NIMONIK-ERM EHSS 法规月刊 2023年11月

本期要闻Highlights of the Month









In order to further regulate voluntary greenhouse gas emission reduction transactions and related activities nationwide, and to promote the achievement of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, along with the State Administration for Market Regulation, revised the original “Interim Measures for the Administration of Voluntary Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Transactions” and compiled the “Measures  for the Management of Voluntary Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Transactions (Trial)”, which was released and implemented on October 19.

The “Measures for the Management” systematically regulates the overall framework of voluntary emission reduction transactions and stipulates the implementation process of various procedures such as project validation and registration, emission reduction verification and registration, and emission reduction transactions.

The Measures stipulates that greenhouse gas voluntary emission reduction projects applying for registration should be authentic, unique and additional, and should fall within the field supported by the project methodology issued by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, of which the construction started after November 8, 2012.

The Measures stipulates that the emission reduction of projects applying for registration shall be measurable, traceable, and verifiable, in accordance with the principle of conservatism and project methodology issued by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment. The emission reduction should occur after September 22, 2020, within the time period during which project emission reduction registration is valid. Project owners can apply for project emission reduction registration by stages. The emission reductions of project applying for registration at each stage should be within five years prior to the date of its application for registration.

In this Method, for the first time, nitrogen trifluoride (NF3) is included in the scope of greenhouse gases that can participate in emission reduction transactions, and individuals are explicitly regarded as subjects that can participate in transactions, but there are no detailed stipulations on the cross-border transactions.

The issuance of this management measures also means that CCER (China Certified Emission Reduction) has resumed its operation after a moratorium on approving new projects since 2017.

On October 24, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment issued the “Notice on the Arrangement of Relevant Matters of the National Voluntary Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Trading Market”, which makes arrangements for the convergence before the establishment of the National Voluntary Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Registry and the National Voluntary Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Trading Institution.

On the same day, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment released four voluntary greenhouse gas emission reduction project methodologies: afforestation carbon sinks, grid-connected solar thermal power generation, grid-connected offshore wind power generation, and mangrove creation, for the design and approval of voluntary greenhouse gas emission reduction projects, and the accounting and verification of emission reductions from voluntary greenhouse gas emission reduction projects.

最新国家法律法规Policy Initiatives & Developments

生态环境部、商务部、海关总署:中国严格限制的有毒化学品名录(2023年)Ministry of Ecology and Environment, Ministry of Commerce, and General Administration of Customs: List of Toxic Chemicals Strictly Restricted in China (2023)

按照《鹿特丹公约》、《斯德哥尔摩公约》和《水俣公约》履约进程,以及我国化学物质环境管理进展,生态环境部联合商务部和海关总署发布2023版名录,修订废止了2020版名录。修订版新增十溴二苯醚、全氟辛酸及其盐类和其相关化合物(PFOA 类)两种类化学物质,并明确了其允许用途。删除了六溴环十二烷,删减了全氟辛基磺酸及其盐类和全氟辛基磺酰氟(PFOS 类)的允许用途,仅保留了灭火泡沫药剂生产的用途。更新了短链氯化石蜡的化学文摘社登记号(CAS 号)及其允许用途。凡进口或出口名录所列有毒化学品的,应按本公告及附件规定向生态环境部申请办理有毒化学品进(出)口环境管理放行通知单,并凭有毒化学品进(出)口环境管理放行通知单向海关办理进出口手续。

In accordance with the implementation process of the Rotterdam Convention, the Stockholm Convention and the Minamata Convention, as well as the progress of China’s environmental management of chemical substances, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, in conjunction with the Ministry of Commerce and the General Administration of Customs, issued the 2023 version of the list, and repealed the 2020 version.The revision adds two new categories of chemical substances: decabromodiphenyl ether, perfluorooctanoic acid and its salts, and its related compounds (PFOA), and clarifies their permitted uses.Hexabromocyclododecane has been deleted from the list, and the permitted uses of perfluorooctane sulfonic acid and its salts and perfluorooctane sulfonyl fluoride (PFOS) have been also deleted, retaining only the use for the production of fire-extinguishing foam agents.The list updated Chemical Abstracts Service registration numbers (CAS numbers) of short-chain chlorinated paraffins (SCPPs) and their permitted uses.Anyone who imports or exports the listed toxic chemicals should apply to the Ministry of Ecology and Environment for toxic chemicals import (export) Environmental Management Release Notice in accordance with the provisions of this announcement and its appendix and should go through the import and export procedures with the customs based on the Environmental Management Release Notice for the import (export) of toxic chemicals.

生态环境部:关于做好2023—2025年部分重点行业企业温室气体排放报告与核查工作的通知Ministry of Ecology and Environment: Notice on the Reporting and Verification of Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Enterprises in Some Key Industries From 2023 to 2025


The notification requires to incorporate key enterprises with annual greenhouse gas emissions of 26,000 tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (with a combined energy consumption of about 10,000 tons of standard coal) and above in seven key industries, including petrochemicals, chemicals, construction materials, iron and steel, non-ferrous metals, papermaking, and civil aviation to(See Appendix 1 for covered industries and codes for specific industry subcategories) into the annual greenhouse gas emission reporting and verification scope in this notification.

The notification stipulates that the verification of carbon emission reports of enterprises in the cement, electrolytic aluminum and iron and steel industries shall be completed by September 30 of each year, and the verification of carbon emission reports of enterprises in other key industries should be completed by   December 31 of each year (carbon emissions of enterprises in various key industries in 2022 should be completed before December 31, 2023).

国家能源局:关于进一步加强发电安全生产工作的通知National Energy Administration: Notice on Further Strengthening Power Generation Work Safety

通知要求及时排查整治责任制不健全、安全责任不落实不落地、安全生产保障体系和监督体系空转虚转等突出问题,并严格追责问责。通知要求各电力企业要加强机组运行维护管理,及时消除缺陷隐患,保障设备良好工况。电力企业要将外包队伍纳入本企业安全管理体系,严格审查外包队伍人员的资质、能力和安全生产历史业绩等条件 电力企业要将外包队伍纳入本企业安全管理体系,严格审查外包队伍人员的资质、能力等条件, 同时加强培训。通知要求火电企业重点排查高压蒸汽管道阀门、燃料系统、等重点部位的安全隐患,以及密闭空间、高处、动火等危险性较大的作业环节管理漏洞,严格落实两票(工作票、操作票) 三制 (交接班制、巡回检查制、设备定期试验轮换制)。水电企业要在汛后全面排查水工建筑物运行状态,及时处理渗漏、裂缝、塌陷、隆起及变形等异常情况;要严密监测库区及周边地质灾害点,落实风险管控措施。

The notification requires timely investigation and rectification of prominent problems such as incomplete responsibility systems, failure to implement safety responsibilities, and work safety systems and supervision systems, and strictly uphold responsibilities and accountabilities.The notification requires all electric power enterprises to strengthen unit operation and maintenance management, eliminate hidden defects and dangers in a timely manner, and ensure that equipment is in good working condition. Electric power enterprise must incorporate outsourcing teams into their own safety management systems, and strictly review the qualifications, capabilities, and historical performance of work safety of outsourcing team members. Electric power enterprises must incorporate outsourcing teams into their own safety management systems, and strictly review the qualifications, capabilities and other conditions of outsourcing team members, and at the same time strengthen training.The notification requires thermal power enterprises to focus on investigating potential safety risks in key parts such as high-pressure steam pipeline valves, fuel systems, and other key parts, as well as management loopholes in hazardous operation links such as confined spaces, high places, and fires, and strictly implement the two tickets (work permits and operation permits) and three systems(shift handover system, patrol inspection system and equipment regular test rotation system) management.

Hydropower enterprises should conduct a comprehensively inspection of the operating status of hydraulic structures after floods, and promptly deal with abnormal situations such as leakage, cracks, collapse, uplift, and deformation; those enterprises must closely monitor the reservoir area and surrounding risks on geological disasters and implement risk management and control measures.

生态环境部:关于全国温室气体自愿减排交易市场有关工作事项安排的通告Ministry of Ecology and Environment: Announcement on the Arrangements for Relevant Matters of the National Voluntary Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Trading Market


Before the establishment of the National Voluntary Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Registration Agency, the National Climate Change Strategy Research and International Cooperation Center was responsible for the registration and cancellation of greenhouse gas voluntary emission reduction projects and emission reductions, and was responsible for the national voluntary greenhouse gas emission reduction registration, operation and management of the registration system; before the establishment of the National Voluntary Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Trading Agency, Beijing Green Exchange Co., Ltd. provides centralized and unified trading and settlement services for certified voluntary emission reductions, and was responsible for the National Voluntary Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Trading System operation and management.

The announcement stipulates that certified voluntary emission reductions that were registered with the national climate change authority before March 14, 2017, can be used to offset the settlement of carbon emission quotas in the national carbon emissions trading market before December 31, 2024. From January 1, 2025, the voluntary emission reductions will no longer be used to offset the settlement of carbon emission quotas in the national carbon emissions trading market.

生态环境部:关于开展工业噪声排污许可管理工作的通知Ministry of Ecology and Environment: Notice on Carrying Out the Management of Industrial Noise Emission Permits

通知要求逐步将排放工业噪声的企业事业单位和其他经营者纳入排污许可管理,推动排污单位申请取得排污许可证或者填报排污登记表,在“十四五”期间将工业噪声依法全部纳入排污许可证管理。实施范围为《国民经济行业分类》(GB/T 4754)中属于工业行业(行业门类为B、C、D)的,且依据《固定污染源排污许可分类管理名录(2019年版)》属于第3至99类应当纳入排污许可管理的排污单位。本通知发布后首次申请排污许可证的排污单位,应按照相关行业排污许可证申请与核发技术规范和《排污许可证申请与核发技术规范 工业噪声》(HJ 1301-2023)申请取得排污许可证,在排污许可证中一并记载工业噪声排污许可管理事项。对于本通知发布前已经申请取得排污许可证的排污单位,应于2025年前完成工业噪声纳入排污许可证管理相关工作,可在排污许可证有效期届满或由于其他原因需要重新申请、变更排污许可证时,通过重新申请增加工业噪声排污许可管理事项。The notification requires that enterprises, institutions and other operators that emit industrial noise to be gradually included in the management of pollution discharge permits and promotes that pollutant discharge units to apply for a discharge permit or fill in a discharge registration form. During the “14th Five-Year Plan” period, all industrial noise is included in the discharge permit management in accordance with the law.The scope of implementation is the industrial industry (industry categories B, C, D) listed in the “Industrial Classification for National Economic Activities” (GB/T 4754), and the pollutant discharge units that should be incorporated in the management of pollutant discharge permit that belong to the 3rd to 99th categories of pollutant discharge units according to the “List of Classification and Management of Fixed Pollution Source Pollutant Discharge Permits (2019 Edition).”

Pollutant discharging units that apply for a pollutant discharge permit for the first time after the issuance of this Notice shall apply for pollutant discharge permit in accordance with the technical specifications for the application and issuance of pollutant discharge permits for relevant industries and the “Technical Specification for Application and Issuance of Pollutant Discharge Permit—Industrial Noise” (HJ 1301-2023). The management affairs on industrial noise emission permitting shall also be recorded in the pollutant discharge permit. For pollutant discharging units that have applied and obtained pollutant discharge permits before the issuance of this notification, they should complete the incorporation of industrial noise into the existing pollutant discharge permits before 2025. When enterprises re-apply or update their pollutant discharge permits as their permits expire or due to other reasons, management affairs on industrial noise emission should be added in the new permits.

生态环境部:关于印发《温室气体自愿减排项目方法学 造林碳汇(CCER-14-001-V01)》等4项方法学的通知Ministry of Ecology and Environment: Notice on Issuing the Methodology of Greenhouse Gas Voluntary Emission Reduction Project——Forestation Carbon Sink (CCER-14-001-V01) and Other Four Methodologies

通知发布了《温室气体自愿减排项目方法学 造林碳汇(CCER-14-001-V01)》《温室气体自愿减排项目方法学 并网光热发电(CCER-01-001-V01)》《温室气体自愿减排项目方法学 并网海上风力发电(CCER-01-002-V01)》《温室气体自愿减排项目方法学 红树林营造(CCER-14-002-V01)》四项方法学,用于设计和审定温室气体自愿减排项目,以及核算和核查温室气体自愿减排项目的减排量。

The notice issued four methodologies including “Greenhouse Gas Voluntary Emission Reduction Project Methodology——Afforestation Carbon Sink (CCER-14-001-V01)” and “Greenhouse Gas Voluntary Emission Reduction Project Methodology——Grid-connected Solar Thermal Power Generation (CCER-01-001-V01)”, “Greenhouse Gas Voluntary Emission Reduction Project Methodology——Grid-connected Offshore Wind Power Generation (CCER-01-002-V01)” and “Greenhouse Gas Voluntary Emission Reduction Project Methodology——Mangrove Creation (CCER-14-002-V01)” to design and approve voluntary greenhouse gas emission reduction projects, and to calculate and verify the emission reductions of voluntary greenhouse gas emission reduction projects.

最新国家标准Latest National Standards

DL/T 2655-2023 发电企业安全生产标准化实施指南

Implementation Guidelines for Work Safety Standardization of Power Generation Enterprises

立法草案 Policy Initiatives & Developments

生态环境部:关于进一步优化重污染天气预警机制的指导意见(征求意见稿)Ministry of Ecology and Environment: Guidance on Further Optimizing the Early Warning Mechanism for Heavily Polluted Weather (Consultation Paper)

意见稿优化了预警启动标准,优化了预警发布、调整和解除条件,规范了预警响应与解除流程,强化区域应急联动协作机制,制修订重污染天气应急预案,加强重污染过程应对效果评估。明确重污染天气应急仅针对 PM2.5污染过程。因沙尘、山火、局地扬沙、境外传输等因素造成的重污染天气,不纳入预警应急范畴。各地不得以完成空气质量改善目标为理由,随意启动重污染天气预警、提高预警级别、延长预警响应时间。意见稿要求重点区域和其他近三年发生重污染天气的省市县,按最新预警分级标准等相关要求,应于 2023 年底前完成应急预案制修订。意见稿附表发布了重污染天气预警分级标准。

The consultation paper optimizes the criteria for warning activation, optimizes the conditions for warning issuing, adjusting and lifting, standardizes the early warning response and lifting process, strengthens the regional emergency linkage and cooperation mechanism, formulates and revises emergency plans for heavily polluted weather, and strengthens the evaluation of the coping effects of heavy pollution processes.The consultation paper clarifies that the emergency response for heavily polluted weather is only applicable to the PM2.5 pollution process. Heavily polluted weather caused by factors such as sand and dust, mountain fires, local sand blowing, and overseas transmission is not included in the scope of early warning and emergency response. Local governments are not allowed to arbitrarily initiate heavy pollution weather warnings, increase warning levels, or extend warning response times on the grounds of achieving air quality improvement goals.The consultation paper requires key regions and other provinces, cities, and counties that have experienced heavily polluted weather in the past three years to complete the revision of emergency response plans by the end of 2023 in accordance with the latest warning classification standards and other relevant requirements.

The attached table of the consultation paper has released the classification standards for the warning of heavily polluted weather.

最新地方性法规 Regional Updates

内蒙古自治区:关于印发自治区危险化学品、治金等工贸行业、非煤矿山生产安全事故应急预案的通知Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region: Notice on Issuing Emergency Response Plans for Production Safety Accidents in Hazardous Chemicals, Metallurgy and Other Industrial and Trade Industries, and Non-coal Mines in the Autonomous Region


The “Emergency Response Plan for Production Safety Accidents of Hazardous Chemicals” applies to major and above work safety accidents that occur in the production, operation, storage, and use of hazardous chemicals within the administrative area of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. This plan does not apply to gas leaks, explosions, fires and other accidents that occur during urban gas operation and accidents of long-distance oil and gas pipelines, accidents during road transportation and waste disposal of hazardous chemicals and the emergency response to public safety accidents caused by civil explosives, fireworks and firecrackers.The “Emergency Response Plan for Production Safety Accidents in Metallurgy and Other Industrial and Trade Industries” applies to the emergency response to work safety accidents in metallurgy and other industrial and trade industries (including metallurgy, non-ferrous metals, building materials, machinery, light industry, textiles, tobacco, and commerce and trade industries) within the administrative region of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region.The “Emergency Response Plan for Production Safety Accidents in Non-Coal Mines” applies to the response to the following non-coal mine work safety accidents and disasters occurring within the administrative area of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region:(1) Major and above non-coal mine work safety accidents;(2) Non-coal mine work safety accidents that exceed the emergency response capabilities of the League Administrative Office and the Municipal People’s Government;(3) Cross-alliance administrative area of non-coal mine production safety accidents; and

(4) Non-coal mine work safety accidents that receive important instructions from leading comrades of the autonomous region and have great social impact.

上海市:上海市固定污染源生态环境监督管理办法Shanghai Municipality: Measures for the Supervision and Management of the Ecological Environment of Fixed Pollution Sources in Shanghai Municipality


The document revised the 2021 “Measures for the Supervision and Management of the Ecological Environment of Fixed Pollution Sources in Shanghai Municipality (Trial).”This revision clarifies that the key regulatory objects are fixed pollution sources included in the list of key enterprises for environmental supervision; it clearly defines the licensed units that are newly included in the key management of pollutant discharge permits based on the classification and management list of pollution discharge, as well as the fixed pollution sources that are classified as D-level ecological environment credit evaluation results according to the “Management Measures for Ecological Environment Credit Evaluation of Enterprises and Public Institutions in Shanghai Municipality (Trial)”; and dynamically incorporate those fixed pollution sources and licensed units in the scope of key regulatory objects.

This revision adds the minimum requirements on enforcement monitoring frequency, namely, at least one every 5 years for main emission outlets of key regulatory targets, and at least 10% of the total number of general regulatory targets to be sampled for enforcement monitoring.

本法规月刊是由伊尔姆环境资源管理咨询(上海)有限公司(ERM)、Nimonik 安纬同(上海)管理咨询有限公司(Nimonik)与大成律师事务所上海分所(Dentons Shanghai)联合制作。我们在确保其内容准确无误的同时,不对其任何可能的错误或疏忽承担责任。本刊中的内容不可作为法律依据,亦不可视为对个案的释义。因参考本刊物内容导致的任何损失,ERM, Nimonik 与大成律师事务所将不承担任何责任。如需寻求专业意见,请咨询有关专业顾问。

This newsletter is prepared for clients and professional associates by ERM, Nimonik and Dentons Shanghai. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, no responsibility can be accepted for errors and omissions, however caused. The information contained in this newsletter should not be relied on as legal advice and should not be regarded as a substitute for detailed advice in individual cases. No responsibility for any loss occasioned to any person acting or refraining from action as a result of material in this newsletter is accepted by ERM, Nimonik or Dentons Shanghai. If advice concerning individual problems or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional adviser should be sought.
