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Chemical Safety Data Sheet (SDS) Compliance Points and InterpretationRegulations Catalogue of Hazardous Chemicals Compliance Interpretation

Special Equipment Management

Solid Waste Management

会场签到Registration08:30 – 09:00ALL
会议开场与自我介绍Kick  off Meeting09:00 – 09:15ALL
Chemical  Safety Data Sheet (SDS) Compliance Points and Interpretation
– 概述(适用范围、有效期、编制依据等);
– 法规监管依据(总则、进出口、危化品登记、储存、运输等);
– 内容与格式要求梳理(内容要素、格式要求、16部分合规梳理、注意事项等);
– 常见问题梳理与分析等
09:15 – 10:30韩品新
茶歇Morning Tea & Coffee Break10:30 – 10:45ALL
Regulations  Catalogue of Hazardous Chemicals Compliance Interpretation
– 概述(法规背景、结构说明、确定原则等);
– 合规义务梳理(行政许可证办理、70%原则、监管情况说明);
– 修订进展;
– 常见问题梳理及案例分析等。
10:45 – 12:00韩品新
自助午餐Lunch12:00 – 13:00ALL
现场互动On-site interaction13:00 – 13:15ALL
Special  Equipment Management
– 特种设备安全监督管理机制
– 特种设备安全管理要求
– 近期相关法规更新内容
– 双重预防机制概述
– 风险分级管控体系
13:15 –  15:15罗松
茶歇Afternoon  Tea & Coffee Break15:15 – 15:30ALL
Solid  Waste Management
– 固体废物分类
– 工业固体废物管理与案例
15:30 – 16:30丁立香
合影留念Group  photo taken time16:30 – 17:00ALL

韩品新 Pinxin Han

合规化学 副总经理 联合创始人

Vice President & Co-Founder (CRchemical)

合规化学-南理工 危险特性分类鉴别联合中心 资深技术专家;




国内首款化学品智能分类管理系统CRchemical 产品经理;发表化学品相关原创技术/法规解读90余篇。

Vice President & Co-Founder (CRchemical)

Senior Technical Expert (NJUST–CRchemical Joint Center for Classification of Dangerous Goods)

Worked in the National Key Laboratory of Chemical Classification and Evaluation

Long-term research on regulations related to chemical management and transportation of dangerous good

He has been invited to give lectures for industry forums, professional institutions and well-known enterprises many times

Product manager of CRchemical, the first domestic chemical intelligent classification management systemPublished more than 90 original technical articles /regulation interpretations related to chemicals.

罗松 Song Luo


Senior Consultan


在过去的20年里,罗先生在全球范围内负责并实施了大量(300个项目以上) EHS 和 PSM 项目,涉及广泛的工业领域,比如石油和天然气、化工、制造、食品、制药、能源和采矿等。



Mr. Luo is a senior safety consultant with 20 years of experience in environmental health and safety (EHS) and process safety management (PSM) consulting services. He holds a bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering and technology from Wuhan Institute of Technology.

Over the past 20 years, Mr. Luo has been responsible for and implemented a large number (300+ projects) of EHS and PSM projects worldwide in a wide range of industries such as oil and gas, chemical, manufacturing, food, pharmaceutical, energy and mining etc.

Mr. Luo has extensive experience in providing management consulting services to clients, such as developing the EHS integrated management system for China General Nuclear Power Corporation (CGN), participating in the “14th Five-Year Plan” EHS planning of Sinochem Group and ChemChina, and leading the safety management diagnosis and digitalization planning for Shenhua Group. Mr. Luo has a deep insight into China’s safety regulations and standards.

Before joining Sai’an Consulting, Mr. Luo worked as a senior consultant in ERM Environmental Resource Management Co., Ltd. (ERM), responsible for EHS management consulting business. He also served as the safety manager of Lanxess, responsible for the safety affairs of several factories in China. Mr. Luo is also in charge of risk management consulting work for Det Norske Veritas (DNV) and Accenture. He has rich experience and high customer satisfaction in EHS management and process safety consulting services. The industries served include petroleum, chemical industry, electric power, coal, nuclear power, manufacturing, etc.Mr. Luo has been responsible for consulting projects related to companies/assets in Asia, the Middle East, Europe and North America, and with his extensive international experience, he also has local international work experience in China, the Philippines, Malaysia, Bangladesh and New Zealand.

丁立香 Lixiang Ding

ERM 高级顾问

ERM Senior Consultan

丁立香女士是ERM中国EHS合规持续改进和培训团队的高级顾问,常驻上海。丁女士擅长监管审查服务、安全工作、EHS 相关许可支持、法规合规性审计和 EHS 管理支持。加入 ERM 后,她为更多的跨国公司管理多个项目,涵盖制药、化工、汽车、一般制造等行业。

Amy 拥有制造业 EHS 许可方面的实践经验。她担任江苏省多个投资约 200 亿元人民币的 EHS 许可项目的项目经理。此外,2018年6月至9月,由于现场EHS经理的紧急辞职,她在上海某化学工业区的一家化工厂担任现场EHS副经理一职,她对工厂EHS工作的出色借调支持得到了客户的认可。在加入 ERM China 之前,她担任现场高级 EHS 工程师超过 5 年,在此期间,丁女士在 EHS 管理体系、绿色认证、EHS 审核、培训和法规合规方面积累了丰富的经验。

Amy Ding is a Senior EHS Consultant in ERM China’s Performance & Assurance team, and is based in Shanghai. Ms. Ding specializes in regulatory review services, work safety, EHS permitting support, compliance audits, and EHS management support. After joining ERM, she managed a variety of projects for a wider range of multinational companies covering pharmaceutical, chemical, auto, general manufacturing industries.

Amy has hands-on EHS permitting experiences in the manufacturing industries. She is project manager for a couple of EHS permitting projects with giant capital investment of around RMB 20billion in Jiangsu Province. In addition, she undertook onsite deputy EHS Manager position in a chemical plant in Shanghai Chemical Industrial Park from June to September 2018 due to urgent quit of onsite EHS manager and gained the client recognition for an excellent secondment support of the plant EHS work.Prior to joining ERM China, she worked as the site senior EHS engineer for more than 5+ years, and during that time Ms. Ding gained extensive experience in EHS management systems, green certifications , EHS auditing, and training and compliance regulations.
