尼莫尼克-伊尔姆 EHSS法规月讯 2023年7月

立法草案 Policy Initiatives & Developments

生态环境部:关于进一步加强危险废物规范化环境管理有关工作的通知(征求意见稿)Ministry of Ecology and Environment: Notice on Further Strengthening the Standardized Environmental Management of Hazardous Wastes (Revised Consultation Paper)

生态主管部门于2021年9月1日发布了《“十四五”全国危险废物规范化环境管理评估工作方案》, 公布了在十四五期间危险废物管理领域对政府、产废单位、危险废物经营单位规范化环境管理的评估指标。本征求意见稿提出持续深化危险废物规范化环境管理评估工作,自2024年1月1日起,地方各级生态环境部门应通过全国固体废物管理信息系统(以下简称国家固废系统)危险废物规范化环境管理评估模块对危险废物相关单位开展规范化评估相关工作。

On September 1,2021, Ministry of Ecology and Environment issued the ” Work Plan for National Standardized Environmental Management Assessment of Hazardous Wastes in the 14th Five-Year Plan ” and announced the assessment indicators for the standardized environmental management of government, waste generators and hazardous waste operators during the 14th Five-Year Plan period. This consultation draft proposes to deepen the standardized environmental management assessment of hazardous waste. Since January 1,2024, local ecological and environmental departments at all levels should carry out standardized assessment of hazardous waste-related units through the National Solid Waste Management Information System (hereinafter referred to as the National Solid Waste System) hazardous waste standardized environmental management assessment module.

生态环境部:中国严格限制的有毒化学品名录(2023年)(征求意见稿)Ministry of Ecology and Environment: “Catalogue of Toxic Chemicals Strictly Limited in China” (2023) (Revised Consultation Paper)

新名录修订了2020版名录,根据《鹿特丹公约》修正案、以及《重点管控新污染物清单(2023年版)》有关规定,新增加了十溴二苯醚、全氟辛酸及其盐类和其相关化合物(PFOA 类)两种类化学物质,并明确了其允许用途。

按照《斯德哥尔摩公约》履约进程和《清单》有关规定,删除了六溴环十二烷,删减了全氟辛基磺酸及其盐类和全氟辛基磺酰氟(PFOS 类)的允许用途,仅保留了灭火泡沫药剂生产的用途。

The new Catalogue revised the 2020 version. According to the amendment of the Rotterdam Convention and the relevant provisions of the ” List of New Pollutants under Key Control (2023 Edition), ” two chemical substances, decabromodiphenyl oxide, perfluorooctanoic acid and its salts and its related compounds (PFOA), were added with their permitted usage.In accordance with the Stockholm Convention implementation process and the relevant provisions of the Catalogue, hexabromocyclododecane, and the permitted uses of perfluorooctane sulfonic acid, its salts and perfluorooctane sulfonyl fluoride (PFOS) were deleted, and only the use to produce fire-fighting foam agents was retained.

最新国家标准New National Standards

江苏省:关于进一步加强危险化学品建设项目安全风险防控工作的通知  Jiangsu Province: Notice on Further Strengthening Safety Risk Prevention and Control of Hazardous Chemicals Construction Projects


In order to further strengthen the risk prevention and control of hazardous chemical construction projects throughout the process, the notice requires strict safety review of construction projects. For the construction projects involving “hazardous chemical processes or hazardous chemicals subject to key supervision, and major hazard installations”, during the demonstration stage of trial production plan, the examination authorities should organize operation procedure examination for the construction unit, carry out an unscripted emergency drill, check the safety qualification of operators/employees, and investigate and rectify all safety risks. The notice urges strict supervision on implementation of the main responsibility system. All localities should urge the construction units to develop and implement the change management procedure. Before implementing the change, the risks arising from the change process should be analyzed and targeted control measures should be taken. Any change that fails to perform the change review procedure shall not be implemented.

四川省:四川省安全生产条例Sichuan Province: Regulations of Sichuan Province on Work Safety


The 2023 edition of the Regulations revised the 2006 edition and consists of seven chapters. It includes general provisions, safety production guarantee of production and operation units, safety production rights and obligations of employees, supervision and management of safety production, emergency rescue and investigation and handling of production safety accidents, legal liability, and supplementary provisions. In order to implement the full safety production responsibility system, the new Regulations clarify the respective safety production post responsibilities of the main responsible person, the person in charge of the safety production work, the other responsible person, the main technical person, the safety management personnel and the employees, and ensure to implement the safety responsibility to the all specific work unit. It specifies that the main technical heads of production and operation units have veto power over technical program.

In addition, the regulations stipulate the specific contents of the safety production rules and regulations and require the production and operation units to set up a major safety risk bulletin board and make a workplace risk notification card.

上海市:关于调整本市碳交易企业外购电力中绿色电力碳排放核算方法的通知Shanghai: Notice on Adjusting the Carbon Emission Accounting Method of Green Power in the Purchased Power of Carbon Trading Enterprises in the City

通知规定上海市碳交易企业可选择将外购绿电单独核算碳排放。适用范围为通过北京电力交易中心绿色电力交易平台以省间交易方式购买并实际执行、结算的电量。通知规定外购绿电排放因子调整为0 t CO2/104kWh,其他外购电力排放因子仍统一为4.2 t CO2/104kWh。要求企业在上海市碳排放报告直报系统(http://zbxt.reg-sh.org)年度碳排放报告中分别报告外购电力总量和外购绿电电量。并做好绿电交易相关材料的存证工作,以备第三方核查与管理部门检查。The notice stipulates that Shanghai carbon trading enterprises can choose to separately calculate carbon emissions from purchased green electricity. The scope of application is the amount of electricity purchased and actually executed and settled through the green power trading platform of Beijing Electric Power Trading Center.

The notice stipulates that the emission factor of purchased green electricity will be adjusted to 0 t CO2 / 104 kWh, and the emission factors of other purchased electricity will still unified to 4.2 t CO2 / 104 kWh. Enterprises are required to report the total amount of purchased electricity and the purchased green electricity separately in the annual carbon emission report on the Shanghai Carbon Emissions Reporting System (http://zbxt.reg-sh.org). The enterprises are also required to keep a record of materials related to green electricity trading for third-party verification and verification and inspection by the management.

上海市:关于在长江三角洲区域实行职业病危害因素检测评价报告和职业健康检查报告互认的通知Shanghai: Notice on Mutual Recognition of Occupational Hazards Monitoring and Evaluation Report and Occupational Health Examination Report in the Yangtze River Delta Region

通知规定长江三角洲区域实施互认的报告包括:职业病危害因素检测报告、职业病危害现状评价报告、放射卫生防护检测报告、放射诊疗建设项目职业病危害放射防护评价报告、个人剂量检测报告、职业健康检查报告。上海市、江苏省、浙江省、安徽省卫生健康行政部门审批或备案的具有合法资质的机构出具的上述报告,在上海市、江苏省、浙江省、安徽省范围内均被认可合法有效。报告互认工作相关信息将通过“长三角职业健康管理协作平台”实现数据共享。The notice stipulates that the reports of mutual recognition in the Yangtze River Delta region include: industrial hygiene monitoring report, occupational disease hazard status evaluation report, radiological health protection test report, occupational disease hazard radiological protection evaluation report of radiological diagnosis and treatment construction project, individual dose test report, occupational health examination report.The above-mentioned reports issued by legally qualified institutions approved or registered by the health administrative departments of Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Anhui provinces are recognized as legally valid in Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Anhui provinces.

The information related to the mutual recognition of the report will be shared through the ‘ Yangtze River Delta Occupational Health Management Collaboration Platform ‘.

上海市:上海市固定资产投资项目节能验收管理办法Shanghai: Administrative Measures for the Acceptance Inspection of Energy-Saving of Fixed-Asset Investment Projects in Shanghai Municipality

新《办法》修订了2018版办法,明确由节能审查部门出具节能验收结果告知函。2023版办法总体延续了2018版办法相关内容,并结合国家和上海市节能低碳管理最新要求及实际操作情况做了完善。The new ‘ Measures ‘ revised the 2018 version of the Measures, and made it clear that the energy-saving inspection department issued the notice of energy-saving acceptance inspection.

The 2023 version of the Measures generally continues the relevant contents of the 2018 version, and aligns with the latest requirements and actual operation of energy-saving and low-carbon management in China and Shanghai.

江苏省:关于做好《危险废物贮存污染控制标准》等标准规范实施后危险废物环境管理衔接工作的通知Jiangsu Province: Notice on the Connection of Environmental Management of Hazardous Wastes After the Implementation of Standards Such as ‘ Standard for Pollution Control on Hazardous Waste Storage


The Notice addresses the implementation of the new national standards to clarify how to be consistent with the existing requirements of Jiangsu Province (‘Work Plan for the Construction of Centralized Collection System of Hazardous Waste in Jiangsu Province (for Trial Implementation) ‘- (Su Huan Ban [2021]290)). The Notice requires that storage facilities that have been built and put into use before the implementation date of standards such as ‘ Hazardous Waste Storage Pollution Control Standards ‘, or that have obtained the approval of environmental impact assessment documents, should conduct self-assessment according to the new standard requirements, and those that do not meet the requirements should immediately formulate rectification plans and complete the rectification by January 1, 2024; The term of ‘ collection point of hazardous waste generation area ‘ is modified to ‘ storage point ‘per new standard. In addition to meeting the requirements of ‘ Standard ‘, the construction of storage points set up by waste generators should also meet the relevant provisions of Appendix 3-2 of ‘ work plan ‘. Each waste generator should complete the replacement of hazardous waste identification marks before July 1,2023 according to the requirements. If it cannot be completed on time due to problems such as procurement process, it can be extended to August 31,2023 with the consent of the local ecological environment department.

    本法规月刊是由伊尔姆环境资源管理咨询(上海)有限公司(ERM)、Nimonik 安纬同(上海)管理咨询有限公司(Nimonik)与大成律师事务所上海分所(Dentons Shanghai)联合制作。我们在确保其内容准确无误的同时,不对其任何可能的错误或疏忽承担责任。本刊中的内容不可作为法律依据,亦不可视为对个案的释义。因参考本刊物内容导致的任何损失,ERM, Nimonik 与大成律师事务所将不承担任何责任。如需寻求专业意见,请咨询有关专业顾问。

    This newsletter is prepared for clients and professional associates by ERM, Nimonik and Dentons Shanghai. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, no responsibility can be accepted for errors and omissions, however caused. The information contained in this newsletter should not be relied on as legal advice and should not be regarded as a substitute for detailed advice in individual cases. No responsibility for any loss occasioned to any person acting or refraining from action as a result of material in this newsletter is accepted by ERM, Nimonik or Dentons Shanghai. If advice concerning individual problems or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional adviser should be sought.