention(No. 105) (Act No. 75  of 2021)JP-令和三年法律第七十五号2021-06-16
災害対策基本法等の一部を改正する法律(令和三年法律第三十号)Partial  Amendment of the Basic Act on Disaster Management (Act No. 30 of 2021)JP-令和三年法律第三十号2021-05-10
国家戦略特別区域法の一部を改正する法律(令和三年法律第三十三号)Partial  Amendment of the National Strategic Special Zones Act (Act No. 33 of 2021)JP-令和三年法律第三十三号2021-05-19
畜舎等の建築等及び利用の特例に関する法律(令和三年法律第三十四号)Act  on Special Measures for Construction and Use of Animal Quarters (Act No. 34  of 2021)JP-令和三年法律第三十四号2021-05-19
特定都市河川浸水被害対策法等の一部を改正する法律(令和三年法律第三十一号)Partial  Amendment of the Act on Countermeasures against Flood Damage of Specified  Rivers Running Across Cities (Act No. 31 of 2021)JP-令和三年法律第三十一号2021-05-10
良質かつ適切な医療を効率的に提供する体制の確保を推進するための医療法等の一部を改正する法律(令和三年法律第四十九号)Partial  Amendment of the Act for Partial Revision of the Medical Service Act for the  Promotion of Ensuring a System for Efficient Provision of High Quality and  Appropriate Medical Care (Act No. 49 of 2021)JP-令和三年法律第四十九号2021-05-28
育児休業、介護休業等育児又は家族介護を行う労働者の福祉に関する法律及び雇用保険法の一部を改正する法律(令和三年法律第五十八号)Partial  Amendment of the “Act on Childcare Leave, Caregiver Leave, and Other  Measures for the Welfare of Workers Caring for Children or Other Family  Members” and the “Employment Insurance Act” (Act No. 58 of  2021)JP-令和三年法律第五十八号2021-06-09
子ども・子育て支援法及び児童手当法の一部を改正する法律(令和三年法律第五十号)Partial  Amendment of the “Child and Child Care Support Act” and the  “Child Allowance Act” (Act No. 50 of 2021)JP-令和三年法律第五十号2021-05-28
瀬戸内海環境保全特別措置法の一部を改正する法律(令和三年法律第五十九号)Partial  Amendment of the Act on Special Measures concerning Conservation of the  Environment of the Seto Inland Sea (Act No. 59 of 2021)JP-令和三年法律第五十九号2021-06-09
障害を理由とする差別の解消の推進に関する法律の一部を改正する法律(令和三年法律第五十六号)Partial  Amendment of the Act for Eliminating Discrimination against Persons with  Disabilities (Act No. 56 of 2021)JP-令和三年法律第五十六号2021-06-04
教育職員等による児童生徒性暴力等の防止等に関する法律(令和三年法律第五十七号)Act  to Prevent Sexual Abuse of Children and Students by Educational Staff, etc.  (Act No. 57 of 2021)JP-令和三年法律第五十七号2021-06-04
地球温暖化対策の推進に関する法律の一部を改正する法律(令和三年法律第五十四号)Partial  Amendment of the Act on Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures (Act No.  54 of 2021)JP-令和三年法律第五十四号2021-06-02
倉庫業法施行規則の一部を改正する省令(令和三年国土交通省令第三十八号)Ministerial  Order Partially Amending the Enforcement Regulation of the Warehousing  Business Act (Order of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and  Tourism No. 38 of 2021)JP-令和三年国土交通省令第三十八号2021-05-31
道路運送車両の保安基準等の一部を改正する省令(令和三年国土交通省令第四十号)Ministerial  Order Partially Amending the Safety Standards of the Road Transportation  Vehicles (Order of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and  Tourism No. 40 of 2021)JP-令和三年国土交通省令第四十号2021-06-09
水道法施行規則の一部を改正する省令(令和三年厚生労働省令第八十八号)Ministerial  Order Partially Amending the Enforcement Regulations of the Sewerage Act  (Order of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare No. 88 of 2021)JP-令和三年厚生労働省令第八十八号2021-04-20
労働者派遣事業の適正な運営の確保及び派遣労働者の保護等に関する法律施行規則の一部を改正する省令(令和三年厚生労働省令第八十九号)Ministerial  Order Partially Amending the Enforcement Regulation of the Act for Securing  the Proper Operation of Worker Dispatching Undertakings and Improved Working  Conditions for Dispatched Workers (Order of the Ministry of Health, Labour  and Welfare No. 89 of 2021)JP-令和三年厚生労働省令第八十九号2021-04-23
確定拠出年金法施行規則の一部を改正する省令(令和三年厚生労働省令第百八号)Ministerial  Order Partially Amending the Defined Contribution Pension Act (Order of the  Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare No.108 of 2021)JP-令和三年厚生労働省令第百八号2021-06-23
新型コロナウイルス感染症等の影響に対応するための雇用保険法の臨時特例等に関する法律施行規則の一部を改正する省令(令和三年厚生労働省令第百号)Ministerial  Order Partially Amending the Enforcement Regulation of the Act Related to  Temporary Exceptions to the Employment Insurance Act to Deal With the Effects  of New Coronavirus Infections (Order of the Ministry of Health, Labour and  Welfare No. 100 of 2021)JP-令和三年厚生労働省令第百号2021-05-21
医薬品、医療機器等の品質、有効性及び安全性の確保等に関する法律施行規則の一部を改正する省令(令和三年厚生労働省令第百九号)Ministerial  Order Partially Amending the Enforcement Regulation of the Act on Securing  Quality, Efficacy and Safety of Products Including Pharmaceuticals and  Medical Devices (Order of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare No.109  of 2021)JP-令和三年厚生労働省令第百九号2021-06-23


Indonesian EHS Legislation

LegislationDocument SignatureFirst Effective Date
Program  Penilaian Peringkat Kinerja Perusahaan Dalam Pengelolaan Lingkungan  Hidup
Program for Assessing Company Performance in  Environmental Management


Singapore EHS Legislation

LegislationDocument SignatureFirst Effective Date
COVID-19  (Temporary Measures) (Amendment No. 2) Act 2021SG-Acts-Supp/9-20212021-04-19
Road  Traffic (Amendment) Act 2021SG-Acts-Supp/12-20212021-06-08
COVID-19  (Temporary Measures) (Amendment No. 3) Act 2021SG-Acts-Supp/14-20212021-06-09
Carbon  Pricing Act 2018 (Amendment of Second Schedule) Order 2021SG-SL-Supp/S160-20212021-03-16
COVID-19  (Temporary Measures) (Extension of Prescribed Period) Order 2021SG-SL-Supp/S178-20212021-03-26
Environmental  Public Health (Public Cleansing) (Amendment) Regulations 2021SG-SL-Supp/S189-20212021-03-29
Environmental  Public Health (Toxic Industrial Waste) (Amendment) Regulations 2021SG-SL-Supp/S205-20212021-03-31
Environmental  Protection and Management (Hazardous Substances) (Amendment) Regulations 2021SG-SL-Supp/S202-20212021-03-31
Hazardous  Waste (Control of Export, Import and Transit) (Amendment) Regulations 2021SG-SL-Supp/S206-20212021-03-31
Energy  Conservation (Regulated Goods and Registered Suppliers) (Amendment)  Regulations 2021SG-SL-Supp/S199-20212021-03-31
Energy  Conservation (Prescribed Regulated Goods) (Amendment) Order 2021SG-SL-Supp/S200-20212021-03-31
COVID-19  (Temporary Measures) (Control Order) (Amendment No. 4) Regulations 2021SG-SL-Supp/S238-20212021-04-01
COVID-19  (Temporary Measures) (Extension of Prescribed Period) (No. 2) Order 2021SG-SL-Supp/S268-20212021-04-19
COVID-19  (Temporary Measures) (Control Order) (Amendment No. 5) Regulations 2021SG-SL-Supp/S275-20212021-04-23
COVID-19  (Temporary Measures) (Control Order) (Amendment No. 6) Regulations 2021SG-SL-Supp/S299-20212021-04-30


Macao EHS Legislation

LegislationDocument SignatureFirst Effective Date
Emission Standards for Air Pollutants and Facility Management Requirements  for Concrete Manufacturing Establishments
Bonus Plan to Encourage Business Development and Enhancement
Order of the Chief Executive No. 79/2021 Amends Table I  in the Annex to Administrative Regulation No. 30/2016 (Emission Limits for  Exhaust Emissions from In-use Vehicles and Methods of Measurement), as  amended by Order of the Chief Executive No. 130/2018 and Order of the Chief  Executive No. 80/2019


Hong Kong Special Administrative Region EHS Legislation

LegislationDocument SignatureFirst Effective Date
指明牌照分配排放限額第九份技術備忘錄  – 2021年第18期憲報第5號特別副刊Ninth Technical Memorandum for Allocation of Emission  Allowancesin Respect of Specified Licences – S. S. NO. 5 TO GAZETTE NO.  18/20212021年第18期憲報第5號特別副刊2021-05-07
2021年水務設施(水務設施規例)  (修訂)條例 – 2021年第12號條例Waterworks (Waterworks Regulations) (Amendment) Ordinance  2021 – Ord. No. 12 of 20212021年第12號條例2021-05-14
2021年預防及控制疾病(規定及指示)(業務及處所)(修訂)(第2號)規例  – 2021年第52號法律公告Prevention and Control of Disease (Requirements and  Directions) (Business and Premises) (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulation 2021 –  L.N. 52 of 20212021年第52號法律公告2021-04-27
2021年預防及控制疾病(禁止羣組聚集)(修訂)(第3號)規例  – 2021年第53號法律公告Prevention and Control of Disease (Prohibition on Group  Gathering) (Amendment) (No. 3) Regulation 2021 – L.N. 53 of 20212021年第53號法律公告2021-04-27
2021年危險品  (航空托運) (安全) (修訂) 規例 – 2021年第55號法律公告Dangerous Goods (Consignment by Air)  (Safety) (Amendment) Regulation 2021 – L.N. 55 of 20212021年第55號法律公告2021-05-07
2021年《1995年飛航  (香港) 令》(修訂附表16) 令 – 2021年第56號法律公告Air Navigation (Hong Kong) Order 1995  (Amendment of Schedule 16) Order 2021 – L.N. 56 of 20212021年第56號法律公告2021-05-07
2021年消防(裝置及設備)  (修訂)規例 – 2021年第73號法律公告Fire Service (Installations and Equipment) (Amendment)  Regulation 2021 – L.N. 73 of 20212021年第73號法律公告2021-06-04
2021年火器及彈藥(槍械宣布) (修訂)規例  – 2021年第74號法律公告Firearms and Ammunition (Declaration of Arms) (Amendment)  Regulation 2021 – L.N. 74 of 20212021年第74號法律公告2021-06-04
2021年預防及控制疾病(規定及指示) (業務及處所) (修訂) (第3號)規例  – 2021年第102號法律公告Prevention and Control of Disease (Requirements and  Directions) (Business and Premises) (Amendment) (No. 3) Regulation 2021 –  L.N. 102 of 20212021年第102號法律公告2021-06-22
2021年預防及控制疾病(禁止羣組聚集) (修訂) (第4號)規例  – 2021年第103號法律公告Prevention and Control of Disease (Prohibition on Group  Gathering) (Amendment) (No. 4) Regulation 2021 – L.N. 103 of 20212021年第103號法律公告2021-06-22
2021年藥劑業及毒藥  (修訂) 規例 – 2021年第104號法律公告Pharmacy and Poisons (Amendment) Regulation 2021 –  L.N. 104 of 20212021年第104號法律公告2021-06-25
汞管制條例草案  – C2604Mercury Control Bill – C2604C26042021-04-23
2021年僱員補償(修訂)條例  – 2021年第4號條例Employees’ Compensation (Amendment) Ordinance 2021 – Ord. No. 4  of 20212021年第4號條例2021-04-30
2021年空氣污染管制(修訂)條例  – 2021年第6號條例Air Pollution Control (Amendment) Ordinance 2021 – Ord. No. 6 of  20212021年第6號條例2021-05-07
2021年道路交通(修訂)條例  – 2021年第8號條例Road Traffic (Amendment) Ordinance 2021 – Ord. No. 8 of 20212021年第8號條例2021-05-07
《2021年僱員補償  (修訂) 條例》(生效日期) 公告 – 2021年第62號法律公告Employees’ Compensation (Amendment)  Ordinance 2021 (Commencement) Notice – L.N. 62 of 20212021年第62號法律公告2021-05-07
《2021年空氣污染管制  (修訂) 條例》(生效日期) 公告 – 2021年第67號法律公告Air Pollution Control (Amendment) Ordinance  2021 (Commencement) Notice – L.N. 67 of 20212021年第67號法律公告2021-05-14
《2020年藥劑業及毒藥  (修訂) 條例》(生效日期) 公告 – 2021年第68號法律公告Pharmacy and Poisons (Amendment) Ordinance  2020 (Commencement) Notice – L.N. 68 of 20212021年第68號法律公告2021-05-14
《建築物條例》–立法會決議  – 2021年第69號法律公告Buildings Ordinance–Resolution of the Legislative Council –  L.N. 69 of 20212021年第69號法律公告2021-05-14


Taiwan EHS Legislation

LegislationDocument SignatureFirst Effective Date
交通部令:修正「航空產品與其各項裝備及零組件維修廠設立檢定管理規則」部分條文及第34條附件4  – 交航字第11050044021號MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS Order is  hereby given, for the amendment on partial articles and Supplementary 4 of  Article 34 of “Regulations of Repair Station Certification and  Management for Aviation Products, Appliances and Parts” – Jiao Hang Zi  No.11050044021交航字第11050044021號2021-04-22
內政部令:修正「義勇消防組織編組訓練演習服勤辦法」第4條條文  – 台內消字第1100821023號MINISTRY OF THE INTERIOR Order is hereby given, for the  amendment on Article 4 of “Regulations for the Organization Procedure,  Training Program, Drill and Service of the Voluntary Fire Fighters” –  Tai Nei Xiao Zi No.1100821023台內消字第1100821023號2021-05-04
行政院環境保護署令:修正「鉛二次冶煉廠空氣污染物排放標準」第7條、第8條條文及第5條附表  – 環署空字第1101080028號ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ADMINISTRATION, EXECUTIVE YUAN  Order is hereby given, for the amendment on Article 7 and 8 and the appendix  of Article 5 of “Standards for Air Pollutant Emissions from Secondary  Lead Smelters” – Huan Shu Kong Zi No.1101080028環署空字第1101080028號2021-06-29
內政部令:修正「一般爆竹煙火型式認可及個別認可作業辦法」部分條文及第11條附表2  – 台內消字第1100821030號MINISTRY OF THE INTERIOR Order is hereby given, for the  amendment on partial articles and Appendix 2 of Article 11 of  “Regulations for Operating Type Approval and Individual Approval of Common  Firework and Firecracker” – Tai Nei Xiao Zi No.1100821030台內消字第1100821030號2021-06-03
內政部令:修正「爆竹煙火管理條例施行細則」第6條條文  – 台內消字第1100821032號MINISTRY OF THE INTERIOR Order is hereby given, for the  amendment on Article 6 of “Enforcement Rules of Firework and Firecracker  Management Act” – Tai Nei Xiao Zi No.1100821032台內消字第1100821032號2021-06-03
內政部令:修正「各類場所消防安全設備設置標準」部分條文,除第113條自111年7月1日施行外,其餘條文自110年6月25日施行  – 台內消字第1100821034號MINISTRY OF THE INTERIOR Order is hereby given, for the  amendment on partial articles of “Standards for Installation of Fire  Safety Equipment Based on Use and Occupancy” (amended standards become  effective from 25th, June 2021 except Article 113, which shall become  effective from 1st, July 2022) – Tai Nei Xiao Zi No.1100821034台內消字第1100821034號2021-06-25
經濟部令:修正「經濟部事業廢棄物再利用管理辦法」部分條文  – 經工字第11004604040號MINISTRY OF ECONOMIC AFFAIRS Order is hereby given, for the  amendment on partial articles of “Ministry of Economic Affairs  Management Regulations on the Recycling of Industrial Waste” – Jing Gong  Zi No.11004604040經工字第11004604040號2021-06-24
經濟部令:修正「礦場安全法施行細則」第210條條文  – 經務字第11004604060號MINISTRY OF ECONOMIC AFFAIRS Order is hereby given, for the  amendment on Article 210 of “Enforcement Rules of Mining Safety  Act” – Jing Wu Zi No.11004604060經務字第11004604060號2021-06-11
金融監督管理委員會、交通部公告:公告「汽車之範圍及應訂立強制汽車責任保險契約之汽車種類」  – 金管保產字第11004520062號,交路字第11000149062號FINANCIAL SUPERVISORY COMMISSION,  MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS Notice is hereby given, for the  stipulation of “Scope of Automobiles and Types of Automobiles Required  to Establish Compulsory Automobile Liability Insurance Contract” – Jin  Guan Bao Chan Zi No.11004520062,Jiao Lu Zi No.11000149062金管保產字第11004520062號,交路字第11000149062號2021-06-24
行政院農業委員會令:修正「農地辦理生產環境維護措施作業規範」,自即日生效  – 農授糧字第1101092306A號COUNCIL OF AGRICULTURE, EXECUTIVE YUAN Order is hereby  given, for the revision of “Operation Directions for Fields  Preservation” (revised directions take into force from 7th, May 2021) –  Nong Shou Liang Zi No.1101092306A農授糧字第1101092306A號2021-05-07
行政院原子能委員會令:修正「放射性廢棄物處理貯存及其設施安全管理規則」第8條、第9條條文  – 會物字第11070000091號ATOMIC ENERGY COUNCIL, EXECUTIVE YUAN Order is hereby  given, for the amendment on Article 8 and 9 of “Regulations on Treatment  and Storage of Radioactive Waste and Safety Management of the  Facilities” – Hui Wu Zi No.11070000091會物字第11070000091號2021-05-13
行政院環境保護署令:修正「機動車輛排放空氣污染物及噪音檢驗測定機構管理辦法」部分條文  – 環署檢字第1108000092號ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ADMINISTRATION, EXECUTIVE YUAN  Order is hereby given, for the amendment on partial articles of  “Regulations Governing Motor Vehicle Air Pollutant and Noise Emission  Testing Organizations” – Huan Shu Jian Zi No.1108000092環署檢字第1108000092號2021-04-23
經濟部令:訂定「特定工廠申請變更編定為特定目的事業用地審查辦法」  – 經中字第11004604110號MINISTRY OF ECONOMIC AFFAIRS Order is hereby given, for the  promulgation of “Regulations of Examination for Certain Factories  Applying for Changing Land Use as Specific Purposes” – Jing Zhong Zi  No.11004604110經中字第11004604110號2021-06-21
交通部令:修正「航行船舶船員最低安全配置標準」第3條附表2、第4條附表5  – 交航字第11000098121號MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS Order is  hereby given, for the amendment on Appendix 2 of Article 3 and Appendix 5 of  Article 4 of “The Standards for Minimum Safety Manning for Seafarers on  a Ship” – Jiao Hang Zi No.11000098121交航字第11000098121號2021-04-26
行政院農業委員會令:訂定「養殖漁業生產區設置及管理準則」  – 農漁字第1101346714A號COUNCIL OF AGRICULTURE, EXECUTIVE YUAN Order is hereby  given, for the promulgation of “Regulations for the Establishment and  Management of the Aquaculture Production Area” – Nong Yu Zi No.1101346714A農漁字第1101346714A號2021-04-27
行政院環境保護署令:訂定「行政院環境保護署室內空氣品質自主管理標章推動作業要點」,自即日生效  – 環署空字第1101080167號ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ADMINISTRATION, EXECUTIVE YUAN  Order is hereby given, for the promulgation of “Operation Directions for  Self-management Marks of Indoor Air Quality by Environmental Protection  Administration of the Executive Yuan (directions take into force from 2nd,  July 2021) – Huan Shu Kong Zi No.1101080167環署空字第1101080167號2021-07-02
經濟部令:訂定「太陽光電發電業設置共同升壓站及容量分配作業要點」,自即日生效  – 經能字第11004602180號MINISTRY OF ECONOMIC AFFAIRS Order is hereby given, for the  promulgation of “Operation Directions of Installation and Capacity  Allocation of Shared Booster Stations for the Photovoltaic-based Electricity  Generating Enterprises” (directions take into force from 10th, May 2021)  – Jing Neng Zi No.11004602180經能字第11004602180號2021-05-10
行政院環境保護署令:訂定「污染場址分區改善及土地利用作業原則」,自即日生效  – 環署土字第1101057181號ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ADMINISTRATION, EXECUTIVE YUAN  Order is hereby given, for the promulgation of “Directions for  Divisional Remediation and Land Use of Contaminated Sites” (directions  take into force from 25th, May 2021) – Huan Shu Tu Zi No.1101057181環署土字第1101057181號2021-05-25
交通部觀光局澎湖國家風景區管理處令:訂定「澎湖國家風景區水上腳踏車活動注意事項」,自即日生效  – 觀澎管字第1100300182號PENGHU NATIONAL SCENIC AREA ADMINISTRATION, TOURISM BUREAU,  MOTC Order is hereby given, for the promulgation of “Directions of  Pedal-powered Boat in Penghu National Scenic Area” (directions take into  force from 7th, May 2021) – Guan Peng Guan Zi No.1100300182觀澎管字第1100300182號2021-05-07
交通部公路總局令:訂定「交通部公路總局經管省道用地提供使用注意事項」,自110年6月8日生效  – 路工用字第1100072819B號DIRECTORATE GENERAL OF HIGHWAYS, MOTC Order is hereby  given, for the promulgation of “Directions for the Use of Land for  Provincial Highways Provided by Directorate General of Highways, MOTC”  (directions have taken into force since 8th, June 2021) – Lu Gong Yong Zi  No.1100072819B路工用字第1100072819B號2021-06-24
增訂並修正水利法條文  – 總統華總一經字第11000049221號OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT Order is hereby given, for the  promulgation of the additional clauses and amendments to “Water  Act” – Zong Tong Hua Zong Yi Jing Zi No.11000049221總統華總一經字第11000049221號2021-05-26
勞動部令:修正「大量解僱勞工時禁止事業單位代表人及實際負責人出國處理辦法」第5條條文  – 勞動關3字第1100126431B號MINISTRY OF LABOR Order is hereby given, for the  amendment on Article 5 of “Regulations for Prohibiting Chairman of the  Board of Directors and the Responsible Person in Fact of a Business Entity  from Going Abroad while Implementing Mass Redundancy Plan” – Lao Dong  Guan 3Zi No.1100126431B勞動關3字第1100126431B號2021-06-08
勞動部令:修正「勞工保險條例施行細則」部分條文  – 勞動保2字第1100140321號MINISTRY OF LABOR Order is hereby given, for the amendment  on partial articles of “Enforcement Rules of the Labor Insurance  Act” – Lao Dong Bao 2Zi No.1100140321勞動保2字第1100140321號2021-06-08
行政院環境保護署令:修正「固定污染源空氣污染物排放標準」第3條、第5條、第8條條文及第2條附表1、附表2  – 環署空字第1101079351號ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ADMINISTRATION, EXECUTIVE YUAN  Order is hereby given, for the amendment on Article 3, 5 and 8 and Appendix 1  and 2 of Article 2 of “Stationary Pollution Source Air Pollutant  Emissions Standards” – Huan Shu Kong Zi No.1101079351環署空字第1101079351號2021-06-29
行政院原子能委員會令:修正「核子反應器運轉人員執照管理辦法」第11條、第25條條文  – 會核字第11000081356號ATOMIC ENERGY COUNCIL, EXECUTIVE YUAN Order is hereby  given, for the amendment on Article 11 and 25 of “Regulations on  Operator Licensing Process of Nuclear Reactor Facilities” – Hui He Zi  No.11000081356會核字第11000081356號2021-06-28
勞動部令:修正「大量解僱勞工訴訟及必要生活費用補助辦法」部分條文  – 勞動關3字第1100126436B號MINISTRY OF LABOR Order is hereby given, for the  amendment on partial articles of “Regulations for Subsidizing the  Litigation Costs and Necessary Living Expenses of Workers Laid Off under Mass  Redundancy Plan” – Lao Dong Guan 3Zi No.1100126436B勞動關3字第1100126436B號2021-06-15
行政院農業委員會令:訂定「禽鳥及其種蛋途經疫區轉運採取風險管控措施及申請核准作業要點」,自即日生效  – 農防字第1101481439A號COUNCIL OF AGRICULTURE, EXECUTIVE YUAN Order is hereby  given, for the promulgation of “Risk Mitigation Measures and Directions  for Application of Transshipment of Live Poultry, Birds and Their Hatching  Eggs in a Country/Zone Not Recognized as Free from Highly Pathogenic Avian  Influenza” (promulgation becomes effective from 27th, April 2021) – Nong  Fang Zi No.1101481439A農防字第1101481439A號2021-04-27
勞動部令:訂定「產檢假薪資補助要點」,自110年7月1日生效  – 勞動條4字第1100130415號MINISTRY OF LABOR Order is hereby given, for the  promulgation of “Direction for Pregnancy Checkups Leave Allowance”  (directions shall be taking into force from 1st, July 2021) – Lao Dong Tiao  4Zi No.1100130415勞動條4字第1100130415號2021-06-04
勞動部令:修正「職工福利委員會組織準則」第13條之1條文  – 勞動福1字第1100135341B號MINISTRY OF LABOR Order is hereby given, for the  amendment on Article 13-1 of “Organization Regulations on Employee  Welfare Committee” – Lao Dong Fu 1Zi No.1100135341B勞動福1字第1100135341B號2021-05-14
勞動部令:修正「育嬰留職停薪實施辦法」第2條、第9條條文  – 勞動條4字第1100130433號MINISTRY OF LABOR Order is hereby given, for the amendment  on Article 2 and 9 of “Regulations for Implementing Unpaid Parental  Leave for Raising Children” – Lao Dong Tiao 4Zi No.1100130433勞動條4字第1100130433號2021-06-04
交通部令:修正「汽車委託檢驗實施辦法」第10條條文  – 交路字第11050070451號MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS Order is  hereby given, for the amendment on Article 10 of “Implementation  Regulations of Mandatory Inspection for Motor Vehicles” – Jiao Lu Zi  No.11050070451交路字第11050070451號2021-06-25
勞動部令:修正「性別工作平等訴訟法律扶助辦法」部分條文  – 勞動條4字第1100130456號MINISTRY OF LABOR Order is hereby given, for the amendment  on partial articles of “Regulations for Providing Legal Aid in Lawsuits  Concerning Gender Equality in Employment” – Lao Dong Tiao 4Zi No.1100130456勞動條4字第1100130456號2021-06-10
行政院環境保護署令:修正「水污染防治措施計畫及許可申請審查管理辦法」第3條條文  – 環署水字第1101059481號ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ADMINISTRATION, EXECUTIVE YUAN  Order is hereby given, for the amendment on Article 3 of “Regulations  Governing Water Pollution Control Measure Plans and Permit Application  Review” – Huan Shu Shui Zi No.1101059481環署水字第1101059481號2021-05-31
衛生福利部公告:修正「化粧品禁止使用成分表」,自110年7月1日生效  – 衛授食字第1101601488號MINISTRY OF HEALTH AND WELFARE Notice is hereby given, for  the amendment of “List of Ingredients Prohibited in Cosmetic  Products” (amended list shall become effective from 1st, July 2021) – Wei  Shou Shi Zi No.1101601488衛授食字第1101601488號2021-06-17
行政院環境保護署令:修正「加油站油氣回收設施管理辦法」第7條、第8條、第8條之1條文  – 環署空字第1101049548號ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ADMINISTRATION, EXECUTIVE YUAN  Order is hereby given, for the amendment on Article 7, 8 and 8-1 of “Gas  Station Gasoline Vapor Recovery Facility Management Regulations” – Huan  Shu Kong Zi No.1101049548環署空字第1101049548號2021-05-07
行政院農業委員會令:訂定「特定物品檢疫物輸入核准辦法」  – 農防字第1101493954A號COUNCIL OF AGRICULTURE, EXECUTIVE YUAN Order is hereby  given, for the promulgation of “Regulations for Approving Imports of  Designated Regulated Articles” – Nong Fang Zi No.1101493954A農防字第1101493954A號2021-06-29
行政院農業委員會令:修正「農田水利法施行細則」第3條之1、第5條條文  – 農水字第1106030356A號COUNCIL OF AGRICULTURE, EXECUTIVE YUAN Order is hereby  given, for the amendment on Article 3-1 and 5 of “Enforcement Rules for  Irrigation Act” – Nong Shui Zi No.1106030356A農水字第1106030356A號2021-05-13



