Benjamin Chen

Benjamin Chen

Benjamin Chen works as a Director, Regulatory Compliance at Nimonik. He is a part of the Governmental Affairs & Regulatory Law team within the Legal Department and his management level is Director. Benjamin graduated from Shanghai University of Finance and Economics in 2011 and is currently based in Shanghai, China.LinkedIn

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Benjamin Chen

FAQ#B7005 什么是China GHS?

答: 《危险化学品安全管理条例》第十五条要求“危险化学品生产企业应当提供与其生产的危险化学品相符的化学品安全技 … 阅读更多

NIMONIK-ERM EHSS 法规月刊 2023年11月

本期要闻Highlights of the Month









In order to further regulate voluntary greenhouse gas emission reduction transactions and related activities nationwide, and to promote the achievement of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, along with the State Administration for Market Regulation, revised the original “Interim Measures for the Administration of Voluntary Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Transactions” and compiled the “Measures  for the Management of Voluntary Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Transactions (Trial)”, which was released and implemented on October 19.

The “Measures for the Management” systematically regulates the overall framework of voluntary emission reduction transactions and stipulates the implementation process of various procedures such as project validation and registration, emission reduction verification and registration, and emission reduction transactions.

The Measures stipulates that greenhouse gas voluntary emission reduction projects applying for registration should be authentic, unique and additional, and should fall within the field supported by the project methodology issued by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, of which the construction started after November 8, 2012.

The Measures stipulates that the emission reduction of projects applying for registration shall be measurable, traceable, and verifiable, in accordance with the principle of conservatism and project methodology issued by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment. The emission reduction should occur after September 22, 2020, within the time period during which project emission reduction registration is valid. Project owners can apply for project emission reduction registration by stages. The emission reductions of project applying for registration at each stage should be within five years prior to the date of its application for registration.

In this Method, for the first time, nitrogen trifluoride (NF3) is included in the scope of greenhouse gases that can participate in emission reduction transactions, and individuals are explicitly regarded as subjects that can participate in transactions, but there are no detailed stipulations on the cross-border transactions.

The issuance of this management measures also means that CCER (China Certified Emission Reduction) has resumed its operation after a moratorium on approving new projects since 2017.

On October 24, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment issued the “Notice on the Arrangement of Relevant Matters of the National Voluntary Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Trading Market”, which makes arrangements for the convergence before the establishment of the National Voluntary Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Registry and the National Voluntary Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Trading Institution.

On the same day, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment released four voluntary greenhouse gas emission reduction project methodologies: afforestation carbon sinks, grid-connected solar thermal power generation, grid-connected offshore wind power generation, and mangrove creation, for the design and approval of voluntary greenhouse gas emission reduction projects, and the accounting and verification of emission reductions from voluntary greenhouse gas emission reduction projects.

最新国家法律法规Policy Initiatives & Developments

生态环境部、商务部、海关总署:中国严格限制的有毒化学品名录(2023年)Ministry of Ecology and Environment, Ministry of Commerce, and General Administration of Customs: List of Toxic Chemicals Strictly Restricted in China (2023)

按照《鹿特丹公约》、《斯德哥尔摩公约》和《水俣公约》履约进程,以及我国化学物质环境管理进展,生态环境部联合商务部和海关总署发布2023版名录,修订废止了2020版名录。修订版新增十溴二苯醚、全氟辛酸及其盐类和其相关化合物(PFOA 类)两种类化学物质,并明确了其允许用途。删除了六溴环十二烷,删减了全氟辛基磺酸及其盐类和全氟辛基磺酰氟(PFOS 类)的允许用途,仅保留了灭火泡沫药剂生产的用途。更新了短链氯化石蜡的化学文摘社登记号(CAS 号)及其允许用途。凡进口或出口名录所列有毒化学品的,应按本公告及附件规定向生态环境部申请办理有毒化学品进(出)口环境管理放行通知单,并凭有毒化学品进(出)口环境管理放行通知单向海关办理进出口手续。

In accordance with the implementation process of the Rotterdam Convention, the Stockholm Convention and the Minamata Convention, as well as the progress of China’s environmental management of chemical substances, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, in conjunction with the Ministry of Commerce and the General Administration of Customs, issued the 2023 version of the list, and repealed the 2020 version.The revision adds two new categories of chemical substances: decabromodiphenyl ether, perfluorooctanoic acid and its salts, and its related compounds (PFOA), and clarifies their permitted uses.Hexabromocyclododecane has been deleted from the list, and the permitted uses of perfluorooctane sulfonic acid and its salts and perfluorooctane sulfonyl fluoride (PFOS) have been also deleted, retaining only the use for the production of fire-extinguishing foam agents.The list updated Chemical Abstracts Service registration numbers (CAS numbers) of short-chain chlorinated paraffins (SCPPs) and their permitted uses.Anyone who imports or exports the listed toxic chemicals should apply to the Ministry of Ecology and Environment for toxic chemicals import (export) Environmental Management Release Notice in accordance with the provisions of this announcement and its appendix and should go through the import and export procedures with the customs based on the Environmental Management Release Notice for the import (export) of toxic chemicals.

生态环境部:关于做好2023—2025年部分重点行业企业温室气体排放报告与核查工作的通知Ministry of Ecology and Environment: Notice on the Reporting and Verification of Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Enterprises in Some Key Industries From 2023 to 2025


The notification requires to incorporate key enterprises with annual greenhouse gas emissions of 26,000 tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (with a combined energy consumption of about 10,000 tons of standard coal) and above in seven key industries, including petrochemicals, chemicals, construction materials, iron and steel, non-ferrous metals, papermaking, and civil aviation to(See Appendix 1 for covered industries and codes for specific industry subcategories) into the annual greenhouse gas emission reporting and verification scope in this notification.

The notification stipulates that the verification of carbon emission reports of enterprises in the cement, electrolytic aluminum and iron and steel industries shall be completed by September 30 of each year, and the verification of carbon emission reports of enterprises in other key industries should be completed by   December 31 of each year (carbon emissions of enterprises in various key industries in 2022 should be completed before December 31, 2023).

国家能源局:关于进一步加强发电安全生产工作的通知National Energy Administration: Notice on Further Strengthening Power Generation Work Safety

通知要求及时排查整治责任制不健全、安全责任不落实不落地、安全生产保障体系和监督体系空转虚转等突出问题,并严格追责问责。通知要求各电力企业要加强机组运行维护管理,及时消除缺陷隐患,保障设备良好工况。电力企业要将外包队伍纳入本企业安全管理体系,严格审查外包队伍人员的资质、能力和安全生产历史业绩等条件 电力企业要将外包队伍纳入本企业安全管理体系,严格审查外包队伍人员的资质、能力等条件, 同时加强培训。通知要求火电企业重点排查高压蒸汽管道阀门、燃料系统、等重点部位的安全隐患,以及密闭空间、高处、动火等危险性较大的作业环节管理漏洞,严格落实两票(工作票、操作票) 三制 (交接班制、巡回检查制、设备定期试验轮换制)。水电企业要在汛后全面排查水工建筑物运行状态,及时处理渗漏、裂缝、塌陷、隆起及变形等异常情况;要严密监测库区及周边地质灾害点,落实风险管控措施。

The notification requires timely investigation and rectification of prominent problems such as incomplete responsibility systems, failure to implement safety responsibilities, and work safety systems and supervision systems, and strictly uphold responsibilities and accountabilities.The notification requires all electric power enterprises to strengthen unit operation and maintenance management, eliminate hidden defects and dangers in a timely manner, and ensure that equipment is in good working condition. Electric power enterprise must incorporate outsourcing teams into their own safety management systems, and strictly review the qualifications, capabilities, and historical performance of work safety of outsourcing team members. Electric power enterprises must incorporate outsourcing teams into their own safety management systems, and strictly review the qualifications, capabilities and other conditions of outsourcing team members, and at the same time strengthen training.The notification requires thermal power enterprises to focus on investigating potential safety risks in key parts such as high-pressure steam pipeline valves, fuel systems, and other key parts, as well as management loopholes in hazardous operation links such as confined spaces, high places, and fires, and strictly implement the two tickets (work permits and operation permits) and three systems(shift handover system, patrol inspection system and equipment regular test rotation system) management.

Hydropower enterprises should conduct a comprehensively inspection of the operating status of hydraulic structures after floods, and promptly deal with abnormal situations such as leakage, cracks, collapse, uplift, and deformation; those enterprises must closely monitor the reservoir area and surrounding risks on geological disasters and implement risk management and control measures.

生态环境部:关于全国温室气体自愿减排交易市场有关工作事项安排的通告Ministry of Ecology and Environment: Announcement on the Arrangements for Relevant Matters of the National Voluntary Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Trading Market


Before the establishment of the National Voluntary Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Registration Agency, the National Climate Change Strategy Research and International Cooperation Center was responsible for the registration and cancellation of greenhouse gas voluntary emission reduction projects and emission reductions, and was responsible for the national voluntary greenhouse gas emission reduction registration, operation and management of the registration system; before the establishment of the National Voluntary Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Trading Agency, Beijing Green Exchange Co., Ltd. provides centralized and unified trading and settlement services for certified voluntary emission reductions, and was responsible for the National Voluntary Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Trading System operation and management.

The announcement stipulates that certified voluntary emission reductions that were registered with the national climate change authority before March 14, 2017, can be used to offset the settlement of carbon emission quotas in the national carbon emissions trading market before December 31, 2024. From January 1, 2025, the voluntary emission reductions will no longer be used to offset the settlement of carbon emission quotas in the national carbon emissions trading market.

生态环境部:关于开展工业噪声排污许可管理工作的通知Ministry of Ecology and Environment: Notice on Carrying Out the Management of Industrial Noise Emission Permits

通知要求逐步将排放工业噪声的企业事业单位和其他经营者纳入排污许可管理,推动排污单位申请取得排污许可证或者填报排污登记表,在“十四五”期间将工业噪声依法全部纳入排污许可证管理。实施范围为《国民经济行业分类》(GB/T 4754)中属于工业行业(行业门类为B、C、D)的,且依据《固定污染源排污许可分类管理名录(2019年版)》属于第3至99类应当纳入排污许可管理的排污单位。本通知发布后首次申请排污许可证的排污单位,应按照相关行业排污许可证申请与核发技术规范和《排污许可证申请与核发技术规范 工业噪声》(HJ 1301-2023)申请取得排污许可证,在排污许可证中一并记载工业噪声排污许可管理事项。对于本通知发布前已经申请取得排污许可证的排污单位,应于2025年前完成工业噪声纳入排污许可证管理相关工作,可在排污许可证有效期届满或由于其他原因需要重新申请、变更排污许可证时,通过重新申请增加工业噪声排污许可管理事项。The notification requires that enterprises, institutions and other operators that emit industrial noise to be gradually included in the management of pollution discharge permits and promotes that pollutant discharge units to apply for a discharge permit or fill in a discharge registration form. During the “14th Five-Year Plan” period, all industrial noise is included in the discharge permit management in accordance with the law.The scope of implementation is the industrial industry (industry categories B, C, D) listed in the “Industrial Classification for National Economic Activities” (GB/T 4754), and the pollutant discharge units that should be incorporated in the management of pollutant discharge permit that belong to the 3rd to 99th categories of pollutant discharge units according to the “List of Classification and Management of Fixed Pollution Source Pollutant Discharge Permits (2019 Edition).”

Pollutant discharging units that apply for a pollutant discharge permit for the first time after the issuance of this Notice shall apply for pollutant discharge permit in accordance with the technical specifications for the application and issuance of pollutant discharge permits for relevant industries and the “Technical Specification for Application and Issuance of Pollutant Discharge Permit—Industrial Noise” (HJ 1301-2023). The management affairs on industrial noise emission permitting shall also be recorded in the pollutant discharge permit. For pollutant discharging units that have applied and obtained pollutant discharge permits before the issuance of this notification, they should complete the incorporation of industrial noise into the existing pollutant discharge permits before 2025. When enterprises re-apply or update their pollutant discharge permits as their permits expire or due to other reasons, management affairs on industrial noise emission should be added in the new permits.

生态环境部:关于印发《温室气体自愿减排项目方法学 造林碳汇(CCER-14-001-V01)》等4项方法学的通知Ministry of Ecology and Environment: Notice on Issuing the Methodology of Greenhouse Gas Voluntary Emission Reduction Project——Forestation Carbon Sink (CCER-14-001-V01) and Other Four Methodologies

通知发布了《温室气体自愿减排项目方法学 造林碳汇(CCER-14-001-V01)》《温室气体自愿减排项目方法学 并网光热发电(CCER-01-001-V01)》《温室气体自愿减排项目方法学 并网海上风力发电(CCER-01-002-V01)》《温室气体自愿减排项目方法学 红树林营造(CCER-14-002-V01)》四项方法学,用于设计和审定温室气体自愿减排项目,以及核算和核查温室气体自愿减排项目的减排量。

The notice issued four methodologies including “Greenhouse Gas Voluntary Emission Reduction Project Methodology——Afforestation Carbon Sink (CCER-14-001-V01)” and “Greenhouse Gas Voluntary Emission Reduction Project Methodology——Grid-connected Solar Thermal Power Generation (CCER-01-001-V01)”, “Greenhouse Gas Voluntary Emission Reduction Project Methodology——Grid-connected Offshore Wind Power Generation (CCER-01-002-V01)” and “Greenhouse Gas Voluntary Emission Reduction Project Methodology——Mangrove Creation (CCER-14-002-V01)” to design and approve voluntary greenhouse gas emission reduction projects, and to calculate and verify the emission reductions of voluntary greenhouse gas emission reduction projects.

最新国家标准Latest National Standards

DL/T 2655-2023 发电企业安全生产标准化实施指南

Implementation Guidelines for Work Safety Standardization of Power Generation Enterprises

立法草案 Policy Initiatives & Developments

生态环境部:关于进一步优化重污染天气预警机制的指导意见(征求意见稿)Ministry of Ecology and Environment: Guidance on Further Optimizing the Early Warning Mechanism for Heavily Polluted Weather (Consultation Paper)

意见稿优化了预警启动标准,优化了预警发布、调整和解除条件,规范了预警响应与解除流程,强化区域应急联动协作机制,制修订重污染天气应急预案,加强重污染过程应对效果评估。明确重污染天气应急仅针对 PM2.5污染过程。因沙尘、山火、局地扬沙、境外传输等因素造成的重污染天气,不纳入预警应急范畴。各地不得以完成空气质量改善目标为理由,随意启动重污染天气预警、提高预警级别、延长预警响应时间。意见稿要求重点区域和其他近三年发生重污染天气的省市县,按最新预警分级标准等相关要求,应于 2023 年底前完成应急预案制修订。意见稿附表发布了重污染天气预警分级标准。

The consultation paper optimizes the criteria for warning activation, optimizes the conditions for warning issuing, adjusting and lifting, standardizes the early warning response and lifting process, strengthens the regional emergency linkage and cooperation mechanism, formulates and revises emergency plans for heavily polluted weather, and strengthens the evaluation of the coping effects of heavy pollution processes.The consultation paper clarifies that the emergency response for heavily polluted weather is only applicable to the PM2.5 pollution process. Heavily polluted weather caused by factors such as sand and dust, mountain fires, local sand blowing, and overseas transmission is not included in the scope of early warning and emergency response. Local governments are not allowed to arbitrarily initiate heavy pollution weather warnings, increase warning levels, or extend warning response times on the grounds of achieving air quality improvement goals.The consultation paper requires key regions and other provinces, cities, and counties that have experienced heavily polluted weather in the past three years to complete the revision of emergency response plans by the end of 2023 in accordance with the latest warning classification standards and other relevant requirements.

The attached table of the consultation paper has released the classification standards for the warning of heavily polluted weather.

最新地方性法规 Regional Updates

内蒙古自治区:关于印发自治区危险化学品、治金等工贸行业、非煤矿山生产安全事故应急预案的通知Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region: Notice on Issuing Emergency Response Plans for Production Safety Accidents in Hazardous Chemicals, Metallurgy and Other Industrial and Trade Industries, and Non-coal Mines in the Autonomous Region


The “Emergency Response Plan for Production Safety Accidents of Hazardous Chemicals” applies to major and above work safety accidents that occur in the production, operation, storage, and use of hazardous chemicals within the administrative area of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. This plan does not apply to gas leaks, explosions, fires and other accidents that occur during urban gas operation and accidents of long-distance oil and gas pipelines, accidents during road transportation and waste disposal of hazardous chemicals and the emergency response to public safety accidents caused by civil explosives, fireworks and firecrackers.The “Emergency Response Plan for Production Safety Accidents in Metallurgy and Other Industrial and Trade Industries” applies to the emergency response to work safety accidents in metallurgy and other industrial and trade industries (including metallurgy, non-ferrous metals, building materials, machinery, light industry, textiles, tobacco, and commerce and trade industries) within the administrative region of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region.The “Emergency Response Plan for Production Safety Accidents in Non-Coal Mines” applies to the response to the following non-coal mine work safety accidents and disasters occurring within the administrative area of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region:(1) Major and above non-coal mine work safety accidents;(2) Non-coal mine work safety accidents that exceed the emergency response capabilities of the League Administrative Office and the Municipal People’s Government;(3) Cross-alliance administrative area of non-coal mine production safety accidents; and

(4) Non-coal mine work safety accidents that receive important instructions from leading comrades of the autonomous region and have great social impact.

上海市:上海市固定污染源生态环境监督管理办法Shanghai Municipality: Measures for the Supervision and Management of the Ecological Environment of Fixed Pollution Sources in Shanghai Municipality


The document revised the 2021 “Measures for the Supervision and Management of the Ecological Environment of Fixed Pollution Sources in Shanghai Municipality (Trial).”This revision clarifies that the key regulatory objects are fixed pollution sources included in the list of key enterprises for environmental supervision; it clearly defines the licensed units that are newly included in the key management of pollutant discharge permits based on the classification and management list of pollution discharge, as well as the fixed pollution sources that are classified as D-level ecological environment credit evaluation results according to the “Management Measures for Ecological Environment Credit Evaluation of Enterprises and Public Institutions in Shanghai Municipality (Trial)”; and dynamically incorporate those fixed pollution sources and licensed units in the scope of key regulatory objects.

This revision adds the minimum requirements on enforcement monitoring frequency, namely, at least one every 5 years for main emission outlets of key regulatory targets, and at least 10% of the total number of general regulatory targets to be sampled for enforcement monitoring.



Nimonik 很高兴地宣布对我们的监管文件和行业标准库进行一系列改进。 法规库包含来自 30 个国家和 34 … 阅读更多

尼莫尼克-伊尔姆 EHSS法规月讯 2023年5月

本期要闻 Highlights of the Month


National Development and Reform Commission: Measures for the Energy Saving Review of Fixed-Asset Investment Projects







The National Development and Reform Commission issued the “Measures for the Energy Saving Assessment Review of Fixed-Asset Investment Projects”, revised based on 2016 edition. The Measures is a programmatic document for the energy saving assessment review. The new Measures makes substantial additions and changes, and the number of clauses is increased from 18 to 33. Key modifications include:

1. Modification in Approving Authority: upgrade the approving threshold, i.e. for project with annual comprehensive energy consumption of 10,000 tons of standard coal, its energy saving assessment should be reviewed and approved at provincial level, while in the previous version, it was 5,000 tons. For projects where annual comprehensive energy consumption is below 10,000 tons, the local government is granted to determine the method and process;

2. Modification in Content of Energy Saving Assessment: Greatly increase the content of energy saving assessment reports, including product energy consumption, fossil energy consumption per unit of product etc;

3. Inclusion of Carbon Quantification: where possible, energy saving assessment must account carbon emission and carbon emission intensity, and propose carbon reduction measures, as well as analyze the impact of project’s carbon emissions to the local carbon reduction goal achievement;

4. Project Change Management: The Measures clearly stipulates that for projects where annual actual comprehensive energy consumption exceeds the consumption in approved energy saving report by 10% or more, the project owner is obliged to submit a modification application to the original energy saving inspection agency.

In addition, the Measures refines and adds penalties for non-performance or evasion of energy-saving review and acceptance.


State Administration for Market Regulation: Provisions on the Supervision and Administration of the Fulfillment of Safety Responsibilities by Special Equipment User


The Provisions requires that special equipment users shall establish safety management system for special equipment usage, be staffed with special equipment safety directors and safety officers in accordance with the Provisions. Special equipment safety responsibility system must be established, where the main person in charge of the enterprise is fully accountable, and the special equipment safety director and the safety officer fulfill their responsibilities respectively.


Department of Emergency Management: Criteria for Determining the Potential Risks of Major Accidents of Industry and Trade Enterprises

新判定标准修订了《工贸行业重大生产安全事故隐患判定标准(2017版)》,本次修订还将判定标准的法律地位从部门规范性文件提升为部门规章。新判定标准明确了管理类、行业类和专项类3方面64项重大事故隐患情形,增加了5项。其中管理类共3项,增加了承包承租单位安全管理、特种作业人员持证上岗等要求。行业类列举了冶金、有色、建材、机械、轻工、纺织、烟草等7个行业共47项重大事故隐患情形。专项类列举了存在粉尘爆炸危险、使用液氨制冷,以及存在硫化氢、一氧化碳等中毒风险的有限空间作业等3个领域共14项重大事故隐患情形。The new Criteria revises the “Criteria for Determining the Potential Risks of Major Accidents of Industry and Trade Enterprises (2017 Edition).” This revision also upgraded the document from a departmental normative document to a departmental regulation.

The new criteria defines 64 major accident hazards in 3 aspects including management, industrial, and specialized categories, 5 major hazards are newly added. Among the major accident hazards, 3 of them are in the management category, newly include contractor safety management and the certificates for special operators. The industry category lists a total of 47 major accident hazards in 7 industries including metallurgy, nonferrous metals, building materials, machinery, light industry, textiles, and tobacco. The specialized category lists a total of 14 major accident hazards in three areas, including dust explosion hazards, liquid ammonia refrigeration, and limited space operations with hydrogen sulfide, carbon monoxide and other poisoning risks.

立法草案 Policy Initiatives & Developments


Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development: Decision on Amending the “Interim Provisions on the Administration of Fire Protection Design Review and Final Inspection of Construction Projects” (Consultation Paper)


The Decision requires the housing and urban-rural development departments at the level of provinces, autonomous regions, and province-level municipalities to formulate a list of fire safety risk classification catalogs for fire inspection and acceptance filing projects. For the low-risk projects in the list, units can apply for registration through the notification and commitment system, and the competent department of fire safety design review and completion acceptance shall issue a fire completion acceptance registration record based on the commitment statement.


Ministry of Ecology and Environment: Measures for the Supervision and Control of Sewage Outlets on Rivers (Consultation Paper)

办法明确了入河排污口设置审批与登记管理类型,审批权限及程序,设置申请材料及设置论证报告内容,禁止设置、限制设置入河排污口的情形,同意设置入河排污口的决定书内容,延续与变更,登记,简化流程、费用等方面的要求。The Measures is applicable to the approval of the set-up of wastewater discharge outlet to rivers, standardized construction, and supervision and management.

The Measures clarifies the types of approval and registration management, the authority and procedures for approval, the content of application materials and the content of argumentation reports, the circumstances of prohibiting and restricting, and the content of the decision letter agreeing, continuation and modification, registration, simplification of procedures, fees and other requirements on the set-up wastewater discharge outlets into rivers.

最新国家标准New National Standards

TSG T7001-2023电梯监督检验和定期检验规则

TSG T7001-2023 Regulation for Lift Supervisory Inspection and Periodical Inspection—Service Lift

TSG T7008-2023电梯自行检测规则

TSG T7008-2023 Regulation for Lift Examination by the Owner

最新地方性法规 Regional Updates


Henan Province: Notice on Carrying Out the Effectiveness Evaluation of Dual Prevention Mechanisms for Work Safety of Enterprises

通知要求河南全省非煤矿山、危险化学品、工贸等行业规上企业,依据《危险化学品企业双重预防机制数字化建设运行成效评估标准(试行)》和《企业安全生产风险管控与隐患治理双重预防机制效能评估规范》(DB41/T2292-2022),对标对表开展企业自评,并抽查评估。The Notice requires non-coal mines, hazardous chemicals, industry and trade and other industries in Henan Province to carry out enterprise self-evaluation according to “Evaluation Standards for the Effectiveness of Digital Construction and Operation of Dual Prevention Mechanisms for Hazardous Chemical Enterprises (Trial)” and “Evaluation Specification for the Efficiency of Dual Prevention Mechanism for Work Safety Risk Control and Hidden Hazard Governance of Enterprises” (DB41/T2292-2022). The local government will conduct spot check.


Jiangsu Province: Regulation of Jiangsu Province on Work Safety

本次修订了细化了全员安全生产责任制及其考核奖惩要求,进一步明确主要负责人、职能部门负责人、生产班组负责人、岗位从业人员等全体从业人员的责任内容和考核标准。新增落实安全风险分级管控、事故隐患排查治理制度、事故隐患报告奖励制度、重大事故隐患治理情况向负有安全生产监督管理职责的部门和职工大会或者职工代表大会“双报告”等制度;新增建立高危行业、领域生产经营单位安全生产班前会制度。The new Regulation revises the 2016 version of the “Regulation of Jiangsu Province on Work Safety.”This revision refines the work safety responsibility system for all employees and the performance review, rewards and penalties, and specifies the responsibility and performance appraisal standards of all employees including the main person in charge, the person in charge of the functional department, the person in charge of the production team, and the employees in specific positions.The Regulation adds the safety risk classification management and control mechanism, accident hazard investigation and management mechanism, accident hazard report reward mechanism, the“dual report” mechanism where the major accident hazard management situation shall be reported to the work safety supervision authority, as well as the employee assembly or the employee representative assembly. It newly requires a pre-shift work safety meeting mechanism for production and operation units in high-risk industries.


Sichuan Province: Regulations on the Prevention and Control of Soil Pollution in Sichuan Province

条例分为总则、预防和保护、管控和修复、保障和监督和法律责任等六个章节。条例特别要求输油管、加油站、排污管、地下储罐、填埋场和存放或者处理有毒有害物质的地下水池、半地下水池等设施设备的所有者和运营者应当对设施设备定期开展腐蚀、泄漏检测,防止污染土壤和地下水。The Regulations is divided into six chapters: General Principles, Prevention and Protection, Control and Restoration, Guarantee and Supervision, and Legal Liability.Specifically, the Regulations requires owners and operators of facilities and equipment to regularly carry out corrosion and leakage inspections on their facilities and equipment, including oil pipelines, gas stations, sewage pipes, underground storage tanks, landfills, underground pools and semi-underground pools that store or process toxic and hazardous substances, so as to detect and prevent contamination of soil and groundwater.


Zhejiang Province: Administrative Measures for Paid Use and Trading of Pollutant Discharge Rights in Zhejiang Province


The Measures specifies the pollutant discharge right indicators to be incorporated in the scope of cap-and-trade system for pollution discharge in Zhejiang Province, including 4 types of pollutants, chemical oxygen demand, ammonia nitrogen, sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides. At present, pollutant discharge units incorporated in cap-and-trade system for pollutant discharge include industrial polluters subject to total mass loading quota control and polluters engaged in environmental treatment industry that generate secondary pollutants (excluding centralized sewage treatment facilities).


尼莫尼克-伊尔姆 EHSS法规月讯 2023年6月

本期要闻 Highlights of the Month

Jiangsu Province: Environmental Management Measures for Stormwater Discharge in Industrial Enterprises of Key Industries in Jiangsu Province (Trial)

Currently, Ministry of ecology and environment has not issued relevant regulations specifically for the  storm water management. In order to implement the relevant provisions in the existing water pollution prevention and environmental protection policies, Jiangsu Province issued the “Environmental Management Measures for Stormwater Discharge in Industrial Enterprises of Key Industries in Jiangsu Province (Trial)”, raised storm water management requirements for industrial enterprises in key industries (or related processes) such as chemical industry, electroplating, raw material medicine manufacturing, smelting, printing and dyeing industries.
The Measures clearly requires that enterprises in key industries must collect initial storm water, which should be sent to the wastewater treatment system for treatment in a timely manner. Direct discharge without treatment is strictly prohibited.
Meanwhile, the Measures puts forward detailed requirements for storm water after initially collected. It requires enterprises in key industries to collect, monitor and discharge storm water properly, set up storm water discharge outlets, signs and labels in accordance with relevant regulations, and install video surveillance or online water quality monitoring systems. For storm water drainage system, the Measures requires enterprises to conduct routine inspection and maintenance of storm water collection systems to ensure that there is no blockage, leakage, or damage, and no wrongful, mixed, or messed connections with the pipe networks of wastewater. Storm water outlets should be incorporated into the environmental impact assessment and wastewater discharge permit management. The storm water drainage map should be incorporated into the environmental information disclosure management.

立法草案 Policy Initiatives & Developments


Department of Emergency Management: Safety Regulations for Operations in Confined Spaces (Consultation Paper)



The consultation paper revised the “Interim Provisions on Administration and Supervision of Operational Safety in Confined Spaces at Industrial and Trading Enterprises” (formerly State Administration of Work Safety Order No. 59).

The consultation paper solicits opinions on the statistics of confined space accidents in industrial and trading industries in the past decade, and compiles a “Key Supervision Catalogue for Confined Space” to clearly incorporate high-risk equipment and facilities involved in various industries, such as wastewater treatment facilities, furnaces, tanks, pulp tanks, and pickling tanks, into the scope of key supervision; The Regulations incorporates cleaning and dredging, maintenance and repair operations, risk prevention of hydrogen sulfide and carbon monoxide poisoning, and prohibition of blind rescue into the key requirements of the Regulations.

The consultation paper further emphasizes basic management requirements such as confined space risk identification and operation approval in terms of enterprise basic management. It clarifies requirements for enterprise guardianship system, management system, contract management, safety training, warning signs, emergency drills, and other aspects. At the same time, it clarifies the requirements for on-site safety management measures.


Ministry of Ecology and Environment: Technical Specification for Nomenclature of Chemicals for Environmental (Consultation Paper)


本标准适用于环境管理中化学物质的命名,包括新化学物质环境管理登记、《中国现有化学物质名录》管理、化学物质环境风险评估和管控等。引用《新化学物质申报类名编制导则》(HJ/T 420)与《中国现有化学物质名录》给出了化学物质、新化学物质、成分、单成分物质、多成分物质和不明复杂物质等 6 个术语和定义,为相关行业企业开展环境管理领域化学物质命名提供指导。

The standard specifies the nomenclature requirements for chemical substances in the field of environmental management.

This standard applies to the nomenclature of chemical substances in environmental management, including the environmental management registration of new chemical substances, the management of the “Inventory of Existing Chemical Substances in China”, environmental risk assessment and control of chemical substances, etc. The standard quotes the “Guidelines for the Generic Name of New Chemical Substances” (HJ/T 420) and the “Inventory of Existing Chemical Substances in China” to give 6 terms and definitions, including chemical substances, new chemical substances, ingredients, single-component substances, multi-component substances and unknown complex substances, and  provide guidance for enterprises to carry out the naming of chemical substances in the field of environmental management.

最新国家标准New National Standards

GB 19517-2023 国家电气设备安全技术规范

GB 19517-2023 National Safety Technical Code for Electric Equipment

GB/T 36507-2023工业车辆 使用、操作与维护安全规范

GB/T 36507-2023 Industrial Trucks——Safety Rules for the Application, Operation and Maintenance

TSG 51-2023起重机械安全技术规程

TSG 51-2023 Lifting Appliances Safety Technical Regulation

最新地方性法规 Regional Updates


Jiangsu Province: Promotion Plan for Separate Treatment of Industrial Wastewater and Domestic Sewage in Jiangsu Province



The plan was formulated to accelerate the classified collection and treatment of industrial wastewater and domestic sewage in Jiangsu Province, to improve the treatment efficiency and the capability of ensuring safe and stable operation of domestic sewage treatment plants, and reduce the risk of dilution and discharge of industrial toxic and harmful pollutants.

The plan stipulates that new industrial enterprises in metallurgy, electroplating, chemicals, printing and dyeing, and raw material pharmaceutical manufacturing industries(except for raw material pharmaceutical manufacturing enterprises with industrial wastewater treatment qualifications, whose effluents meet the national standards) that discharge wastewater containing heavy metals, refractory biodegradable wastewater, and high-salt wastewater shall not discharge the wastewater into centralized domestic sewage collection and treatment facilities.

Existing enterprises included in the assessment will be evaluated in accordance with seven principles, including the principle of biochemical priority, the principle of reaching the standard of concentration incorporated in the management, the principle of reaching the standard of dual control of the total amount, and the principle of limited incorporation into management of industrial wastewater. Enterprises will be divided into three categories, i.e. permitted discharge, discharge after rectification, and withdrawal within a time limit, where classified rectification will be imposed. Before the end of August 2023, the competent departments shall complete the comprehensive investigation and evaluation of domestic sewage treatment plants and industrial enterprises incorporated into management at or above the county level in accordance with the requirements of the “Technical Guidelines for the Quality Evaluation of Industrial Wastewater Treatment in Domestic Sewage Treatment Plants and Industrial Enterprises Incorporated Into Management in Jiangsu Province (Trial)” (Annex 1). The Guidelines Clarifies the “five lists “of industrial enterprises, including the list of allowed discharge, the list of allowed discharge after rectification, the list of withdrawal within a time limit, the list of renovation of domestic sewage treatment plants, and the list of construction of industrial wastewater centralized pretreatment/treatment facilities.


Liaoning Province: Implementation Plan for Exemption Management of “Point to Point” Targeted Utilization of Hazardous Waste in Liaoning Province (Trial)



In May 2021, the General Office of the State Council issued a notice on issuing the “Implementation Plan for Strengthening the Supervision, Utilization and Disposal of Hazardous Waste,” which once again proposed to explore the exemption management of “point-to-point” targeted utilization permits for hazardous waste under the premise of controllable environmental risks in regulating the content of hazardous waste utilization. In order to refine the application conditions for the “point-to-point” targeted utilization of hazardous waste and standardize the exemption management procedures, more than ten provinces and cities, including Shanghai and Jiangsu Province, have introduced local “point-to-point” utilization implementation plans.

The implementation plan of Liaoning Province specifies the necessary conditions for conducting “point-to-point” targeted utilization of hazardous waste. Units that meet the conditions can apply for the initial application, extension and alternation application and cancellation of application through corresponding exemption implementation procedures.


Shanghai: Implementation Opinion on Optimizing the Total Discharge Management of Major New Pollutants in Construction Projects to Promote High-Quality Development

意见将编制环境影响报告书(表)的建设项目且涉及排放主要污染物的,全部纳入建设项目主要污染物总量控制范围;将SO2、NOx、VOCs、颗粒物4个废气污染物,COD、NH3-N 、总氮(TN)和总磷(TP)4个废水污染物以及铅、汞、镉、铬、砷5个重点重金属污染物纳入总量控制范围。意见调整了建设项目新增总量的削减替代实施范围,聚焦行业排放特征和影响本市环境质量的制约因子,分类施策;对不同行业、不同污染物提出差异化的新增总量削减替代比例要求,根据环境质量达标状况动态确定新增总量的削减替代比例。

The Opinion incorporate all construction projects that needs to compile the environmental impact report (form) and projects that discharge pollutants falling into the scope of the mass loading quota control of major pollutants of the construction projects; 4 air emission pollutants of SO2, NOx, VOCs and particles, the 4 wastewater pollutants of COD and NH3 -N, total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP) and 5 key heavy metal pollutants of lead, mercury, cadmium, chromium and arsenic are included in the scope of mass loading quota control.

The Opinion adjusts the implementation scope of the reduction and replacement of the increased total amount of construction projects, focuses on the characteristics of industry emissions and the constraints affecting the city’s environmental quality, and implements classified policies; The Opinion also proposes differentiated increased total reduction and replacement ratios for different industries and different pollutants requirements, according to the status of environmental quality standards to dynamically determine the replacement ratio of the increased total amount reduction.


Shanghai: Implementation Plan for Further Promoting the Exemption and Utilization of Hazardous Wastes in Shanghai Municipality

方案按照《国家危险废物名录(2021年版)》附录《危险废物豁免管理清单》要求,在环境风险可控的前提下,将上海市内产废单位产生的一种危险废物,直接作为另一家利用单位环境治理或工业生产的替代原料利用,利用单位豁免持有危险废物经营许可证。根据《豁免清单》,将其第1项至31项归为非定向利用类型,将其第32项归为“点对点”定向利用类型。方案明确了上海市危险废物豁免管理条件(合规性要求、利用要求、产能和污染防治要求、分类豁免要求)以及申请实施程序(申请、备案、排污许可衔接、变更、延续、重新申请、终止)。附件中提供了危险废物豁免利用方案编制指南。According to the requirements of the “Directory of Hazardous Waste Exemption Management”(Appendix of “Directory of National Hazardous Wastes (2021 Version)” ), where the environmental risk is controllable, once a kind of hazardous waste produced by waste production units in Shanghai could be directly used by another utilization unit as the alternative raw materials for environmental governance or industrial production, the utilization unit is exempted from holding a hazardous waste operation certificate.. According to the “Exemption List”, items 1 to 31 are classified as non-directed utilization types, and item 32 is classified as “point-to-point” directional utilization type.

The Plan clarifies the conditions for exemption management of hazardous waste in Shanghai (compliance requirements, utilization requirements, production capacity and pollution prevention and control requirements, classification exemption requirements) and application procedures (application, filing, transition from pollutant discharge permits, alteration, extension, re-applications, termination). The Appendix provides guidelines for the compilation of plans for the utilization of exemptions for hazardous waste.


Shanghai:  Declaration, Registration and Marking Management Measures for Non- Road Mobile Machinery in Shanghai Municipality


The Measures is a revision of the 2021 version. Owners of non-road mobile machinery using gasoline engines and new energy sources (including pure electric power, hybrid power, natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas, etc.) shall report the type, quantity, and location of use to the local management department of the region where machinery is used, apply for the identification mark, and fix it in a prominent position on the machinery.

Mobile machinery and transportable industrial equipment that have been registered in the traffic management department of the public security organization and have obtained motor vehicle registration certificates, license plates, and driving permits for road use are not within the management scope of this regulation.


尼莫尼克-伊尔姆 EHSS法规月讯 2023年7月

立法草案 Policy Initiatives & Developments

生态环境部:关于进一步加强危险废物规范化环境管理有关工作的通知(征求意见稿)Ministry of Ecology and Environment: Notice on Further Strengthening the Standardized Environmental Management of Hazardous Wastes (Revised Consultation Paper)

生态主管部门于2021年9月1日发布了《“十四五”全国危险废物规范化环境管理评估工作方案》, 公布了在十四五期间危险废物管理领域对政府、产废单位、危险废物经营单位规范化环境管理的评估指标。本征求意见稿提出持续深化危险废物规范化环境管理评估工作,自2024年1月1日起,地方各级生态环境部门应通过全国固体废物管理信息系统(以下简称国家固废系统)危险废物规范化环境管理评估模块对危险废物相关单位开展规范化评估相关工作。

On September 1,2021, Ministry of Ecology and Environment issued the ” Work Plan for National Standardized Environmental Management Assessment of Hazardous Wastes in the 14th Five-Year Plan ” and announced the assessment indicators for the standardized environmental management of government, waste generators and hazardous waste operators during the 14th Five-Year Plan period. This consultation draft proposes to deepen the standardized environmental management assessment of hazardous waste. Since January 1,2024, local ecological and environmental departments at all levels should carry out standardized assessment of hazardous waste-related units through the National Solid Waste Management Information System (hereinafter referred to as the National Solid Waste System) hazardous waste standardized environmental management assessment module.

生态环境部:中国严格限制的有毒化学品名录(2023年)(征求意见稿)Ministry of Ecology and Environment: “Catalogue of Toxic Chemicals Strictly Limited in China” (2023) (Revised Consultation Paper)

新名录修订了2020版名录,根据《鹿特丹公约》修正案、以及《重点管控新污染物清单(2023年版)》有关规定,新增加了十溴二苯醚、全氟辛酸及其盐类和其相关化合物(PFOA 类)两种类化学物质,并明确了其允许用途。

按照《斯德哥尔摩公约》履约进程和《清单》有关规定,删除了六溴环十二烷,删减了全氟辛基磺酸及其盐类和全氟辛基磺酰氟(PFOS 类)的允许用途,仅保留了灭火泡沫药剂生产的用途。

The new Catalogue revised the 2020 version. According to the amendment of the Rotterdam Convention and the relevant provisions of the ” List of New Pollutants under Key Control (2023 Edition), ” two chemical substances, decabromodiphenyl oxide, perfluorooctanoic acid and its salts and its related compounds (PFOA), were added with their permitted usage.In accordance with the Stockholm Convention implementation process and the relevant provisions of the Catalogue, hexabromocyclododecane, and the permitted uses of perfluorooctane sulfonic acid, its salts and perfluorooctane sulfonyl fluoride (PFOS) were deleted, and only the use to produce fire-fighting foam agents was retained.

最新国家标准New National Standards

江苏省:关于进一步加强危险化学品建设项目安全风险防控工作的通知  Jiangsu Province: Notice on Further Strengthening Safety Risk Prevention and Control of Hazardous Chemicals Construction Projects


In order to further strengthen the risk prevention and control of hazardous chemical construction projects throughout the process, the notice requires strict safety review of construction projects. For the construction projects involving “hazardous chemical processes or hazardous chemicals subject to key supervision, and major hazard installations”, during the demonstration stage of trial production plan, the examination authorities should organize operation procedure examination for the construction unit, carry out an unscripted emergency drill, check the safety qualification of operators/employees, and investigate and rectify all safety risks. The notice urges strict supervision on implementation of the main responsibility system. All localities should urge the construction units to develop and implement the change management procedure. Before implementing the change, the risks arising from the change process should be analyzed and targeted control measures should be taken. Any change that fails to perform the change review procedure shall not be implemented.

四川省:四川省安全生产条例Sichuan Province: Regulations of Sichuan Province on Work Safety


The 2023 edition of the Regulations revised the 2006 edition and consists of seven chapters. It includes general provisions, safety production guarantee of production and operation units, safety production rights and obligations of employees, supervision and management of safety production, emergency rescue and investigation and handling of production safety accidents, legal liability, and supplementary provisions. In order to implement the full safety production responsibility system, the new Regulations clarify the respective safety production post responsibilities of the main responsible person, the person in charge of the safety production work, the other responsible person, the main technical person, the safety management personnel and the employees, and ensure to implement the safety responsibility to the all specific work unit. It specifies that the main technical heads of production and operation units have veto power over technical program.

In addition, the regulations stipulate the specific contents of the safety production rules and regulations and require the production and operation units to set up a major safety risk bulletin board and make a workplace risk notification card.

上海市:关于调整本市碳交易企业外购电力中绿色电力碳排放核算方法的通知Shanghai: Notice on Adjusting the Carbon Emission Accounting Method of Green Power in the Purchased Power of Carbon Trading Enterprises in the City

通知规定上海市碳交易企业可选择将外购绿电单独核算碳排放。适用范围为通过北京电力交易中心绿色电力交易平台以省间交易方式购买并实际执行、结算的电量。通知规定外购绿电排放因子调整为0 t CO2/104kWh,其他外购电力排放因子仍统一为4.2 t CO2/104kWh。要求企业在上海市碳排放报告直报系统(年度碳排放报告中分别报告外购电力总量和外购绿电电量。并做好绿电交易相关材料的存证工作,以备第三方核查与管理部门检查。The notice stipulates that Shanghai carbon trading enterprises can choose to separately calculate carbon emissions from purchased green electricity. The scope of application is the amount of electricity purchased and actually executed and settled through the green power trading platform of Beijing Electric Power Trading Center.

The notice stipulates that the emission factor of purchased green electricity will be adjusted to 0 t CO2 / 104 kWh, and the emission factors of other purchased electricity will still unified to 4.2 t CO2 / 104 kWh. Enterprises are required to report the total amount of purchased electricity and the purchased green electricity separately in the annual carbon emission report on the Shanghai Carbon Emissions Reporting System ( The enterprises are also required to keep a record of materials related to green electricity trading for third-party verification and verification and inspection by the management.

上海市:关于在长江三角洲区域实行职业病危害因素检测评价报告和职业健康检查报告互认的通知Shanghai: Notice on Mutual Recognition of Occupational Hazards Monitoring and Evaluation Report and Occupational Health Examination Report in the Yangtze River Delta Region

通知规定长江三角洲区域实施互认的报告包括:职业病危害因素检测报告、职业病危害现状评价报告、放射卫生防护检测报告、放射诊疗建设项目职业病危害放射防护评价报告、个人剂量检测报告、职业健康检查报告。上海市、江苏省、浙江省、安徽省卫生健康行政部门审批或备案的具有合法资质的机构出具的上述报告,在上海市、江苏省、浙江省、安徽省范围内均被认可合法有效。报告互认工作相关信息将通过“长三角职业健康管理协作平台”实现数据共享。The notice stipulates that the reports of mutual recognition in the Yangtze River Delta region include: industrial hygiene monitoring report, occupational disease hazard status evaluation report, radiological health protection test report, occupational disease hazard radiological protection evaluation report of radiological diagnosis and treatment construction project, individual dose test report, occupational health examination report.The above-mentioned reports issued by legally qualified institutions approved or registered by the health administrative departments of Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Anhui provinces are recognized as legally valid in Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Anhui provinces.

The information related to the mutual recognition of the report will be shared through the ‘ Yangtze River Delta Occupational Health Management Collaboration Platform ‘.

上海市:上海市固定资产投资项目节能验收管理办法Shanghai: Administrative Measures for the Acceptance Inspection of Energy-Saving of Fixed-Asset Investment Projects in Shanghai Municipality

新《办法》修订了2018版办法,明确由节能审查部门出具节能验收结果告知函。2023版办法总体延续了2018版办法相关内容,并结合国家和上海市节能低碳管理最新要求及实际操作情况做了完善。The new ‘ Measures ‘ revised the 2018 version of the Measures, and made it clear that the energy-saving inspection department issued the notice of energy-saving acceptance inspection.

The 2023 version of the Measures generally continues the relevant contents of the 2018 version, and aligns with the latest requirements and actual operation of energy-saving and low-carbon management in China and Shanghai.

江苏省:关于做好《危险废物贮存污染控制标准》等标准规范实施后危险废物环境管理衔接工作的通知Jiangsu Province: Notice on the Connection of Environmental Management of Hazardous Wastes After the Implementation of Standards Such as ‘ Standard for Pollution Control on Hazardous Waste Storage


The Notice addresses the implementation of the new national standards to clarify how to be consistent with the existing requirements of Jiangsu Province (‘Work Plan for the Construction of Centralized Collection System of Hazardous Waste in Jiangsu Province (for Trial Implementation) ‘- (Su Huan Ban [2021]290)). The Notice requires that storage facilities that have been built and put into use before the implementation date of standards such as ‘ Hazardous Waste Storage Pollution Control Standards ‘, or that have obtained the approval of environmental impact assessment documents, should conduct self-assessment according to the new standard requirements, and those that do not meet the requirements should immediately formulate rectification plans and complete the rectification by January 1, 2024; The term of ‘ collection point of hazardous waste generation area ‘ is modified to ‘ storage point ‘per new standard. In addition to meeting the requirements of ‘ Standard ‘, the construction of storage points set up by waste generators should also meet the relevant provisions of Appendix 3-2 of ‘ work plan ‘. Each waste generator should complete the replacement of hazardous waste identification marks before July 1,2023 according to the requirements. If it cannot be completed on time due to problems such as procurement process, it can be extended to August 31,2023 with the consent of the local ecological environment department.


尼莫尼克-伊尔姆 EHSS法规月讯 2023年8月

本期要闻 Highlights of the Month


National Fire and Rescue Bureau: Management Measures for Fire Safety of Leased Plants and Warehouses (Trial)




The National Fire and Rescue Bureau issued the “Fire Safety Management Measures for Leased Plants and Warehouses (Trial)” on July 14, which stipulates the fire safety responsibilities of leased plants and warehouses, specific fire protection technical requirements, fire management requirements, and fire hazard rectification requirements. The Measures comprehensively summarized the general provisions of the “Fire Protection Law” and “Provisions on the Administration of Fire Control Safety of State Organs, Organizations, Enterprises and Institutions” on fire safety management of business units, and the special provisions on fire safety of warehouses in the “Rules on Fire Safety Management of Warehouses”, as well as comprehensive review and summary of relevant provisions in other laws and regulations and the current fire protection technical standards, and issued specific management measures.

The Measures requires that the daily management of the fire control room shall be carried out by a special person designated by the lessor and the lessee through joint negotiation. The intermediate warehouse in the leased factory building and the Class A and B items in the leased warehouse, general items, and items that are prone to chemical reactions with each other or have different fire extinguishing methods must be stored in separate rooms and warehouses. The name, nature and fire extinguishing methods of the stored items must be clearly marked. Usage of open flames in places with fire and explosion hazards is prohibited. Illegal production and storage of flammable and explosive dangerous goods is prohibited. Open fires are strictly prohibited in leased warehouses. Fireworks and firecrackers are strictly prohibited in warehouses and within 50 meters around the warehouses. Labor-intensive enterprise production and processing workshops set up in leased workshops are prohibited from conducting hot work during production and processing.

The Measures specifies provisions on the examination and approval of hot work, mainly including: the fire department and personnel should go through the approval procedures in advance in accordance with the fire safety management system. The examination and approval procedures for fire use shall be approved by the responsible person for fire safety or the fire safety manager, and corresponding fire safety measures shall be implemented. Hot work shall not be allowed until it is confirmed that there is no risk of fire or explosion. The examination and approval procedures for hot work shall indicate the place, time and the operator of hot work, on-site guardian, approver, and fire safety measures. The responsible person for fire safety or the fire safety manager shall examine whether the personnel engaged in fire-risk operations such as electric welding and gas welding are certified according to law.

最新国家标准New National Standards

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立法草案 Policy Initiatives & Developments


Ministry of Ecology and Environment: Notice on Further Optimizing the Work for Environmental Impact Assessment (Consultation Paper)



The notice stipulates that 12 types of construction projects including the general equipment manufacturing industry, special equipment manufacturing industry, refueling and gas filling stations, tap water production and supply industry with a single production process, limited environmental impact, short construction period, and environmental impact report forms that are required to be compiled according to regulations can implement the “Integration of Two Certificates” of environmental impact assessment certificate and pollutant discharge permit. Before the start of project construction, the environmental impact assessment and pollutant discharge permit procedures can be continued.  If there is a major change in the construction process, the environmental impact assessment and pollutant discharge permit shall be re-applied according to law. If the alteration is not prominent, there is no need to re-apply for the environmental impact assessment, and the pollutant discharge permit shall be altered at one time before the pollutant discharge.

The notice decides to promote a pilot program to exempt a batch of registration form items from filing procedures. The notice requires the promotion of a batch of report form projects for “bundling” approval. 9 types of construction projects in the industrial parks included in the pilot program, including projects in the textile and garment industry, apparel industry, wood processing and furniture manufacturing industry, material product industry, general equipment manufacturing industry, special equipment manufacturing industry, metal product manufacturing industry, and other concentrated relocation and entry report projects that should compile the environmental impact report form can carry out the environmental impact assessment “bundling” approval of same types of projects and clarify the environmental protection responsibilities of corresponding enterprises. For biopharmaceutical manufacturing and R&D pilot construction projects whose production facilities in the industrial parks included in the pilot program remain unaltered, and only the raw materials and products are altered, it is not necessary to re-apply for the environmental impact assessment if it is confirmed by the ecology and environment department with approval authority that the types and volume of pollutant emissions do not exceed the types and volume stipulated in the original environmental impact assessment approval.

Ministry of Ecology and Environment: Measures for the Administration of Voluntary Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Trading (Trial) (Consultation Paper)

该办法废止了原国家发展改革委 2012 年发布的《温室气体自愿减排交易管理暂行办法》。中华人民共和国境内登记的法人和其他组织,可以依据本办法开展温室气体自愿减排活动,申请温室气体自愿减排项目和减排量的登记。符合国家有关规定的法人、其他组织和个人,可以依据本办法开展温室气体自愿减排交易活动。申请登记的温室气体自愿减排项目应当自温室气体自愿减排交易机制实施(2012年6月13日)之后开工建设。温室气体自愿减排项目应当来自于可再生能源、林业碳汇、甲烷减排、节能增效等有利于减碳增汇的领域,能够避免、减少温室气体排放,或者实现温室气体的清除。符合下列条件之一的,不得申请温室气体自愿减排项目登记:(一)属于法律法规、国家政策规定有温室气体减排义务的项目;(二)纳入国家或者地方碳排放权交易市场配额管理的项目;(三)不具唯一性的项目。The Measures repeals the “Interim Measures for the Administration of Voluntary Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Transactions” issued by the former National Development and Reform Commission in 2012. Legal persons and other organizations registered within the territory of the People’s Republic of China can carry out voluntary greenhouse gas emission reduction activities in accordance with the Measures, and apply for registration of voluntary greenhouse gas emission reduction projects and emission reductions. Legal persons, other organizations and individuals that meet the relevant national regulations can carry out voluntary greenhouse gas emission reduction trading activities in accordance with the Measures.The greenhouse gas voluntary emission reduction project applying for registration shall commence construction after the implementation of the greenhouse gas voluntary emission reduction trading mechanism (June 13, 2012). Voluntary greenhouse gas emission reduction projects should come from fields that are conducive to carbon reduction and sink enhancement, such as renewable energy, forestry carbon sequestration, methane emission reduction, energy conservation and efficiency enhancement, which can avoid or reduce greenhouse gas emissions, or achieve greenhouse gas removal.Those who meet one of the following conditions shall not apply for registration of voluntary greenhouse gas emission reduction projects:(1) Projects that are subject to greenhouse gas emission reduction obligations under laws, regulations, and national policies;(2) Projects incorporated in national or local carbon emission trading market quota management;(3) A project that is not unique.


Ministry of Ecology and Environment: “Supervision and Management Measures for the Compilation of Environmental Impact Reports (Tables) for Construction Projects” and its Supporting Documents (Revised Consultation Paper)

意见稿提出环评编制单位应建立编制、审核、审定质量控制机制。要求强化环评编制人员能力建设,对原有“具备专业技术知识”的规定做出细化和明确,从专业背景、从业经历、继续教育等方面作出具体要求。调整了一般质量问题和严重质量问题范围界定。意见稿力求压实全链条责任,明确建设单位应当对环境影响报告书(表)的内容和结论负责;技术单位对其编制的环境影报告书(表)承担相应责任;评审专家应当对其提出的专家意见负责;审批部门应当严格依照行政许可实施规范和办事指南,依法依规作出行政许可决定;审批部门及其委托的技术评估机构承担相应责任。同时进一步明确属地生态环境主管部门对编制单位和编制人员现场指导和监督检查的必要节点。配套文件包括《建设项目环境影响报告书(表)编制能力建设指南》(修订征求意见稿)、《建设项目环境影响报告书(表)编制单位和编制人员信息公开管理规定》(修订征求意见稿)和《建设项目环境影响报告书(表)编制单位和编制人员信用记分办法》(修订征求意见稿)。The consultation paper proposes that the EIA compilation entities should establish a quality control mechanism for compilation, review and approval. It is required to strengthen the capacity building of EIA compilation personnel, refine and clarify the regulations on the meaning of “possession of professional technical knowledge”, and make specific requirements in terms of professional background, working experience, and continuing education. The consultation paper also adjusts the scope of general quality issues and critical quality issues.The consultation paper strives to consolidate the responsibility of the whole chain, and clarifies that the construction entity shall be responsible for the content and conclusions of the environmental impact report (form); The technical entity shall bear corresponding responsibilities for the environmental impact report (form) compiled. The examination and approval department shall strictly follow the administrative licensing implementation norms and handling guidelines, and make administrative licensing decisions in accordance with laws and regulations. The examination and approval department and its entrusted technical evaluation agency shall bear corresponding responsibilities. Meanwhile, the paper further clarifies the necessary nodes for on-site guidance, supervision and inspection of the local ecological and environmental authorities to the compiling entities and compiling personnel.

The supporting documents include “Guidelines for Capacity Building in the Compilation of Environmental Impact Reports (Forms) for Construction Projects” (Revised Consultation Paper), “Regulations on Information Disclosure Management of  Environmental Impact Reports (Forms)  Compiling Entities and Personnel for Construction Projects” (Revised Consultation Paper) and “Credit Scoring Measures for Compiling Entities and Personnel of Construction Project Environmental Impact Reports (Forms)” (Revised Consultation Paper).

最新地方性法规 Regional Updates


Guangdong Province: Guangdong Province Work Safety Regulation

条例明确生产、储存危险化学品的建设项目在试生产前,建设单位应当组织专家确认符合试生产条件并将试生产方案报送负责建设项目安全审查的应急管理部门备案。重大危险源应进行定期检测、评估、监控,并制定应急预案。基本情况按照国家有关规定报有关人民政府应急管理部门和有关部门备案。明确危险化学品生产企业以及构成危险化学品重大危险源的经营、储存、使用危险化学品的生产经营单位,制定并落实二十四小时专人值班和领导带班制度;动工、停工或者复工的,应当经主要负责人审批。条例针对爆破、吊装、动火、临时用电、悬吊、挖掘、建设工程拆除作业等危险作业,要求完善现场管理制度,明确建立安全风险识别、设置安全警示标志、安全作业票证等现场作业制度。条例要求生产经营单位开展安全风险识别、分析、评价,编制安全风险分级管控清单,明确相应的管控措施,并向主管部门报告重大安全风险基本情况。规定隐患排查治理情况向从业人员通报,重大事故隐患排查治理情况应当向主管部门和职工大会报告。生产经营单位的班组每周至少开展一次安全生产检查,从业人员在每班工作前应当进行本岗位安全检查,确认安全后方可进行操作。The Regulation clearly states that the construction entity shall organize experts to confirm that the construction project meets the conditions for trial production and submit the trial production plan to the emergency management department responsible for the safety review of the construction project for record before the trial production of a construction project that produces and stores hazardous chemicals. Major hazard sources should be regularly examined, evaluated, and monitored, and emergency plans should be formulated. The basic information shall be reported to the emergency management department of the relevant people’s government and relevant departments for record in accordance with the relevant regulations in China. It is required for production enterprises of hazardous chemicals and the production and operation entities, that the operation, storage, and usage of hazardous chemicals which constitute a major source of danger for hazardous chemicals, need to establish and implement a 24-hour system of special personnel on duty and leaders leading shifts.  The commencement, suspension or resumption of construction work shall be approved by the main person in charge.The Regulation requires the improvement of on-site management systems for hazardous operations such as blasting, lifting, hot work, temporary electricity use, suspension, excavation, and demolition of construction projects, and the establishment of on-site operation systems such as safety risk identification, set-up of safety warning signs, and safety work permits.

The regulation requires production and operation entities to carry out safety risk identification, analysis, and evaluation, prepare a safety risk grading control list, clarify corresponding control measures, and report the basic situation of major safety risks to the competent department. It is stipulated that the investigation and treatment of hidden dangers should be reported to employees, and the investigation and treatment of major accident hidden dangers should be reported to the competent department and the workers’ assembly. The production teams and operation entities shall conduct work safety inspections at least once a week, and employees shall conduct safety inspections for their respective positions before the start of each shift, only after which operations can be carried out after confirmation of safety.


Henan Province: Operation and Maintenance Management Measures for Automatic Monitoring Equipment of Pollution Sources in Henan Province (Trial)

办法要求排污单位承担污染源自动监测设备正常稳定运行的主体责任,对自动监测数据真实、准确、完整、有效负有法定责任和义务。    办法规定排污单位应与受委托的运维单位签订运行维护合同,合同签订后五个工作日内,在电子运维系统中完成运行维护合同电子报备。自动监测设备确需停用、拆除或者更换的,应报县级以上生态环境主管部门同意后方可实施。运维单位及运行维护人员应签订《守法诚信运行维护承诺书》,并将《守法诚信运行维护承诺书》、基础参数设置备案表、管理制度等张贴悬挂在站房显著位置。The Measures requires the pollutant discharge entity to assume the main responsibility for the normal and stable operation of the automatic monitoring equipment of pollution sources, and to have legal responsibilities and obligations for the authenticity, accuracy, completeness and effectiveness of the automatic monitoring data.

The Measures stipulates that the pollutant discharge entity shall sign an operation and maintenance contract with the entrusted operation and maintenance entity, and complete the electronic filing of the operation and maintenance contract in the electronic operation and maintenance system within five working days after the contract is signed. If the automatic monitoring equipment needs to be deactivated, dismantled or replaced, it should be reported to the competent department of ecology and environment at or above the county level for approval before implementation. The operation and maintenance entity and operation and maintenance personnel should sign the “Letter of Commitment for Law-Abiding and Honest Operation and Maintenance”, and post the “Letter of Commitment for Law-abiding and Integrity Operation and Maintenance”, record form for basic parameter setting and management system in a prominent position in the station building.


Henan Province: Implementation Measures for Energy Conservation Review of Fixed Assets Investment Projects in Henan Province
实施办法废止了《河南省固定资产投资项目节能审查实施细则》(豫发改环资[2017]399号)。实施办法明确了区域节能报告编制、区域节能审查的内容和程序,以及落实区域节能审查意见的监督管理要求。区域节能审查范围内的项目,除应由省级节能审查机关审查的实行告知承诺制,由项目实施单位向所在市级发展改革部门作出书面承诺,承诺应包括是否符合节能政策、产品单耗达到区域能效准入标准、项目使用的技术工艺设备符合国家节能技术标准等内容。实施办法规定节能验收由建设单位自行实施,组织设计单位、节能报告编制机构等单位代表以及节能专家成立验收工作组,采取现场核查、资料查阅、评估论证等方式开展验收工作,通过验收的项目编制节能验收报告报送县(市、区)发展改革部门存档备查。The Implementation Measures repealed the “Implementation Rules for Energy Conservation Review of Fixed Assets Investment Projects in Henan Province” (Yu Fa Gai Huan Zi [2017] No. 399).The Implementation Measures clarify the content and procedures of regional energy conservation report preparation, regional energy conservation review, and the supervision and management requirements for implementing regional energy conservation review opinions. For projects within the scope of regional energy conservation review, the notification and commitment system shall be implemented except for those projects that should be reviewed by provincial-level energy conservation review agencies. The project implementation entity shall make a written commitment to the municipal-level development and reform department where it is located. The commitment shall include compliance with energy conservation policies, product unit consumption in compliance with regional energy efficiency access standards, and technical process equipment used in the project in compliance with the national energy conservation technical standards, etc.

The Implementation Measures stipulate that the energy conservation acceptance shall be carried out by the construction entities themselves, and representatives of design entities and energy conservation report preparation institutions and energy conservation experts shall be organized to set up an acceptance group to carry out the acceptance by means of on-site inspection, data review, evaluation and demonstration, etc. The energy saving acceptance report shall be submitted to the development and reform department of the county (city, district) for filing and future reference.


Shanghai: Shanghai Municipal Regulations on the Prevention and Control of Soil Pollution

针对工业面源污染预防,条例要求加油站、储油库等的所有者、经营者对地下油罐及附属埋地管道采取有效的防渗漏措施,并进行防渗漏监测;土壤污染重点监管单位在隐患排查、自行监测等活动中发现存在污染隐患的,应当及时采取防范措施,消除隐患;发现污染迹象的,应当立即排查污染源,查明污染原因,采取移除污染源、防止污染扩散等措施。处置情况应当及时报区生态环境部门。拆除设施、设备或者建筑物、构筑物的,应当制定包括应急措施在内的土壤及地下水污染防治工作方案,报区生态环境、经济信息化部门备案并实施。条例要求建立污染土壤转运联单制度。修复施工单位、运输单位和接收单位应填写污染土壤转运联单。For the prevention of industrial non-point source pollution, the Regulations requires owners and operators of gas stations, oil storage depots, etc. to take effective anti-leakage measures for underground oil tanks and affiliated buried pipelines, and conduct anti-leakage monitoring. Key soil pollution supervision entities shall promptly take preventive measures to eliminate hidden hazards if they discover hidden hazards in activities such as hidden hazards investigation and self-monitoring; If indication of pollution is found, pollution sources shall be investigated immediately, the cause of pollution shall be found out, and measures such as removing pollution sources and preventing the spread of pollution shall be taken. The disposal situation should be reported to the Ecology and Environment Department at the district level in a timely manner. If measures including dismantling facilities, equipment or buildings or structures are taken, a soil and groundwater pollution prevention and control work plan, including emergency measures, shall be formulated and reported to the ecology and environment department and the department of economics and information technology in the region for filing and implementation.

The Regulations requires the establishment of a joint order system for the transfer of contaminated soil. The restoration construction entity, transportation entity and receiving entity should fill in the contaminated soil transfer form.


Shanghai Municipality: Notice on Standardizing the Calculation Method of the Total Discharge of Major Pollutants in Environmental Assessment Documents of Construction Projects in Shanghai Municipality

通知覆盖的主要污染物的种类包括废气污染物、废水污染物和重点重金属污染物,具体的污染因子按照《上海市生态环境局关于印发〈关于优化建设项目新增主要污染物排放总量管理推动高质量发展的实施意见〉的通知》沪环规[2023]4 号文中规定的主要污染物总量控制实施范围执行。通知中关于主要污染物总量核算的要求和方法主要用于环评文件的现有工程回顾章节以及总量控制章节。在排污许可证管理工作中可参考本通知执行。The types of major pollutants covered by the notice include exhaust gas pollutants, wastewater pollutants and key heavy metal pollutants. The specific pollution factors shall be implemented in accordance with the implementation scope of the total amount control of major pollutants specified in the “Notice of the Shanghai Ecology and Environment Bureau on Issuing the Implementation Opinions on Optimizing the Total Amount Management of New Major Pollutant Emissions in Construction Projects and Promoting High Quality Development (Hu Huan Gui [2023] No. 4)”.The requirements and methods for calculating the total amount of major pollutants in the notice are mainly used in the existing engineering review section and the total amount control section of the environmental impact assessment document. This notice can be referred to for implementation in the management of pollutant discharge permits.


Shanghai Municipality: Notice on Conducting the Transition between Pollutant Discharge Permit System and Environmental Impact Assessment System

通知规定建设地点位于上海市范围内,依法需申请排污许可证、编制建设项目环境影响报告书(表),且由同一生态环境主管部门负责审批的企事业单位,可自愿参加排污许可与环境影响评价制度衔接工作。需同时办理环评审批(除告知承诺制外)和申领排污许可证的建设项目,可实施环评审批与排污许可“两证合一”同步审批。建设单位在办理项目环评审批时,可以同步申领(变更)排污许可证,实现两项行政许可“一套材料、一口受理、同步审批、一次办结”。其中,持有排污许可证的企事业单位在提交改、扩建项目环评申请时,填写《排污信息清单》作为环评文件附件一并提交,无需填写《排污许可证申请表》。环评与排污许可的受理、技术评估及审查实施全程网办。企事业单位上年度生态环境信用评价为C级或D级、一年内存在环评文件质量、排污许可证质量和执行报告问题被国家和本市生态环境部门失信计分或通报、近三年有生态环境行政处罚记录、因各类环境污染问题被挂牌督办等情形的,不予实施“两证合一”审批,不实行《排污许可证变更单》简化变更。The notice stipulates that enterprises and institutions that are required by law to apply for a pollutant discharge permit and compile an environmental impact report (form) for the construction project which are approved by the same ecological environment regulatory department located within the scope of Shanghai municipality, may voluntarily participate in the transition between the pollutant discharge permit system and the environmental impact assessment system.For construction projects that require both environmental impact assessment approval (except for the notification commitment system) and application for pollutant discharge permits, simultaneous approval of both environmental impact assessment approval and pollutant discharge permits can be implemented. When applying for project environmental impact assessment approval, the construction unit can simultaneously apply for (or alter) the pollutant discharge permit, so as to achieve two administrative permits through “one set of materials, one time of acceptance, synchronous approval, and one time of completion”. Enterprises and institutions holding pollutant discharge permits shall fill out the “Pollutant Discharge Information List” as an attachment to the environmental impact assessment document when submitting the application for renovation or expansion projects, without the need to fill out the “Pollutant Discharge Permit Application Form”.The entire process of acceptance, technical evaluation, and review of environmental impact assessment and pollutant discharge permits is established online.

Enterprises and institutions with a credit rating of C or D in the ecology and environment review in the previous year, issues of the quality of environmental assessment documents, pollutant discharge permits, and execution reports within one year that have been scored due to dishonesty or reported by the national and local ecology and environment departments, records of administrative penalties for ecology and environment in the past three years, or being listed for supervision due to various types of environmental pollution, will not be subject to the “Integration of Two Certificates” approval, and will not be subject to the simplified alteration of the “Pollutant Discharge Permit Alteration Form”.


Zhejiang Province: Management Measures for Electronic Transfer Forms of Industrial Solid Waste in Zhejiang Province (Trial)

本办法适用一般工业固废电子转移联单管理。办法要求转移工业固体废物的相关单位应当依托省固体废物治理系统运行电子转移联单;从联单发起、承运管理、接收管理三个方面明确工业固体废物电子转移联单的全过程管理要求,从非交通工具转移、跨省转移管理、小微企业联单运行、大宗联单、联单补录明确五种不同情形的联单管理要求。The Measures applies to the management of general industrial solid waste electronic transfer documents.The Measures requires that the relevant entities that transfer industrial solid waste should rely on the provincial solid waste management system to operate the electronic transfer form. It requires relevant entities to clarify the management requirements for the entire process of the electronic transfer form of industrial solid waste from the three aspects of form initiation, transportation management, and receiving management. It clarifies the requirements for joint document management in five different situations, including non-transportation transfer, inter-provincial transfer management, joint document operation for small and micro enterprises, bulk joint order, and supplementary recording of joint order.
