Nimonik月讯|亚洲地区 -2021年Q1

Japanese EHS Legislation

LegislationDocument SignatureFirst Effective Date
容器包装に係る分別収集及び再商品化の促進等に関する法律施行規則の一部を改正する省令(令和三年財務省・厚生労働省・農林水産省・経済産業省・環境省令第一号)Ministerial  Order Partially Amending the Enforcement Regulation of the Act on the  Promotion of Sorted Collection and Recycling of Containers and Packaging  (Order of the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Health, Labour and  Welfare, the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, the Ministry of  Economy, Trade and Industry, and the Ministry of the Environment No. 1 of  2021)JP-令和三年財務省・厚生労働省・農林水産省・経済産業省・環境省令第一号2021-03-31
地震防災対策特別措置法の一部を改正する法律(令和三年法律第十号)Act  Partially Amending the Act on Special Measures concerning Earthquake Disaster  Management(Act No.10 of 2021)JP-令和三年法律第十号2021-03-31
過疎地域の持続的発展の支援に関する特別措置法(令和三年法律第十九号)Act  on Special Measures Concerning Support for Sustainable Development of  Depopulated Areas (Act No. 19 of 2021)JP-令和三年法律第十九号2021-03-31
新型インフルエンザ等対策特別措置法等の一部を改正する法律(令和三年法律第五号)Act  for Partial Revision of the Act on Special Measures Concerning Novel  Influenza Infections (Act No. 5 of 2021)JP-令和三年法律第五号2021-02-03
外国人の技能実習の適正な実施及び技能実習生の保護に関する法律施行規則の一部を改正する省令(令和三年法務省・厚生労働省令第二号)Ministerial  Order Partially Amending the Ordinance for Enforcement of the Act on the  Appropriate Implementation of Technical Intern Training for Foreign  Nationals, and Protection of Technical Intern Trainees (Order of the Ministry  of Justice and the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare No. 2 of 2021)JP-令和三年法務省・厚生労働省令第二号2021-02-26
外国人の技能実習の適正な実施及び技能実習生の保護に関する法律施行規則の一部を改正する省令(令和三年法務省・厚生労働省令第三号)Ministerial  Order Partially Amending the Ordinance for Enforcement of the Act on the  Appropriate Implementation of Technical Intern Training for Foreign  Nationals, and Protection of Technical Intern Trainees (Order of the Ministry  of Justice and the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare No. 3 of 2021)JP-令和三年法務省・厚生労働省令第三号2021-03-16
外国人の技能実習の適正な実施及び技能実習生の保護に関する法律施行規則の一部を改正する省令(令和三年法務省・厚生労働省令第四号)Ministerial  Order Partially Amending the Ordinance for Enforcement of the Act on the  Appropriate Implementation of Technical Intern Training for Foreign  Nationals, and Protection of Technical Intern Trainees (Order of the Ministry  of Justice and the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare No. 4 of 2021)JP-令和三年法務省・厚生労働省令第四号2021-03-26
外国人の技能実習の適正な実施及び技能実習生の保護に関する法律施行規則の一部を改正する省令(令和三年法務省・厚生労働省令第一号)Ministerial  Order Partially Amending the Ordinance for Enforcement of the Act on the  Appropriate Implementation of Technical Intern Training for Foreign  Nationals, and Protection of Technical Intern Trainees (Order of the Ministry  of Justice and the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare No. 1 of 2021)JP-令和三年法務省・厚生労働省令第一号2021-01-08
浄化槽設備士に係る講習等に関する省令の一部を改正する省令(令和三年国土交通省・環境省国土交通省令第一号)Ministerial  Order Partially Amending the Ministerial ordinance on training for septic  tank equipment engineers (Order of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure,  Transport and Tourism, and Ministry of the Environment No. 1 of 2021)JP-令和三年国土交通省・環境省国土交通省令第一号2021-03-24
道路運送車両法施行規則の一部を改正する省令(令和三年国土交通省令第二十八号)Ministerial  Order Partially Amending the Ordinance for Enforcement of the Road Transport  Vehicle Act(Order of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and  Tourism No.28 of 2021)JP-令和三年国土交通省令第二十八号2021-03-31
建築基準法施行規則及び建築動態統計調査規則の一部を改正する省令(令和三年国土交通省令第二十七号)Ministerial  Order Partially Amending the Ordinance for Enforcement of the Building  Standard Act and the Regulation on Survey of Current Building Construction  Statistics (Order of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and  Tourism No.27 of 2021)JP-令和三年国土交通省令第二十七号2021-03-31
建設業法施行規則等の一部を改正する省令(令和三年国土交通省令第九号)Ministerial  Order Partially Amending the Enforcement Regulation of the Construction  Business Act (Order of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and  Tourism No.9 of 2021)JP-令和三年国土交通省令第九号2021-03-24
道路運送法施行規則の一部を改正する省令(令和三年国土交通省令第三十三号)Ministerial  Order Partially Amending the Enforcement Regulation of the Road  Transportation Act (Order of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport  and Tourism No.33 of 2021)JP-令和三年国土交通省令第三十三号2021-03-31
移動等円滑化のために必要な道路の構造に関する基準を定める省令及び高齢者、障害者等の移動等の円滑化の促進に関する法律施行規則の一部を改正する省令(令和三年国土交通省令第十二号)Ministerial  Order Partially Amending the “Ministerial ordinance stipulating  standards for the structure of roads necessary for smooth movement” and  the “Enforcement Regulation of the Act on Promotion of Smooth  Transportation, etc. of Elderly Persons, Disabled Persons” (Order of the  Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism No.12 of 2021)JP-令和三年国土交通省令第十二号2021-03-30
特定建設資材に係る分別解体等に関する省令の一部を改正する省令(令和三年国土交通省令第四号)Ministerial  Order Partially Amending the Ministerial Ordinance on Sorting and Dismantling  of Specific Construction Materials (Order of the Ministry of Land,  Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism No. 4 of 2021)JP-令和三年国土交通省令第四号2021-02-03
高齢者、障害者等の移動等の円滑化の促進に関する法律の一部を改正する法律の施行に伴う国土交通省関係省令の整備に関する省令(令和三年国土交通省令第一号)Ministerial  Order on Arrangement of Relevant Ministerial Orders Incidental to MLIT Orders  Incidental to Enforcement of the “Partial Revision of the Act on  Promotion of Smooth Transportation, etc. of Elderly Persons, Disabled  Persons, etc. ” (Order of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure,  Transport and Tourism No. 1 of 2021)JP-令和三年国土交通省令第一号2021-01-20
健康保険法施行規則の一部を改正する省令(令和三年厚生労働省令第八号)Ministerial  Order Partially Amending the Enforcement Regulation of the Health Insurance  Act (Order of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare No.8 of 2021)JP-令和三年厚生労働省令第八号2021-01-25
障害者の雇用の促進等に関する法律施行規則の一部を改正する省令(令和三年厚生労働省令第八十二号)Ministerial  Order Partially Amending the Enforcement Ordinance of the Act on Employment  Promotion etc. of Persons with Disabilities(Order of the Ministry of Health,  Labour and Welfare No.82 of 2021)JP-令和三年厚生労働省令第八十二号2021-03-31
過疎地域の持続的発展の支援に関する特別措置法の施行に伴う厚生労働省関係省令の整理等に関する省令(令和三年厚生労働省令第八十三号)Ministerial  Order Prescribing Adjustments to the Relevant Ministerial Order of the  Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare to Coordinate with the Act on Special  Measures Concerning Support for Sustainable Development of Depopulated Areas  (Order of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare No. 83 of 2021)JP-令和三年厚生労働省令第八十三号2021-03-31
労働者派遣事業の適正な運営の確保及び派遣労働者の保護等に関する法律施行令第二条第二項の市町村を定める省令の一部を改正する省令(令和三年厚生労働省令第八十四号)Ministerial  Order Partially Amending the Ministerial ordinance specifying municipalities  in Article 2, Paragraph 2 of the Enforcement Order of the Act for Securing  the Proper Operation of Worker Dispatching Undertakings and Improved Working  Conditions for Dispatched Workers(Order of the Ministry of Health, Labour and  Welfare No.84 of 2021)JP-令和三年厚生労働省令第八十四号2021-03-31
雇用保険法施行規則等の一部を改正する省令(令和三年厚生労働省令第八十一号)Ministerial  Order Partially Amending the Ordinance for Enforcement of the Employment  Insurance Act (Order of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare No. 81 of  2021)JP-令和三年厚生労働省令第八十一号2021-03-31
新型コロナウイルス感染症を検疫法第三十四条第一項の感染症の種類として指定する等の政令第三条の規定により検疫法施行規則の規定を準用する場合の読替えに関する省令の一部を改正する省令(令和三年厚生労働省令第二号)Ministerial  Order Partially Amending the Ministerial Order replacing terms in the  provisions of the Enforcement Regulation of the Quarantine Act are applied  mutatis mutandis pursuant to the Article 3 of “the Cabinet Order  Specifying Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) as a type of disease  designated under Article 34, Paragraph 1 of the Quarantine Act” (Order  of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare No. 2 of 2021)JP-令和三年厚生労働省令第二号2021-01-07
雇用保険法施行規則の一部を改正する省令(令和三年厚生労働省令第二十八号)Ministerial  Order Partially Amending the Ordinance for Enforcement of the Employment  Insurance Act (Order of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare No. 28 of  2021)JP-令和三年厚生労働省令第二十八号2021-02-08
新型コロナウイルス感染症等の影響に対応するための雇用保険法の臨時特例等に関する法律施行規則の一部を改正する省令(令和三年厚生労働省令第二十九号)Ministerial  Order Partially Amending the Enforcement Regulation of the Act Related to  Temporary Exceptions to the Employment Insurance Act to Deal With the Effects  of New Coronavirus Infections (Order of the Ministry of Health, Labour and  Welfare No. 29 of 2021)JP-令和三年厚生労働省令第二十九号2021-02-08
新型インフルエンザ等対策特別措置法等の一部を改正する法律の施行に伴う厚生労働省関係省令の整備等に関する省令(令和三年厚生労働省令第二十四号)Ministerial  Order on Arrangement of Relevant Ministerial Orders of the Ministry of  Health, Labour and Welfare Incidental to Partial Enforcement of the Act for  Partial Revision of the Act on Special Measures Concerning Novel Influenza  Infections (Order of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare No.24 of  2021)JP-令和三年厚生労働省令第二十四号2021-02-03
労働保険の保険料の徴収等に関する法律施行規則の一部を改正する省令(令和三年厚生労働省令第二十一号)Ministerial  Order Partially Amending the Enforcement Ordinance of the Act on Collection,  etc. of Insurance Premiums of Labor Insurance (Order of the Ministry of  Health, Labour and Welfare No. 21 of 2021)JP-令和三年厚生労働省令第二十一号2021-01-29
医薬品、医療機器等の品質、有効性及び安全性の確保等に関する法律施行規則の一部を改正する省令(令和三年厚生労働省令第六号)Ministerial  Order Partially Amending the Enforcement Regulation of the Act on Securing  Quality, Efficacy and Safety of Products Including Pharmaceuticals and  Medical Devices (Order of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare No.6 of  2021)JP-令和三年厚生労働省令第六号2021-01-22
労働者派遣事業の適正な運営の確保及び派遣労働者の保護等に関する法律施行規則の一部を改正する省令(令和三年厚生労働省令第六十八号)Ministerial  Order Partially Amending the Enforcement Regulation of the Act for Securing  the Proper Operation of Worker Dispatching Undertakings and Improved Working  Conditions for Dispatched Workers (Order of the Ministry of Health, Labour  and Welfare No. 68 of 2021)JP-令和三年厚生労働省令第六十八号2021-03-31
医療法施行規則の一部を改正する省令(令和三年厚生労働省令第六十三号)Ministerial  Order Partially Amending the Enforcement Regulation of the Medical Care Act  (Order of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare No. 63 of 2021)JP-令和三年厚生労働省令第六十三号2021-03-29
医薬品、医療機器等の品質、有効性及び安全性の確保等に関する法律第二条第十五項に規定する指定薬物及び同法第七十六条の四に規定する医療等の用途を定める省令の一部を改正する省令(令和三年厚生労働省令第七号)Ministerial  Order Partially Amending the Ministerial ordinance stipulating specified  drugs prescribed in Article 2, Paragraph 15 of the Act on Securing Quality,  Efficacy and Safety of Products Including Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices  prescribed in Article 76-4 of the Act (Order of the Ministry of Health,  Labour and Welfare No.7 of 2021)JP-令和三年厚生労働省令第七号2021-01-22
雇用保険法等の一部を改正する法律の一部の施行に伴う厚生労働省関係省令の整備に関する省令の一部を改正する省令(令和三年厚生労働省令第七十二号)Ministerial  Order Partially Amending the “Ministerial Order on Arrangement of  Relevant Ministerial Orders of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare  Incidental to Partial Enforcement of the Act on Partial Revision of the  Employment Insurance Act” (Order of the Ministry of Health, Labour and  Welfare No.72 of 2021)JP-令和三年厚生労働省令第七十二号2021-03-31
食品衛生法施行規則の一部を改正する省令(令和三年厚生労働省令第三号)Ministerial  Order Partially Amending the Ordinance for Enforcement of the Food Sanitation  Act (Order of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare No. 3 of 2021)JP-令和三年厚生労働省令第三号2021-01-15
新型コロナウイルス感染症等の影響に対応するための雇用保険法の臨時特例等に関する法律施行規則の一部を改正する省令(令和三年厚生労働省令第三十八号)Ministerial  Order Partially Amending the Enforcement Regulation of the Act Related to  Temporary Exceptions to the Employment Insurance Act to Deal With the Effects  of New Coronavirus Infections (Order of the Ministry of Health, Labour and  Welfare No. 38 of 2021)JP-令和三年厚生労働省令第三十八号2021-02-22
検疫法施行規則の一部を改正する省令(令和三年厚生労働省令第三十二号)Ministerial  Order Partially Amending the Enforcement Regulation of the Quarantine Act  (Order of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare No. 32 of 2021)JP-令和三年厚生労働省令第三十二号2021-02-12
次世代育成支援対策推進法施行規則の一部を改正する省令(令和三年厚生労働省令第三十九号)Ministerial  Order Partially Amending the Act on Advancement of Measures to Support  Raising Next-Generation Children (Order of the Ministry of Health, Labour and  Welfare No. 39 of 2021)JP-令和三年厚生労働省令第三十九号2021-02-24
雇用保険法施行規則の一部を改正する省令(令和三年厚生労働省令第三十七号)Ministerial  Order Partially Amending the Regulation for Enforcement of the Employment  Insurance Act (Order of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare No. 37 of  2021)JP-令和三年厚生労働省令第三十七号2021-02-22
健康保険法施行規則等の一部を改正する省令(令和三年厚生労働省令第三十三号)Ministerial  Order Partially Amending the Enforcement Regulation of the Health Insurance  Act (Order of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare No. 33 of 2021)JP-令和三年厚生労働省令第三十三号2021-02-15
特定化学物質障害予防規則及び作業環境測定法施行規則の一部を改正する省令及び厚生労働省の所管する法令の規定に基づく民間事業者等が行う書面の保存等における情報通信の技術の利用に関する省令の一部を改正する省令(令和三年厚生労働省令第十二号)Ministerial  Order Partially Amending the “Ministerial Order Partially Amending the  Ordinance on the Prevention of Hazards Due to Specified Chemical Substances  and the Enforcement Ordinance of the Working Environment Measurement  Act” and the “Ministerial Order on the Use of Information and  Communications Technology in the Preservation of Documents by Private  Business Operators Pursuant to the Provisions of legislation Under the  Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare” (Order of the Ministry of  Health, Labour and Welfare No.12 of 2021)JP-令和三年厚生労働省令第十二号2021-01-26
労働保険の保険料の徴収等に関する法律施行規則の一部を改正する省令(令和三年厚生労働省令第十九号)Ministerial  Order Partially Amending the Enforcement Ordinance of the Act on Collection,  etc. of Insurance Premiums of Labor Insurance (Order of the Ministry of  Health, Labour and Welfare No. 19 of 2021)JP-令和三年厚生労働省令第十九号2021-01-29
健康保険法施行規則等の一部を改正する省令(令和三年厚生労働省令第十六号)Ministerial  Order Partially Amending the Enforcement Regulation of the Health Insurance  Act (Order of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare No. 16 of 2021)JP-令和三年厚生労働省令第十六号2021-01-29
医薬品、医療機器等の品質、有効性及び安全性の確保等に関する法律等の一部を改正する法律の一部の施行に伴う関係省令の整備等に関する省令(令和三年厚生労働省令第十五号)Ministerial  Order on Development of Relevant Ministerial Orders Incidental to Partial  Enforcement of the “Partial Revision of the Act on Securing Quality,  Efficacy and Safety of Products Including Pharmaceuticals and Medical  Devices” (Order of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare No. 15 of  2021)JP-令和三年厚生労働省令第十五号2021-01-29
労働者災害補償保険法施行規則等の一部を改正する省令(令和三年厚生労働省令第十一号)Ministerial  Order Partially Amending the Enforcement Regulation of the Industrial  Accident Compensation Insurance Act (Order of the Ministry of Health, Labour  and Welfare No.11 of 2021)JP-令和三年厚生労働省令第十一号2021-01-26
雇用保険法施行規則の一部を改正する省令(令和三年厚生労働省令第四号)Ministerial  Order Partially Amending the Ordinance for Enforcement of the Employment  Insurance Act (Order of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare No. 4 of  2021)JP-令和三年厚生労働省令第四号2021-01-21
狂犬病予防法施行規則の一部を改正する省令(令和三年厚生労働省令第四十二号)Ministerial  Order Partially Amending the Enforcement Regulation of the Rabies Prevention  Act (Order of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare No. 42 of 2021)JP-令和三年厚生労働省令第四十二号2021-02-26
労働安全衛生規則等の一部を改正する省令(令和三年厚生労働省令第四十号)Ministerial  Order Partially Amending the Ordinance on Industrial Safety and Health (Order  of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare No. 40 of 2021)JP-令和三年厚生労働省令第四十号2021-02-25
医薬品、医療機器等の品質、有効性及び安全性の確保等に関する法律第二条第十五項に規定する指定薬物及び同法第七十六条の四に規定する医療等の用途を定める省令の一部を改正する省令(令和三年厚生労働省令第四十七号)Ministerial  Order Partially Amending the Ministerial ordinance stipulating specified  drugs prescribed in Article 2, Paragraph 15 of the Act on Securing Quality,  Efficacy and Safety of Products Including Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices  prescribed in Article 76-4 of the Act (Order of the Ministry of Health,  Labour and Welfare No.47 of 2021)JP-令和三年厚生労働省令第四十七号2021-03-15
労働者災害補償保険法施行規則及び労働保険の保険料の徴収等に関する法律施行規則の一部を改正する省令(令和三年厚生労働省令第四十四号)Ministerial  Order Partially Amending the “Enforcement Regulation of the Industrial  Accident Compensation Insurance Act” and the “Enforcement  Regulation of the Act on the Collection, etc. of Insurance Premiums of Labor  Insurance” (Order of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare No. 44  of 2021)JP-令和三年厚生労働省令第四十四号2021-02-26
医薬品、医療機器等の品質、有効性及び安全性の確保等に関する法律施行規則の一部を改正する省令(令和三年厚生労働省令第五号)Ministerial  Order Partially Amending the Enforcement Regulation of the Act on Securing  Quality, Efficacy and Safety of Products Including Pharmaceuticals and  Medical Devices (Order of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare No.5 of  2021)JP-令和三年厚生労働省令第五号2021-01-22


Malay EHS Legislation

LegislationDocument SignatureFirst Effective Date
Peraturan-Peraturan  Kawalan Hasil Tembakau (Pindaan) 2021Control of Tobacco Product (Amendment)  Regulations 2021MY-P.U.(A)1/20212021-01-05
Peraturan-Peraturan  Pencegahan Dan Pengawalan Penyakit Berjangkit (Langkah-Langkah Di Dalam  Kawasan Tempatan Jangkitan) (Kawalan Pergerakan Bersyarat) (No. 4) (Pindaan)  2021Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases (Measures Within Infected  Local Areas) (Conditional Movement Control) (No. 4) (Amendment) Regulations  2021MY-P.U.(A)100/20212021-03-10
Peraturan-Peraturan  Pencegahan Dan Pengawalan Penyakit Berjangkit (Langkah-Langkah Di Dalam  Kawasan Tempatan Jangkitan) (Kawalan Pergerakan Pemulihan) (No. 3) (Pindaan)  2021Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases (Measures Within Infected  Local Areas) (Recovery Movement Control) (No. 3) (Amendment) Regulations 2021MY-P.U.(A)101/20212021-03-10
Peraturan-Peraturan  Pencegahan Dan Pengawalan Penyakit Berjangkit (Langkah-Langkah Di Dalam  Kawasan Tempatan Jangkitan) (Kawalan Pergerakan) (No. 4) (Pindaan)  2021Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases (Measures Within Infected  Local Areas) (Movement Control) (No. 4) (Amendment) Regulations 2021MY-P.U.(A)104/20212021-03-10
Peraturan-Peraturan  Pencegahan Dan Pengawalan Penyakit Berjangkit (Langkah-Langkah Di Dalam  Kawasan Tempatan Jangkitan) (Kawalan Pergerakan Bersyarat) (No. 4) (Pindaan)  (No. 2) 2021Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases (Measures Within  Infected Local Areas) (Conditional Movement Control) (No. 4) (Amendment) (No.  2) Regulations 2021MY-P.U.(A)105/20212021-03-10
Peraturan-Peraturan  Pencegahan Dan Pengawalan Penyakit Berjangkit (Langkah-Langkah Di Dalam  Kawasan Tempatan Jangkitan) (Kawalan Pergerakan Pemulihan) (No. 3) (Pindaan)  (No. 2) 2021Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases (Measures Within  Infected Local Areas) (Recovery Movement Control) (No. 3) (Amendment) (No. 2)  Regulations 2021MY-P.U.(A)106/20212021-03-10
Perintah  Perubatan (Pindaan Jadual Kedua) (No. 2) 2021Medical (Amendment of Second  Schedule) (No. 2) Order 2021MY-P.U.(A)108/20212021-03-10
Peraturan-Peraturan  Pencegahan Dan Pengawalan Penyakit Berjangkit (Langkah-Langkah Di Dalam  Kawasan Tempatan Jangkitan) (Kawalan Pergerakan Bersyarat) (No. 4) (Pindaan)  (No. 3) 2021Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases (Measures Within  Infected Local Areas) (Conditional Movement Control) (No. 4) (Amendment) (No.  3) Regulations 2021MY-P.U.(A)111/20212021-03-15
Peraturan-Peraturan  Pencegahan Dan Pengawalan Penyakit Berjangkit (Langkah-Langkah Di Dalam  Kawasan Tempatan Jangkitan) (Kawalan Pergerakan) (No. 4) (Pindaan) (No. 2)  2021Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases (Measures Within Infected  Local Areas) (Movement Control) (No. 4) (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulations 2021MY-P.U.(A)112/20212021-03-16
Perintah  Konvensyen Senjata Kimia (Pindaan Jadual 1) 2021Chemical Weapons Convention  (Amendment of Schedule 1) Order 2021MY-P.U.(A)115/20212021-03-16
Peraturan-Peraturan  Pencegahan Dan Pengawalan Penyakit Berjangkit (Langkah-Langkah Di Dalam  Kawasan Tempatan Jangkitan) (Kawalan Pergerakan Bersyarat) (No. 4) (Pindaan)  (No. 4) 2021Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases (Measures Within  Infected Local Areas) (Conditional Movement Control) (No. 4) (Amendment) (No.  4) Regulations 2021MY-P.U.(A)117/20212021-03-18
Peraturan-Peraturan  Pencegahan Dan Pengawalan Penyakit Berjangkit (Langkah-Langkah Di Dalam  Kawasan Tempatan Jangkitan) (Kawalan Pergerakan Pemulihan) (No. 3) (Pindaan)  (No. 3) 2021Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases (Measures Within  Infected Local Areas) (Recovery Movement Control) (No. 3) (Amendment) (No. 3)  Regulations 2021MY-P.U.(A)118/20212021-03-18
Peraturan-Peraturan  Pencegahan Dan Pengawalan Penyakit Berjangkit (Langkah-Langkah Di Dalam  Kawasan Tempatan Jangkitan) (Kawalan Pergerakan) (No. 4) (Pindaan) (No. 3)  2021Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases (Measures Within Infected  Local Areas) (Movement Control) (No. 4) (Amendment) (No. 3) Regulations 2021MY-P.U.(A)124/20212021-03-22
Peraturan-Peraturan  Pencegahan Dan Pengawalan Penyakit Berjangkit (Langkah-Langkah Di Dalam  Kawasan Tempatan Jangkitan) (Kawalan Pergerakan Pemulihan) (No. 3) (Pindaan)  (No. 4) 2021Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases (Measures Within  Infected Local Areas) (Recovery Movement Control) (No. 3) (Amendment) (No. 4)  Regulations 2021MY-P.U.(A)125/20212021-03-22
Perintah  Perubatan (Pindaan Jadual Kedua) (No. 3) 2021Medical (Amendment of Second  Schedule) (No. 3) Order 2021MY-P.U.(A)135/20212021-03-25
Peraturan-Peraturan  Kualiti Alam Sekeliling (Kawalan Kandungan Petrol Dan Diesel) (Pindaan)  2021Environmental Quality (Control of Petrol and Diesel Properties)  (Amendment) Regulations 2021MY-P.U.(A)138/20212021-03-26
Perintah  Racun (Pindaan Jadual Ketiga) 2021Poisons (Amendment of Third Schedule) Order  2021MY-P.U.(A)139/20212021-03-26
Peraturan-Peraturan  Industri Perkhidmatan Air (Perkhidmatan Nyahenap Cemar) 2021Water Services  Industry (Desludging Services) Regulations 2021MY-P.U.(A)140/20212021-03-29
Perintah  Pencegahan Dan Pengawalan Penyakit Berjangkit (Pengisytiharan Kawasan  Tempatan Jangkitan) (Pelanjutan Kuat Kuasa) 2021Prevention and Control of  Infectious Diseases (Declaration of Infected Local Areas) (Extension of  Operation) Order 2021MY-P.U.(A)148/20212021-03-30
Peraturan-Peraturan  Pencegahan Dan Pengawalan Penyakit Berjangkit (Langkah-Langkah Di Dalam  Kawasan Tempatan Jangkitan) (Kawalan Pergerakan Bersyarat) (No. 4) (Pindaan)  (No. 5) 2021Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases (Measures Within  Infected Local Areas) (Conditional Movement Control) (No. 4) (Amendment) (No.  5) Regulations 2021MY-P.U.(A)149/20212021-03-30
Peraturan-Peraturan  Pencegahan Dan Pengawalan Penyakit Berjangkit (Langkah-Langkah Di Dalam  Kawasan Tempatan Jangkitan) (Kawalan Pergerakan Pemulihan) (No. 3) (Pindaan)  (No. 5) 2021Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases (Measures Within  Infected Local Areas) (Recovery Movement Control) (No. 3) (Amendment) (No. 5)  Regulations 2021MY-P.U.(A)150/20212021-03-30
Peraturan-Peraturan  Pencegahan Dan Pengawalan Penyakit Berjangkit (Langkah-Langkah Di Dalam  Kawasan Tempatan Jangkitan) (Kawalan Pergerakan) (No. 4) (Pindaan) (No. 4)  2021Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases (Measures Within Infected  Local Areas) (Movement Control) (No. 4) (Amendment) (No. 4) Regulations 2021MY-P.U.(A)154/20212021-04-01
Peraturan-Peraturan  Pencegahan Dan Pengawalan Penyakit Berjangkit (Langkah-Langkah Di Dalam  Kawasan Tempatan Jangkitan) (Kawalan Pergerakan Bersyarat) (No. 4) (Pindaan)  (No. 6) 2021Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases (Measures Within  Infected Local Areas) (Conditional Movement Control) (No. 4) (Amendment) (No.  6) Regulations 2021MY-P.U.(A)155/20212021-04-01
Peraturan-Peraturan  Pencegahan Dan Pengawalan Penyakit Berjangkit (Langkah-Langkah Di Dalam  Kawasan Tempatan Jangkitan) (Kawalan Pergerakan Pemulihan) (No. 3) (Pindaan)  (No. 6) 2021Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases (Measures Within  Infected Local Areas) (Recovery Movement Control) (No. 3) (Amendment) (No. 6)  Regulations 2021MY-P.U.(A)156/20212021-04-01
Peraturan-Peraturan  Pencegahan Dan Pengawalan Penyakit Berjangkit (Langkah-Langkah Di Dalam  Kawasan Tempatan Jangkitan) (Kawalan Pergerakan) (No. 4) (Pindaan) (No. 5)  2021Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases (Measures Within Infected  Local Areas) (Movement Control) (No. 4) (Amendment) (No. 5) Regulations 2021MY-P.U.(A)157/20212021-04-01


Indonesian EHS Legislation

LegislationDocument SignatureFirst Effective Date
Penyusunan  Laporan Analisis Keselamatan Reaktor Daya
Preparation of a Power Reactor Safety Analysis Report
Program  Penilaian Peringkat Kinerja Perusahaan Dalam Pengelolaan Lingkungan  Hidup
Program for Assessing Company Performance in Environmental Management
Penanganan  Abu Dasar Dan Abu Terbang Hasil Pengolahan Sampah Secara Termal
Handling of Base Ash and Flying Ash from Thermal Waste Treatment
Pengelolaan  Limbah Alat Kesehatan Mengandung Merkuri
Health Equipment Waste Management Contains Mercury
Standar  Dan Sertifikasi Kebersihan, Kesehatan, Keselamatan, Dan Kelestarian  Lingkungan Sektor Pariwisata Dalam Masa Penanganan Pandemi Corona Virus  Disease 2019
Clean, Health, Safety, and Environmental Sustainability Standards and  Certification of the Tourism Sector in the Handling Period of Corona Virus  Disease 2019
Standar  Industri Hijau Untuk Industri Perlengkapan Rumah Tangga Dari Keramik
Green Industry Standard for Industry of Household Equipment of Ceramics
Standar  Industri Hijau Untuk Industri Kemasan Dari Kaca
Green Industry Standard for the Glass Packaging Industry
Standar  Industri Hijau Untuk Industri Pupuk Nitrogen, Phospor, Dan Kalium Padat
Green Industry Standard for Industry of Nitrogen Fertilizer, Phosport and  Solid Potassium
Standar  Industri Hijau Untuk Industri Cat Berbasis Pelarut Organik
Green Industry Standard for Manufacture of Organic Solution Based Painting
Standar  Industri Hijau Untuk Industri Kaca Pengaman Diperkeras
Green Industry Standard for Holding Safety Glass Industries
Perubahan  Ketiga Atas Peraturan Presiden Nomor 3 Tahun 2016 Tentang Percepatan  Pelaksanaan Proyek Strategis Nasional
Third amendment to presidential regulation number 3 of 2016 concerning  acceleration of national strategic projects implementation


Philippines EHS Legislation

LegislationDocument SignatureFirst Effective Date
Omnibus  Guidelines on the Implementation of Community Quarantine in the Philippines  with Amendments as of November 19, 2020PH-IATF-OMNIBUS19Nov20202020-11-19
Omnibus  Guidelines on the Implementation of Community Quarantine in the Philippines  with Amendments as of December 14, 2020PH-IATF-OMNIBUS14Dec20202020-12-14
Omnibus  Guidelines on the Implementation of Community Quarantine in the Philippines  with Amendments as of January 14, 2021PH-IATF-OMNIBUS14Jan20212021-01-14
Omnibus  Guidelines on the Implementation of Community Quarantine in the Philippines  with Amendments as of January 21, 2021PH-IATF-OMNIBUS21Jan20212021-01-21
Omnibus  Guidelines on the Implementation of Community Quarantine in the Philippines  with Amendments as of February 11, 2021PH-IATF-OMNIBUS11Feb20212021-02-11
Resolution  No. 100, s. 2021PH-IATF-ResolutionNo.100,s.20212021-02-19
Health  and Safety Protocols for the Conduct of Film and Audiovisual Production  Shoots and Audiovisual Activities During COVID-19 PandemicPH-DTI-DOLE-DOHJointAdministrativeOrderNo.2021-00012021-01-27
Labor  Advisory No. 03-21 Guidelines on the Administration of COVID-19 Vaccines in  the WorkplacesPH-DOLE-LaborAdvisoryNo.03-20212021-03-12
DO  224-21 Guidelines on Ventilation for Workplaces and Public Transport to  Prevent and Control the Spread of COVID-19PH-DOLE-DepartmentOrderNo.224-20212021-03-03
DO  223-21 Guidelines Streamlining the Processes for the Issuance of Permit to  Operate (PTO) and certificate of Electrical Inspection (CEI) for New Power  Generation, Tranmission, and Distribution Projects, Pursuant to Republic Act  No. 11234 otherwise known as “Energy Virtual One-Stop Shop (EVOSS) Act”PH-DOLE-DepartementOrderNo.2232021-03-03


Singapore EHS Legislation

LegislationDocument SignatureFirst Effective Date
Omnibus  Guidelines on the Implementation of Community Quarantine in the Philippines  with Amendments as of November 19, 2020PH-IATF-OMNIBUS19Nov20202020-11-19
Omnibus  Guidelines on the Implementation of Community Quarantine in the Philippines  with Amendments as of December 14, 2020PH-IATF-OMNIBUS14Dec20202020-12-14
Omnibus  Guidelines on the Implementation of Community Quarantine in the Philippines  with Amendments as of January 14, 2021PH-IATF-OMNIBUS14Jan20212021-01-14
Omnibus  Guidelines on the Implementation of Community Quarantine in the Philippines  with Amendments as of January 21, 2021PH-IATF-OMNIBUS21Jan20212021-01-21
Omnibus  Guidelines on the Implementation of Community Quarantine in the Philippines  with Amendments as of February 11, 2021PH-IATF-OMNIBUS11Feb20212021-02-11
Resolution  No. 100, s. 2021PH-IATF-ResolutionNo.100,s.20212021-02-19
Health  and Safety Protocols for the Conduct of Film and Audiovisual Production  Shoots and Audiovisual Activities During COVID-19 PandemicPH-DTI-DOLE-DOHJointAdministrativeOrderNo.2021-00012021-01-27
Labor  Advisory No. 03-21 Guidelines on the Administration of COVID-19 Vaccines in  the WorkplacesPH-DOLE-LaborAdvisoryNo.03-20212021-03-12
DO  224-21 Guidelines on Ventilation for Workplaces and Public Transport to  Prevent and Control the Spread of COVID-19PH-DOLE-DepartmentOrderNo.224-20212021-03-03
DO  223-21 Guidelines Streamlining the Processes for the Issuance of Permit to  Operate (PTO) and certificate of Electrical Inspection (CEI) for New Power  Generation, Tranmission, and Distribution Projects, Pursuant to Republic Act  No. 11234 otherwise known as “Energy Virtual One-Stop Shop (EVOSS) Act”PH-DOLE-DepartementOrderNo.2232021-03-03


Thai EHS Legislation

LegislationDocument SignatureFirst Effective Date
กฎกระทรวงการแจ้งเพิ่มจำนวน เปลี่ยน  หรือเปลี่ยนแปลงเครื่องจักรและเพิ่มเนื้อที่อาคารโรงงานหรือก่อสร้างอาคารโรงงานเพิ่มขึ้นใหม่  สำหรับโรงงานจำพวกที่ ๓ พ.ศ. ๒๕๖๓
Ministerial Regulation: Notification of an increase in the number, change  or change of machinery and an increase in the area of a factory building or  construction of a new factory building. For factory group 3 B.E. 2564
กฎกระทรวงองค์กรผู้ใช้น้ำ พ.ศ. ๒๕๖๔
Ministerial Regulations Water User Organization B.E 2564
กฎกระทรวงกำหนดมาตรฐานในการบริหาร จัดการ  และดำเนินการด้านความปลอดภัย อาชีวอนามัย  และสภาพแวดล้อมในการทำงานเกี่ยวกับนั่งร้านและค้ำยัน พ.ศ. ๒๕๖๔
Ministerial Regulation Prescribing Standards for Management and Operation  on Occupational Safety, Health and Working Environment Concerning Scaffolding  and Supporting B.E.2564
กฎกระทรวงว่าด้วยการกำจัดมูลฝอยติดเชื้อ (ฉบับที่ ๒) พ.ศ.  ๒๕๖๔
Ministerial Regulation on Infectious Waste Disposal (No. 2), B.E.2564
กฎกระทรวงกำหนดมาตรฐานในการบริหาร จัดการ  และดำเนินการด้านความปลอดภัย อาชีวอนามัย  และสภาพแวดล้อมในการทำงานเกี่ยวกับงานก่อสร้าง พ.ศ. ๒๕๖๔
Ministerial Regulation Prescribing Standards for Management and Operation  on Occupational Safety, Health and Environment in Relation to Construction  Work, B.E.2564
กฎกระทรวงกำหนดมาตรฐานในการบริหาร จัดการ  และดำเนินการด้านความปลอดภัย อาชีวอนามัย และสภาพแวดล้อมในการทำงาน  ในสถานที่ที่มีอันตรายจากการตกจากที่สูงและที่ลาดชัน จากวัสดุกระเด็น ตกหล่น  และพังทลายและจากการตกลงไปในภาชนะเก็บหรือรองรับวัสดุ พ.ศ. ๒๕๖๔
Ministerial Regulation Prescribing Standards for Management and Operation  on Occupational Safety, Health and Environment In a place where there is  danger of falling from a height and steep slopes From material splashed,  dropped and collapsed and from falling into a material storage or support  container, B.E.2564
กฎกระทรวง ฉบับที่ ๖๓ (พ.ศ. ๒๕๖๔)  ออกตามความในพระราชบัญญัติการขนส่งทางบก พ.ศ. ๒๕๒๒
Ministerial Regulation No. 63 (B.E. 2564) issued under the Land Transport  Act B.E. 2522 (1979).
กฎกระทรวงกำหนดการรับน้ำหนัก ความต้านทาน ความคงทนของอาคาร  และพื้นดินที่รองรับอาคารในการต้านทานแรงสั่นสะเทือนของแผ่นดินไหว พ.ศ.  ๒๕๖๔
Ministerial Regulation prescribing the load, resistance, durability of the  building And the ground that supports the building in the earthquake  resistance of B.E.2564
กฎกระทรวงกำหนดสิ่งอำนวยความสะดวกในอาคารสำหรับผู้พิการหรือทุพพลภาพ  และคนชรา (ฉบับที่ ๒) พ.ศ. ๒๕๖๔
Ministerial Regulation Prescribing Building Facilities for Persons with  Disabilities or Disabilities and the Elderly (No. 2), B.E.2564
กฎกระทรวงกำหนดแบบคำขออนุญาต ใบอนุญาต ใบรับรอง คำสั่ง  และแบบหนังสือตามกฎหมายว่าด้วยการควบคุมอาคาร พ.ศ. ๒๕๖๔
Ministerial Regulation Prescribing Application Form for License, Permit,  Certificate, Order, and Form in accordance with the Building Control Law,  B.E.2564
กฎกระทรวงกำหนดหลักเกณฑ์ วิธีการ และเงื่อนไขในการขออนุญาต  การอนุญาต การต่ออายุใบอนุญาต การโอนใบอนุญาต การออกใบรับรอง  และการออกใบแทนตามกฎหมายว่าด้วยการควบคุมอาคาร พ.ศ. ๒๕๖๔
Ministerial Regulations prescribing the rules, procedures and conditions  for applying for a permit, a license, an extension of a license. License  transfer Certification And issuing a substitute under the building control  law, B.E.2564
กฎกระทรวงการขออนุญาตและการอนุญาตเกี่ยวกับโรงงานจำพวกที่ ๓ พ.ศ.  ๒๕๖๔
Ministerial Regulation, Application for Permit and Permission Concerning  Category 3 Factory, B.E.2564
กฎกระทรวงกำหนดเครื่องกำเนิดรังสีที่ผู้ดำเนินการไม่ต้องขอรับใบอนุญาต  พ.ศ. ๒๕๖๓
Ministerial Regulation Prescribing Radiation Generators That Operators Are  Not Required to Apply for a License, B.E.2563


Korean EHS Legislation

LegislationDocument SignatureFirst Effective Date
환경보건법 일부개정법률 (2021-01-01)
Amendments to Environmental Health Law (2021-01-01)
물환경보전법 일부개정법률 (2021-01-01)
Amendments to Water Environment Conservation Act (2021-01-01)
환경범죄 등의 단속 및 가중처벌에 관한 법률 일부개정법률 (2021-02-19)
Amendments to Act on the Control And Aggravated Punishment of Environmental  Offenses, Etc. (2021-02-19)
산업안전보건법 일부개정법률 (2021-01-16)
Amendments to Occupational Health and Safety Act (2021-01-16)
소방기본법 일부개정법률 (2021-01-21)
Amendments to Basic Fire Fighting Act (2021-01-21)
대기환경보전법 일부개정법률 (2021-01-01)
Amendments to Clean Air Conservation Act (2021-01-01)
먹는물관리법 일부개정법률 (2021-01-05)
Amendments to Drinking Water Management Act (2021-01-05)
소음ㆍ진동관리법 일부개정법률 (2021-01-05)
Amendments to Noise and Vibration Management Act (2021-01-05)
악취방지법 일부개정법률 (2021-01-05)
Amendments to Odor Prevention Act (2021-01-05)
자원의 절약과 재활용촉진에 관한 법률 일부개정법률 (2021-02-06)
Amendments to Act on the Promotion of Saving and Recycling of Resources  (2021-02-06)
전기·전자제품 및 자동차의 자원순환에 관한 법률 일부개정법률 (2021-01-05)
Amendments to Act on Resource Circulation of Electrical and Electronic  Equipment and Vehicles (2021-01-05)
환경오염시설의 통합관리에 관한 법률 일부개정법률 (2021-01-05)
Amendments to Act on Integrated Management of Environmental Pollution  Facilities (2021-01-05)
근로기준법 일부개정법률 (2021-01-05)
Amendments to Labor Standards Act (2021-01-05)
위험물안전관리법 일부개정법률 (2021-01-12)
Amendments to Dangerous Goods Safety Control Act (2021-01-12)
승강기 안전관리법 일부개정법률 (2021-01-12)
Amendments to Elevator Safety Management Act (2021-01-12)
승강기 안전관리법 시행규칙 일부개정령 (2021-01-01)
Amendments to Enforcement Regulations of the Elevator Safety Management Act  (2021-01-01)
위험물안전관리법 시행규칙 일부개정령 (2021-03-01)
Amendments to Enforcement Regulations of the Dangerous Goods Safety Control  Act (2021-03-01)
소방장비관리법 시행규칙 일부개정령 (2021-01-07)
Amendments to Enforcement Regulations of the Fire Equipment Management Act  (2021-01-07)
대기환경보전법 시행령 일부개정령 (2021-01-01)
Amendments to Enforcement Decree of the Clean Air Conservation Act  (2021-01-01)
산업안전보건법 시행령 일부개정령 (2021-01-16)
Amendments to Enforcement Decree of the Occupational Safety and Health Act  (2021-01-16)
산업안전보건법 시행규칙 일부개정령 (2021-01-19)
Amendments to Enforcement Regulations of the Occupational Safety and Health  Act (2021-01-19)


Hong Kong Special Administrative Region EHS Legislation

LegislationDocument SignatureFirst Effective Date
2021年預防及控制疾病 (對若干人士強制檢測) (修訂) 規例 – 2021年第18號法律公告
Prevention and Control of Disease (Compulsory Testing for Certain Persons)  (Amendment) Regulation 2021 – L.N. 18 of 2021
危險品 (管制) 規例 – 2021年第20號法律公告
Dangerous Goods (Control) Regulation – L.N. 20 of 2021
2021年〈2012年危險品 (適用及豁免) 規例〉(修訂) 規例 – 2021年第21號法律公告
Dangerous Goods (Application and Exemption) Regulation 2012 (Amendment)  Regulation 2021 – L.N. 21 of 2021
2021年保護瀕危動植物物種條例 (修訂附表1及3) 令 – 2021年第22號法律公告
Protection of Endangered Species of Animals and Plants Ordinance (Amendment  of Schedules 1 and 3) Order 2021 – L.N. 22 of 2021
2021年玩具及兒童產品安全條例 (修訂附表1及2) 公告 – 2021年第23號法律公告
Toys and Children’s Products Safety Ordinance (Amendment of Schedules 1 and  2) Notice 2021 – L.N. 23 of 2021
2021年若干到港人士強制檢疫(修訂)規例 – 2021年第24號法律公告
Compulsory Quarantine of Certain Persons Arriving at Hong Kong (Amendment)  Regulation 2021 – L.N. 24 of 2021
2021年外國地區到港人士強制檢疫(修訂)規例 – 2021年第26號法律公告
Compulsory Quarantine of Persons Arriving at Hong Kong from Foreign Places  (Amendment) Regulation 2021 – L.N. 26 of 2021
2021年預防及控制疾病(規定及指示) (業務及處所) (修訂)規例 – 2021年第27號法律公告
Prevention and Control of Disease (Requirements and Directions) (Business  and Premises) (Amendment) Regulation 2021 – L.N. 27 of 2021
2021年預防及控制疾病(禁止羣組聚集) (修訂)規例 – 2021年第28號法律公告
Prevention and Control of Disease (Prohibition on Group Gathering)  (Amendment) Regulation 2021 – L.N. 28 of 2021
2021年預防及控制疾病(規管跨境交通工具及到港者) (修訂)規例 – 2021年第29號法律公告
Prevention and Control of Disease (Regulation of Cross-boundary Conveyances  and Travellers) (Amendment) Regulation 2021 – L.N. 29 of 2021
2021年預防及控制疾病(佩戴口罩) (修訂)規例 – 2021年第30號法律公告
Prevention and Control of Disease (Wearing of Mask) (Amendment) Regulation  2021 – L.N. 30 of 2021
2021年公共收入保障 (收入) 令 – 2021年第31號法律公告
Public Revenue Protection (Revenue) Order 2021 – L.N. 31 of 2021
2021年污水處理服務(排污費) (修訂)規例 – 2021年第36號法律公告
Sewage Services (Sewage Charge) (Amendment) Regulation 2021 – L.N. 36 of  2021
2021年水務設施(修訂)規例 – 2021年第37號法律公告
Waterworks (Amendment) Regulation 2021 – L.N. 37 of 2021
2021年預防及控制疾病(禁止羣組聚集) (修訂) (第2號)規例 – 2021年第48號法律公告
Prevention and Control of Disease (Prohibition on Group Gathering)  (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulation 2021 – L.N. 48 of 2021
2021年性別歧視(修訂)條例 – 2021年第3號條例
Sex Discrimination (Amendment) Ordinance 2021 – Ord. No. 3 of 2021
《2020年保險業(修訂)條例》(生效日期)公告 – 2021年第7號法律公告
nsurance (Amendment) Ordinance 2020 (Commencement) Notice – L.N. 7 of 2021
2021年公眾衞生及市政條例(公眾遊樂場地) (修訂附表4)令 – 2021年第39號法律公告
Public Health and Municipal Services Ordinance (Public Pleasure Grounds)  (Amendment of Fourth Schedule) Order 2021 – L.N. 39 of 2021
2021年僱員補償援助條例(修訂附表4)公告 – 2021年第41號法律公告
Employees Compensation Assistance Ordinance (Amendment of Schedule 4)  Notice 2021 – L.N. 41 of 2021


Taiwan EHS Legislation

LegislationDocument SignatureFirst Effective Date
內政部令:100年1月27日訂定發布之「電波傳輸障礙防止區域建築物改善或使用補償辦法」,自110年3月1日施行 –  台內消字第1100821005號
MINISTRY OF THE INTERIOR Order is hereby given, for designating the date of  enforcement of “Compensation Regulations for building  improvements/building usage in radio waves blockage prevention areas” to  be 1st, March 2021 – Tai Nei Xiao Zi No.1100821005
行政院環境保護署令:修正「環境檢驗測定機構管理辦法」部分條文 – 環署檢字第1108000006號
ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ADMINISTRATION, EXECUTIVE YUAN Order is hereby  given, for the amendment on partial articles of “Environmental Analysis  Organization Management Regulations” – Huan Shu Jian Zi No.1108000006
行政院環境保護署令:訂定「固定污染源有害空氣污染物排放標準」 – 環署空字第1101015008號
ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ADMINISTRATION, EXECUTIVE YUAN Order is hereby  given, for the promulgation of “Stationary Pollution Source Hazardous  Air Pollutant Emissions Standards” – Huan Shu Kong Zi No.1101015008
經濟部令:修正「著作財產權人不明著作利用之許可授權及使用報酬辦法」第3條條文 – 經智字第11004601050號
MINISTRY OF ECONOMIC AFFAIRS Order is hereby given, for the amendment on  Article 3 of “Regulations Governing Application for Approval of License  of Works of Unknown Owner of Copyrights and Royalties for Use Thereof” –  Jing Zhi Zi No.11004601050
交通部令:修正「汽車運輸業管理規則」第42條、第43條條文 – 交路字第11050027061號
MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS Order is hereby given, for  the amendment on Article 42 and 43 of “Regulations for Automobile  Transportation Operators” – Jiao Lu Zi No.11050027061
行政院環境保護署公告:訂定「一般廢棄物清除處理方式」 – 環署廢字第1101012065號
ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ADMINISTRATION, EXECUTIVE YUAN Notice is hereby  given, for the promulgation of “Methods of General Waste Clearance and  Disposal” – Huan Shu Fei Zi No.1101012065
行政院環境保護署令:訂定「餐飲業空氣污染防制設施管理辦法」 – 環署空字第1101012137號
ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ADMINISTRATION, EXECUTIVE YUAN Order is hereby  given, for the promulgation of “Management Regulations for Facilities to  Control Oil Fumes of Air Pollution from Catering” – Huan Shu Kong Zi  No.1101012137
經濟部令:修正「經濟部資源再生綠色產品審查認定辦法」第5條條文 – 經工字第11004600150號
MINISTRY OF ECONOMIC AFFAIRS Order is hereby given, for the amendment on  Article 5 of “Regulations Governing Examination and Identification of  Advanced Recycled Products by Ministry of Economic Affairs” – Jing Gong  Zi No.11004600150
行政院環境保護署公告:訂定「水中醛類檢測方法-液相層析儀紫外光偵測器法(NIEA W782.52B)」 –  環署授檢字第1101000157號
ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ADMINISTRATION, EXECUTIVE YUAN Notice is hereby  given, for the stipulation to adopt “Method for Determination of  Aldehyde Compounds in Water by Liquid Chromatography with UV Detector (NIEA  W782.52B)” – Huan Shu Shou Jian Zi No.1101000157
國家通訊傳播委員會令:訂定「建築物電信設備及空間設置使用管理規則」、「建築物電信設備審查及審驗機構管理辦法」 –  通傳基礎字第11063002171號
NATIONAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION Order is hereby given, for the  promulgation of “Regulations Governing Building Telecommunication  Equipment and Space Appliance Using” and “Regulations Governing  Building Telecommunication Equipment Examination and Inspection  Institutions” – Tong Chuan Ji Chu Zi No.11063002171
國家通訊傳播委員會公告:訂定「建築物屋內外電信設備設置技術規範」 – 通傳基礎字第11063002172號
NATIONAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION Notice is hereby given, for the  promulgation of “Technical Specifications of Building Telecommunications  Equipment” – Tong Chuan Ji Chu Zi No.11063002172
行政院環境保護署公告:訂定「初級固體生質燃料中水分測定方法(NIEA A217.00C)」 –  環署授檢字第1101000209號
ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ADMINISTRATION, EXECUTIVE YUAN Notice is hereby  given, for the stipulation to adopt “Method for Determination of Water  Content in Primary Solid Biofuels (NIEA A217.00C)” – Huan Shu Shou Jian  Zi No.1101000209
行政院環境保護署公告:訂定「初級固體生質燃料發熱量檢測方法-彈卡計法(NIEA A218.00C)」 –  環署授檢字第1101000228號
ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ADMINISTRATION, EXECUTIVE YUAN Notice is hereby  given, for the stipulation to adopt “Method for Determination of  Calorific Value of Primary Solid Biofuels- Bomb Calorimeter Method (NIEA  A218.00C)” – Huan Shu Shou Jian Zi No.1101000228
行政院環境保護署公告:訂定「初級固體生質燃料中元素檢測方法(NIEA A311.00C)」 –  環署授檢字第1101000230號
ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ADMINISTRATION, EXECUTIVE YUAN Notice is hereby  given, for the stipulation to adopt “Method for Determination of  Elements in Primary Solid Biofuels (NIEA A311.00C)” – Huan Shu Shou Jian  Zi No.1101000230
行政院環境保護署公告:訂定「初級固體生質燃料中硫、氯含量檢測方法(NIEA A219.00C)」 –  環署授檢字第1101000235號
ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ADMINISTRATION, EXECUTIVE YUAN Notice is hereby  given, for the stipulation to adopt “Method for Determination of Sulfur  and Chlorine Content in Primary Solid Biofuels (NIEA A219.00C)” – Huan  Shu Shou Jian Zi No.1101000235
交通部公路總局令:訂定「交通部公路總局載運危險物品車輛裝置全球衛星定位設備補助作業要點」 –  路監交字第1100029223A號
DIRECTORATE GENERAL OF HIGHWAYS, MOTC Order is hereby given, for the  promulgation of “Directions for Subsidy on Global Positioning System  Instruments of Vehicles Carrying Hazardous Goods” – Lu Jian Jiao Zi  No.1100029223A
行政院環境保護署令:修正「環境影響評估書件審查收費辦法」 – 環署綜字第1101007305號
ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ADMINISTRATION, EXECUTIVE YUAN Order is hereby  given, for the amendment of “Fee Regulations for Environmental Impact  Assessment Documents” – Huan Shu Zong Zi No.1101007305
勞動部令:訂定「單側聽損者職務再設計服務試辦計畫」 – 勞動發特字第11005002361號
MINISTRY OF LABOR Order is hereby given, for the promulgation of  “Pilot Plan of Job Accommodation for Unilateral Hearing Loss” – Lao  Dong Fa Te Zi No.11005002361
行政院環境保護署公告:訂定「環境用藥中次氯酸鈣檢測方法-滴定法(NIEA D438.20C)」 –  環署授檢字第1101000382號
ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ADMINISTRATION, EXECUTIVE YUAN Notice is hereby  given, for the stipulation to adopt “Method for Determination of Calcium  Hypochlorite in Environmental Agents- Titrimetric Method (NIEA  D438.20C)” – Huan Shu Shou Jian Zi No.1101000382
經濟部令:修正「河川管理辦法」部分條文 – 經水字第11004600390號
MINISTRY OF ECONOMIC AFFAIRS Order is hereby given, for the amendment on  partial articles of “Regulations on River Management” – Jing Shui  Zi No.11004600390
行政院環境保護署令:修正「氯乙烯及聚氯乙烯製造業空氣污染物管制及排放標準」部分條文 –  環署空字第1091215441號
ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ADMINISTRATION, EXECUTIVE YUAN Order is hereby  given, for the amendment on partial articles of “Air Pollution Control  and Emissions Standards for the Vinyl Chloride Monomer and Polyvinyl Chloride  Manufacturing Industry” – Huan Shu Kong Zi No.1091215441
行政院環境保護署令:修正「事業廢棄物貯存清除處理方法及設施標準」部分條文 – 環署廢字第1101009445號
ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ADMINISTRATION, EXECUTIVE YUAN Order is hereby  given, for the amendment on partial articles of “Methods and Facilities  Standards for the Storage, Clearance and Disposal of Industrial Waste” –  Huan Shu Fei Zi No.1101009445
國家通訊傳播委員會公告:訂定「關鍵電信基礎設施資通設備資通安全檢測技術規範」 –  通傳基礎字第10963034480號
NATIONAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION Notice is hereby given, for the  promulgation of “Technical Specifications for Security Testing of  Information and Communication Equipment for Critical Telecommunications  Infrastructure” – Tong Chuan Ji Chu Zi No.10963034480
行政院令:修正「水污染防治基金收支保管及運用辦法」第7條條文 – 院授主基法字第1100200053A號
EXECUTIVE YUAN Order is hereby given, for the amendment on Article 7 of  “Regulations for the Revenues and Expenditures, Safekeeping and  Utilization of the Fund of the Water Pollution Control Fees” – Yuan Shou  Zhu Ji Fa Zi No.1100200053A
經濟部公告:修正「基於環境保護或安全考量不宜設立工廠者」,自即日生效 – 經中字第11004600540號
MINISTRY OF ECONOMIC AFFAIRS Notice is hereby given, for the amendment of  “Factories Prohibition Due to Environmental Protection or Public Safety  Concerns” – Jing Zhong Zi No.11004600540
勞動部令:訂定「繼續僱用高齡者補助計畫」 – 勞動發特字第11005002551號
MINISTRY OF LABOR Order is hereby given, for the promulgation of “Plan  of the Allowance for Encouraging Employers to Continue Employing Elders”  – Lao Dong Fa Te Zi No.11005002551
行政院環境保護署令:訂定「行政院環境保護署海洋廢棄物循環產品標章推動作業要點」 –  環署基字第1101039155C號
ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ADMINISTRATION, EXECUTIVE YUAN Order is hereby  given, for the promulgation of “Operation Directions for Label of  Recycled Marine Debris Product, Environmental Protection Administration,  Executive Yuan” – Huan Shu Ji Zi No.1101039155C
經濟部公告:訂定「經濟部所屬產業園區管理機構下水道使用管理及收費規定」 – 經工字第11004600610號
MINISTRY OF ECONOMIC AFFAIRS Notice is hereby given, for the promulgation  of “Regulations for Management and the Fee Rates for the Usage of the  Wastewater Treatment System of Service Centers of Industrial Zones Under the  Jurisdiction of Ministry of Economic Affairs” – Jing Gong Zi  No.11004600610
行政院環境保護署令:修正「一般廢棄物回收清除處理辦法」部分條文 – 環署廢字第1101011706號
ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ADMINISTRATION, EXECUTIVE YUAN Order is hereby  given, for the amendment on partial articles of “Regulations Governing  General Waste Recycling, Clearance and Disposal” – Huan Shu Fei Zi  No.1101011706
交通部令:修正「航空器飛航作業管理規則」第199條、第284條條文 – 交航字第11050025721號
MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS Order is hereby given, for  the amendment on Article 199 and 284 of “Aircraft Flight Operation  Regulations” – Jiao Hang Zi No.11050025721
行政院環境保護署令:修正「開發行為環境影響評估作業準則」部分條文及第8條附件2 – 環署綜字第1101004742號
ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ADMINISTRATION, EXECUTIVE YUAN Order is hereby  given, for the amendment on partial articles and Supplementary 2 of Article 8  of “Operational Regulations for Environmental Impact Assessments for  Development Activities” – Huan Shu Zong Zi No.1101004742
衛生福利部令:修正「食品中污染物質及毒素衛生標準」第6條條文及第5條附表3 – 衛授食字第1091304812號
MINISTRY OF HEALTH AND WELFARE Order is hereby given, for the amendment on  Article 6 and Appendix 3 of Article 5 of “Sanitation Standard for  Contaminants and Toxins in Food” – Wei Shou Shi Zi No.1091304812
總統令:修正「土石採取法」第36條條文 – 華總一經字第11000008871號
OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT Order is hereby given, for the promulgation of  Article 36 amendment to “Sand and Gravel Excavation Act” – Hua Zong  Yi Jing Zi No.11000008871
行政院環境保護署令:修正「廢(污)水處理專責單位或人員設置及管理辦法」第13條條文 –  環署水字第1101013882號
ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ADMINISTRATION, EXECUTIVE YUAN Order is hereby  given, for the amendment on Article 13 of “Regulations Governing the  Establishment and Management of Dedicated Wastewater (Sewage) Treatment Units  or Personnel” – Huan Shu Shui Zi No.1101013882
交通部令:修正「汽車運輸業審核細則」第4條之3條文 – 交路字第11050010891號
MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS Order is hereby given, for  the amendment on Article 4-3 of “Regulations for Review and Approval of  Automobile Transportation Operators” – Jiao Lu Zi No.11050010891
交通部令:修正「航空產品與其各項裝備及零組件適航維修管理規則」部分條文及第3條附件1 –  交航字第11050035901號
MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS Order is hereby given, for  the amendment on partial articles and Supplementary 1 of Article 3 of  “Regulations of Airworthiness and Maintenance Management for Aviation  Products, Appliances and Parts” – Jiao Hang Zi No.11050035901
衛生福利部令:訂定「醫療器材技術人員管理辦法」 – 衛授食字第1101600902號
MINISTRY OF HEALTH AND WELFARE Order is hereby given, for the promulgation  of “Regulations for Management of Medical Devices Technicians” –  Wei Shou Shi Zi No.1101600902
總統令:修正「自來水法」第61條之1條文 – 華總一經字第11000008921號
OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT Order is hereby given, for the promulgation of  Article 61-1 amendment to “Water Supply Act” – Hua Zong Yi Jing Zi  No.11000008921
交通部民用航空局令:修正「飛航規則」第14條之1條文 – 企法字第11014002951號
CIVIL AERONAUTICS ADMINISTRATION, MOTC Order is hereby given, for the  amendment on Article 14-1 of “Rules of the Air” – Qi Fa Zi  No.11014002951
行政院環境保護署公告:訂定「初級固體生質燃料採樣方法(NIEA A104.00C)」 –  環署授檢字第1101000222號
ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ADMINISTRATION, EXECUTIVE YUAN Notice is hereby  given, for the stipulation to adopt “Method of Sampling for Primary  Solid Biofuels (NIEA A104.00C)” – Huan Shu Shou Jian Zi No.1101000222



