Nimonik月讯|亚洲地区 -2023年Q3

Japanese EHS Legislation

LegislationDocument SignatureFirst Effective Date
電波法施行規則等の一部を改正する省令(令和五年総務省令第四十九号)Ministerial  Order Partially Amending the Enforcement Regulation of the Radio Act (Order  of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications No.49 of 2023)JP-令和五年総務省令第四十九号2023/6/1
電気通信事業法施行令の一部を改正する政令(令和五年政令第百九十七号)Cabinet  Order Partially Amending the Enforcement Order of the Telecommunications  Business Act (Cabinet Order No.197 of 2023)JP-令和五年政令第百九十七号2023/6/2
電気通信事業法施行規則等の一部を改正する省令(令和五年総務省令第五十一号)Ministerial  Order Partially Amending the Enforcement Regulation of the Telecommunications  Business Act (Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications  No.51 of 2023)JP-令和五年総務省令第五十一号2023/6/2
道路運送車両の保安基準等の一部を改正する省令(令和五年国土交通省令第四十五号)Ministerial  Order Partially Amending the Safety Standards of the Road Transportation  Vehicles (Order of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and  Tourism No. 45 of 2023)JP-令和五年国土交通省令第四十五号2023年6月5日
脱炭素社会の実現に向けた電気供給体制の確立を図るための電気事業法等の一部を改正する法律(令和五年法律第四十四号)Act  Partially Amending the Electricity Utilities Act on Establishing an  Electricity Supply System to Achieve a Decarbonised Society (Act No. 44 of  2023)JP-令和五年法律第四十四号2023年6月7日
特定工場における公害防止組織の整備に関する法律施行令の一部を改正する政令(令和五年政令第二百二号)Cabinet  Order Partially Amending the Enforcement Order of the Act on Improvement of  Pollution Prevention Systems in Specified Factories (Cabinet Order No.202 of  2023)JP-令和五年政令第二百二号2023/6/7
火薬類取締法施行規則等の一部を改正する省令(令和五年経済産業省令第三十二号)Ministerial  Order Partially Amending the Enforcement Regulation of the Explosives Control  Act (Order of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry No. 32 of 2023)JP-令和五年経済産業省令第三十二号2023年6月9日
生活衛生関係営業等の事業活動の継続に資する環境の整備を図るための旅館業法等の一部を改正する法律(令和五年法律第五十二号)Act  Partially Amending the Hotel Business Act to Maintain Environment Conducive  to the Continuation of Business Activities Such as Living and  Sanitation-Related Businesses (Act No. 52 of 2023)JP-令和五年法律第五十二号2023年6月14日
地域の自主性及び自立性を高めるための改革の推進を図るための関係法律の整備に関する法律(令和五年法律第五十八号)Act  on the Development of Related Acts for Promoting Reform with the Aim of  Increasing the Autonomy and Independence of Local Authorities (Act No. 58 of  2023)JP-令和五年法律第五十八号2023年6月16日
活動火山対策特別措置法の一部を改正する法律(令和五年法律第六十号)Act  Partially Amending the Act on Special Measures for Active Volcanoes (Act No.  60 of 2023)JP-令和五年法律第六十号2023年6月16日
貨物自動車運送事業法の一部を改正する法律(令和五年法律第六十二号)Act  Partially Amending the Transportation Business Act (Act No. 62 of 2023)JP-令和五年法律第六十二号2023年6月16日
デジタル社会の形成を図るための規制改革を推進するためのデジタル社会形成基本法等の一部を改正する法律(令和五年法律第六十三号)Act  Partially Amending the Basic Act on the Formation of a Digital Society and  Related Acts in Order to Advance Regulatory Reforms That Are Meant to Help  Form a Digital Society (Act No. 63 of 2023)JP-令和五年法律第六十三号2023/6/16
医療法施行規則の一部を改正する省令(令和五年厚生労働省令第八十五号)Ministerial  Order Partially Amending the Enforcement Regulation of the Medical Care Act  (Order of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare No.85 of 2023)JP-令和五年厚生労働省令第八十五号2023/6/19
医薬品、医療機器等の品質、有効性及び安全性の確保等に関する法律第二条第十五項に規定する指定薬物及び同法第七十六条の四に規定する医療等の用途を定める省令の一部を改正する省令(令和五年厚生労働省令第八十六号)Ministerial  Order Partially Amending the Ministerial Ordinance Stipulating Specified  Drugs Prescribed in Article 2, Paragraph 15 of the Act on Securing Quality,  Efficacy and Safety of Products Including Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices  Prescribed in Article 76-4 of the Act (Order of the Ministry of Health,  Labour and Welfare No.86 of 2023)JP-令和五年厚生労働省令第八十六号2023/6/21
電気通信事業法施行規則の一部を改正する省令(令和五年総務省令第五十五号)Ministerial  Order Partially Amending the Enforcement Regulation of the Telecommunications  Business Act (Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications  No.55 of 2023)JP-令和五年総務省令第五十五号2023/6/23
脱炭素成長型経済構造への円滑な移行の推進に関する法律の施行期日を定める政令(令和五年政令第二百二十一号)Cabinet  Order Specifying the Effective Date of the Act on Promotion for Smooth  Transition to a Decarbonised Growth Economic Structure (Cabinet Order No.221  of 2023)JP-令和五年政令第二百二十一号2023/6/23
大気汚染防止法施行規則等の一部を改正する省令(令和五年環境省令第十号)Ministerial  Order Partially Amending the Air Pollution Control Law Enforcement  Regulations (Order of the Ministry of the Environment No.10 of 2023)JP-令和五年環境省令第十号2023/6/23
医薬品、医療機器等の品質、有効性及び安全性の確保等に関する法律施行規則の一部を改正する省令(令和五年厚生労働省令第八十七号)Ministerial  Order Partially Amending the Enforcement Regulation of the Act on Securing  Quality, Efficacy and Safety of Products Including Pharmaceuticals and  Medical Devices (Order of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare No.87 of  2023)JP-令和五年厚生労働省令第八十七号2023/6/26
労働施策の総合的な推進並びに労働者の雇用の安定及び職業生活の充実等に関する法律施行規則の一部を改正する省令(令和五年厚生労働省令第八十八号)Ministerial  Order Partially Amending the Enforcement Regulation of the Act Relating to  Comprehensive Promotion of Labor Policies and Improvement of the Employment  Security and Working Life of Workers (Order of the Ministry of Health, Labour  and Welfare No. 88 of 2023)JP-令和五年厚生労働省令第八十八号2023/6/26
職業安定法施行規則の一部を改正する省令(令和五年厚生労働省令第八十九号)Ministerial  Order Partially Amending the Enforcement Regulation of the Employment  Security Act (Order of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare No.89 of  2023)JP-令和五年厚生労働省令第八十九号2023/6/28
特定有害廃棄物等の輸出入等の規制に関する法律施行規則に係る民間事業者等が行う書面の保存等における情報通信の技術の利用に関する法律施行規則(令和五年経済産業省・環境省令第二号)Enforcement  Regulation of the Act on Utilization of Telecommunications Technology in  Document Preservation Conducted by Private Business Operators Pertaining to  the “Enforcement Regulation of the Act on Control of Export, Import and  Others of Specified Hazardous Wastes and Other Wastes” (Order of the  Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry , and the Ministry of the Environment  No. 2 of 2023)JP-令和五年経済産業省・環境省令第二号2023/6/16
電気関係報告規則の一部を改正する省令(令和五年経済産業省令第三十五号)Ministerial  Order Partially Amending the Regulation on Electrical report (Order of the  Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry No. 35 of 2023)JP-令和五年経済産業省令第三十五号2023/7/5
車両の通行の許可の手続等を定める省令の一部を改正する省令(令和五年国土交通省令第五十六号)Ministerial  Order Partially Amending the Ministerial Order Specifying the Procedure of  Obtaining Permission for Vehicle Traffic (Order of the Ministry of Land,  Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism No. 56 of 2023)JP-令和五年国土交通省令第五十六号2023/7/6
障害者の雇用の促進等に関する法律施行令の一部を改正する政令(令和五年政令第二百三十九号)Cabinet  Order Partially Amending the Order for Enforcement of Act on Employment  Promotion etc. of Persons with Disabilities (Cabinet Order No.239 of 2023)JP-令和五年政令第二百三十九号2023/7/7
障害者の雇用の促進等に関する法律施行規則の一部を改正する省令(令和五年厚生労働省令第九十四号)Ministerial  Order Partially Amending the Ordinance for Enforcement of the Employment  Insurance Act and the Enforcement Regulation of the Act on Employment  Promotion etc. of Persons with Disabilities (Order of the Ministry of Health,  Labour and Welfare No.94 of 2023)JP-令和五年厚生労働省令第九十四号2023/7/7
特定先端大型研究施設の共用の促進に関する法律の一部を改正する法律の施行に伴う関係政令の整理に関する政令(令和五年政令第二百四十一号)Cabinet  Order on Arrangement of Relevant Cabinet Orders Incidental to the the Act  Partially Amending the Act on Promotion of Shared Use of Specific Advanced  Large Research Facilities (Cabinet Order No.241 of 2023)JP-令和五年政令第二百四十一号2023/7/14
自動車損害賠償保障法施行令の一部を改正する政令(令和五年政令第二百四十二号)Cabinet  Order Partially Amending the Enforcement Order of the Act on Securing  Compensation for Automobile Accidents (Cabinet Order No.242 of 2023)JP-令和五年政令第二百四十二号2023/7/14
特定工場における公害防止組織の整備に関する法律第八条の二第一項に規定する指定試験機関を指定する省令の一部を改正する省令(令和五年経済産業省・環境省令第三号)Ministerial  Order Partially Amending the Ministerial Ordinance Designating Designated  Testing Organizations Provided in Article 8-2, Paragraph 1 of the Act on  Improvement of Pollution Prevention Systems in Specified Factories (Order of  the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry , and the Ministry of the  Environment No. 3 of 2023)JP-令和五年経済産業省・環境省令第三号2023/7/19
地域公共交通の活性化及び再生に関する法律等の一部を改正する法律の施行に伴う関係政令の整備に関する政令(令和五年政令第二百四十六号)Cabinet  Order on Arrangement of Relevant Cabinet Orders Incidental to the Partial  Revision of the Act on Revitalization and Rehabilitation of Local Public  Transportation Systems (Cabinet Order No.246 of 2023)JP-令和五年政令第二百四十六号2023/7/21
外国人の技能実習の適正な実施及び技能実習生の保護に関する法律施行規則の一部を改正する省令(令和五年法務省・厚生労働省令第三号)Ministerial  Order Partially Amending the Ordinance for Enforcement of the Act on the  Appropriate Implementation of Technical Intern Training for Foreign  Nationals, and Protection of Technical Intern Trainees (Order of the Ministry  of Justice and the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare No. 3 of 2023)JP-令和五年法務省・厚生労働省令第三号2023/7/24
医薬品、医療機器等の品質、有効性及び安全性の確保等に関する法律第二条第十五項に規定する指定薬物及び同法第七十六条の四に規定する医療等の用途を定める省令の一部を改正する省令(令和五年厚生労働省令第九十八号)Ministerial  Order Partially Amending the Ministerial Ordinance Stipulating Specified  Drugs Prescribed in Article 2, Paragraph 15 of the Act on Securing Quality,  Efficacy and Safety of Products Including Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices  Prescribed in Article 76-4 of the Act (Order of the Ministry of Health,  Labour and Welfare No.98 of 2023)JP-令和五年厚生労働省令第九十八号2023/7/25
食品衛生法施行規則の一部を改正する省令(令和五年厚生労働省令第九十九号)Ministerial  Order Partially Amending the Ordinance for Enforcement of the Food Sanitation  Act (Order of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare No. 99 of 2023)JP-令和五年厚生労働省令第九十九号2023/7/26
廃棄物の処理及び清掃に関する法律施行規則の一部を改正する省令(令和五年環境省令第十二号)Ministerial  Order Partially Amending the Enforcement Regulations of the Waste Management  and Public Cleaning Act (Order of the Ministry of the Environment No.12 of  2023)JP-令和五年環境省令第十二号2023/7/27
医療法施行規則の一部を改正する省令(令和五年厚生労働省令第百号)Ministerial  Order Partially Amending the Enforcement Regulation of the Medical Care Act  (Order of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare No.100 of 2023)JP-令和五年厚生労働省令第百号2023/7/31
道路運送法施行規則等の一部を改正する省令(令和五年国土交通省令第六十一号)Ministerial  Order Partially Amending the Enforcement Regulation of the Road  Transportation Act (Order of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport  and Tourism No.61 of 2023)JP-令和五年国土交通省令第六十一号2023/8/1
特定外来生物による生態系等に係る被害の防止に関する法律施行令の一部を改正する政令(令和五年政令第二百五十三号)Cabinet  Order Partially Amending the Enforcement Order of the Act on the Prevention  of Adverse Ecological Impacts Caused by Designated Invasive Alien Species  (Cabinet Order No.253 of 2023)JP-令和五年政令第二百五十三号2023/8/2
旅館業法施行規則等の一部を改正する省令(令和五年厚生労働省令第百一号)Ministerial  Order Partially Amending the Enforcement Regulation of the Hotel Business Act  (Order of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare No.101 of 2023)JP-令和五年厚生労働省令第百一号2023/8/3

Malay EHS Legislation

LegislationDocument SignatureFirst Effective Date
Perintah  Pencegahan dan Pengawalan Penyakit Berjangkit (Pengisytiharan Kawasan  Tempatan Jangkitan) (Pelanjutan Kuat Kuasa) 2023Prevention and Control of  Infectious Diseases (Declaration of Infected Local Areas) (Extension of  Operation) Order 2023.MY-P.U.(A)195/20232023/6/28
Perintah  Perdagangan Strategik (Barang Strategik) (Pindaan) 2023Strategic Trade  (Strategic Items) (Amendment) Order 2023MY-P.U.(A)196/20232023/6/28
Perintah  Pengangkutan Jalan (Larangan Penggunaan Jalan) (Jalan Persekutuan) (No. 15)  2023Road Transport (Prohibition of Use of Road) (Federal Roads) (No. 15)  Order 2023MY-P.U.(A)198/20232023/7/3
Perintah  Pengangkutan Jalan (Larangan Penggunaan Jalan) (Jalan Persekutuan) (No. 13)  2023Road Transport (Prohibition of Use of Road) (Federal Roads) (No. 13)  Order 2023MY-P.U.(A)186/20232023/6/15
Perintah  Pengangkutan Jalan (Larangan Penggunaan Jalan) (Jalan Persekutuan) (No. 14)  2023Road Transport (Prohibition of Use of Road) (Federal Roads) (No. 14)  Order 2023MY-P.U.(A)194/20232023/6/28
Notis Di  Bawah Seksyen 70 – Akta Pengangkutan Jalan 1987Notice Under Section 70 – Road  Transport Act 1987MY-P.U.(B)209/20232023/6/15
Notis  Di Bawah Seksyen 70 – Akta Pengangkutan Jalan 1987Notice Under Section 70 –  Road Transport Act 1987MY-P.U.(B)214/20232023/6/20
Akta  Tenaga Boleh Baharu (Pindaan) 2023Renewable Energy (Amendment) Act 2023MY-A1689/20232023/7/28
Akta  Kanun Tatacara Jenayah (Pindaan) (No. 2) 2023Criminal Procedure Code  (Amendment) (No. 2) Act 2023MY-A1692/20232023/8/5
Perintah  Pengangkutan Jalan (Larangan Penggunaan Jalan) (Jalan Persekutuan) (No. 5)  (Pembatalan) 2023Road Transport (Prohibition of Use of Road) (Federal Roads)  (No. 5) (Revocation) Order 2023MY-P.U.(A)217/20232023/7/20
Perintah  Pengangkutan Jalan (Larangan Penggunaan Jalan) (Jalan Persekutuan) (No. 16)  2023Road Transport (Prohibition of Use of Road) (Federal Roads) (No. 16)  Order 2023MY-P.U.(A)209/20232023/7/15
Perintah  Fi (Pas Penggajian, Pas Lawatan (Kerja Sementara) dan Pas Kerja) (Pindaan)  2023Fees (Employment Pass, Visit Pass (Temporary Employment) and Work Pass)  (Amendment) Order 2023MY-P.U.(A)231/20232023/8/1
Perintah  Pengangkutan Jalan (Pindaan Jadual Kedua) 2023Road Transport (Amendment of  Second Schedule) Order 2023MY-P.U.(A)249/20232023/8/23
Peraturan-Peraturan  Pencegahan dan Pengawalan Penyakit Berjangkit (Borang Notis) (Pindaan)  2023Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases (Notice Form) (Amendment)  Regulations 2023MY-P.U.(A)253/20232023/8/23
Pemberitahuan  Zon Bebas (Pindaan Jadual Kedua) 2023Free Zones (Amendment of Second  Schedule) Notification 2023MY-P.U.(B)254/20232023/7/11
Pemberitahuan  Zon Bebas (Pindaan Jadual Kedua) (No. 2) 2023Free Zones (Amendment of Second  Schedule) (No. 2) Notification 2023MY-P.U.(B)302/20232023/7/31
Pemberitahuan  Zon Bebas (Pindaan Jadual Pertama) 2023Free Zones (Amendment of First  Schedule) Notification 2023MY-P.U.(B)303/20232023/7/31
Pemberitahuan  Zon Bebas (Pindaan Jadual Pertama) (No. 2) 2023Free Zones (Amendment of First  Schedule) (No. 2) Notification 2023MY-P.U.(B)304/20232023/7/31
Pemberitahuan  Zon Bebas (Pindaan Jadual Pertama) (No. 3) 2023Free Zones (Amendment of First  Schedule) (No. 3) Notification 2023MY-P.U.(B)335/20232023/8/11
Perintah Pengangkutan Jalan (Larangan  Penggunaan Jalan) (Jalan Persekutuan) (No. 17) 2023Road Transport  (Prohibition of Use of Road) (Federal Roads) (No. 17) Order 2023MY-P.U.(A)227/20232023/7/28
Perintah Pengangkutan Jalan (Larangan  Penggunaan Jalan) (Jalan Persekutuan) (No. 18) 2023Road Transport  (Prohibition of Use of Road) (Federal Roads) (No. 18) Order 2023MY-P.U.(A)233/20232023/8/4
Perintah Pengangkutan Jalan (Larangan  Penggunaan Jalan) (Jalan Persekutuan) (No. 19) 2023Road Transport  (Prohibition of Use of Road) (Federal Roads) (No. 19) Order 2023MY-P.U.(A)246/20232023/8/23
Pemberitahuan Zon Bebas (Kawasan yang  Diisytiharkan) 2023Free Zones (Declared Area) Notification 2023MY-P.U.(B)253/20232023/7/11
Notis Di Bawah Seksyen 70 – Akta  Pengangkutan Jalan 1987Notice Under Section 70 – Road Transport Act 1987MY-P.U.(B)257/20232023/7/12
Notis Di Bawah Seksyen 70 – Akta  Pengangkutan Jalan 1987Notice Under Section 70 – Road Transport Act 1987MY-P.U.(B)258/20232023/7/13
Perisytiharan Hutan Simpanan  KekalDeclaration Of Permanent Reserved ForestMY-P.U.(B)273/20232023/7/18
Perisytiharan Hutan Simpanan  KekalDeclaration Of Permanent Reserved ForestMY-P.U.(B)274/20232023/7/18
Perisytiharan Hutan Simpanan  KekalDeclaration Of Permanent Reserved ForestMY-P.U.(B)275/20232023/7/18
Pemberitahuan Zon Bebas (Kawasan yang  Diisytiharkan) (No. 2) 2023Free Zones (Declared Area) (No. 2) Notification  2023MY-P.U.(B)300/20232023/7/31
Notis Di Bawah Seksyen 70 – Akta  Pengangkutan Jalan 1987Notice Under Section 70 – Road Transport Act 1987MY-P.U.(B)305/20232023/7/31
Pemberitahuan Zon Bebas (Kawasan yang  Diisytiharkan) (No. 3) 2023Free Zones (Declared Area) (No. 3) Notification  2023MY-P.U.(B)336/20232023/8/11
Notis Di Bawah Seksyen 70 – Akta  Pengangkutan Jalan 1987Notice Under Section 70 – Road Transport Act 1987MY-P.U.(B)347/20232023/8/22
Perintah Pengangkutan Jalan (Larangan  Penggunaan Jalan) (Jalan Persekutuan) (No. 20) 2023Road Transport  (Prohibition of Use of Road) (Federal Roads) (No. 20) Order 2023MY-P.U.(A)268/20232023/9/5
Perintah Pengangkutan Jalan (Larangan  Penggunaan Jalan) (Jalan Persekutuan) (No. 21) 2023Road Transport  (Prohibition of Use of Road) (Federal Roads) (No. 21) Order 2023MY-P.U.(A)278/20232023/9/21
Perintah Pengangkutan Jalan (Larangan  Penggunaan Jalan) (Jalan Persekutuan) (No. 22) 2023Road Transport  (Prohibition of Use of Road) (Federal Roads) (No. 22) Order 2023MY-P.U.(A)279/20232023/9/21
Perintah Pengangkutan Jalan (Larangan  Penggunaan Jalan) (Jalan Persekutuan) (No. 23) 2023Road Transport  (Prohibition of Use of Road) (Federal Roads) (No. 23) Order 2023MY-P.U.(A)280/20232023/9/21
Perintah Pengangkutan Jalan (Larangan  Penggunaan Jalan) (Jalan Persekutuan) (No. 24) 2023Road Transport  (Prohibition of Use of Road) (Federal Roads) (No. 24) Order 2023MY-P.U.(A)281/20232023/9/21
Notis Di  Bawah Seksyen 70 – Akta Pengangkutan Jalan 1987Notice Under Section 70 – Road  Transport Act 1987MY-P.U.(B)358/20232023/8/28
Notis Di  Bawah Seksyen 70 – Akta Pengangkutan Jalan 1987Notice Under Section 70 – Road  Transport Act 1987MY-P.U.(B)385/20232023/9/4

Indonesian EHS Legislation

LegislationDocument SignatureFirst Effective Date
PP No.  29 Tahun 2023 tentang Peraturan Pelaksanaan Undang-undang Nomor 29 Tahun 2019  Tentang Karantina Hewan, Ikan, dan TumbuhanGovernment Regulation Number 29 of  2023 concerning Regulations for Implementing Law Number 29 of 2019 concerning  Animal, Fish and Plant QuarantineID-PPNo.29Tahun20232023/6/6
PP No.  33 Tahun 2023 Tentang Konservasi EnergiGovernment Regulation Number 33 of  2023 concerning Energy ConservationID-PPNo.33Tahun20232023/6/16
Kemenperin  No. 12 Tahun 2023 tentang Standar Industri Hijau untuk Industri Baja Lembaran  LapisKemenperin No. 12 of 2023 concerning Green Industry Standards for the  Coated Steel IndustryID-KEMENPERINNO.12TAHUN20232023/7/7
Kemenperin  No. 11 Tahun 2023 tentang Standar Industri Hijau untuk Industri Amonia dan  Industri Pupuk Urea, Pupuk Sp-36, dan Pupuk Amonium SulfatKemenperin No. 11  of 2023 concerning Green Industry Standards for the Ammonia Industry and the  Urea Fertilizer Industry, Sp-36 Fertilizer, and Ammonium Sulphate FertilizerID-KEMENPERINNO.11TAHUN20232023/7/7
Kemenperin  No. 10 Tahun 2023 tentang Standar Industri Hijau untuk Industri  BatikKemenperin No. 10 of 2023 concerning Green Industry Standards for the  Batik IndustryID-KEMENPERINNO.10TAHUN20232023/7/10
Kemenlhk  No. 7 Tahun 2023 Tentang Tata Cara Perdagangan Karbon Sektor  KehutananKemenlhk No. 7 of 2023 concerning Procedures for Carbon Trading in  the Forestry SectorID-KEMENLHKNO.7TAHUN20232023/6/15

Philippines EHS Legislation

LegislationDocument SignatureFirst Effective Date
Guidelines  on the Creation, Use and Management of Parks and Public Open Spaces for the  Promotion of Physical and Mental Health and Social Well-beingPH-DOH-JAONo.0001-20232023/8/14
An act  strengthening the conservation and protection of philippine cultural heritage  through cultural mapping and an enhanced cultural heritage education program,  amending for the purpose Republic Act No. 10066, otherwise known as the  “National Cultural Heritage act of 2009”PH-2023No.119612023/8/24
Supplemental  Guidelines on the Implementation of the Mental Health Policy and Program in  the WorkplacePH-DOLE-LANo.19-20232023/9/15
Guidelines  on the Implementation of the Workplace Policy and Program on Cancer  Prevention and Control in the Private SectorPH-DOLE-LANo.20-20232023/9/15
Supplemental  Guidelines on the Implementation of Safety and Health Measures for the  Prevention and Control of Tuberculosis in the WorkplacePH-DOLE-LANo.21-20232023/9/15
Supplemental  Guidelines on the Implementation of the Prevention and Control of Human  Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS) in the  WorkplacePH-DOLE-LANo.22-20232023/9/15
Guidelines on Minimum Public Health  Standards in Workplaces Relative to the Lifting of the State of Public Health  Emergency due to COVID-19PH-DOLE-LANo.23-20232023/9/20


Singapore EHS Legislation

LegislationDocument SignatureFirst Effective Date
Building  Maintenance and Strata Management Act 2004 (Amendment of First and Second  Schedules) Order 2023SG-SL-Supp/S406-20232023/6/22
Health  Products (Therapeutic Products) (Amendment) Regulations 2023SG-SL-Supp/S436-20232023/6/23
Environmental  Public Health (Public Cleansing) (Amendment No. 2) Regulations 2023SG-SL-Supp/S443-20232023/6/26
Environmental  Public Health (General Waste Collection) (Amendment) Regulations 2023SG-SL-Supp/S460-20232023/6/30
Work  Injury Compensation (Amendment) Regulations 2023SG-SL-Supp/S465-20232023/6/30
Environmental  Public Health (General Waste Disposal Facility — Exemption) Regulations 2023SG-SL-Supp/S462-20232023/6/30
Healthcare Services (Assisted  Reproduction Service) Regulations 2023SG-SL-HSA2020-S4292023/6/21
Healthcare Services (Nuclear Medicine  Service) Regulations 2023SG-SL-HSA2020-S4122023/6/19
Carbon Pricing (Amendment) Act 2022  (Commencement) Notification 2023SG-SL-Supp/S613-20232023/9/5
Control of Vectors and Pesticides  (Registration of Pesticides and Vector Repellents) Regulations 2023SG-SL-Supp/S594-20232023/8/31
Building and Related Works  (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 2023SG-Acts-Supp/23-20232023/9/11
Public  Utilities (Amendment) Act 2023SG-Acts-Supp/27-20232023/9/13
Carbon  Pricing (Carbon Tax and Carbon Credits Registry) (Amendment) Regulations 2023SG-SL-Supp/S661-20232023/10/6
Carbon  Pricing (Registration and General Matters) (Amendment) Regulations 2023SG-SL-Supp/S660-20232023/10/6
Carbon  Pricing (Measurement, Reporting and Verification) (Amendment) Regulations  2023SG-SL-Supp/S659-20232023/10/6
Building  Control (Buildability and Productivity) (Amendment No. 2) Regulations 2023SG-SL-Supp/S658-20232023/10/6

Thai EHS Legislation

LegislationDocument SignatureFirst Effective Date
ระเบียบกรมทรัพยากรทางทะเลและชายฝั่ง  ว่าด้วยหลักเกณฑ์การดำเนินโครงการป่าชายเลนสำหรับชุมชน พ.ศ. 2566Regulations of  the Department of Marine and Coastal Resources Regarding the criteria for the  implementation of the mangrove forest project for the community, B.E. 2566TH-2023-140-128-92023/6/2
ประกาศกรมเจ้าท่า ที่ 92/2566 เรื่อง  แนวทางปฏิบัติในการตรวจและออกใบสำคัญรับรองเกี่ยวกับความปลอดภัยแห่งชีวิตในทะเลMarine  Department Announcement No. 92/2566 on Guidelines for Inspection and  Certification of Life Safety at SeaTH-2023-140-131-582023/6/6
ประกาศกระทรวงเกษตรและสหกรณ์ เรื่อง  กำหนดทางน้ำชลประทานตามพระราชบัญญัติการชลประทานหลวง พุทธศักราช 2485 (ฉบับที่  9/2566)Announcement of the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives on  Determination of Irrigation Waterways According to the Royal Irrigation Act,  B.E. 2485 (No. 9/2566)TH-2023-140-138-52023/6/14
ประกาศกระทรวงเกษตรและสหกรณ์ เรื่อง  กำหนดทางน้ำชลประทานตามพระราชบัญญัติการชลประทานหลวง พุทธศักราช 2485 (ฉบับที่  10/2566)Announcement of the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives  regarding the irrigation water specification under the Royal Irrigation Act  of Luang B.E., 1942 (No. 10/2013)TH-2023-140-138-62023/6/14
ประกาศกระทรวงเกษตรและสหกรณ์ เรื่อง  กำหนดทางน้ำชลประทานตามพระราชบัญญัติการชลประทานหลวง พุทธศักราช 2485 (ฉบับที่  11/2566)Announcement of the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives  regarding the irrigation water specification under the Royal Irrigation Act  of Luang B.E., 1942 (Issue 11/256)TH-2023-140-138-72023/6/14
ประกาศกระทรวงเกษตรและสหกรณ์ เรื่อง  กำหนดทางน้ำชลประทานตามพระราชบัญญัติการชลประทานหลวง พุทธศักราช 2485 (ฉบับที่  12/2566)Announcement of the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives  regarding the irrigation water specification under the Royal Irrigation Act  of Luang B.E., 1942 (No. 12/2013)TH-2023-140-138-82023/6/14
ประกาศกระทรวงเกษตรและสหกรณ์ เรื่อง  กำหนดทางน้ำชลประทานตามพระราชบัญญัติการชลประทานหลวง พุทธศักราช 2485 (ฉบับที่  13/2566)Announcement of the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives  regarding the irrigation water specification under the Royal Irrigation Act  of Luang B.E., 1942 (No. 13/2013)TH-2023-140-138-92023/6/14
ประกาศกระทรวงเกษตรและสหกรณ์ เรื่อง  กำหนดทางน้ำชลประทานตามพระราชบัญญัติการชลประทานหลวง พุทธศักราช 2485 (ฉบับที่  14/2566)Announcement of the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives  regarding the irrigation water specification under the Royal Irrigation Act  of Luang B.E., 1942 (No. 14/2013)TH-2023-140-138-102023/6/14
ประกาศกระทรวงเกษตรและสหกรณ์ เรื่อง  กำหนดทางน้ำชลประทานตามพระราชบัญญัติการชลประทานหลวง พุทธศักราช 2485 (ฉบับที่  15/2566)Announcement of the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives  regarding the irrigation water specification under the Royal Irrigation Act  of Luang B.E., 1942 (No. 15/2013)TH-2023-140-138-112023/6/14
ข้อบังคับกรมเจ้าท่า ว่าด้วยหลักเกณฑ์ วิธีการ เงื่อนไข  และค่าธรรมเนียมการตรวจและการออกใบสำคัญรับรองสำหรับเรือพลังงานนิวเคลียร์ พ.ศ.  2566 [เล่มที่ 1]Regulations of the Harbor Department Regarding the rules,  procedures, conditions and inspection fees and certifications for nuclear  energy boats, 2023 [Book 1]TH-2023-140-145-12023/6/21
ข้อบังคับกรมเจ้าท่า ว่าด้วยหลักเกณฑ์ วิธีการ เงื่อนไข  และค่าธรรมเนียมการตรวจและการออกใบสำคัญรับรองสำหรับเรือบรรทุกสินค้าอันตราย  พ.ศ. 2566 [มีต่อ] [เล่มที่ 2]Regulations of the Harbor Department Regarding  the rules, procedures, conditions and inspection fees and certifications for  dangerous ships, 2023 [Continue] [Book 2]TH-2023-140-145-11(1)2023/6/21
ข้อบังคับกรมเจ้าท่า ว่าด้วยหลักเกณฑ์ วิธีการ เงื่อนไข  และค่าธรรมเนียมการตรวจและการออกใบสำคัญรับรองสำหรับเรือบรรทุกสินค้าอันตราย  พ.ศ. 2566 [เล่มจบ] [เล่มที่ 3]Regulations of the Harbor Department Regarding  the rules, procedures, conditions and inspection fees and issuance fees for  dangerous ships in 2023 [Book end] [Book 3]TH-2023-140-145-11(2)2023/6/21
ประกาศกระทรวงสาธารณสุข เรื่อง  หลักเกณฑ์ด้านสุขลักษณะและมาตรการป้องกันความเสี่ยงจากโรคติดเชื้อไวรัสโคโรนา  2019 หรือโรคโควิด 19 สำหรับสถานประกอบกิจการที่เป็นอันตรายต่อสุขภาพ พ.ศ.  2566Announcement of the Ministry of Public Health regarding the criteria for hygiene  and measures to prevent the risk of Corona Virus 2019 or Copy 19 for the  workplace that is harmful to health in 2023.TH-2023-140-147-72023/6/22
ประกาศกระทรวงสาธารณสุข เรื่อง  สถานที่ตั้งและขนาดพื้นที่สำหรับกระบวนการเผามูลฝอยที่เป็นพิษหรืออันตรายจากชุมชน  และแสงสว่าง และการระบายอากาศภายในอาคารที่เพียงพอต่อการปฏิบัติงาน พ.ศ.  2566Announcement of the Ministry of Public Health regarding location and area  size for poisonous or dangerous waste from communities and lighting and  ventilation in the building that is sufficient for operation in 2023.TH-2023-140-147-212023/6/22
ประกาศกรมธุรกิจพลังงาน เรื่อง  ระบบป้องกันและระงับอัคคีภัยแบบหัวกระจายน้ำดับเพลิง  สำหรับพื้นที่เก็บถังก๊าซปิโตรเลียมเหลวหุงต้มหรือกระป๋องก๊าซปิโตรเลียมเหลว  ในสถานที่เก็บรักษาก๊าซปิโตรเลียมเหลวประเภทร้านจำหน่าย ลักษณะที่สอง พ.ศ.  2566Announcement of the Department of Energy Business regarding fire  protection and fire suppression system For storage areas, petroleum gas,  liquid cooking or cans of liquid petroleum gas In the place to store liquid  petroleum gas, shop type, second characteristics, 2023TH-2023-140-151-202023/6/27
ประกาศกระทรวงทรัพยากรธรรมชาติและสิ่งแวดล้อม เรื่อง กำหนดโครงการ  กิจการ หรือการดำเนินการ ซึ่งต้องจัดทำรายงานการประเมินผลกระทบสิ่งแวดล้อม  และหลักเกณฑ์ วิธีการ และเงื่อนไขในการจัดทำรายงานการประเมินผลกระทบสิ่งแวดล้อม  (ฉบับที่ 7) พ.ศ. 2566Announcement of the Ministry of Natural Resources and  Environment regarding the project or operation Which must prepare a report on  environmental impact assessment and criteria, procedures and conditions in  the preparation of environmental impact assessment (No. 7) B.E. 2552TH-2023-140-131-532023/6/6
กฎกระทรวงกำหนดให้ทางน้ำชลประทานคลองซอย ๑ ขวา  ของคลองส่งน้ำสายใหญ่ ๑ ขวาเป็นทางน้ำชลประทานที่จะเรียกเก็บค่าชลประทาน พ.ศ.  ๒๕๖๖Ministerial Regulation prescribing that the irrigation canal, Soi 1,  right of the main canal 1, right, is the irrigation canal for collecting  irrigation fees, B.E. 2566 (2023).TH-2023-140-41-52023/7/11
กฎกระทรวงกำหนดให้ทางน้ำชลประทานอ่างเก็บน้ำกุดตาเพชรเป็นทางน้ำชลประทานที่จะเรียกเก็บค่าชลประทาน  พ.ศ. ๒๕๖๖Ministerial Regulation prescribing that the Kut Ta Petch Reservoir  irrigation waterway is an irrigation waterway that will collect irrigation  fees, B.E. 2566 (2023).TH-2023-140-41-72023/7/11
กฎกระทรวงกำหนดให้ทางน้ำชลประทานอ่างเก็บน้ำแม่จอกหลวงเป็นทางน้ำชลประทานที่จะเรียกเก็บค่าชลประทาน  พ.ศ. ๒๕๖๖Ministerial Regulation prescribing that the Mae Chok Luang Reservoir  irrigation waterway is the irrigation waterway that will collect irrigation  fees, B.E. 2566 (2023).TH-2023-140-41-92023/7/11
กฎกระทรวงกำหนดให้ทางน้ำชลประทานอ่างเก็บน้ำสันหนองเป็นทางน้ำชลประทานที่จะเรียกเก็บค่าชลประทาน  พ.ศ. ๒๕๖๖The Ministerial Regulation prescribes that the San Nong Reservoir  Irrigation Waterway is the irrigation water way to collect irrigation fees,  B.E. 2566 (2023).TH-2023-140-41-112023/7/11
ประกาศนายทะเบียนพรรคการเมือง เรื่อง การให้เงิน ทรัพย์สิน  หรือประโยชน์อื่นใดแก่สมาชิกพรรคการเมือง ซึ่งดำรงตำแหน่งสมาชิกสภาผู้แทนราษฎร  พ.ศ. ๒๕๖๖The Ministerial Regulations prescribe that the Pranburi Reservoir’s  irrigation canals Is an irrigation waterway that will collect irrigation fees  B.E. 2566TH-2023-140-36-12023/7/11
กฎกระทรวง ฉบับที่ ๕๙ (พ.ศ. ๒๕๖๖)  ออกตามความในพระราชบัญญัติให้ใช้ประมวลกฎหมายที่ดิน พ.ศ. ๒๔๙๗Ministerial  Regulation No. 59 (B.E. 2566) issued under the Act on the Enforcement of the  Land Code, B.E. 2497TH-2023-140-41-132023/7/11
ระเบียบคณะกรรมการนโยบายป่าชุมชน ว่าด้วยการปกครอง ดูแลบำรุงรักษา  ใช้ประโยชน์จากไม้ และใช้ประโยชน์ในพื้นที่ป่าชุมชน พ.ศ. 2566Regulations of the  Community Forest Policy Committee Regarding requirements for the use of wood  coming from community forest area, 2023TH-2023-140-174-82023/7/18
ระเบียบคณะกรรมการนโยบายป่าชุมชน  ว่าด้วยการใช้ประโยชน์จากผลผลิตและบริการป่าชุมชน พ.ศ. 2566Regulations of the  Community Forest Policy Committee Regarding the utilization of community  forest products and services in 2023TH-2023-140-174-272023/7/18


Hong Kong Special Administrative Region EHS Legislation

LegislationDocument SignatureFirst Effective Date
立法會決議修訂《2023年環境影響評估條例(修訂附表2及3)令》 – 2023年第113號法律公告Resolution of  the Legislative Council on amending the Environmental Impact Assessment  Ordinance (Amendment of Schedules 2 and 3) Order 2023 – L.N. 113 of 20232023年第113號法律公告2023/6/30
2023年藥劑業及毒藥(修訂) (第2號)規例 – 2023年第108號法律公告Pharmacy and Poisons  (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulation 2023 – L.N. 108 of 20232023年第108號法律公告2023/6/30
2023年商船(本地船隻) (一般) (修訂) (第2號)規例 – 2023年第107號法律公告Merchant  Shipping (Local Vessels) (General) (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulation 2023 – L.N.  107 of 20232023年第107號法律公告2023/6/30
2023年商船(防止油類污染) (修訂)規例 – 2023年第106號法律公告Merchant Shipping  (Prevention of Oil Pollution) (Amendment) Regulation 2023 – L.N. 106 of 20232023年第106號法律公告2023/6/30
2023年商船(安全) (無線電通訊) (修訂)規例 – 2023年第104號法律公告Merchant Shipping  (Safety) (Radiocommunications) (Amendment) Regulation 2023 – L.N. 104 of 20232023年第104號法律公告2023/6/30
2023年商船(安全) (《國際海運固體散裝貨物規則》) (修訂)規例 – 2023年第103號法律公告Merchant  Shipping (Safety) (IMSBC Code) (Amendment) Regulation 2023 – L.N. 103 of 20232023年第103號法律公告2023/6/30
2023年商船(安全) (救生設備及布置、召集及訓練) (修訂)規例 – 2023年第102號法律公告Merchant  Shipping (Safety) (Life-Saving Appliances and Arrangements, Musters and  Training) (Amendment) Regulation 2023 – L.N. 102 of 20232023年第102號法律公告2023/6/30
2023年商船(安全) (載重線) (修訂)規例 – 2023年第101號法律公告Merchant Shipping  (Safety) (Load Line) (Amendment) Regulation 2023 – L.N. 101 of 20232023年第101號法律公告2023/6/30
2023年消防(裝置及設備) (修訂)規例 – 2023年第100號法律公告Fire Service  (Installations and Equipment) (Amendment) Regulation 2023 – L.N. 100 of 20232023年第100號法律公告2023/6/30
2023年除害劑條例 (修訂附表 1) 公告 – 2023年第95號法律公告Pesticides Ordinance  (Amendment of Schedule 1) Notice 2023 – L.N. 95 of 20232023年第95號法律公告2023/6/9
2023年有毒化學品管制條例 (修訂附表 1及 2) 令 – 2023年第94號法律公告Hazardous Chemicals  Control Ordinance (Amendment of Schedules 1 and 2) Order 2023 – L.N. 94 of  20232023年第94號法律公告2023/6/9
2023年道路交通(修訂) (自動駕駛車輛)條例 – 2023年第11號條例Road Traffic (Amendment)  (Autonomous Vehicles) Ordinance 2023 – Ord. No. 11 of 20232023年第11號條例2023/6/2
2023年發展(城市規劃、土地及工程) (雜項修訂)條例  – 2023年第25號條例Development (Town Planning, Lands and Works) (Miscellaneous  Amendments) Ordinance 2023 – Ord. No. 25 of 20232023年第25號條例2023/7/21
2023年船舶法例(電子證書和電子航海日誌) (修訂)條例  – 2023年第24號條例Shipping Legislation (Electronic Certificates and Electronic  Log-books) (Amendment) Ordinance 2023 – Ord. No. 24 of 20232023年第24號條例2023/7/21
2023年罰款及定額罰款(公眾地方潔淨及阻礙) (雜項修訂)條例  – 2023年第23號條例Fines and Fixed Penalties (Public Cleanliness and Obstruction)  (Miscellaneous Amendments) Ordinance 2023 – Ord. No. 23 of 20232023年第23號條例2023/7/21
2023年保險業(修訂)條例 –  2023年第20號條例Insurance (Amendment) Ordinance 2023 – Ord. No. 20 of 20232023年第20號條例2023/7/14
2023年行車隧道(政府) (修訂)條例 –  2023年第18號條例Road Tunnels (Government) (Amendment) Ordinance 2023 – Ord. No. 18  of 20232023年第18號條例2023/7/7

Taiwan EHS Legislation

LegislationDocument SignatureFirst Effective Date
行政院農業委員會修正「非都市土地變更作專案輔導畜牧事業設施計畫審查作業要點」第2點、第3點規定,自即日生效 –  農牧字第1120042902號COUNCIL OF AGRICULTRE, EXECUTIVE YUAN Order is hereby given,  for the revision on Paragraph 2 and 3 of “Operation Directions for  Auditing the Project of Animal Husbandry Counseling in Non-urban Land”  (revised directions take into force from 6th, July 2023) – Nong Mu Zi  No.1120042902農牧字第1120042902號2023/7/6
行政院環境保護署訂定「空氣中氮氧化物自動檢驗方法-化學發光法(NIEA A417.13C)」,自112年10月15日生效 –  環署授檢字第1127105001號ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ADMINISTRATION, EXECUTIVE YUAN  Notice is hereby given, for the promulgation of “Continuous Analyzers  for Oxides of Nitrogen in Ambient Air (NIEA A417.13C)” (promulgation  shall become effective from 15th, October 2023) – Huan Shu Shou Jian Zi  No.1127105001環署授檢字第1127105001號2023/6/30
交通部訂定「道路交通安全講習委託辦理辦法」,自112年6月30日施行 – 交路字第11250087656號MINISTRY OF  TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS Order is hereby given, for the promulgation  of “Regulations for the Commissioning of Road Traffic Safety  Courses” (regulations have taken into force since 30th, June 2023) –  Jiao Lu Zi No.11250087656交路字第11250087656號2023/6/29
交通部、內政部修正「違反道路交通管理事件統一裁罰基準及處理細則」部分條文,自112年6月30日施行 –  交路字第11250083961號,台內警字第1120872001號MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND  COMMUNICATIONS, MINISTRY OF THE INTERIOR Order is hereby given, for the  amendment on partial articles of “Standard Punishment and Handling of  Violations of Road Traffic Rules Regulations” (amended regulations take  into force from 30th, June 2023) – Jiao Lu Zi No.11250083961,Tai Nei Jing Zi  No.1120872001交路字第11250083961號,台內警字第1120872001號2023/6/29
交通部、內政部修正「道路交通安全講習辦法」,自112年6月30日施行 –  交路字第11250087651號,台內警字第1120872000號MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND  COMMUNICATIONS, MINISTRY OF THE INTERIOR Order is hereby given, for the  amendment of “Regulations for Road Traffic Safety Courses” (amended  regulations take into force from 30th, June 2023) – Jiao Lu Zi  No.11250087651,Tai Nei Jing Zi No.1120872000交路字第11250087651號,台內警字第1120872000號2023/6/29
行政院環境保護署修正「固定污染源空氣污染防制費收費費率」,自112年7月1日生效 –  環署空字第1121069718號ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ADMINISTRATION, EXECUTIVE YUAN  Notice is hereby given, for the amendment of “Rates of Air Pollution  Control Fee of Stationary Sources” (amendment shall become effective  from 1st, July 2023) – Huan Shu Kong Zi No.1121069718環署空字第1121069718號2023/6/30
交通部、內政部修正「道路交通安全規則」部分條文,自112年6月30日施行  – 交路字第11250085151號,台內警字第1120871997號MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND  COMMUNICATIONS, MINISTRY OF THE INTERIOR Order is hereby given, for the  amendment on partial articles of “Road Traffic Safety Regulations”  (amended regulations take into force from 30th, June 2023) – Jiao Lu Zi  No.11250085151,Tai Nei Jing Zi No.1120871997交路字第11250085151號,台內警字第1120871997號2023/6/29
交通部、內政部修正「高速公路及快速公路交通管制規則」第9條、第14條條文,自112年6月30日施行  – 交路字第11250085156號,台內警字第1120871999號MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND  COMMUNICATIONS, MINISTRY OF THE INTERIOR Order is hereby given, for the  amendment on Article 9 and 14 of “Highway and Expressway Traffic Control  Regulations” (amended regulations take into force from 30th, June 2023)  – Jiao Lu Zi No.11250085156,Tai Nei Jing Zi No.1120871999交路字第11250085156號,台內警字第1120871999號2023/6/29
行政院環境保護署訂定「汽油及替代清潔燃料引擎汽車排放空氣污染物檢驗站設置及管理辦法」  – 環署空字第1121075966號ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ADMINISTRATION, EXECUTIVE YUAN  Order is hereby given, for the promulgation of “Regulations for the  Establishment and Management of Air Pollutant Emission Testing Stations for  Motor Vehicles with Gasoline and Clean Alternative Fuel Engines”  (regulations shall be taking into force from 1st, July 2023) – Huan Shu Kong  Zi No.1121075966環署空字第1121075966號2023/6/30
行政院環境保護署修正「交通工具排放空氣污染物檢驗及處理辦法」,名稱並修正為「交通工具排放空氣污染物檢驗處理及委託辦法」  – 環署空字第1121074072號ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ADMINISTRATION, EXECUTIVE YUAN  Order is hereby given, for the amendment of “Regulations for Testing and  Treatment for Air Pollutant Emission of Transportation Vehicles”, and  the renaming of the Regulations as “Regulations for Testing, Treatment,  and Commision for Air Pollutant Emission of Transportation Vehicles”  (amended regulations shall be taking into force from 1st, July 2023) – Huan  Shu Kong Zi No.1121074072環署空字第1121074072號2023年6月30日
行政院環境保護署修正「違反噪音管制法案件裁罰基準」,自即日生效  – 環署空字第1121069411號ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ADMINISTRATION, EXECUTIVE YUAN  Order is hereby given, for the revision of “Fine Determination Criteria  for Violation of Noise Control Act” (revised criteria become effective  from 30th, June 2023) – Huan Shu Kong Zi No.1121069411環署空字第1121069411號2023年6月30日
行政院環境保護署訂定「柴油及替代清潔燃料引擎汽車實施排放空氣污染物定期檢驗之對象、區域、頻率及期限」,自113年1月1日生效  – 環署空字第1121075275號ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ADMINISTRATION, EXECUTIVE YUAN  Notice is hereby given, for the promulgation of “Targets, Region,  Frequency and Deadlines for Regular Air Pollutant Emission Testing of Motor  Vehicles with Diesel and Clean Alternative Fuel Engines” (promulgation  shall become effective from 1st, January 2024) – Huan Shu Kong Zi  No.1121075275環署空字第1121075275號2023年6月30日
勞動部修正「勞動部補助直轄市及縣市政府辦理職業災害勞工協助事項作業要點」第6點、第8點規定,自即日生效  – 勞職授字第1120203015號MINISTRY OF LABOR Order is hereby given, for the revision  on Paragraph 6 and 8 of “Directions of Ministry of Labor for Subsidizing  Municipality, County (City) Governments to implement the Provisions of  Assistance Measures for Workers Suffering from Occupational Accidents”  (revised directions take into force from 30th, June 2023) – Lao Zhi Shou Zi  No.1120203015勞職授字第1120203015號2023年6月30日
行政院環境保護署訂定「汽油及替代清潔燃料引擎汽車實施排放空氣污染物定期檢驗之對象、區域、頻率及期限」,自112年7月1日生效  – 環署空字第1121075396號ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ADMINISTRATION, EXECUTIVE YUAN  Notice is hereby given, for the promulgation of “Targets, Region,  Frequency and Deadlines for Regular Air Pollutant Emission Testing of Motor  Vehicles with Gasoline and Clean Alternative Fuel Engines” (promulgation  shall become effective from 1st, July 2023) – Huan Shu Kong Zi No.1121075396環署空字第1121075396號2023年6月30日
行政院環境保護署修正「移動污染源空氣污染物排放標準」 –  環署空字第1121074384號ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ADMINISTRATION, EXECUTIVE YUAN Order  is hereby given, for the amendment of “Air Emission Standards of Mobile  Source” (amendment shall become effective from 1st, July 2023 except the  provision whose effective date shall be otherwise designated) – Huan Shu Kong  Zi No.1121074384環署空字第1121074384號2023年6月30日
勞動部修正「就業保險促進就業實施辦法」部分條文 –  勞動發就字第1120509492A號MINISTRY OF LABOR Order is hereby given, for the amendment  on partial articles of “Regulations of the Implementation of the  Employment Promotion of Employment Insurance” – Lao Dong Fa Jiu Zi  No.1120509492A勞動發就字第1120509492A號2023年6月29日
總統令:增訂、刪除並修正「入出國及移民法」部分條文 –  華總一義字第11200054171號OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT Order is hereby given, for the  promulgation of the additional clauses, deletions and amendments to  “Immigration Act” – Hua Zong Yi Yi Zi No.11200054171華總一義字第11200054171號2023年6月28日
總統令:增訂「水利法」第91條之3、第91條之4條文;並修正第91條條文  – 華總一經字第11200054061號OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT Order is hereby given, for the  promulgation of additional clauses of Article 91-3 and 91-4 and Article 91  amendment to “Water Act” – Hua Zong Yi Jing Zi No.11200054061華總一經字第11200054061號2023年6月28日
交通部訂定「交通部電動大客車推動計畫車輛業者資格審查作業要點」,自即日生效  – 交路字第1125008397號MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS Order is  hereby given, for the promulgation of “Operation Directions Governing  the Vehicle Applicant Qualification Examination for the MOTC Electric Bus  Promotion Program” (directions have taken into force since 28th, June  2023) – Jiao Lu Zi No.1125008397交路字第1125008397號2023年6月28日
行政院環境保護署修正「免洗餐具限制使用對象及實施方式」公告事項第2項,自112年8月1日生效  – 環署基字第1121070544號ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ADMINISTRATION, EXECUTIVE YUAN  Notice is hereby given, for the amendment on Point 2 of the Bulletin of  “Objects and Means of Restricting the Use of Disposable Tableware”  (amendment shall become effective from 1st, August 2023) – Huan Shu Ji Zi  No.1121070544環署基字第1121070544號2023年6月29日
總統令:增訂「公路法」第74條之1、第74條之2條文;並修正第72條、第73條條文  – 華總一義字第11200054111號OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT Order is hereby given, for the  promulgation of additional clauses of Article 74-1 and 74-2 and Article 72  and 73 amendment to “Highway Act” – Hua Zong Yi Yi Zi  No.11200054111華總一義字第11200054111號2023年6月28日
總統令:增訂「民用航空法」第101條之1、第101條之2條文;並修正第119條之3條文  – 華總一義字第11200054081號OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT Order is hereby given, for the  promulgation of additional clauses of Article 101-1 and 101-2 and Article  119-3 amendment to “Civil Aviation Act” – Hua Zong Yi Yi Zi  No.11200054081華總一義字第11200054081號2023年6月28日
總統令:增訂「自來水法」第97條之1、第97條之2條文;並修正第8條、第97條條文  – 華總一經字第11200054071號OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT Order is hereby given, for the  promulgation of additional clauses of Article 97-1 and 97-2 and Article 8 and  97 amendment to “Water Supply Act” – Hua Zong Yi Jing Zi  No.11200054071華總一經字第11200054071號2023年6月28日
總統令:增訂「全民健康保險法」第80條之1、第80條之2條文  – 華總一義字第11200054031號OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT Order is hereby given, for the  promulgation of additional clauses of Article 80-1 and 80-2 to “National  Health Insurance Act” – Hua Zong Yi Yi Zi No.11200054031華總一義字第11200054031號2023年6月28日
總統令:增訂「醫療法」第105條之1、第105條之2條文 – 華總一義字第11200054021號OFFICE OF THE  PRESIDENT Order is hereby given, for the promulgation of additional clauses  of Article 105-1 and 105-2 to “Medical Care Act” – Hua Zong Yi Yi  Zi No.11200054021華總一義字第11200054021號2023年6月28日
總統令:增訂「核子事故緊急應變法」第31條之1、第31條之2條文;並修正第45條條文 –  華總一義字第11200054161號OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT Order is hereby given, for the  promulgation of additional clauses of Article 31-1 and 31-2 and Article 45  amendment to “Nuclear Emergency Response Act” – Hua Zong Yi Yi Zi  No.11200054161華總一義字第11200054161號2023年6月28日
總統令:增訂「商港法」部分條文 – 華總一義字第11200054011號OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT  Order is hereby given, for the promulgation of additional clauses to  “The Commercial Port Law” – Hua Zong Yi Yi Zi No.11200054011華總一義字第11200054011號2023年6月28日
總統令:增訂「產業創新條例」第66條之1、第66條之2條文 – 華總一經字第11200054001號OFFICE OF THE  PRESIDENT Order is hereby given, for the promulgation of additional clauses  of Article 66-1 and 66-2 to “Statute for Industrial Innovation” –  Hua Zong Yi Jing Zi No.11200054001華總一經字第11200054001號2023年6月28日
總統令:增訂「石油管理法」第38條之2、第38條之3條文 – 華總一經字第11200053991號OFFICE OF THE  PRESIDENT Order is hereby given, for the promulgation of additional clauses  of Article 38-2 and 38-3 to “Petroleum Administration Act” – Hua  Zong Yi Jing Zi No.11200053991華總一經字第11200053991號2023年6月28日
總統令:增訂「電業法」第71條之1、第71條之2條文 – 華總一經字第11200053971號OFFICE OF THE  PRESIDENT Order is hereby given, for the promulgation of additional clauses  of Article 71-1 and 71-2 to “The Electricity Act” – Hua Zong Yi  Jing Zi No.11200053971華總一經字第11200053971號2023年6月28日
總統令:增訂「傳染病防治法」第61條之1、第61條之2條文 – 華總一義字第11200053931號OFFICE OF THE  PRESIDENT Order is hereby given, for the promulgation of additional clauses  of Article 61-1 and 61-2 to “Communicable Disease Control Act” –  Hua Zong Yi Yi Zi No.11200053931華總一義字第11200053931號2023年6月28日
經濟部、衛生福利部、行政院農業委員會修正「專利權期間延長核定辦法」第4條、第10條條文 –  經智字第11252000120號,衛授食字第1121405209號,農科字第1120052751號MINISTRY OF ECONOMIC  AFFAIRS, MINISTRY OF HEALTH AND WELFARE, COUNCIL OF AGRICULTURE Order is  hereby given, for the amendment on Article 4 and 10 of “Regulations  Governing the Determination of Patent Term Extension” (regulations shall  be taking into force from 1st, July 2023) – Jing Zhi Zi No.11252000120,Wei  Shou Shi Zi No.1121405209,Nong Ke Zi No.1120052751經智字第11252000120號,衛授食字第1121405209號,農科字第1120052751號2023年6月28日
行政院111年5月4日修正公布之「道路交通管理處罰條例」第92條第3項、第9項條文及112年5月3日修正公布之該條例部分條文,自112年6月30日施行  – 院臺交字第1121027631號EXECUTIVE YUAN Order is hereby given, for designating the  enforcement date of the promulgated amendment on Paragraph 3 and 9 of Article  92 and partial articles of “Road Traffic Management and Penalty  Act” to be 30th, June 2023 – Yuan Tai Jiao Zi No.1121027631院臺交字第1121027631號2023年6月28日
法務部、內政部、衛生福利部修正「毒品危害防制條例施行細則」部分條文 –  法令字第11204511480號,台內警字第1120878379號,衛部心字第1120015448號MINISTRY OF JUSTICE,  MINISTRY OF THE INTERIOR, MINISTRY OF HEALTH AND WELFARE Order is hereby  given, for the amendment on partial articles of “Enforcement Rules of  Narcotics Hazard Prevention Act” – Fa Ling Zi No.11204511480,Tai Nei  Jing Zi No.1120878379,Wei Bu Xin Zi No.1120015448法令字第11204511480號,台內警字第1120878379號,衛部心字第1120015448號2023年6月28日
經濟部修正「太陽光電模組產品登錄作業要點」,自即日生效 – 經能字第11206008280號MINISTRY OF  ECONOMIC AFFAIRS Order is hereby given, for the revision of “Directions  for Photovoltaic Module Product Registration” (revised directions take  into force from 28th, June 2023) – Jing Neng Zi No.11206008280經能字第11206008280號2023年6月28日
內政部訂定「營造工作申請引進移工之雇主資格認定作業要點」,自112年8月1日生效 –  台內營字第1120808278號MINISTRY OF THE INTERIOR Order is hereby given, for the  promulgation of “Directions for Qualification Review of Employers Who  Apply for Employing Migrant Workers to Engage in Construction Work”  (directions shall be taking into force from 1st, August 2023) – Tai Nei Ying  Zi No.1120808278台內營字第1120808278號2023年6月30日
勞動部修正「雇主申請招募第二類外國人文件效期、申請程序及其他經中央主管機關規定之文件」,自112年6月17日生效 –  勞動發事字第1120508991A號MINISTRY OF LABOR Order is hereby given, for the revision  of “Term of Validity, Application Procedure and Other Documents Required  by Center Competent Authorities for the Employer to Recruit Type B Foreign  Workers” (revision has become effective since 17th, June 2023) – Lao  Dong Fa Shi Zi No.1120508991A勞動發事字第1120508991A號2023年6月27日
交通部航港局修正「商港法第三十六條第一項第三款之妨害港區安全行為」第6點,自112年7月1日生效 –  航港字第1121810925號MARITIME AND PORT BUREAU, MOTC Notice is hereby given, for the  amendment on Paragraph 6 of “Behaviors Which May Prejudice the Port  Safety Designated in Subparagraph 3 of Paragraph 1 of Article 36 of the  Commercial Port Law” (amendment shall become effective from 1st, July  2023) – Hang Gang Zi No.1121810925航港字第1121810925號2023年6月28日
行政院環境保護署111年4月28日訂定公告之「一次用飲料杯限制使用對象及實施方式」公告事項3第1款有關雲林縣飲料店不得提供塑膠一次用飲料杯實施日期,自112年11月1日施行  – 環署基字第1121075113號ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ADMINISTRATION, EXECUTIVE YUAN  Order is hereby given, for designating the enforcement date from which  beverage shops in Yunlin County shall not provide plastic single-use takeaway  beverage cups in accordance with Subparagraph 1 of Point 3 of the Bulletin of  “Parties Subject to and Means for Single-Use Takeaway Beverage Cups  Restrictions” to be 1st, November 2023 – Huan Shu Ji Zi No.1121075113環署基字第1121075113號2023年6月28日
行政院環境保護署訂定「毒性及關注化學物質中有機化合物檢測方法-樣品製備法(NIEA  T704.24B)」,自112年10月15日生效 – 環署授檢字第1127104807號ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION  ADMINISTRATION, EXECUTIVE YUAN Notice is hereby given, for the promulgation  of “Sample Preparation Method for Determination of Toxic and Concerned  Chemical Organic Substances (NIEA T704.24B)” (method shall become  effective from 15th, October 2023) – Huan Shu Shou Jian Zi No.1127104807環署授檢字第1127104807號2023/6/27
行政院環境保護署核釋「開發行為應實施環境影響評估細目及範圍認定標準」第28條第1項第12款有關營建混合物資源分類處理場或裝潢修繕廢棄物分類處理場之相關規定,自即日生效  – 環署綜字第1121073431號ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ADMINISTRATION, EXECUTIVE YUAN  Order is hereby given, for the interpretive rule pursuant to Subparagraph 12  of Paragraph 1 of Article 28 of “Standards for Determining Specific  Items and Scope of Environmental Impact Assessments for Development  Activities”, which stipulates relevant rules for mixed construction  resource classification and disposal sites, and furnishing and repair waste  classification and disposal sites (interpretive rule becomes effective from  27th, June 2023) – Huan Shu Zong Zi No.1121073431環署綜字第1121073431號2023/6/27
內政部112年5月10日修正發布之「建築技術規則」建築構造編部分條文,自113年1月1日施行 –  台內營字第1120808083號MINISTRY OF THE INTERIOR Order is hereby given, for  designating the enforcement date of the promulgated amendment on partial  articles of “Building Structures” under “Building Technical  Regulations” to be 1st, January 2024 – Tai Nei Ying Zi No.1120808083台內營字第1120808083號2023/6/27
總統令:增訂並修正「消防法」部分條文;刪除第45條條文 – 華總一義字第11200052791號OFFICE OF THE  PRESIDENT Order is hereby given, for the promulgation of the additional  clauses, amendments and Article 45 deletion to “Fire Services Act”  – Hua Zong Yi Yi Zi No.11200052791華總一義字第11200052791號2023/6/21
總統令:增訂並修正「再生能源發展條例」部分條文 – 華總一經字第11200052351號OFFICE OF THE  PRESIDENT Order is hereby given, for the promulgation of the additional  clauses and amendments to “Renewable Energy Development Act” – Hua  Zong Yi Jing Zi No.11200052351華總一經字第11200052351號2023/6/21
總統令:增訂「傳染病防治法」第74條之1條文 – 華總一義字第11200052341號OFFICE OF THE  PRESIDENT Order is hereby given, for the promulgation of additional clauses  of Article 74-1 to “Communicable Disease Control Act” – Hua Zong Yi  Yi Zi No.11200052341華總一義字第11200052341號2023/6/21
總統令:制定「消防設備人員法」 – 華總一義字第11200052761號OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT  Order is hereby given, for the promulgation of the enactment of  “消防設備人員法” (this Chinese title has not been officially translated  into English yet) – Hua Zong Yi Yi Zi No.11200052761華總一義字第11200052761號2023/6/21
總統令:修正「特殊教育法」 – 華總一義字第11200052781號OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT Order  is hereby given, for the promulgation of the amendment to “The Special  Education Act” – Hua Zong Yi Yi Zi No.11200052781華總一義字第11200052781號2023/6/21
總統令:修正「礦業法」 – 華總一經字第11200052361號OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT Order is  hereby given, for the promulgation of the amendment to “Mining Act”  – Hua Zong Yi Jing Zi No.11200052361華總一經字第11200052361號2023/6/21
衛生福利部修正「老人福利機構設立標準」第8條條文 – 衛授家字第1120860452號MINISTRY OF HEALTH  AND WELFARE Order is hereby given, for the amendment on Article 8 of  “Establishment Standards of Senior Citizens’ Welfare Institutions”  – Wei Shou Jia Zi No.1120860452衛授家字第1120860452號2023/6/21
交通部修正「交通事業廢棄物再利用管理辦法」部分條文 – 交總字第1125007725號MINISTRY OF  TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS Order is hereby given, for the amendment on  partial articles of “Management Regulations on the Reuse of  Transportation Industrial Waste” – Jiao Zong Zi No.1125007725交總字第1125007725號2023/6/21
勞動部修正「雇主申請聘僱第三類外國人文件效期、申請程序及其他經中央主管機關規定之文件」,自112年6月17日生效 –  勞動發事字第1120508992A號MINISTRY OF LABOR Order is hereby given, for the revision  of “Term of Validity, Application Procedure and Other Documents Required  by Center Competent Authorities for the Employer to Recruit Type C Foreign  Workers” (revision has become effective since 17th, June 2023) – Lao  Dong Fa Shi Zi No.1120508992A勞動發事字第1120508992A號2023/6/21
交通部民用航空局修正「空運危險物品名稱」(「危險物品清單」及「旅客及組員可攜帶或託運上機之危險物品」),自即日生效 –  空運安字第1125014321號CIVIL AERONAUTICS ADMINISTRATION, MOTC Notice is hereby  given, for the amendment of “List of Dangerous Goods Which Are  Transported by Air and Provisions for Dangerous Goods Carried by Passengers  and Crew” (amendment becomes effective from since 21st, June 2023) –  Kong Yun An Zi No.1125014321空運安字第1125014321號2023/6/21
交通部修正「汽車委託檢驗實施辦法」第4條、第13條、第13條之1條文 – 交路字第1125008254號MINISTRY OF  TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS Order is hereby given, for the amendment on  Article 4, 13 and 13-1 of “Implementation Regulations of Mandatory  Inspection for Motor Vehicles” – Jiao Lu Zi No.1125008254交路字第1125008254號2023/6/20
內政部修正「建築物基礎構造設計規範」,自113年1月1日生效 – 台內營字第1120807974號MINISTRY OF THE  INTERIOR Order is hereby given, for the revision of “Design  Specifications for Foundations of Building” (revision shall become  effective from 1st, January 2024) – Tai Nei Ying Zi No.1120807974台內營字第1120807974號2023/6/20
行政院環境保護署訂定「有機類化學物質檢測方法-定性及定量分析法(NIEA T101.13C)」,自112年10月15日生效 –  環署授檢字第1127104655號ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ADMINISTRATION, EXECUTIVE YUAN  Notice is hereby given, for the promulgation of “Method for  Determination of Organic Chemical Substances – Qualitative and Quantitative  Methods (NIEA T101.13C)” (method shall become effective from 15th,  October 2023) – Huan Shu Shou Jian Zi No.1127104655環署授檢字第1127104655號2023/6/19
行政院環境保護署廢止「有機類化學物質檢測方法-定性及定量分析法(NIEA T101.12C)」,自112年10月15日生效 –  環署授檢字第1127104656號ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ADMINISTRATION, EXECUTIVE YUAN  Notice is hereby given, for the abolition of “Method for Determination  of Organic Chemical Substances- Qualitative and Quantitative Methods (NIEA  T101.12C)” (abolition shall become effective from 15th, October 2023) –  Huan Shu Shou Jian Zi No.1127104656環署授檢字第1127104656號2023/6/19
勞動部核釋「就業服務法」第47條規定雇主在國內辦理招募本國人從事第46條第1項第8款至第10款工作之合理勞動條件薪資基準,自即日生效  – 勞動發管字第1120505856A號MINISTRY OF LABOR Order is hereby given, for the  interpretive rule pursuant to Article 47 of “Employment Service  Act”, which stipulates reasonable labor remuneration criteria for  recruitment of local workers to engage in jobs specified in Subparagraph 8 to  10 of Paragraph 1 of Article 46 of the aforesaid Act (interpretive rule  becomes effective from 17th, June 2023) – Lao Dong Fa Guan Zi No.1120505856A勞動發管字第1120505856A號2023/6/17
勞動部修正「雇主聘僱外國人許可及管理辦法」部分相關申請書表,自112年6月17日生效 –  勞動發事字第1120507650A號MINISTRY OF LABOR Order is hereby given, for the  stipulation to revise partial application forms related to “Regulations  on the Permission and Administration of the Employment of Foreign  Workers” (revised regulations take into force from 17th, June 2023) –  Lao Dong Fa Shi Zi No.1120507650A勞動發事字第1120507650A號2023/6/17
勞動部修正「外國人受聘僱從事就業服務法第四十六條第一項第八款至第十一款規定工作之轉換雇主或工作程序準則」部分相關申請書表,自112年6月17日生效  – 勞動發事字第1120507650D號MINISTRY OF LABOR Order is hereby given, for the  stipulation to revise partial application forms related to “Directions  of the Employment Transfer Regulations and Employment Qualifications for  Foreigners Engaging in the Jobs Specified in Items 8 to 11,Paragraph  1,Article 46 of the Employment Services Act” (stipulation becomes  effective from 17th, June 2023) – Lao Dong Fa Shi Zi No.1120507650D勞動發事字第1120507650D號2023/6/17

Macao EHS Legislation

LegislationDocument SignatureFirst Effective Date
第92/2023號行政長官批示,  修改經第130/2018號行政長官批示、第80/2019號行政長官批示、第131/2020號行政長官批示、第79/2021號行政長官批示及第92/2022號行政長官批示修改的第30/2016號行政法規附件的表一至表六。Order  of the Chief Executive No. 92/2023, Amends Tables I to VI Contained in the  Annex to Administrative Regulation No. 30/2016, Amended by Orders of the  Chief Executive No. 130/2018, No. 80/2019, No. 131/2020, No. 79/2021 and No.  92/2022.MO-第92/2023號行政長官批示2023/6/29
第83/2023號行政長官批示, 核准《古樹名木保護名錄》。Order of the Chief Executive No.  83/2023, Approves the Safeguarding List of Ancient and Recognised Trees.MO-第83/2023號行政長官批示2023/6/19
第68/2023號行政長官批示, 核准《澳門特別行政區民航保安方案》。Chief Executive Order No.  68/2023, Approves the Civil Aviation Security Programme of the Macao Special  Administrative Region.MO-第68/2023號行政長官批示2023/6/5
第28/2023號行政法規,  公共泊車服務的營運及使用條件。Administrative Regulation No. 28/2023, Conditions for the  Operation and Use of the Public Car Park ServiceMO-第28/2023號行政法規2023/7/24
第27/2023號行政法規,  危險品監管法律制度主要施行細則。Administrative Regulation No. 27/2023, Main Regulation of the  Legal Regime for the Control of Dangerous Substances.MO-第27/2023號行政法規2023/7/24
第107/2023號行政長官批示,  訂定危險品子分類和編碼。Chief Executive Order No. 107/2023, Defines the Subcategorisation  and Listing of Hazardous Substances.MO-第107/2023號行政長官批示2023/7/24
第108/2023號行政長官批示,  訂定獲自動豁免第12/2022號法律第八條(一)項(2)分項及(3)分項所規定危險品用戶的預先通知義務的條件。Order of the Chief  Executive No. 108/2023, Specifies the Conditions Under Which Users of  Dangerous Substances Are Automatically Exempt From the Duty to Give Prior  Notice Arising From the Provisions of Subparagraphs (2) And (3) Of Paragraph  1) Of Article 8 of Law No. 12/2022.MO-第108/2023號行政長官批示2023/7/24
第109/2023號行政長官批示,  關於某類危險品用戶須遵守的規定。Order of the Chief Executive No. 109/2023, Concerning the  Rules to Be Observed by Users of Certain Categories of Dangerous Substances.MO-第109/2023號行政長官批示2023/7/24
第119/2023號行政長官批示,  核准《高端人才計劃》。Chief Executive Order No. 119/2023, Approves the High-Quality  Qualified Staff Programme.MO-第119/2023號行政長官批示2023/7/31
第120/2023號行政長官批示,  核准《大健康產業優秀人才計劃》及《大健康產業高級專業人才計劃》。Order of the Chief Executive No. 120/2023,  Order of the Chief Executive No. 120/2023.MO-第120/2023號行政長官批示2023/7/31
第19/2023號行政法規,  人才引進法律制度施行細則。Administrative Regulation No. 19/2023, Regulating the Legal  System for Attracting Qualified Staff.MO-第19/2023號行政法規2023/6/15
第111/2023號行政長官批示,  核准重大危險品專門用戶及相應的具職權公共當局的名單。Chief Executive Order No. 111/2023, Approves the  List of Professional Users of Major Hazardous Substances and the Respective  Competent Public Authorities.MO-第111/2023號行政長官批示2023/7/24
第112/2023號行政長官批示, 核准第27/2023號行政法規第二十四條所指的專用表格的式樣。Order of the  Chief Executive No. 112/2023, Approves the Model Form Referred to in Article  24 of Administrative Regulation No. 27/2023.MO-第112/2023號行政長官批示2023/7/24
第146/2023號行政長官批示, 禁止進口若干貨物至澳門特別行政區。Chief Executive Order no.  146/2023, Prohibits the import of goods into the Macau Special Administrative  Region.MO-第146/2023號行政長官批示2023/9/4
第132/2023號行政長官批示,  核准第2/2023號法律第七條所指的開始施工通知表格的式樣及第32/2023號行政法規《建築業職業安全及健康技術規範》第四十四條、第七十一條、第七十六條、第八十四條、第一百一十三條、第一百二十五條、第一百四十五條及第一百七十條所指的專用表格的式樣。Order  of the Chief Executive no. 132/2023, Approves the model of the communication  form for the start of works referred to in article 7 of Law no. 2/2023 and  the models of the proper forms referred to in articles 44, 71, 76, 84, 113,  125, 145 and 170 of Administrative Regulation no. 32/2023 (Technical  standards for occupational safety and health in construction).MO-第132/2023號行政長官批示2023/8/21



